3 URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/
6 License File: files/COPYING
9 This is Expat XML parser - very lightweight C library for parsing XML.
10 Expat is distributed under an MIT license detailed in files/COPYING.
12 We include it here because libjingle depends on it.
15 Removed files that Chromium didn't need:
34 lib/winconfig.h (see winconfig.h.original for unmodified version)
35 * Added check on line 1751 of xmltok_impl.c to patch a
36 bug with the handling of utf-8 characters that leads to a crash.
37 lib/xmltok_impl.c (see xmltok_imp.c.original for unmodified version)
38 * Prevent a compiler warning when compiling with
39 WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN predefined.
41 lib/expat_config.h (a generated config file)