Updating trunk VERSION from 2139.0 to 2140.0
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / mojo / shell / dbus_application_loader_linux.cc
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "mojo/shell/dbus_application_loader_linux.h"
7 #include <string>
9 #include "base/command_line.h"
10 #include "base/location.h"
11 #include "base/logging.h"
12 #include "base/task_runner_util.h"
13 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
14 #include "dbus/bus.h"
15 #include "dbus/file_descriptor.h"
16 #include "dbus/message.h"
17 #include "dbus/object_path.h"
18 #include "dbus/object_proxy.h"
19 #include "mojo/dbus/dbus_external_service.h"
20 #include "mojo/embedder/channel_init.h"
21 #include "mojo/embedder/platform_channel_pair.h"
22 #include "mojo/shell/context.h"
23 #include "mojo/shell/external_service.mojom.h"
25 namespace mojo {
26 namespace shell {
28 // Manages the connection to a single externally-running service.
29 class DBusApplicationLoader::LoadContext {
30 public:
31 // Kicks off the attempt to bootstrap a connection to the externally-running
32 // service specified by url_.
33 // Creates a MessagePipe and passes one end over DBus to the service. Then,
34 // calls ExternalService::Activate(ShellHandle) over the now-shared pipe.
35 LoadContext(DBusApplicationLoader* loader,
36 const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus,
37 const GURL& url,
38 ScopedMessagePipeHandle service_provider_handle)
39 : loader_(loader),
40 bus_(bus),
41 service_dbus_proxy_(NULL),
42 url_(url),
43 service_provider_handle_(service_provider_handle.Pass()) {
44 base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
45 loader_->context_->task_runners()->io_runner(),
47 base::Bind(&LoadContext::CreateChannelOnIOThread,
48 base::Unretained(this)),
49 base::Bind(&LoadContext::ConnectChannel, base::Unretained(this)));
52 virtual ~LoadContext() {}
54 private:
55 // Sets up a pipe to share with the externally-running service and returns
56 // the endpoint that should be sent over DBus.
57 // The FD for the endpoint must be validated on an IO thread.
58 scoped_ptr<dbus::FileDescriptor> CreateChannelOnIOThread() {
59 base::ThreadRestrictions::AssertIOAllowed();
60 CHECK(bus_->Connect());
61 CHECK(bus_->SetUpAsyncOperations());
63 embedder::PlatformChannelPair channel_pair;
64 channel_init_.reset(new embedder::ChannelInit);
65 mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle bootstrap_message_pipe =
66 channel_init_->Init(channel_pair.PassServerHandle().release().fd,
67 loader_->context_->task_runners()->io_runner());
68 CHECK(bootstrap_message_pipe.is_valid());
70 external_service_.Bind(bootstrap_message_pipe.Pass());
72 scoped_ptr<dbus::FileDescriptor> client_fd(new dbus::FileDescriptor);
73 client_fd->PutValue(channel_pair.PassClientHandle().release().fd);
74 client_fd->CheckValidity(); // Must be run on an IO thread.
75 return client_fd.Pass();
78 // Sends client_fd over to the externally-running service. If that
79 // attempt is successful, the service will then be "activated" by
80 // sending it a ShellHandle.
81 void ConnectChannel(scoped_ptr<dbus::FileDescriptor> client_fd) {
82 size_t first_slash = url_.path().find_first_of('/');
83 DCHECK_NE(first_slash, std::string::npos);
85 const std::string service_name = url_.path().substr(0, first_slash);
86 const std::string object_path = url_.path().substr(first_slash);
87 service_dbus_proxy_ =
88 bus_->GetObjectProxy(service_name, dbus::ObjectPath(object_path));
90 dbus::MethodCall call(kMojoDBusInterface, kMojoDBusConnectMethod);
91 dbus::MessageWriter writer(&call);
92 writer.AppendFileDescriptor(*client_fd.get());
94 // TODO(cmasone): handle errors!
95 service_dbus_proxy_->CallMethod(
96 &call,
97 dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
98 base::Bind(&LoadContext::ActivateService, base::Unretained(this)));
101 // Sends a ShellHandle over to the now-connected externally-running service,
102 // using the Mojo ExternalService API.
103 void ActivateService(dbus::Response* response) {
104 external_service_->Activate(mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle(
105 mojo::MessagePipeHandle(service_provider_handle_.release().value())));
108 // Should the ExternalService disappear completely, destroy connection state.
109 // NB: This triggers off of the service disappearing from
110 // DBus. Perhaps there's a way to watch at the Mojo layer instead,
111 // and that would be superior?
112 void HandleNameOwnerChanged(const std::string& old_owner,
113 const std::string& new_owner) {
114 DCHECK(loader_->context_->task_runners()
115 ->shell_runner()
116 ->BelongsToCurrentThread());
118 if (new_owner.empty()) {
119 loader_->context_->task_runners()->shell_runner()->PostTask(
121 base::Bind(&DBusApplicationLoader::ForgetService,
122 base::Unretained(loader_),
123 url_));
127 DBusApplicationLoader* const loader_;
128 scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
129 dbus::ObjectProxy* service_dbus_proxy_; // Owned by bus_;
130 const GURL url_;
131 ScopedMessagePipeHandle service_provider_handle_;
132 scoped_ptr<embedder::ChannelInit> channel_init_;
133 ExternalServicePtr external_service_;
138 DBusApplicationLoader::DBusApplicationLoader(Context* context)
139 : context_(context) {
140 dbus::Bus::Options options;
141 options.bus_type = dbus::Bus::SESSION;
142 options.dbus_task_runner = context_->task_runners()->io_runner();
143 bus_ = new dbus::Bus(options);
146 DBusApplicationLoader::~DBusApplicationLoader() {
147 DCHECK(url_to_load_context_.empty());
150 void DBusApplicationLoader::Load(ApplicationManager* manager,
151 const GURL& url,
152 scoped_refptr<LoadCallbacks> callbacks) {
153 // TODO(aa): This could be delayed until later, when we know that loading is
154 // going to succeed.
155 ScopedMessagePipeHandle shell_handle = callbacks->RegisterApplication();
156 if (!shell_handle.is_valid())
157 return;
159 DCHECK(url.SchemeIs("dbus"));
160 DCHECK(url_to_load_context_.find(url) == url_to_load_context_.end());
161 url_to_load_context_[url] =
162 new LoadContext(this, bus_, url, shell_handle.Pass());
165 void DBusApplicationLoader::OnApplicationError(ApplicationManager* manager,
166 const GURL& url) {
167 // TODO(cmasone): Anything at all in this method here.
170 void DBusApplicationLoader::ForgetService(const GURL& url) {
171 DCHECK(context_->task_runners()->shell_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread());
172 DVLOG(2) << "Forgetting service (url: " << url << ")";
174 LoadContextMap::iterator it = url_to_load_context_.find(url);
175 DCHECK(it != url_to_load_context_.end()) << url;
177 LoadContext* doomed = it->second;
178 url_to_load_context_.erase(it);
180 delete doomed;
183 } // namespace shell
184 } // namespace mojo