1 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 # This file is meant to be included into an action to provide a rule that
6 # generates a json file with the list of dependent libraries needed for a given
7 # shared library or executable.
9 # To use this, create a gyp target with the following form:
13 # 'input_libraries': 'shared library or executable to process',
14 # 'ordered_libraries_file': 'file to generate'
16 # 'includes': [ '../../build/android/write_ordered_libraries.gypi' ],
22 'action_name': 'ordered_libraries_<(_target_name)',
23 'message': 'Writing dependency ordered libraries for <(_target_name).',
25 'input_libraries%': [],
28 '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/util/build_utils.py',
29 '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/write_ordered_libraries.py',
30 '<@(input_libraries)',
33 '<(ordered_libraries_file)',
36 'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/write_ordered_libraries.py',
37 '--input-libraries=<(input_libraries)',
38 '--libraries-dir=<(SHARED_LIB_DIR)',
39 '--readelf=<(android_readelf)',
40 '--output=<(ordered_libraries_file)',