Enforce minimum visibility only for normal and panel windows
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / pdf / BUILD.gn
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.\r
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\r
3 # found in the LICENSE file.\r
4 \r
5 pdf_engine = 0  # 0 PDFium\r
6 \r
7 # TODO(GYP) need support for loadable modules\r
8 shared_library("pdf") {\r
9   sources = [\r
10     "button.h",\r
11     "button.cc",\r
12     "chunk_stream.h",\r
13     "chunk_stream.cc",\r
14     "control.h",\r
15     "control.cc",\r
16     "document_loader.h",\r
17     "document_loader.cc",\r
18     "draw_utils.cc",\r
19     "draw_utils.h",\r
20     "fading_control.cc",\r
21     "fading_control.h",\r
22     "fading_controls.cc",\r
23     "fading_controls.h",\r
24     "instance.cc",\r
25     "instance.h",\r
26     "number_image_generator.cc",\r
27     "number_image_generator.h",\r
28     "out_of_process_instance.cc",\r
29     "out_of_process_instance.h",\r
30     "page_indicator.cc",\r
31     "page_indicator.h",\r
32     "paint_aggregator.cc",\r
33     "paint_aggregator.h",\r
34     "paint_manager.cc",\r
35     "paint_manager.h",\r
36     "pdf.cc",\r
37     "pdf.h",\r
38     "pdf.rc",\r
39     "progress_control.cc",\r
40     "progress_control.h",\r
41     "pdf_engine.h",\r
42     "preview_mode_client.cc",\r
43     "preview_mode_client.h",\r
44     "resource.h",\r
45     "resource_consts.h",\r
46     "thumbnail_control.cc",\r
47     "thumbnail_control.h",\r
48     "../chrome/browser/chrome_page_zoom_constants.cc",\r
49     "../content/common/page_zoom.cc",\r
50   ]\r
52   if (pdf_engine == 0) {\r
53     sources += [\r
54       "pdfium/pdfium_assert_matching_enums.cc",\r
55       "pdfium/pdfium_engine.cc",\r
56       "pdfium/pdfium_engine.h",\r
57       "pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_read.cc",\r
58       "pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_read.h",\r
59       "pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.cc",\r
60       "pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h",\r
61       "pdfium/pdfium_page.cc",\r
62       "pdfium/pdfium_page.h",\r
63       "pdfium/pdfium_range.cc",\r
64       "pdfium/pdfium_range.h",\r
65     ]\r
66   }\r
68   if (is_win) {\r
69     defines = [ "COMPILE_CONTENT_STATICALLY" ]\r
70     cflags = [ "/wd4267" ]  # TODO(jschuh) size_t to int truncations.\r
71   }\r
73   if (is_mac) {\r
74     # TODO(GYP)\r
75     #'mac_bundle': 1,\r
76     #'product_name': 'PDF',\r
77     #'product_extension': 'plugin',\r
78     ## Strip the shipping binary of symbols so "Foxit" doesn't appear in\r
79     ## the binary.  Symbols are stored in a separate .dSYM.\r
80     #'variables': {\r
81     #  'mac_real_dsym': 1,\r
82     #},\r
83     #'sources+': [\r
84     #  'Info.plist'\r
85     #]\r
86     #'xcode_settings': {\r
87     #  'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'Info.plist',\r
88     #},\r
89   }\r
91   if (is_linux) {\r
92     # TODO(GYP)\r
93     ## Use a custom version script to prevent leaking the vendor name in\r
94     ## visible symbols.\r
95     #'ldflags': [\r
96     #  '-Wl,--version-script=<!(cd <(DEPTH) && pwd -P)/pdf/libpdf.map'\r
97     #],\r
98   }\r
100   deps = [\r
101     "//base",\r
102     "//net",\r
103     "//ppapi:ppapi_cpp",\r
104     "//third_party/pdfium",\r
105   ]\r
108 # TODO(GYP) pdf_linux_symbols target.\r