[Android WebViewShell] Make WebViewLayoutTest runnable with test_runner.py
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ui / touch_selection / BUILD.gn
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//build/config/ui.gni")
6 import("//testing/test.gni")
8 if (is_android) {
9   import("//build/config/android/rules.gni")
12 component("touch_selection") {
13   output_name = "ui_touch_selection"
15   sources = [
16     "longpress_drag_selector.cc",
17     "longpress_drag_selector.h",
18     "selection_event_type.h",
19     "touch_handle.cc",
20     "touch_handle.h",
21     "touch_handle_orientation.h",
22     "touch_selection_controller.cc",
23     "touch_selection_controller.h",
24     "touch_selection_draggable.h",
25     "ui_touch_selection_export.h",
26   ]
30   deps = [
31     "//base:base",
32     "//ui/base:base",
33     "//ui/events:events",
34     "//ui/events:gesture_detection",
35     "//ui/gfx/geometry:geometry",
36   ]
38   if (use_aura) {
39     deps += [
40       "//skia:skia",
41       "//ui/aura:aura",
42       "//ui/aura_extra:aura_extra",
43       "//ui/compositor:compositor",
44       "//ui/gfx:gfx",
45     ]
47     sources += [
48       "touch_handle_drawable_aura.cc",
49       "touch_handle_drawable_aura.h",
50       "touch_selection_menu_runner.cc",
51       "touch_selection_menu_runner.h",
52     ]
53   }
56 test("ui_touch_selection_unittests") {
57   sources = [
58     "longpress_drag_selector_unittest.cc",
59     "touch_handle_unittest.cc",
60     "touch_selection_controller_unittest.cc",
61   ]
63   deps = [
64     ":touch_selection",
65     "//base/test:run_all_unittests",
66     "//testing/gmock:gmock",
67     "//testing/gtest:gtest",
68     "//ui/base:base",
69     "//ui/events:test_support",
70     "//ui/gfx:gfx",
71     "//ui/gfx:test_support",
72   ]
75 if (is_android) {
76   java_cpp_enum("ui_touch_selection_enums_srcjar") {
77     sources = [
78       "selection_event_type.h",
79     ]
80     outputs = [
81       "org/chromium/ui/touch_selection/SelectionEventType.java",
82     ]
83   }
84   java_cpp_enum("ui_touch_handle_orientation_srcjar") {
85     sources = [
86       "touch_handle_orientation.h",
87     ]
88     outputs = [
89       "org/chromium/ui/touch_selection/TouchHandleOrientation.java",
90     ]
91   }