mixed constraint stores
[chr.git] / chr_swi.pl
1 /* $Id$
3 Part of CHR (Constraint Handling Rules)
5 Author: Tom Schrijvers and Jan Wielemaker
6 E-mail: Tom.Schrijvers@cs.kuleuven.be
7 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
8 Copyright (C): 2003-2004, K.U. Leuven
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
12 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
13 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
25 compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
26 library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
27 by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
28 invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
29 the GNU General Public License.
32 %% SWI begin
33 :- module(chr,
34 [ op(1180, xfx, ==>),
35 op(1180, xfx, <=>),
36 op(1150, fx, constraints),
37 op(1150, fx, chr_constraint),
38 op(1150, fx, chr_preprocessor),
39 op(1150, fx, handler),
40 op(1150, fx, rules),
41 op(1100, xfx, \),
42 op(1200, xfx, @),
43 op(1190, xfx, pragma),
44 op( 500, yfx, #),
45 op(1150, fx, chr_type),
46 op(1130, xfx, --->),
47 op(1150, fx, (?)),
48 chr_show_store/1, % +Module
49 find_chr_constraint/1, % +Pattern
50 chr_trace/0,
51 chr_notrace/0,
52 chr_leash/1 % +Ports
53 ]).
55 :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false).
57 :- multifile user:file_search_path/2.
58 :- dynamic user:file_search_path/2.
59 :- dynamic chr_translated_program/1.
61 user:file_search_path(chr, library(chr)).
63 :- load_files([ chr(chr_translate),
64 chr(chr_runtime),
65 chr(chr_messages),
66 chr(chr_hashtable_store),
67 chr(chr_compiler_errors)
69 [ if(not_loaded),
70 silent(true)
71 ]).
73 :- use_module(library(lists),[member/2]).
74 %% SWI end
76 %% SICStus begin
77 %% :- module(chr,[
78 %% chr_trace/0,
79 %% chr_notrace/0,
80 %% chr_leash/0,
81 %% chr_flag/3,
82 %% chr_show_store/1
83 %% ]).
84 %%
85 %% :- op(1180, xfx, ==>),
86 %% op(1180, xfx, <=>),
87 %% op(1150, fx, constraints),
88 %% op(1150, fx, handler),
89 %% op(1150, fx, rules),
90 %% op(1100, xfx, \),
91 %% op(1200, xfx, @),
92 %% op(1190, xfx, pragma),
93 %% op( 500, yfx, #),
94 %% op(1150, fx, chr_type),
95 %% op(1130, xfx, --->),
96 %% op(1150, fx, (?)).
97 %%
98 %% :- multifile user:file_search_path/2.
99 %% :- dynamic chr_translated_program/1.
101 %% user:file_search_path(chr, library(chr)).
104 %% :- use_module('chr/chr_translate').
105 %% :- use_module('chr/chr_runtime').
106 %% :- use_module('chr/chr_hashtable_store').
107 %% :- use_module('chr/hprolog').
108 %% SICStus end
110 :- multifile chr:'$chr_module'/1.
112 :- dynamic chr_term/2. % File, Term
114 :- dynamic chr_pp/2. % File, Term
116 % chr_expandable(+Term)
118 % Succeeds if Term is a rule that must be handled by the CHR
119 % compiler. Ideally CHR definitions should be between
121 % :- constraints ...
122 % ...
123 % :- end_constraints.
125 % As they are not we have to use some heuristics. We assume any
126 % file is a CHR after we've seen :- constraints ...
128 chr_expandable((:- constraints _)).
129 chr_expandable((constraints _)).
130 chr_expandable((:- chr_constraint _)).
131 chr_expandable((:- chr_type _)).
132 chr_expandable((chr_type _)).
133 chr_expandable(option(_, _)).
134 chr_expandable((:- chr_option(_, _))).
135 chr_expandable((handler _)).
136 chr_expandable((rules _)).
137 chr_expandable((_ <=> _)).
138 chr_expandable((_ @ _)).
139 chr_expandable((_ ==> _)).
140 chr_expandable((_ pragma _)).
142 % chr_expand(+Term, -Expansion)
144 % Extract CHR declarations and rules from the file and run the
145 % CHR compiler when reaching end-of-file.
147 %% SWI begin
148 extra_declarations([(:- use_module(chr(chr_runtime)))
149 ,(:- style_check(-discontiguous)) % no need to restore; file ends
150 ,(:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false))
151 | Tail], Tail).
152 %% SWI end
154 %% SICStus begin
155 %% extra_declarations([(:-use_module(chr(chr_runtime)))
156 %% , (:- use_module(chr(hprolog),[term_variables/2,term_variables/3]))
157 %% , (:-use_module(chr(hpattvars)))
158 %% | Tail], Tail).
159 %% SICStus end
161 chr_expand(Term, []) :-
162 chr_expandable(Term), !,
163 prolog_load_context(file,File),
164 assert(chr_term(File, Term)).
165 chr_expand(Term, []) :-
166 Term = (:- chr_preprocessor Preprocessor), !,
167 prolog_load_context(file,File),
168 assert(chr_pp(File, Preprocessor)).
169 chr_expand(end_of_file, FinalProgram) :-
170 extra_declarations(FinalProgram,Program),
171 prolog_load_context(file,File),
172 findall(T, retract(chr_term(File, T)), CHR0),
173 CHR0 \== [],
174 prolog_load_context(module, Module),
175 add_debug_decl(CHR0, CHR1),
176 add_optimise_decl(CHR1, CHR2),
177 CHR3 = [ (:- module(Module, [])) | CHR2 ],
178 findall(P, retract(chr_pp(File, P)), Preprocessors),
179 ( Preprocessors = [] ->
180 CHR3 = CHR
181 ; Preprocessors = [Preprocessor] ->
182 chr_compiler_errors:chr_info(preprocessor,'\tPreprocessing with ~w.\n',[Preprocessor]),
183 call_chr_preprocessor(Preprocessor,CHR3,CHR)
185 chr_compiler_errors:print_chr_error(error(syntax(Preprocessors),'Too many preprocessors! Only one is allowed!\n',[])),
186 fail
188 catch(call_chr_translate(File,
189 [ (:- module(Module, []))
190 | CHR
192 Program0),
193 chr_error(Error),
194 ( chr_compiler_errors:print_chr_error(Error),
195 fail
198 delete_header(Program0, Program).
201 delete_header([(:- module(_,_))|T0], T) :- !,
202 delete_header(T0, T).
203 delete_header(L, L).
205 add_debug_decl(CHR, CHR) :-
206 member(option(Name, _), CHR), Name == debug, !.
207 add_debug_decl(CHR, CHR) :-
208 member((:- chr_option(Name, _)), CHR), Name == debug, !.
209 add_debug_decl(CHR, [(:- chr_option(debug, Debug))|CHR]) :-
210 ( chr_current_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, true)
211 -> Debug = on
212 ; Debug = off
215 %% SWI begin
216 chr_current_prolog_flag(Flag,Val) :- current_prolog_flag(Flag,Val).
217 %% SWI end
219 add_optimise_decl(CHR, CHR) :-
220 \+(\+(memberchk((:- chr_option(optimize, _)), CHR))), !.
221 add_optimise_decl(CHR, [(:- chr_option(optimize, full))|CHR]) :-
222 chr_current_prolog_flag(optimize, full), !.
223 add_optimise_decl(CHR, CHR).
226 % call_chr_translate(+File, +In, -Out)
228 % The entire chr_translate/2 translation may fail, in which case we'd
229 % better issue a warning rather than simply ignoring the CHR
230 % declarations.
232 call_chr_translate(_, In, _Out) :-
233 ( chr_translate(In, Out0) ->
234 nb_setval(chr_translated_program,Out0),
235 fail
237 call_chr_translate(_, _In, Out) :-
238 nb_current(chr_translated_program,Out), !,
239 nb_delete(chr_translated_program).
241 call_chr_translate(File, _, []) :-
242 print_message(error, chr(compilation_failed(File))).
244 call_chr_preprocessor(Preprocessor,CHR,_NCHR) :-
245 ( call(Preprocessor,CHR,CHR0) ->
246 nb_setval(chr_preprocessed_program,CHR0),
247 fail
249 call_chr_preprocessor(_,_,NCHR) :-
250 nb_current(chr_preprocessed_program,NCHR), !,
251 nb_delete(chr_preprocessed_program).
252 call_chr_preprocessor(Preprocessor,_,_) :-
253 chr_compiler_errors:print_chr_error(error(preprocessor,'Preprocessor `~w\' failed!\n',[Preprocessor])).
255 %% SWI begin
257 /*******************************
259 *******************************/
261 :- multifile
262 user:message_hook/3,
263 chr:debug_event/2,
264 chr:debug_interact/3.
265 :- dynamic
266 user:message_hook/3.
268 user:message_hook(trace_mode(OnOff), _, _) :-
269 ( OnOff == on
270 -> chr_trace
271 ; chr_notrace
273 fail. % backtrack to other handlers
275 % chr:debug_event(+State, +Event)
277 % Hook into the CHR debugger. At this moment we will discard CHR
278 % events if we are in a Prolog `skip' and we ignore the
280 chr:debug_event(_State, _Event) :-
281 tracing, % are we tracing?
282 prolog_skip_level(Skip, Skip),
283 Skip \== very_deep,
284 prolog_current_frame(Me),
285 prolog_frame_attribute(Me, level, Level),
286 Level > Skip, !.
288 % chr:debug_interact(+Event, +Depth, -Command)
290 % Hook into the CHR debugger to display Event and ask for the next
291 % command to execute. This definition causes the normal Prolog
292 % debugger to be used for the standard ports.
294 chr:debug_interact(Event, _Depth, creep) :-
295 prolog_event(Event),
296 tracing, !.
298 prolog_event(call(_)).
299 prolog_event(exit(_)).
300 prolog_event(fail(_)).
305 /*******************************
306 * MESSAGES *
307 *******************************/
309 :- multifile
310 prolog:message/3.
312 prolog:message(chr(CHR)) -->
313 chr_message(CHR).
315 /*******************************
317 *******************************/
319 :- set_prolog_flag(chr_toplevel_show_store,true).
321 prolog:message(query(YesNo)) --> !,
322 ['~@'-[chr:print_all_stores]],
323 '$messages':prolog_message(query(YesNo)).
325 prolog:message(query(YesNo,Bindings)) --> !,
326 ['~@'-[chr:print_all_stores]],
327 '$messages':prolog_message(query(YesNo,Bindings)).
329 print_all_stores :-
330 ( chr_current_prolog_flag(chr_toplevel_show_store,true),
331 catch(nb_getval(chr_global, _), _, fail),
332 chr:'$chr_module'(Mod),
333 chr_show_store(Mod),
334 fail
336 true
339 /*******************************
340 * MUST BE LAST! *
341 *******************************/
343 :- multifile user:term_expansion/2.
344 :- dynamic user:term_expansion/2.
346 user:term_expansion(In, Out) :-
347 chr_expand(In, Out).
348 %% SWI end
350 %% SICStus begin
352 % :- dynamic
353 % current_toplevel_show_store/1,
354 % current_generate_debug_info/1,
355 % current_optimize/1.
357 % current_toplevel_show_store(on).
359 % current_generate_debug_info(false).
361 % current_optimize(off).
363 % chr_current_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, X) :-
364 % chr_flag(generate_debug_info, X, X).
365 % chr_current_prolog_flag(optimize, X) :-
366 % chr_flag(optimize, X, X).
368 % chr_flag(Flag, Old, New) :-
369 % Goal = chr_flag(Flag,Old,New),
370 % g must_be(Flag, oneof([toplevel_show_store,generate_debug_info,optimize]), Goal, 1),
371 % chr_flag(Flag, Old, New, Goal).
373 % chr_flag(toplevel_show_store, Old, New, Goal) :-
374 % clause(current_toplevel_show_store(Old), true, Ref),
375 % ( New==Old -> true
376 % ; must_be(New, oneof([on,off]), Goal, 3),
377 % erase(Ref),
378 % assertz(current_toplevel_show_store(New))
379 % ).
380 % chr_flag(generate_debug_info, Old, New, Goal) :-
381 % clause(current_generate_debug_info(Old), true, Ref),
382 % ( New==Old -> true
383 % ; must_be(New, oneof([false,true]), Goal, 3),
384 % erase(Ref),
385 % assertz(current_generate_debug_info(New))
386 % ).
387 % chr_flag(optimize, Old, New, Goal) :-
388 % clause(current_optimize(Old), true, Ref),
389 % ( New==Old -> true
390 % ; must_be(New, oneof([full,off]), Goal, 3),
391 % erase(Ref),
392 % assertz(current_optimize(New))
393 % ).
396 % all_stores_goal(Goal, CVAs) :-
397 % chr_flag(toplevel_show_store, on, on), !,
398 % findall(C-CVAs, find_chr_constraint(C), Pairs),
399 % andify(Pairs, Goal, CVAs).
400 % all_stores_goal(true, _).
402 % andify([], true, _).
403 % andify([X-Vs|L], Conj, Vs) :- andify(L, X, Conj, Vs).
405 % andify([], X, X, _).
406 % andify([Y-Vs|L], X, (X,Conj), Vs) :- andify(L, Y, Conj, Vs).
408 % :- multifile user:term_expansion/6.
410 % user:term_expansion(In, _, Ids, Out, [], [chr|Ids]) :-
411 % nonvar(In),
412 % nonmember(chr, Ids),
413 % chr_expand(In, Out), !.
415 %% SICStus end