Move prefs::kLastPolicyStatisticsUpdate to the policy component.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / build / android / buildbot /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 # found in the LICENSE file.
7 """A class to keep track of devices across builds and report state."""
8 import logging
9 import optparse
10 import os
11 import smtplib
12 import sys
13 import re
14 import urllib
16 import bb_annotations
18 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
19 from pylib import android_commands
20 from pylib import constants
21 from pylib import perf_tests_helper
22 from pylib.cmd_helper import GetCmdOutput
25 def DeviceInfo(serial, options):
26 """Gathers info on a device via various adb calls.
28 Args:
29 serial: The serial of the attached device to construct info about.
31 Returns:
32 Tuple of device type, build id, report as a string, error messages, and
33 boolean indicating whether or not device can be used for testing.
34 """
36 device_adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(serial)
38 # TODO(navabi): Replace AdbShellCmd with device_adb.
39 device_type = device_adb.GetBuildProduct()
40 device_build = device_adb.GetBuildId()
41 device_build_type = device_adb.GetBuildType()
42 device_product_name = device_adb.GetProductName()
44 battery = device_adb.GetBatteryInfo()
46 def _GetData(re_expression, line, lambda_function=lambda x:x):
47 if not line:
48 return 'Unknown'
49 found = re.findall(re_expression, line)
50 if found and len(found):
51 return lambda_function(found[0])
52 return 'Unknown'
54 if options.device_status_dashboard:
55 # Dashboard does not track install speed. Do not unnecessarily install.
56 install_speed = 'Unknown'
57 else:
58 install_output = GetCmdOutput(
59 ['%s/build/android/' % constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT,
60 '--apk',
61 '%s/build/android/CheckInstallApk-debug.apk' % constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT
63 install_speed = _GetData('(\d+) KB/s', install_output)
65 ac_power = _GetData('AC powered: (\w+)', battery)
66 battery_level = _GetData('level: (\d+)', battery)
67 battery_temp = _GetData('temperature: (\d+)', battery,
68 lambda x: float(x) / 10.0)
69 imei_slice = _GetData('Device ID = (\d+)',
70 device_adb.GetSubscriberInfo(),
71 lambda x: x[-6:])
72 report = ['Device %s (%s)' % (serial, device_type),
73 ' Build: %s (%s)' %
74 (device_build, device_adb.GetBuildFingerprint()),
75 ' Battery: %s%%' % battery_level,
76 ' Battery temp: %s' % battery_temp,
77 ' IMEI slice: %s' % imei_slice,
78 ' Wifi IP: %s' % device_adb.GetWifiIP(),
79 ' Install Speed: %s KB/s' % install_speed,
80 '']
82 errors = []
83 if battery_level < 15:
84 errors += ['Device critically low in battery. Turning off device.']
85 if not options.no_provisioning_check:
86 setup_wizard_disabled = device_adb.GetSetupWizardStatus() == 'DISABLED'
87 if not setup_wizard_disabled and device_build_type != 'user':
88 errors += ['Setup wizard not disabled. Was it provisioned correctly?']
89 if device_product_name == 'mantaray' and ac_power != 'true':
90 errors += ['Mantaray device not connected to AC power.']
91 # TODO(navabi): Insert warning once we have a better handle of what install
92 # speeds to expect. The following lines were causing too many alerts.
93 # if install_speed < 500:
94 # errors += ['Device install speed too low. Do not use for testing.']
96 # Causing the device status check step fail for slow install speed or low
97 # battery currently is too disruptive to the bots (especially try bots).
98 # Turn off devices with low battery and the step does not fail.
99 if battery_level < 15:
100 device_adb.EnableAdbRoot()
101 device_adb.Shutdown()
102 full_report = '\n'.join(report)
103 return device_type, device_build, battery_level, full_report, errors, True
106 def CheckForMissingDevices(options, adb_online_devs):
107 """Uses file of previous online devices to detect broken phones.
109 Args:
110 options: out_dir parameter of options argument is used as the base
111 directory to load and update the cache file.
112 adb_online_devs: A list of serial numbers of the currently visible
113 and online attached devices.
115 # TODO(navabi): remove this once the bug that causes different number
116 # of devices to be detected between calls is fixed.
117 logger = logging.getLogger()
118 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
120 out_dir = os.path.abspath(options.out_dir)
122 def ReadDeviceList(file_name):
123 devices_path = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name)
124 devices = []
125 try:
126 with open(devices_path) as f:
127 devices =
128 except IOError:
129 # Ignore error, file might not exist
130 pass
131 return devices
133 def WriteDeviceList(file_name, device_list):
134 path = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name)
135 if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
136 os.makedirs(out_dir)
137 with open(path, 'w') as f:
138 # Write devices currently visible plus devices previously seen.
139 f.write('\n'.join(set(device_list)))
141 last_devices_path = os.path.join(out_dir, '.last_devices')
142 last_devices = ReadDeviceList('.last_devices')
143 missing_devs = list(set(last_devices) - set(adb_online_devs))
145 all_known_devices = list(set(adb_online_devs) | set(last_devices))
146 WriteDeviceList('.last_devices', all_known_devices)
147 WriteDeviceList('.last_missing', missing_devs)
149 if not all_known_devices:
150 # This can happen if for some reason the .last_devices file is not
151 # present or if it was empty.
152 return ['No online devices. Have any devices been plugged in?']
153 if missing_devs:
154 devices_missing_msg = '%d devices not detected.' % len(missing_devs)
155 bb_annotations.PrintSummaryText(devices_missing_msg)
157 # TODO(navabi): Debug by printing both output from GetCmdOutput and
158 # GetAttachedDevices to compare results.
159 crbug_link = (''
160 '%s&comment=%s&labels=Restrict-View-Google,OS-Android,Infra' %
161 (urllib.quote('Device Offline'),
162 urllib.quote('Buildbot: %s %s\n'
163 'Build: %s\n'
164 '(please don\'t change any labels)' %
165 (os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME'),
166 os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_SLAVENAME'),
167 os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDNUMBER')))))
168 return ['Current online devices: %s' % adb_online_devs,
169 '%s are no longer visible. Were they removed?\n' % missing_devs,
170 'SHERIFF:\n',
171 '@@@STEP_LINK@Click here to file a bug@%s@@@\n' % crbug_link,
172 'Cache file: %s\n\n' % last_devices_path,
173 'adb devices: %s' % GetCmdOutput(['adb', 'devices']),
174 'adb devices(GetAttachedDevices): %s' %
175 android_commands.GetAttachedDevices()]
176 else:
177 new_devs = set(adb_online_devs) - set(last_devices)
178 if new_devs and os.path.exists(last_devices_path):
179 bb_annotations.PrintWarning()
180 bb_annotations.PrintSummaryText(
181 '%d new devices detected' % len(new_devs))
182 print ('New devices detected %s. And now back to your '
183 'regularly scheduled program.' % list(new_devs))
186 def SendDeviceStatusAlert(msg):
187 from_address = ''
188 to_address = ''
189 bot_name = os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME')
190 slave_name = os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_SLAVENAME')
191 subject = 'Device status check errors on %s, %s.' % (slave_name, bot_name)
192 msg_body = '\r\n'.join(['From: %s' % from_address, 'To: %s' % to_address,
193 'Subject: %s' % subject, '', msg])
194 try:
195 server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
196 server.sendmail(from_address, [to_address], msg_body)
197 server.quit()
198 except Exception as e:
199 print 'Failed to send alert email. Error: %s' % e
202 def main():
203 parser = optparse.OptionParser()
204 parser.add_option('', '--out-dir',
205 help='Directory where the device path is stored',
206 default=os.path.join(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'out'))
207 parser.add_option('--no-provisioning-check', action='store_true',
208 help='Will not check if devices are provisioned properly.')
209 parser.add_option('--device-status-dashboard', action='store_true',
210 help='Output device status data for dashboard.')
211 options, args = parser.parse_args()
212 if args:
213 parser.error('Unknown options %s' % args)
214 devices = android_commands.GetAttachedDevices()
215 # TODO(navabi): Test to make sure this fails and then fix call
216 offline_devices = android_commands.GetAttachedDevices(hardware=False,
217 emulator=False,
218 offline=True)
220 types, builds, batteries, reports, errors = [], [], [], [], []
221 fail_step_lst = []
222 if devices:
223 types, builds, batteries, reports, errors, fail_step_lst = (
224 zip(*[DeviceInfo(dev, options) for dev in devices]))
226 err_msg = CheckForMissingDevices(options, devices) or []
228 unique_types = list(set(types))
229 unique_builds = list(set(builds))
231 bb_annotations.PrintMsg('Online devices: %d. Device types %s, builds %s'
232 % (len(devices), unique_types, unique_builds))
233 print '\n'.join(reports)
235 for serial, dev_errors in zip(devices, errors):
236 if dev_errors:
237 err_msg += ['%s errors:' % serial]
238 err_msg += [' %s' % error for error in dev_errors]
240 if err_msg:
241 bb_annotations.PrintWarning()
242 msg = '\n'.join(err_msg)
243 print msg
244 SendDeviceStatusAlert(msg)
246 if options.device_status_dashboard:
247 perf_tests_helper.PrintPerfResult('BotDevices', 'OnlineDevices',
248 [len(devices)], 'devices')
249 perf_tests_helper.PrintPerfResult('BotDevices', 'OfflineDevices',
250 [len(offline_devices)], 'devices',
251 'unimportant')
252 for serial, battery in zip(devices, batteries):
253 perf_tests_helper.PrintPerfResult('DeviceBattery', serial, [battery], '%',
254 'unimportant')
256 if False in fail_step_lst:
257 # TODO(navabi): Build fails on device status check step if there exists any
258 # devices with critically low battery or install speed. Remove those devices
259 # from testing, allowing build to continue with good devices.
260 return 1
262 if not devices:
263 return 1
266 if __name__ == '__main__':
267 sys.exit(main())