Add a minor text member to ui::MenuModel.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / net / network_stats.h
1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <bitset>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
14 #include "base/time/time.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/io_thread.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/net/probe_message.h"
17 #include "net/base/address_list.h"
18 #include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
19 #include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
20 #include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
21 #include "net/proxy/proxy_info.h"
23 namespace net {
24 class ClientSocketFactory;
25 class DatagramClientSocket;
26 class HostResolver;
27 class SingleRequestHostResolver;
30 namespace chrome_browser_net {
32 // This class is used for live experiment of network connectivity (for UDP)
33 // metrics. A small percentage of users participate in this experiment. All
34 // users (who are in the experiment) must have enabled "UMA upload".
35 // In the experiments, clients request the server to send some probing packets,
36 // collect some stats, and send back the results via UMA reports.
38 // This class collects the following stats from users who have opted in.
39 // a) RTT.
40 // b) packet inter-arrival time.
41 // c) packet losses for correlation and FEC experiments.
42 // d) packet losses for NAT binding test after idling for a certain period.
44 // There are three tests in one experiment. Right before each test, a
45 // HelloRequest is sent to get an updated token.
46 // 1. |START_PACKET_TEST|: 21 packets are sent from the server to the client
47 // without pacing.
48 // 2. |PACED_PACKET_TEST| or |NON_PACED_PACKET_TEST|: After the first test,
49 // 21 packets are sent from the server to the client with or without pacing.
50 // If pacing, the pacing rate is computed from the first test.
51 // 3. |NAT_BIND_TEST|: 2 packets are sent from the server to the client with
52 // a randomly generated delay of 1~300 seconds.
53 // At the end of these tests, we send another HelloRequest to test whether
54 // the network is still connected and has not changed (e.g. from Wifi to 3g).
56 class NetworkStats {
57 public:
58 enum Status { // Used in HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION.
59 SUCCESS, // Successfully received bytes from the server.
60 SOCKET_CREATE_FAILED, // Socket creation failed.
61 RESOLVE_FAILED, // Host resolution failed.
62 CONNECT_FAILED, // Connection to the server failed.
63 WRITE_FAILED, // Sending a message to the server failed.
64 READ_TIMED_OUT, // Reading the reply from the server timed out.
65 READ_FAILED, // Reading the reply from the server failed.
66 STATUS_MAX, // Bounding value.
69 // |TestType| specifies the possible tests we may run
70 // (except for the first and the last serving as boundaries).
71 enum TestType {
72 // The first one is for requesting token, not a probe test. Put it here
73 // because we use it as a symbol for sending the HelloRequest packet to
74 // acquire the token.
76 START_PACKET_TEST, // First packet loss test (no pacing).
77 NON_PACED_PACKET_TEST, // Packet loss test with no pacing.
78 PACED_PACKET_TEST, // Packet loss test with pacing.
79 // Test whether NAT binding expires after some idle period.
84 // Pointer |socket_factory| is NOT deleted by this class.
85 explicit NetworkStats(net::ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory);
86 // NetworkStats is deleted in TestPhaseComplete() when all tests are done.
87 ~NetworkStats();
89 // Start the client and connect to |server|.
90 // A client will request a token and then perform several tests.
91 // When the client finishes all tests, or when an error occurs causing the
92 // client to stop, |TestPhaseComplete| will be called with a net status code.
93 // |TestPhaseComplete| will collect histogram stats.
94 // Return true if successful in starting the client.
95 bool Start(net::HostResolver* host_resolver,
96 const net::HostPortPair& server,
97 uint16 histogram_port,
98 bool has_proxy_server,
99 uint32 probe_bytes,
100 const net::CompletionCallback& callback);
102 private:
103 friend class NetworkStatsTest;
105 // Start the test specified by the current_test_index_. It also resets all
106 // the book keeping data, before starting the new test.
107 void StartOneTest();
109 // Reset all the counters and the collected stats.
110 void ResetData();
112 // Callback that is called when host resolution is completed.
113 void OnResolveComplete(int result);
115 // Called after host is resolved. Creates UDPClientSocket and connects to the
116 // server. If successfully connected, then calls ConnectComplete() to start
117 // the network connectivity tests. Returns |false| if there is any error.
118 bool DoConnect(int result);
120 // This method is called after socket connection is completed. It will start
121 // the process of sending packets to |server| by calling SendHelloPacket().
122 // Return false if connection is not established (result is less than 0).
123 bool ConnectComplete(int result);
125 // Send a HelloRequest packet which asks for a token from the server. If
126 // a token is received, it will will add |START_PACKET_TEST| to the test
127 // queue.
128 void SendHelloRequest();
130 // Send a ProbeRequest packet which requests the server to send a set
131 // of Probing packets.
132 void SendProbeRequest();
134 // Read and process the data. Called from OnReadComplete() or ReadData().
135 // This function calls TestPhaseComplete() if there is a significant network
136 // error or if all packets in the current test are received.
137 // Return true if TestPhaseComplete() is called otherwise return false.
138 bool ReadComplete(int result);
140 // Callbacks when an internal IO (Read or Write) is completed.
141 void OnReadComplete(int result);
142 void OnWriteComplete(int result);
144 // Read data from server until an error or IO blocking occurs or reading is
145 // complete.
146 void ReadData();
148 // Send data contained in |str| to server.
149 // Return a negative value if IO blocking occurs or there is an error.
150 // Otherwise return net::OK.
151 int SendData(const std::string& str);
153 // Update the send buffer (telling it that |bytes_sent| has been sent).
154 // And reset |write_buffer_|.
155 void UpdateSendBuffer(int bytes_sent);
157 // Start a timer (with value |milliseconds|) for responses from the probe
158 // servers. |test_index| is the index of the test at vector |test_sequence_|
159 // and it is used as a parameter of the timer callback.
160 void StartReadDataTimer(uint32 milliseconds, uint32 test_index);
162 // Called when the StartReadDataTimer fires. |test_index| specifies
163 // the index of the test. If |current_test_index_| has changed to a
164 // different value, it indicates |test_index| has completed, then
165 // this method is a no-op.
166 void OnReadDataTimeout(uint32 test_index);
168 // Collect network connectivity stats. This is called when all the data from
169 // server is read or when there is a failure during connect/read/write. It
170 // will either start the next phase of the test, or it will self destruct
171 // at the end of this method.
172 void TestPhaseComplete(Status status, int result);
174 // This method is called from TestPhaseComplete() and calls
175 // |finished_callback_| callback to indicate that the test has finished.
176 void DoFinishCallback(int result);
178 // Update counters/metrics for the given |probe_packet|.
179 // Return true if all packets for the current test are received and
180 // false otherwise.
181 bool UpdateReception(const ProbePacket& probe_packet);
183 // Record all histograms for current test phase, which is assumed to be
184 // complete (i.e., we are no longer waiting for packets in this phase).
185 // |test_type| is the current test_type to be recorded. |status| is the
186 // status of the current test.
187 void RecordHistograms(TestType test_type);
189 // Collect the following network connectivity stats when
190 // kMaximumSequentialPackets (21) packets are sent from the server.
191 // a) Client received at least one packet.
192 // b) Client received the nth packet.
193 // c) The number of packets received for each subsequence of packets 1...n.
194 void RecordPacketsReceivedHistograms(TestType test_type);
196 // Collect the following network connectivity stats for the first
197 // kMaximumCorrelationPackets (6) packets in a test.
198 // Success/failure of each packet, to estimate reachability for users,
199 // and to estimate if there is a probabalistic dependency in packet loss when
200 // kMaximumCorrelationPackets packets are sent consecutively.
201 void RecordPacketLossSeriesHistograms(TestType test_type);
203 // Collect the average inter-arrival time (scaled up by 20 times because the
204 // minimum time value in a histogram is 1ms) of a sequence of probing packets.
205 void RecordInterArrivalHistograms(TestType test_type);
207 // Collect the RTT for the packet specified by the |index| in the current
208 // test.
209 void RecordRTTHistograms(TestType test_type, uint32 index);
211 // Collect whether the second packet in the NAT test is received for the
212 // given idle time.
213 void RecordNATTestReceivedHistograms(Status status);
215 // Record the time duration between sending the probe request and receiving
216 // the last probe packet excluding the pacing time requested by the client.
217 // This applies to both NAT bind test and paced/non-paced packet test.
218 void RecordSendToLastRecvDelayHistograms(TestType test_type);
220 // Return the next test type (internally increment |current_test_index_|)
221 // in |test_sequence_|;
222 TestType GetNextTest();
224 // These static variables are defined so that they can be changed in testing.
225 // Maximum number of tests in one activation of the experiment.
226 static uint32 maximum_tests_;
227 // Maximum number of packets for START/PACED/NON_PACED tests.
228 static uint32 maximum_sequential_packets_;
229 // Maximum number of packets for NAT binding test.
230 static uint32 maximum_NAT_packets_;
231 // Maximum time duration between the two packets for NAT Bind testing.
232 static uint32 maximum_NAT_idle_seconds_;
233 // Whether to start the probe test immediately after connect success.
234 // Used for unittest.
235 static bool start_test_after_connect_;
237 // The socket handler for this session.
238 scoped_ptr<net::DatagramClientSocket> socket_;
240 net::ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory_;
242 // The read buffer used to read data from the socket.
243 scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> read_buffer_;
245 // The write buffer used to write data to the socket.
246 scoped_refptr<net::DrainableIOBuffer> write_buffer_;
248 // Specify the port for which we are testing the network connectivity.
249 uint16 histogram_port_;
251 // Specify if there is a proxy server or not.
252 bool has_proxy_server_;
254 // HostResolver used to find the IP addresses.
255 scoped_ptr<net::SingleRequestHostResolver> resolver_;
257 // Addresses filled out by HostResolver after host resolution is completed.
258 net::AddressList addresses_;
260 // Callback to call when test is successefully finished or whenever
261 // there is an error (this will be used by unittests to check the result).
262 net::CompletionCallback finished_callback_;
264 // RTTs for each packet.
265 std::vector<base::TimeDelta> packet_rtt_;
267 // Time when sending probe_request, used for computing RTT.
268 base::TimeTicks probe_request_time_;
270 // Size of the probe packets requested to be sent from servers.
271 uint32 probe_packet_bytes_;
273 // bitmask indicating which packets are received.
274 std::bitset<21> packets_received_mask_;
276 // Arrival time of the first packet in the current test.
277 base::TimeTicks first_arrival_time_;
278 // Arrival time of the most recently received packet in the current test.
279 base::TimeTicks last_arrival_time_;
280 // Average time between two consecutive packets. It is updated when either all
281 // packets are received or timeout happens in the current test.
282 base::TimeDelta inter_arrival_time_;
283 // Target time duration for sending two consecutive packets at the server.
284 // It should be 0 for StartPacket test or NonPacedPacket test. For
285 // PacedPacket test, it is derived from the inter_arrival_time_ in the
286 // previous (StartPacket) test. For NATBind test, it is randomly generated
287 // between 1 second and |maximum_NAT_idle_seconds_| seconds.
288 base::TimeDelta pacing_interval_;
289 // A list of tests that will be performed in sequence.
290 std::vector<TestType> test_sequence_;
291 uint32 current_test_index_; // Index of the current test.
293 ProbeMessage probe_message_;
295 // Token received from server for authentication.
296 ProbePacket_Token token_;
298 // We use this factory to create timeout tasks for socket's ReadData.
299 base::WeakPtrFactory<NetworkStats> weak_factory_;
304 class ProxyDetector {
305 public:
306 // Used for the callback that is called from |OnResolveProxyComplete|.
307 typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> OnResolvedCallback;
309 // Construct a ProxyDetector object that finds out if access to
310 // |server_address| goes through a proxy server or not. Calls the |callback|
311 // after proxy resolution is completed by currying the proxy resolution
312 // status.
313 ProxyDetector(net::ProxyService* proxy_service,
314 const net::HostPortPair& server_address,
315 OnResolvedCallback callback);
317 // This method uses |proxy_service_| to resolve the proxy for
318 // |server_address_|.
319 void StartResolveProxy();
321 private:
322 // This object is deleted from |OnResolveProxyComplete|.
323 ~ProxyDetector();
325 // Call the |callback_| by currying the proxy resolution status.
326 void OnResolveProxyComplete(int result);
328 // |proxy_service_| specifies the proxy service that is to be used to find
329 // if access to |server_address_| goes through proxy server or not.
330 net::ProxyService* proxy_service_;
332 // |server_address_| specifies the server host and port pair for which we are
333 // trying to see if access to it, goes through proxy or not.
334 net::HostPortPair server_address_;
336 // |callback_| will be called after proxy resolution is completed.
337 OnResolvedCallback callback_;
339 // |proxy_info_| holds proxy information returned by ResolveProxy.
340 net::ProxyInfo proxy_info_;
342 // Indicate if there is a pending a proxy resolution. We use this to assert
343 // that there is no in-progress proxy resolution request.
344 bool has_pending_proxy_resolution_;
348 // This collects the network connectivity stats for UDP protocol for small
349 // percentage of users who are participating in the experiment (by enabling
350 // "UMA upload"). This method gets called only if UMA upload to the
351 // server has succeeded.
352 void CollectNetworkStats(const std::string& network_stats_server_url,
353 IOThread* io_thread);
355 // This starts a series of tests randomly selected among one of the three
356 // choices of probe packet sizes: 100 Bytes, 500 Bytes, 1200 Bytes.
357 void StartNetworkStatsTest(net::HostResolver* host_resolver,
358 const net::HostPortPair& server_address,
359 uint16 histogram_port,
360 bool has_proxy_server);
362 } // namespace chrome_browser_net