Enables compositing support for webview.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / net / url_request / url_fetcher_core.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <set>
9 #include <string>
11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
12 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
13 #include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
14 #include "base/file_path.h"
15 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
16 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
17 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
18 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
19 #include "base/platform_file.h"
20 #include "base/timer.h"
21 #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
22 #include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
23 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
24 #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
25 #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher.h"
26 #include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
27 #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
29 namespace base {
30 class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
31 } // namespace base
33 namespace net {
34 class HttpResponseHeaders;
35 class IOBuffer;
36 class URLFetcherDelegate;
37 class URLRequestContextGetter;
38 class URLRequestThrottlerEntryInterface;
40 class URLFetcherCore
41 : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<URLFetcherCore>,
42 public URLRequest::Delegate,
43 public NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver {
44 public:
45 URLFetcherCore(URLFetcher* fetcher,
46 const GURL& original_url,
47 URLFetcher::RequestType request_type,
48 URLFetcherDelegate* d);
50 // Starts the load. It's important that this not happen in the constructor
51 // because it causes the IO thread to begin AddRef()ing and Release()ing
52 // us. If our caller hasn't had time to fully construct us and take a
53 // reference, the IO thread could interrupt things, run a task, Release()
54 // us, and destroy us, leaving the caller with an already-destroyed object
55 // when construction finishes.
56 void Start();
58 // Stops any in-progress load and ensures no callback will happen. It is
59 // safe to call this multiple times.
60 void Stop();
62 // URLFetcher-like functions.
64 // For POST requests, set |content_type| to the MIME type of the
65 // content and set |content| to the data to upload.
66 void SetUploadData(const std::string& upload_content_type,
67 const std::string& upload_content);
68 void SetChunkedUpload(const std::string& upload_content_type);
69 // Adds a block of data to be uploaded in a POST body. This can only be
70 // called after Start().
71 void AppendChunkToUpload(const std::string& data, bool is_last_chunk);
72 // |flags| are flags to apply to the load operation--these should be
73 // one or more of the LOAD_* flags defined in net/base/load_flags.h.
74 void SetLoadFlags(int load_flags);
75 int GetLoadFlags() const;
76 void SetReferrer(const std::string& referrer);
77 void SetExtraRequestHeaders(const std::string& extra_request_headers);
78 void AddExtraRequestHeader(const std::string& header_line);
79 void GetExtraRequestHeaders(HttpRequestHeaders* headers) const;
80 void SetRequestContext(URLRequestContextGetter* request_context_getter);
81 // Set the URL that should be consulted for the third-party cookie
82 // blocking policy.
83 void SetFirstPartyForCookies(const GURL& first_party_for_cookies);
84 // Set the key and data callback that is used when setting the user
85 // data on any URLRequest objects this object creates.
86 void SetURLRequestUserData(
87 const void* key,
88 const URLFetcher::CreateDataCallback& create_data_callback);
89 void SetStopOnRedirect(bool stop_on_redirect);
90 void SetAutomaticallyRetryOn5xx(bool retry);
91 void SetMaxRetriesOn5xx(int max_retries);
92 int GetMaxRetriesOn5xx() const;
93 base::TimeDelta GetBackoffDelay() const;
94 void SetAutomaticallyRetryOnNetworkChanges(int max_retries);
95 void SaveResponseToFileAtPath(
96 const FilePath& file_path,
97 scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_task_runner);
98 void SaveResponseToTemporaryFile(
99 scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_task_runner);
100 HttpResponseHeaders* GetResponseHeaders() const;
101 HostPortPair GetSocketAddress() const;
102 bool WasFetchedViaProxy() const;
103 const GURL& GetOriginalURL() const;
104 const GURL& GetURL() const;
105 const URLRequestStatus& GetStatus() const;
106 int GetResponseCode() const;
107 const ResponseCookies& GetCookies() const;
108 bool FileErrorOccurred(base::PlatformFileError* out_error_code) const;
109 // Reports that the received content was malformed (i.e. failed parsing
110 // or validation). This makes the throttling logic that does exponential
111 // back-off when servers are having problems treat the current request as
112 // a failure. Your call to this method will be ignored if your request is
113 // already considered a failure based on the HTTP response code or response
114 // headers.
115 void ReceivedContentWasMalformed();
116 bool GetResponseAsString(std::string* out_response_string) const;
117 bool GetResponseAsFilePath(bool take_ownership,
118 FilePath* out_response_path);
120 // Overridden from URLRequest::Delegate:
121 virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request,
122 const GURL& new_url,
123 bool* defer_redirect) OVERRIDE;
124 virtual void OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request) OVERRIDE;
125 virtual void OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request,
126 int bytes_read) OVERRIDE;
127 virtual void OnCertificateRequested(
128 URLRequest* request,
129 SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) OVERRIDE;
131 // Overridden from NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionTypeObserver:
132 virtual void OnConnectionTypeChanged(
133 NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type) OVERRIDE;
135 URLFetcherDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
136 static void CancelAll();
137 static int GetNumFetcherCores();
138 static void SetEnableInterceptionForTests(bool enabled);
140 private:
141 friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<URLFetcherCore>;
143 // How should the response be stored?
144 enum ResponseDestinationType {
145 STRING, // Default: In a std::string
146 PERMANENT_FILE, // Write to a permanent file.
147 TEMP_FILE, // Write to a temporary file.
150 class Registry {
151 public:
152 Registry();
153 ~Registry();
155 void AddURLFetcherCore(URLFetcherCore* core);
156 void RemoveURLFetcherCore(URLFetcherCore* core);
158 void CancelAll();
160 int size() const {
161 return fetchers_.size();
164 private:
165 std::set<URLFetcherCore*> fetchers_;
170 // Class FileWriter encapsulates all state involved in writing
171 // response bytes to a file. It is only used if
172 // |URLFetcherCore::response_destination_| == TEMP_FILE ||
173 // |URLFetcherCore::response_destination_| == PERMANENT_FILE. Each
174 // instance of FileWriter is owned by a URLFetcherCore, which
175 // manages its lifetime and never transfers ownership. All file operations
176 // happen on |file_task_runner_|.
177 class FileWriter {
178 public:
179 FileWriter(URLFetcherCore* core,
180 scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_task_runner);
181 ~FileWriter();
183 void CreateFileAtPath(const FilePath& file_path);
184 void CreateTempFile();
186 // Record |num_bytes_| response bytes in |core_->buffer_| to the file.
187 void WriteBuffer(int num_bytes);
189 // Called when a write has been done. Continues writing if there are
190 // any more bytes to write. Otherwise, initiates a read in core_.
191 void ContinueWrite(base::PlatformFileError error_code, int bytes_written);
193 // Drop ownership of the file at |file_path_|.
194 // This class will not delete it or write to it again.
195 void DisownFile();
197 // Close the file if it is open.
198 void CloseFileAndCompleteRequest();
200 // Close the file if it is open and then delete it.
201 void CloseAndDeleteFile();
203 const FilePath& file_path() const { return file_path_; }
204 int64 total_bytes_written() { return total_bytes_written_; }
205 base::PlatformFileError error_code() const { return error_code_; }
207 private:
208 // Callback which gets the result of a permanent file creation.
209 void DidCreateFile(const FilePath& file_path,
210 base::PlatformFileError error_code,
211 base::PassPlatformFile file_handle,
212 bool created);
213 // Callback which gets the result of a temporary file creation.
214 void DidCreateTempFile(base::PlatformFileError error_code,
215 base::PassPlatformFile file_handle,
216 const FilePath& file_path);
217 // This method is used to implement DidCreateFile and DidCreateTempFile.
218 void DidCreateFileInternal(const FilePath& file_path,
219 base::PlatformFileError error_code,
220 base::PassPlatformFile file_handle);
222 // Callback which gets the result of closing the file.
223 void DidCloseFile(base::PlatformFileError error);
225 // Callback which gets the result of closing the file. Deletes the file if
226 // it has been created.
227 void DeleteFile(base::PlatformFileError error_code);
229 // The URLFetcherCore which instantiated this class.
230 URLFetcherCore* core_;
232 // The last error encountered on a file operation. base::PLATFORM_FILE_OK
233 // if no error occurred.
234 base::PlatformFileError error_code_;
236 // Callbacks are created for use with base::FileUtilProxy.
237 base::WeakPtrFactory<URLFetcherCore::FileWriter> weak_factory_;
239 // Task runner on which file operations should happen.
240 scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_task_runner_;
242 // Path to the file. This path is empty when there is no file.
243 FilePath file_path_;
245 // Handle to the file.
246 base::PlatformFile file_handle_;
248 // We always append to the file. Track the total number of bytes
249 // written, so that writes know the offset to give.
250 int64 total_bytes_written_;
252 // How many bytes did the last Write() try to write? Needed so
253 // that if not all the bytes get written on a Write(), we can
254 // call Write() again with the rest.
255 int pending_bytes_;
257 // When writing, how many bytes from the buffer have been successfully
258 // written so far?
259 int buffer_offset_;
262 virtual ~URLFetcherCore();
264 // Wrapper functions that allow us to ensure actions happen on the right
265 // thread.
266 void StartOnIOThread();
267 void StartURLRequest();
268 void StartURLRequestWhenAppropriate();
269 void CancelURLRequest();
270 void OnCompletedURLRequest(base::TimeDelta backoff_delay);
271 void InformDelegateFetchIsComplete();
272 void NotifyMalformedContent();
273 void RetryOrCompleteUrlFetch();
275 // Deletes the request, removes it from the registry, and removes the
276 // destruction observer.
277 void ReleaseRequest();
279 // Returns the max value of exponential back-off release time for
280 // |original_url_| and |url_|.
281 base::TimeTicks GetBackoffReleaseTime();
283 void CompleteAddingUploadDataChunk(const std::string& data,
284 bool is_last_chunk);
286 // Store the response bytes in |buffer_| in the container indicated by
287 // |response_destination_|. Return true if the write has been
288 // done, and another read can overwrite |buffer_|. If this function
289 // returns false, it will post a task that will read more bytes once the
290 // write is complete.
291 bool WriteBuffer(int num_bytes);
293 // Read response bytes from the request.
294 void ReadResponse();
296 // Drop ownership of any file managed by |file_path_|.
297 void DisownFile();
299 // Notify Delegate about the progress of upload/download.
300 void InformDelegateUploadProgress();
301 void InformDelegateUploadProgressInDelegateThread(int64 current, int64 total);
302 void InformDelegateDownloadProgress();
303 void InformDelegateDownloadProgressInDelegateThread(int64 current,
304 int64 total);
305 void InformDelegateDownloadDataIfNecessary(int bytes_read);
306 void InformDelegateDownloadDataInDelegateThread(
307 scoped_ptr<std::string> download_data);
309 URLFetcher* fetcher_; // Corresponding fetcher object
310 GURL original_url_; // The URL we were asked to fetch
311 GURL url_; // The URL we eventually wound up at
312 URLFetcher::RequestType request_type_; // What type of request is this?
313 URLRequestStatus status_; // Status of the request
314 URLFetcherDelegate* delegate_; // Object to notify on completion
315 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> delegate_task_runner_;
316 // Task runner for the creating thread.
317 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner_;
318 // Task runner for file access.
319 scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_task_runner_;
320 // Task runner for the thread
321 // on which file access happens.
322 scoped_ptr<URLRequest> request_; // The actual request this wraps
323 int load_flags_; // Flags for the load operation
324 int response_code_; // HTTP status code for the request
325 std::string data_; // Results of the request, when we are
326 // storing the response as a string.
327 scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> buffer_;
328 // Read buffer
329 scoped_refptr<URLRequestContextGetter> request_context_getter_;
330 // Cookie/cache info for the request
331 GURL first_party_for_cookies_; // The first party URL for the request
332 // The user data to add to each newly-created URLRequest.
333 const void* url_request_data_key_;
334 URLFetcher::CreateDataCallback url_request_create_data_callback_;
335 ResponseCookies cookies_; // Response cookies
336 HttpRequestHeaders extra_request_headers_;
337 scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers_;
338 bool was_fetched_via_proxy_;
339 HostPortPair socket_address_;
341 std::string upload_content_; // HTTP POST payload
342 std::string upload_content_type_; // MIME type of POST payload
343 std::string referrer_; // HTTP Referer header value
344 bool is_chunked_upload_; // True if using chunked transfer encoding
346 // Used to determine how long to wait before making a request or doing a
347 // retry.
349 // Both of them can only be accessed on the IO thread.
351 // We need not only the throttler entry for |original_URL|, but also
352 // the one for |url|. For example, consider the case that URL A
353 // redirects to URL B, for which the server returns a 500
354 // response. In this case, the exponential back-off release time of
355 // URL A won't increase. If we retry without considering the
356 // back-off constraint of URL B, we may send out too many requests
357 // for URL A in a short period of time.
359 // Both of these will be NULL if
360 // URLRequestContext::throttler_manager() is NULL.
361 scoped_refptr<URLRequestThrottlerEntryInterface>
362 original_url_throttler_entry_;
363 scoped_refptr<URLRequestThrottlerEntryInterface> url_throttler_entry_;
365 // True if the URLFetcher has been cancelled.
366 bool was_cancelled_;
368 // If writing results to a file, |file_writer_| will manage creation,
369 // writing, and destruction of that file.
370 scoped_ptr<FileWriter> file_writer_;
372 // Where should responses be saved?
373 ResponseDestinationType response_destination_;
375 // Path to the file where the response is written.
376 FilePath response_destination_file_path_;
378 // By default any server-initiated redirects are automatically followed. If
379 // this flag is set to true, however, a redirect will halt the fetch and call
380 // back to to the delegate immediately.
381 bool stop_on_redirect_;
382 // True when we're actually stopped due to a redirect halted by the above. We
383 // use this to ensure that |url_| is set to the redirect destination rather
384 // than the originally-fetched URL.
385 bool stopped_on_redirect_;
387 // If |automatically_retry_on_5xx_| is false, 5xx responses will be
388 // propagated to the observer, if it is true URLFetcher will automatically
389 // re-execute the request, after the back-off delay has expired.
390 // true by default.
391 bool automatically_retry_on_5xx_;
392 // |num_retries_on_5xx_| indicates how many times we've failed to successfully
393 // fetch this URL due to 5xx responses. Once this value exceeds the maximum
394 // number of retries specified by the owner URLFetcher instance,
395 // we'll give up.
396 int num_retries_on_5xx_;
397 // Maximum retries allowed when 5xx responses are received.
398 int max_retries_on_5xx_;
399 // Back-off time delay. 0 by default.
400 base::TimeDelta backoff_delay_;
402 // The number of retries that have been attempted due to ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED.
403 int num_retries_on_network_changes_;
404 // Maximum retries allowed when the request fails with ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED.
405 // 0 by default.
406 int max_retries_on_network_changes_;
408 // Timer to poll the progress of uploading for POST and PUT requests.
409 // When crbug.com/119629 is fixed, scoped_ptr is not necessary here.
410 scoped_ptr<base::RepeatingTimer<URLFetcherCore> >
411 upload_progress_checker_timer_;
412 // Number of bytes sent so far.
413 int64 current_upload_bytes_;
414 // Number of bytes received so far.
415 int64 current_response_bytes_;
416 // Total expected bytes to receive (-1 if it cannot be determined).
417 int64 total_response_bytes_;
419 // TODO(willchan): Get rid of this after debugging crbug.com/90971.
420 base::debug::StackTrace stack_trace_;
422 static base::LazyInstance<Registry> g_registry;
427 } // namespace net