Implement SSLKEYLOGFILE for OpenSSL.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / browser / frame_host /
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator_impl.h"
7 #include "base/command_line.h"
8 #include "base/time/time.h"
9 #include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree.h"
10 #include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h"
11 #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_before_commit_info.h"
12 #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
13 #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
14 #include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator_delegate.h"
15 #include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
16 #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
17 #include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
18 #include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_controller_factory_registry.h"
19 #include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_impl.h"
20 #include "content/common/frame_messages.h"
21 #include "content/common/view_messages.h"
22 #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
23 #include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
24 #include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
25 #include "content/public/browser/invalidate_type.h"
26 #include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
27 #include "content/public/browser/navigation_details.h"
28 #include "content/public/browser/page_navigator.h"
29 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
30 #include "content/public/common/bindings_policy.h"
31 #include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
32 #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
33 #include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
34 #include "content/public/common/url_utils.h"
36 namespace content {
38 namespace {
40 FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::Value GetNavigationType(
41 BrowserContext* browser_context, const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
42 NavigationController::ReloadType reload_type) {
43 switch (reload_type) {
44 case NavigationControllerImpl::RELOAD:
45 return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD;
46 case NavigationControllerImpl::RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE:
47 return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE;
48 case NavigationControllerImpl::RELOAD_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL:
49 return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL;
50 case NavigationControllerImpl::NO_RELOAD:
51 break; // Fall through to rest of function.
54 // |RenderViewImpl::PopulateStateFromPendingNavigationParams| differentiates
55 // between |RESTORE_WITH_POST| and |RESTORE|.
56 if (entry.restore_type() ==
58 if (entry.GetHasPostData())
59 return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RESTORE_WITH_POST;
60 return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RESTORE;
63 return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL;
66 RenderFrameHostManager* GetRenderManager(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh) {
67 if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
68 switches::kSitePerProcess))
69 return rfh->frame_tree_node()->render_manager();
71 return rfh->frame_tree_node()->frame_tree()->root()->render_manager();
74 } // namespace
77 NavigatorImpl::NavigatorImpl(
78 NavigationControllerImpl* navigation_controller,
79 NavigatorDelegate* delegate)
80 : controller_(navigation_controller),
81 delegate_(delegate) {
84 // static.
85 void NavigatorImpl::MakeNavigateParams(
86 const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
87 const NavigationControllerImpl& controller,
88 NavigationController::ReloadType reload_type,
89 base::TimeTicks navigation_start,
90 FrameMsg_Navigate_Params* params) {
91 params->page_id = entry.GetPageID();
92 params->should_clear_history_list = entry.should_clear_history_list();
93 params->should_replace_current_entry = entry.should_replace_entry();
94 if (entry.should_clear_history_list()) {
95 // Set the history list related parameters to the same values a
96 // NavigationController would return before its first navigation. This will
97 // fully clear the RenderView's view of the session history.
98 params->pending_history_list_offset = -1;
99 params->current_history_list_offset = -1;
100 params->current_history_list_length = 0;
101 } else {
102 params->pending_history_list_offset = controller.GetIndexOfEntry(&entry);
103 params->current_history_list_offset =
104 controller.GetLastCommittedEntryIndex();
105 params->current_history_list_length = controller.GetEntryCount();
107 params->url = entry.GetURL();
108 if (!entry.GetBaseURLForDataURL().is_empty()) {
109 params->base_url_for_data_url = entry.GetBaseURLForDataURL();
110 params->history_url_for_data_url = entry.GetVirtualURL();
112 params->referrer = entry.GetReferrer();
113 params->transition = entry.GetTransitionType();
114 params->page_state = entry.GetPageState();
115 params->navigation_type =
116 GetNavigationType(controller.GetBrowserContext(), entry, reload_type);
117 // This is used by the old performance infrastructure to set up DocumentState
118 // associated with the RenderView.
119 // TODO(ppi): make it go away.
120 params->request_time = base::Time::Now();
121 params->extra_headers = entry.extra_headers();
122 params->transferred_request_child_id =
123 entry.transferred_global_request_id().child_id;
124 params->transferred_request_request_id =
125 entry.transferred_global_request_id().request_id;
126 params->is_overriding_user_agent = entry.GetIsOverridingUserAgent();
127 // Avoid downloading when in view-source mode.
128 params->allow_download = !entry.IsViewSourceMode();
129 params->is_post = entry.GetHasPostData();
130 if (entry.GetBrowserInitiatedPostData()) {
131 params->browser_initiated_post_data.assign(
132 entry.GetBrowserInitiatedPostData()->front(),
133 entry.GetBrowserInitiatedPostData()->front() +
134 entry.GetBrowserInitiatedPostData()->size());
137 // Set the redirect chain to the navigation's redirects, unless we are
138 // returning to a completed navigation (whose previous redirects don't apply).
139 if (PageTransitionIsNewNavigation(params->transition)) {
140 params->redirects = entry.GetRedirectChain();
141 } else {
142 params->redirects.clear();
145 params->can_load_local_resources = entry.GetCanLoadLocalResources();
146 params->frame_to_navigate = entry.GetFrameToNavigate();
147 params->browser_navigation_start = navigation_start;
150 NavigationController* NavigatorImpl::GetController() {
151 return controller_;
154 void NavigatorImpl::DidStartProvisionalLoad(
155 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
156 const GURL& url,
157 bool is_transition_navigation) {
158 bool is_error_page = (url.spec() == kUnreachableWebDataURL);
159 bool is_iframe_srcdoc = (url.spec() == kAboutSrcDocURL);
160 GURL validated_url(url);
161 RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = render_frame_host->GetProcess();
162 render_process_host->FilterURL(false, &validated_url);
164 bool is_main_frame = render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->IsMainFrame();
165 NavigationEntryImpl* pending_entry =
166 NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(controller_->GetPendingEntry());
167 if (is_main_frame) {
168 // If there is no browser-initiated pending entry for this navigation and it
169 // is not for the error URL, create a pending entry using the current
170 // SiteInstance, and ensure the address bar updates accordingly. We don't
171 // know the referrer or extra headers at this point, but the referrer will
172 // be set properly upon commit.
173 bool has_browser_initiated_pending_entry = pending_entry &&
174 !pending_entry->is_renderer_initiated();
175 if (!has_browser_initiated_pending_entry && !is_error_page) {
176 NavigationEntryImpl* entry = NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(
177 controller_->CreateNavigationEntry(validated_url,
178 content::Referrer(),
180 true /* is_renderer_initiated */,
181 std::string(),
182 controller_->GetBrowserContext()));
183 entry->set_site_instance(
184 static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(
185 render_frame_host->render_view_host()->GetSiteInstance()));
186 // TODO(creis): If there's a pending entry already, find a safe way to
187 // update it instead of replacing it and copying over things like this.
188 if (pending_entry) {
189 entry->set_transferred_global_request_id(
190 pending_entry->transferred_global_request_id());
191 entry->set_should_replace_entry(pending_entry->should_replace_entry());
192 entry->SetRedirectChain(pending_entry->GetRedirectChain());
194 controller_->SetPendingEntry(entry);
195 if (delegate_)
196 delegate_->NotifyChangedNavigationState(content::INVALIDATE_TYPE_URL);
199 if (delegate_ && is_transition_navigation)
200 delegate_->DidStartNavigationTransition(render_frame_host);
203 if (delegate_) {
204 // Notify the observer about the start of the provisional load.
205 delegate_->DidStartProvisionalLoad(
206 render_frame_host, validated_url, is_error_page, is_iframe_srcdoc);
211 void NavigatorImpl::DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError(
212 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
213 const FrameHostMsg_DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError_Params& params) {
214 VLOG(1) << "Failed Provisional Load: " << params.url.possibly_invalid_spec()
215 << ", error_code: " << params.error_code
216 << ", error_description: " << params.error_description
217 << ", showing_repost_interstitial: " <<
218 params.showing_repost_interstitial
219 << ", frame_id: " << render_frame_host->GetRoutingID();
220 GURL validated_url(params.url);
221 RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = render_frame_host->GetProcess();
222 render_process_host->FilterURL(false, &validated_url);
224 if (net::ERR_ABORTED == params.error_code) {
225 // EVIL HACK ALERT! Ignore failed loads when we're showing interstitials.
226 // This means that the interstitial won't be torn down properly, which is
227 // bad. But if we have an interstitial, go back to another tab type, and
228 // then load the same interstitial again, we could end up getting the first
229 // interstitial's "failed" message (as a result of the cancel) when we're on
230 // the second one. We can't tell this apart, so we think we're tearing down
231 // the current page which will cause a crash later on.
233 //
234 // Because this will not tear down the interstitial properly, if "back" is
235 // back to another tab type, the interstitial will still be somewhat alive
236 // in the previous tab type. If you navigate somewhere that activates the
237 // tab with the interstitial again, you'll see a flash before the new load
238 // commits of the interstitial page.
239 FrameTreeNode* root =
240 render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->frame_tree()->root();
241 if (root->render_manager()->interstitial_page() != NULL) {
242 LOG(WARNING) << "Discarding message during interstitial.";
243 return;
246 // We used to cancel the pending renderer here for cross-site downloads.
247 // However, it's not safe to do that because the download logic repeatedly
248 // looks for this WebContents based on a render ID. Instead, we just
249 // leave the pending renderer around until the next navigation event
250 // (Navigate, DidNavigate, etc), which will clean it up properly.
252 // TODO(creis): Find a way to cancel any pending RFH here.
255 // We usually clear the pending entry when it fails, so that an arbitrary URL
256 // isn't left visible above a committed page. This must be enforced when
257 // the pending entry isn't visible (e.g., renderer-initiated navigations) to
258 // prevent URL spoofs for in-page navigations that don't go through
259 // DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame.
261 // However, we do preserve the pending entry in some cases, such as on the
262 // initial navigation of an unmodified blank tab. We also allow the delegate
263 // to say when it's safe to leave aborted URLs in the omnibox, to let the user
264 // edit the URL and try again. This may be useful in cases that the committed
265 // page cannot be attacker-controlled. In these cases, we still allow the
266 // view to clear the pending entry and typed URL if the user requests
267 // (e.g., hitting Escape with focus in the address bar).
269 // Note: don't touch the transient entry, since an interstitial may exist.
270 bool should_preserve_entry = controller_->IsUnmodifiedBlankTab() ||
271 delegate_->ShouldPreserveAbortedURLs();
272 if (controller_->GetPendingEntry() != controller_->GetVisibleEntry() ||
273 !should_preserve_entry) {
274 controller_->DiscardPendingEntry();
276 // Also force the UI to refresh.
277 controller_->delegate()->NotifyNavigationStateChanged(INVALIDATE_TYPE_URL);
280 if (delegate_)
281 delegate_->DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError(render_frame_host, params);
284 void NavigatorImpl::DidFailLoadWithError(
285 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
286 const GURL& url,
287 int error_code,
288 const base::string16& error_description) {
289 if (delegate_) {
290 delegate_->DidFailLoadWithError(
291 render_frame_host, url, error_code,
292 error_description);
296 void NavigatorImpl::DidRedirectProvisionalLoad(
297 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
298 int32 page_id,
299 const GURL& source_url,
300 const GURL& target_url) {
301 // TODO(creis): Remove this method and have the pre-rendering code listen to
302 // WebContentsObserver::DidGetRedirectForResourceRequest instead.
303 // See
304 GURL validated_source_url(source_url);
305 GURL validated_target_url(target_url);
306 RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = render_frame_host->GetProcess();
307 render_process_host->FilterURL(false, &validated_source_url);
308 render_process_host->FilterURL(false, &validated_target_url);
309 NavigationEntry* entry;
310 if (page_id == -1) {
311 entry = controller_->GetPendingEntry();
312 } else {
313 entry = controller_->GetEntryWithPageID(
314 render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance(), page_id);
316 if (!entry || entry->GetURL() != validated_source_url)
317 return;
319 if (delegate_) {
320 delegate_->DidRedirectProvisionalLoad(
321 render_frame_host, validated_target_url);
325 bool NavigatorImpl::NavigateToEntry(
326 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
327 const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
328 NavigationController::ReloadType reload_type) {
329 TRACE_EVENT0("browser,navigation", "NavigatorImpl::NavigateToEntry");
331 // The renderer will reject IPC messages with URLs longer than
332 // this limit, so don't attempt to navigate with a longer URL.
333 if (entry.GetURL().spec().size() > GetMaxURLChars()) {
334 LOG(WARNING) << "Refusing to load URL as it exceeds " << GetMaxURLChars()
335 << " characters.";
336 return false;
339 // This will be used to set the Navigation Timing API navigationStart
340 // parameter for browser navigations in new tabs (intents, tabs opened through
341 // "Open link in new tab"). We need to keep it above RFHM::Navigate() call to
342 // capture the time needed for the RenderFrameHost initialization.
343 base::TimeTicks navigation_start = base::TimeTicks::Now();
345 // Create the navigation parameters.
346 FrameMsg_Navigate_Params navigate_params;
347 MakeNavigateParams(
348 entry, *controller_, reload_type, navigation_start, &navigate_params);
350 RenderFrameHostManager* manager =
351 render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->render_manager();
353 // PlzNavigate: the RenderFrameHosts are no longer asked to navigate. Instead
354 // the RenderFrameHostManager handles the navigation requests for that frame
355 // node.
356 if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
357 switches::kEnableBrowserSideNavigation)) {
358 return manager->RequestNavigation(entry, navigate_params);
361 RenderFrameHostImpl* dest_render_frame_host = manager->Navigate(entry);
362 if (!dest_render_frame_host)
363 return false; // Unable to create the desired RenderFrameHost.
365 // Make sure no code called via RFHM::Navigate clears the pending entry.
366 CHECK_EQ(controller_->GetPendingEntry(), &entry);
368 // For security, we should never send non-Web-UI URLs to a Web UI renderer.
369 // Double check that here.
370 CheckWebUIRendererDoesNotDisplayNormalURL(
371 dest_render_frame_host, entry.GetURL());
373 // Notify observers that we will navigate in this RenderFrame.
374 if (delegate_)
375 delegate_->AboutToNavigateRenderFrame(dest_render_frame_host);
377 // Navigate in the desired RenderFrameHost.
378 // We can skip this step in the rare case that this is a transfer navigation
379 // which began in the chosen RenderFrameHost, since the request has already
380 // been issued. In that case, simply resume the response.
381 bool is_transfer_to_same =
382 navigate_params.transferred_request_child_id != -1 &&
383 navigate_params.transferred_request_child_id ==
384 dest_render_frame_host->GetProcess()->GetID();
385 if (!is_transfer_to_same) {
386 dest_render_frame_host->Navigate(navigate_params);
387 } else {
388 // No need to navigate again. Just resume the deferred request.
389 dest_render_frame_host->GetProcess()->ResumeDeferredNavigation(
390 GlobalRequestID(navigate_params.transferred_request_child_id,
391 navigate_params.transferred_request_request_id));
394 // Make sure no code called via RFH::Navigate clears the pending entry.
395 CHECK_EQ(controller_->GetPendingEntry(), &entry);
397 if (entry.GetPageID() == -1) {
398 // HACK!! This code suppresses javascript: URLs from being added to
399 // session history, which is what we want to do for javascript: URLs that
400 // do not generate content. What we really need is a message from the
401 // renderer telling us that a new page was not created. The same message
402 // could be used for mailto: URLs and the like.
403 if (entry.GetURL().SchemeIs(url::kJavaScriptScheme))
404 return false;
407 // Notify observers about navigation.
408 if (delegate_) {
409 delegate_->DidStartNavigationToPendingEntry(dest_render_frame_host,
410 entry.GetURL(),
411 reload_type);
414 return true;
417 bool NavigatorImpl::NavigateToPendingEntry(
418 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
419 NavigationController::ReloadType reload_type) {
420 return NavigateToEntry(
421 render_frame_host,
422 *NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(controller_->GetPendingEntry()),
423 reload_type);
426 void NavigatorImpl::DidNavigate(
427 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
428 const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& input_params) {
429 FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params params(input_params);
430 FrameTree* frame_tree = render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->frame_tree();
431 bool use_site_per_process = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
432 switches::kSitePerProcess);
434 if (use_site_per_process) {
435 // TODO(creis): Until we mirror the frame tree in the subframe's process,
436 // cross-process subframe navigations happen in a renderer's main frame.
437 // Correct the transition type here if we know it is for a subframe.
438 NavigationEntryImpl* pending_entry =
439 NavigationEntryImpl::FromNavigationEntry(
440 controller_->GetPendingEntry());
441 if (!render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->IsMainFrame() &&
442 pending_entry &&
443 pending_entry->frame_tree_node_id() ==
444 render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->frame_tree_node_id()) {
445 params.transition = PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_SUBFRAME;
449 if (PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition)) {
450 if (delegate_) {
451 // When overscroll navigation gesture is enabled, a screenshot of the page
452 // in its current state is taken so that it can be used during the
453 // nav-gesture. It is necessary to take the screenshot here, before
454 // calling RenderFrameHostManager::DidNavigateMainFrame, because that can
455 // change WebContents::GetRenderViewHost to return the new host, instead
456 // of the one that may have just been swapped out.
457 if (delegate_->CanOverscrollContent()) {
458 // Don't take screenshots if we are staying on the same page. We want
459 // in-page navigations to be super fast, and taking a screenshot
460 // currently blocks GPU for a longer time than we are willing to
461 // tolerate in this use case.
462 if (!params.was_within_same_page)
463 controller_->TakeScreenshot();
466 // Run tasks that must execute just before the commit.
467 bool is_navigation_within_page = controller_->IsURLInPageNavigation(
468 params.url, params.was_within_same_page, render_frame_host);
469 delegate_->DidNavigateMainFramePreCommit(is_navigation_within_page);
472 if (!use_site_per_process)
473 frame_tree->root()->render_manager()->DidNavigateFrame(render_frame_host);
476 // When using --site-per-process, we notify the RFHM for all navigations,
477 // not just main frame navigations.
478 if (use_site_per_process) {
479 FrameTreeNode* frame = render_frame_host->frame_tree_node();
480 frame->render_manager()->DidNavigateFrame(render_frame_host);
483 // Update the site of the SiteInstance if it doesn't have one yet, unless
484 // assigning a site is not necessary for this URL. In that case, the
485 // SiteInstance can still be considered unused until a navigation to a real
486 // page.
487 SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance =
488 static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance());
489 if (!site_instance->HasSite() &&
490 ShouldAssignSiteForURL(params.url)) {
491 site_instance->SetSite(params.url);
494 // Need to update MIME type here because it's referred to in
495 // UpdateNavigationCommands() called by RendererDidNavigate() to
496 // determine whether or not to enable the encoding menu.
497 // It's updated only for the main frame. For a subframe,
498 // RenderView::UpdateURL does not set params.contents_mime_type.
499 // (see )
500 // TODO(jungshik): Add a test for the encoding menu to avoid
501 // regressing it again.
502 // TODO(nasko): Verify the correctness of the above comment, since some of the
503 // code doesn't exist anymore. Also, move this code in the
504 // PageTransitionIsMainFrame code block above.
505 if (PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition) && delegate_)
506 delegate_->SetMainFrameMimeType(params.contents_mime_type);
508 LoadCommittedDetails details;
509 bool did_navigate = controller_->RendererDidNavigate(render_frame_host,
510 params, &details);
512 // For now, keep track of each frame's URL in its FrameTreeNode. This lets
513 // us estimate our process count for implementing OOP iframes.
514 // TODO(creis): Remove this when we track which pages commit in each frame.
515 render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->set_current_url(params.url);
517 // Send notification about committed provisional loads. This notification is
518 // different from the NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED notification which doesn't include
519 // the actual URL navigated to and isn't sent for AUTO_SUBFRAME navigations.
520 if (details.type != NAVIGATION_TYPE_NAV_IGNORE && delegate_) {
521 DCHECK_EQ(!render_frame_host->GetParent(),
522 did_navigate ? details.is_main_frame : false);
523 PageTransition transition_type = params.transition;
524 // Whether or not a page transition was triggered by going backward or
525 // forward in the history is only stored in the navigation controller's
526 // entry list.
527 if (did_navigate &&
528 (controller_->GetLastCommittedEntry()->GetTransitionType() &
530 transition_type = PageTransitionFromInt(
531 params.transition | PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK);
534 delegate_->DidCommitProvisionalLoad(render_frame_host,
535 params.url,
536 transition_type);
539 if (!did_navigate)
540 return; // No navigation happened.
542 // DO NOT ADD MORE STUFF TO THIS FUNCTION! Your component should either listen
543 // for the appropriate notification (best) or you can add it to
544 // DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit / DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit (only if
545 // necessary, please).
547 // Run post-commit tasks.
548 if (delegate_) {
549 if (details.is_main_frame)
550 delegate_->DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(details, params);
552 delegate_->DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit(
553 render_frame_host, details, params);
557 bool NavigatorImpl::ShouldAssignSiteForURL(const GURL& url) {
558 // about:blank should not "use up" a new SiteInstance. The SiteInstance can
559 // still be used for a normal web site.
560 if (url == GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL))
561 return false;
563 // The embedder will then have the opportunity to determine if the URL
564 // should "use up" the SiteInstance.
565 return GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldAssignSiteForURL(url);
568 void NavigatorImpl::RequestOpenURL(
569 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
570 const GURL& url,
571 const Referrer& referrer,
572 WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
573 bool should_replace_current_entry,
574 bool user_gesture) {
575 SiteInstance* current_site_instance =
576 GetRenderManager(render_frame_host)->current_frame_host()->
577 GetSiteInstance();
578 // If this came from a swapped out RenderViewHost, we only allow the request
579 // if we are still in the same BrowsingInstance.
580 if (render_frame_host->render_view_host()->IsSwappedOut() &&
581 !render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance()->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
582 current_site_instance)) {
583 return;
586 // Delegate to RequestTransferURL because this is just the generic
587 // case where |old_request_id| is empty.
588 // TODO(creis): Pass the redirect_chain into this method to support client
589 // redirects.
590 std::vector<GURL> redirect_chain;
591 RequestTransferURL(
592 render_frame_host, url, redirect_chain, referrer, PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
593 disposition, GlobalRequestID(),
594 should_replace_current_entry, user_gesture);
597 void NavigatorImpl::RequestTransferURL(
598 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
599 const GURL& url,
600 const std::vector<GURL>& redirect_chain,
601 const Referrer& referrer,
602 PageTransition page_transition,
603 WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
604 const GlobalRequestID& transferred_global_request_id,
605 bool should_replace_current_entry,
606 bool user_gesture) {
607 GURL dest_url(url);
608 SiteInstance* current_site_instance =
609 GetRenderManager(render_frame_host)->current_frame_host()->
610 GetSiteInstance();
611 if (!GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldAllowOpenURL(
612 current_site_instance, url)) {
613 dest_url = GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL);
616 int64 frame_tree_node_id = -1;
617 if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
618 switches::kSitePerProcess)) {
619 frame_tree_node_id =
620 render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->frame_tree_node_id();
622 OpenURLParams params(
623 dest_url, referrer, frame_tree_node_id, disposition, page_transition,
624 true /* is_renderer_initiated */);
625 if (redirect_chain.size() > 0)
626 params.redirect_chain = redirect_chain;
627 params.transferred_global_request_id = transferred_global_request_id;
628 params.should_replace_current_entry = should_replace_current_entry;
629 params.user_gesture = user_gesture;
631 if (GetRenderManager(render_frame_host)->web_ui()) {
632 // Web UI pages sometimes want to override the page transition type for
633 // link clicks (e.g., so the new tab page can specify AUTO_BOOKMARK for
634 // automatically generated suggestions). We don't override other types
635 // like TYPED because they have different implications (e.g., autocomplete).
636 if (PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(params.transition, PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK))
637 params.transition =
638 GetRenderManager(render_frame_host)->web_ui()->
639 GetLinkTransitionType();
641 // Note also that we hide the referrer for Web UI pages. We don't really
642 // want web sites to see a referrer of "chrome://blah" (and some
643 // chrome: URLs might have search terms or other stuff we don't want to
644 // send to the site), so we send no referrer.
645 params.referrer = Referrer();
647 // Navigations in Web UI pages count as browser-initiated navigations.
648 params.is_renderer_initiated = false;
651 if (delegate_)
652 delegate_->RequestOpenURL(render_frame_host, params);
655 void NavigatorImpl::CommitNavigation(
656 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
657 const NavigationBeforeCommitInfo& info) {
658 CheckWebUIRendererDoesNotDisplayNormalURL(
659 render_frame_host, info.navigation_url);
660 // TODO(clamy): the render_frame_host should now send a commit IPC to the
661 // renderer.
664 void NavigatorImpl::CheckWebUIRendererDoesNotDisplayNormalURL(
665 RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
666 const GURL& url) {
667 int enabled_bindings =
668 render_frame_host->render_view_host()->GetEnabledBindings();
669 bool is_allowed_in_web_ui_renderer =
670 WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->IsURLAcceptableForWebUI(
671 controller_->GetBrowserContext(), url);
672 if ((enabled_bindings & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI) &&
673 !is_allowed_in_web_ui_renderer) {
674 // Log the URL to help us diagnose any future failures of this CHECK.
675 GetContentClient()->SetActiveURL(url);
676 CHECK(0);
680 } // namespace content