Create initial settings UI for wallet integration.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / options / autofill_options.html
1 <div id="autofill-options" class="page" hidden>
2 <div class="close-button"></div>
3 <h1 i18n-content="autofillOptionsPage"></h1>
4 <div class="content-area">
5 <if expr="is_macosx">
6 <div class="checkbox">
7 <label>
8 <input pref="autofill.use_mac_address_book" type="checkbox"
9 id="autofill-use-mac-address-book-checkbox"
10 metric="Options_AutofillAuxiliaryProfiles">
11 <span i18n-content="auxiliaryProfilesEnabled"></span>
12 </label>
13 </div>
14 </if>
15 <h3 i18n-content="autofillAddresses"></h3>
16 <div class="settings-list">
17 <list id="address-list"></list>
18 <div>
19 <button id="autofill-add-address" i18n-content="autofillAddAddress">
20 </button>
21 </div>
22 </div>
23 <h3 i18n-content="autofillCreditCards"></h3>
24 <div class="settings-list">
25 <list id="creditcard-list"></list>
26 <div>
27 <button id="autofill-add-creditcard"
28 i18n-content="autofillAddCreditCard"></button>
29 </div>
30 </div>
31 <!-- TODO(estade): This section shouldn't show if you're not signed into
32 sync. -->
33 <div id="autofill-wallet-card-area" class="settings-row" hidden>
34 <!-- A reminder not to launch this UI. -->
35 <span>Warning, these strings are not translated!</span>
36 <div>
37 Chrome will also suggest
38 <a target="_blank" i18n-values="href:manageWalletAddressesUrl">
39 addresses</a>
40 and
41 <a target="_blank" i18n-values="href:manageWalletPaymentMethodsUrl">
42 cards</a>
43 stored in your Wallet.
44 </div>
45 <div>
46 <span>Credit cards from Wallet require authentication once and
47 then remain unlocked.
48 </span>
49 <a id="remask-server-cards-link"
50 is="action-link">Reset authenticated cards</a>
51 </div>
52 </div>
53 </div>
54 <div class="action-area">
55 <a id="autofill-help" target="_blank" i18n-values="href:helpUrl"
56 i18n-content="helpButton">
57 </a>
58 <div class="spacer-div"></div>
59 <div class="button-strip">
60 <button id="autofill-options-confirm" class="default-button"
61 i18n-content="done"></button>
62 </div>
63 </div>
64 </div>