1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Messages sent from extension to feedback server as JSON.
9 option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
13 import "common.proto";
14 import "chrome.proto";
19 // Sent along with request for extension page when user attempts to open
21 message ExtensionPageRequestParams {
23 required ExtensionDetails extension_details = 1;
25 // Url of the page (without request params) that user wants to open
27 required string url = 2;
30 message PostedScreenshot {
32 required string mime_type = 1;
34 required Dimensions dimensions = 2;
36 optional string base64_content = 3;
38 optional bytes binary_content = 4;
41 // Contains data about possible errors on the client side.
42 // Describes number of attempts to send feedback and possible error codes/
43 // exceptions which occured.
44 message ExtensionErrors {
46 required int32 number_of_attempts = 1;
48 required string errors = 2;
51 // Sent when user hits final submit button.
52 message ExtensionSubmit {
54 required CommonData common_data = 1;
56 required WebData web_data = 2;
58 required int32 type_id = 3;
60 optional PostedScreenshot screenshot = 4;
62 optional ChromeData chrome_data = 14;
64 repeated ProductSpecificBinaryData product_specific_binary_data = 15;
66 optional string category_tag = 16;
68 optional int32 product_id = 17;
70 optional string bucket = 18;
73 // A query for suggestions, sent when the user hits the preview button.
74 message SuggestQuery {
76 required CommonData common_data = 1;
78 required WebData web_data = 2;
80 required int32 type_id = 3;
82 optional HtmlDocument html_document_structure = 4;
84 optional ChromeData chrome_data = 5;