Updating trunk VERSION from 2139.0 to 2140.0
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / renderer / media / media_stream_audio_processor.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/atomicops.h"
9 #include "base/files/file.h"
10 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
11 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
12 #include "base/time/time.h"
13 #include "content/common/content_export.h"
14 #include "content/renderer/media/aec_dump_message_filter.h"
15 #include "content/renderer/media/webrtc_audio_device_impl.h"
16 #include "media/base/audio_converter.h"
17 #include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/app/webrtc/mediastreaminterface.h"
18 #include "third_party/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h"
19 #include "third_party/webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h"
21 namespace blink {
22 class WebMediaConstraints;
25 namespace media {
26 class AudioBus;
27 class AudioFifo;
28 class AudioParameters;
29 } // namespace media
31 namespace webrtc {
32 class AudioFrame;
33 class TypingDetection;
36 namespace content {
38 class MediaStreamAudioBus;
39 class MediaStreamAudioFifo;
40 class RTCMediaConstraints;
42 using webrtc::AudioProcessorInterface;
44 // This class owns an object of webrtc::AudioProcessing which contains signal
45 // processing components like AGC, AEC and NS. It enables the components based
46 // on the getUserMedia constraints, processes the data and outputs it in a unit
47 // of 10 ms data chunk.
48 class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamAudioProcessor :
49 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public WebRtcPlayoutDataSource::Sink),
50 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public AudioProcessorInterface),
51 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public AecDumpMessageFilter::AecDumpDelegate) {
52 public:
53 // Returns false if |kDisableAudioTrackProcessing| is set to true, otherwise
54 // returns true.
55 static bool IsAudioTrackProcessingEnabled();
57 // |playout_data_source| is used to register this class as a sink to the
58 // WebRtc playout data for processing AEC. If clients do not enable AEC,
59 // |playout_data_source| won't be used.
60 MediaStreamAudioProcessor(const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints,
61 int effects,
62 WebRtcPlayoutDataSource* playout_data_source);
64 // Called when the format of the capture data has changed.
65 // Called on the main render thread. The caller is responsible for stopping
66 // the capture thread before calling this method.
67 // After this method, the capture thread will be changed to a new capture
68 // thread.
69 void OnCaptureFormatChanged(const media::AudioParameters& source_params);
71 // Pushes capture data in |audio_source| to the internal FIFO. Each call to
72 // this method should be followed by calls to ProcessAndConsumeData() while
73 // it returns false, to pull out all available data.
74 // Called on the capture audio thread.
75 void PushCaptureData(const media::AudioBus* audio_source);
77 // Processes a block of 10 ms data from the internal FIFO and outputs it via
78 // |out|. |out| is the address of the pointer that will be pointed to
79 // the post-processed data if the method is returning a true. The lifetime
80 // of the data represeted by |out| is guaranteed until this method is called
81 // again.
82 // |new_volume| receives the new microphone volume from the AGC.
83 // The new microphone volume range is [0, 255], and the value will be 0 if
84 // the microphone volume should not be adjusted.
85 // Returns true if the internal FIFO has at least 10 ms data for processing,
86 // otherwise false.
87 // Called on the capture audio thread.
89 // TODO(ajm): Don't we want this to output float?
90 bool ProcessAndConsumeData(base::TimeDelta capture_delay,
91 int volume,
92 bool key_pressed,
93 int* new_volume,
94 int16** out);
96 // Stops the audio processor, no more AEC dump or render data after calling
97 // this method.
98 void Stop();
100 // The audio formats of the capture input to and output from the processor.
101 // Must only be called on the main render or audio capture threads.
102 const media::AudioParameters& InputFormat() const;
103 const media::AudioParameters& OutputFormat() const;
105 // Accessor to check if the audio processing is enabled or not.
106 bool has_audio_processing() const { return audio_processing_ != NULL; }
108 // AecDumpMessageFilter::AecDumpDelegate implementation.
109 // Called on the main render thread.
110 virtual void OnAecDumpFile(
111 const IPC::PlatformFileForTransit& file_handle) OVERRIDE;
112 virtual void OnDisableAecDump() OVERRIDE;
113 virtual void OnIpcClosing() OVERRIDE;
115 protected:
116 friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MediaStreamAudioProcessor>;
117 virtual ~MediaStreamAudioProcessor();
119 private:
120 friend class MediaStreamAudioProcessorTest;
121 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MediaStreamAudioProcessorTest,
122 GetAecDumpMessageFilter);
124 // WebRtcPlayoutDataSource::Sink implementation.
125 virtual void OnPlayoutData(media::AudioBus* audio_bus,
126 int sample_rate,
127 int audio_delay_milliseconds) OVERRIDE;
128 virtual void OnPlayoutDataSourceChanged() OVERRIDE;
130 // webrtc::AudioProcessorInterface implementation.
131 // This method is called on the libjingle thread.
132 virtual void GetStats(AudioProcessorStats* stats) OVERRIDE;
134 // Helper to initialize the WebRtc AudioProcessing.
135 void InitializeAudioProcessingModule(
136 const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, int effects);
138 // Helper to initialize the capture converter.
139 void InitializeCaptureFifo(const media::AudioParameters& input_format);
141 // Helper to initialize the render converter.
142 void InitializeRenderFifoIfNeeded(int sample_rate,
143 int number_of_channels,
144 int frames_per_buffer);
146 // Called by ProcessAndConsumeData().
147 // Returns the new microphone volume in the range of |0, 255].
148 // When the volume does not need to be updated, it returns 0.
149 int ProcessData(const float* const* process_ptrs,
150 int process_frames,
151 base::TimeDelta capture_delay,
152 int volume,
153 bool key_pressed,
154 float* const* output_ptrs);
156 // Cached value for the render delay latency. This member is accessed by
157 // both the capture audio thread and the render audio thread.
158 base::subtle::Atomic32 render_delay_ms_;
160 // Module to handle processing and format conversion.
161 scoped_ptr<webrtc::AudioProcessing> audio_processing_;
163 // FIFO to provide 10 ms capture chunks.
164 scoped_ptr<MediaStreamAudioFifo> capture_fifo_;
165 // Receives processing output.
166 scoped_ptr<MediaStreamAudioBus> output_bus_;
167 // Receives interleaved int16 data for output.
168 scoped_ptr<int16[]> output_data_;
170 // FIFO to provide 10 ms render chunks when the AEC is enabled.
171 scoped_ptr<MediaStreamAudioFifo> render_fifo_;
173 // These are mutated on the main render thread in OnCaptureFormatChanged().
174 // The caller guarantees this does not run concurrently with accesses on the
175 // capture audio thread.
176 media::AudioParameters input_format_;
177 media::AudioParameters output_format_;
178 // Only used on the render audio thread.
179 media::AudioParameters render_format_;
181 // Raw pointer to the WebRtcPlayoutDataSource, which is valid for the
182 // lifetime of RenderThread.
183 WebRtcPlayoutDataSource* playout_data_source_;
185 // Used to DCHECK that some methods are called on the main render thread.
186 base::ThreadChecker main_thread_checker_;
187 // Used to DCHECK that some methods are called on the capture audio thread.
188 base::ThreadChecker capture_thread_checker_;
189 // Used to DCHECK that some methods are called on the render audio thread.
190 base::ThreadChecker render_thread_checker_;
192 // Flag to enable stereo channel mirroring.
193 bool audio_mirroring_;
195 scoped_ptr<webrtc::TypingDetection> typing_detector_;
196 // This flag is used to show the result of typing detection.
197 // It can be accessed by the capture audio thread and by the libjingle thread
198 // which calls GetStats().
199 base::subtle::Atomic32 typing_detected_;
201 // Communication with browser for AEC dump.
202 scoped_refptr<AecDumpMessageFilter> aec_dump_message_filter_;
204 // Flag to avoid executing Stop() more than once.
205 bool stopped_;
208 } // namespace content