cros: Update SAML flow.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / chromeos /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/customization_document.h"
7 #include "base/bind.h"
8 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
9 #include "base/file_util.h"
10 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
11 #include "base/json/json_reader.h"
12 #include "base/logging.h"
13 #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
14 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
15 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
16 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
17 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
18 #include "base/time/time.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller.h"
21 #include "chromeos/network/network_state.h"
22 #include "chromeos/network/network_state_handler.h"
23 #include "chromeos/system/statistics_provider.h"
24 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
25 #include "net/url_request/url_fetcher.h"
27 using content::BrowserThread;
29 // Manifest attributes names.
31 namespace {
33 const char kVersionAttr[] = "version";
34 const char kDefaultAttr[] = "default";
35 const char kInitialLocaleAttr[] = "initial_locale";
36 const char kInitialTimezoneAttr[] = "initial_timezone";
37 const char kKeyboardLayoutAttr[] = "keyboard_layout";
38 const char kRegistrationUrlAttr[] = "registration_url";
39 const char kHwidMapAttr[] = "hwid_map";
40 const char kHwidMaskAttr[] = "hwid_mask";
41 const char kSetupContentAttr[] = "setup_content";
42 const char kHelpPageAttr[] = "help_page";
43 const char kEulaPageAttr[] = "eula_page";
44 const char kAppContentAttr[] = "app_content";
45 const char kInitialStartPageAttr[] = "initial_start_page";
46 const char kSupportPageAttr[] = "support_page";
48 const char kAcceptedManifestVersion[] = "1.0";
50 // Path to OEM partner startup customization manifest.
51 const char kStartupCustomizationManifestPath[] =
52 "/opt/oem/etc/startup_manifest.json";
54 // URL where to fetch OEM services customization manifest from.
55 const char kServicesCustomizationManifestUrl[] =
56 "file:///opt/oem/etc/services_manifest.json";
58 // Name of local state option that tracks if services customization has been
59 // applied.
60 const char kServicesCustomizationAppliedPref[] = "ServicesCustomizationApplied";
62 // Maximum number of retries to fetch file if network is not available.
63 const int kMaxFetchRetries = 3;
65 // Delay between file fetch retries if network is not available.
66 const int kRetriesDelayInSec = 2;
68 } // anonymous namespace
70 namespace chromeos {
72 // CustomizationDocument implementation. ---------------------------------------
74 CustomizationDocument::CustomizationDocument(
75 const std::string& accepted_version)
76 : accepted_version_(accepted_version) {}
78 CustomizationDocument::~CustomizationDocument() {}
80 bool CustomizationDocument::LoadManifestFromFile(
81 const base::FilePath& manifest_path) {
82 std::string manifest;
83 if (!base::ReadFileToString(manifest_path, &manifest))
84 return false;
85 return LoadManifestFromString(manifest);
88 bool CustomizationDocument::LoadManifestFromString(
89 const std::string& manifest) {
90 int error_code = 0;
91 std::string error;
92 scoped_ptr<base::Value> root(base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError(manifest,
93 base::JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS, &error_code, &error));
94 if (error_code != base::JSONReader::JSON_NO_ERROR)
95 LOG(ERROR) << error;
96 DCHECK(root.get() != NULL);
97 if (root.get() == NULL)
98 return false;
99 DCHECK(root->GetType() == base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY);
100 if (root->GetType() == base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
101 root_.reset(static_cast<base::DictionaryValue*>(root.release()));
102 std::string result;
103 if (root_->GetString(kVersionAttr, &result) &&
104 result == accepted_version_)
105 return true;
107 LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong customization manifest version";
108 root_.reset(NULL);
110 return false;
113 std::string CustomizationDocument::GetLocaleSpecificString(
114 const std::string& locale,
115 const std::string& dictionary_name,
116 const std::string& entry_name) const {
117 base::DictionaryValue* dictionary_content = NULL;
118 if (!root_.get() ||
119 !root_->GetDictionary(dictionary_name, &dictionary_content))
120 return std::string();
122 base::DictionaryValue* locale_dictionary = NULL;
123 if (dictionary_content->GetDictionary(locale, &locale_dictionary)) {
124 std::string result;
125 if (locale_dictionary->GetString(entry_name, &result))
126 return result;
129 base::DictionaryValue* default_dictionary = NULL;
130 if (dictionary_content->GetDictionary(kDefaultAttr, &default_dictionary)) {
131 std::string result;
132 if (default_dictionary->GetString(entry_name, &result))
133 return result;
136 return std::string();
139 // StartupCustomizationDocument implementation. --------------------------------
141 StartupCustomizationDocument::StartupCustomizationDocument()
142 : CustomizationDocument(kAcceptedManifestVersion) {
144 // Loading manifest causes us to do blocking IO on UI thread.
145 // Temporarily allow it until we fix
146 base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
147 LoadManifestFromFile(base::FilePath(kStartupCustomizationManifestPath));
149 Init(chromeos::system::StatisticsProvider::GetInstance());
152 StartupCustomizationDocument::StartupCustomizationDocument(
153 chromeos::system::StatisticsProvider* statistics_provider,
154 const std::string& manifest)
155 : CustomizationDocument(kAcceptedManifestVersion) {
156 LoadManifestFromString(manifest);
157 Init(statistics_provider);
160 StartupCustomizationDocument::~StartupCustomizationDocument() {}
162 StartupCustomizationDocument* StartupCustomizationDocument::GetInstance() {
163 return Singleton<StartupCustomizationDocument,
164 DefaultSingletonTraits<StartupCustomizationDocument> >::get();
167 void StartupCustomizationDocument::Init(
168 chromeos::system::StatisticsProvider* statistics_provider) {
169 if (IsReady()) {
170 root_->GetString(kInitialLocaleAttr, &initial_locale_);
171 root_->GetString(kInitialTimezoneAttr, &initial_timezone_);
172 root_->GetString(kKeyboardLayoutAttr, &keyboard_layout_);
173 root_->GetString(kRegistrationUrlAttr, &registration_url_);
175 std::string hwid;
176 if (statistics_provider->GetMachineStatistic(
177 chromeos::system::kHardwareClassKey, &hwid)) {
178 base::ListValue* hwid_list = NULL;
179 if (root_->GetList(kHwidMapAttr, &hwid_list)) {
180 for (size_t i = 0; i < hwid_list->GetSize(); ++i) {
181 base::DictionaryValue* hwid_dictionary = NULL;
182 std::string hwid_mask;
183 if (hwid_list->GetDictionary(i, &hwid_dictionary) &&
184 hwid_dictionary->GetString(kHwidMaskAttr, &hwid_mask)) {
185 if (MatchPattern(hwid, hwid_mask)) {
186 // If HWID for this machine matches some mask, use HWID specific
187 // settings.
188 std::string result;
189 if (hwid_dictionary->GetString(kInitialLocaleAttr, &result))
190 initial_locale_ = result;
192 if (hwid_dictionary->GetString(kInitialTimezoneAttr, &result))
193 initial_timezone_ = result;
195 if (hwid_dictionary->GetString(kKeyboardLayoutAttr, &result))
196 keyboard_layout_ = result;
198 // Don't break here to allow other entires to be applied if match.
199 } else {
200 LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error in customization manifest";
204 } else {
205 LOG(ERROR) << "HWID is missing in machine statistics";
209 // If manifest doesn't exist still apply values from VPD.
210 statistics_provider->GetMachineStatistic(kInitialLocaleAttr,
211 &initial_locale_);
212 statistics_provider->GetMachineStatistic(kInitialTimezoneAttr,
213 &initial_timezone_);
214 statistics_provider->GetMachineStatistic(kKeyboardLayoutAttr,
215 &keyboard_layout_);
216 configured_locales_.resize(0);
217 base::SplitString(initial_locale_, ',', &configured_locales_);
218 // Let's always have configured_locales_.front() a valid entry.
219 if (configured_locales_.size() == 0)
220 configured_locales_.push_back(std::string());
223 const std::vector<std::string>&
224 StartupCustomizationDocument::configured_locales() const {
225 return configured_locales_;
228 const std::string& StartupCustomizationDocument::initial_locale_default()
229 const {
230 DCHECK(configured_locales_.size() > 0);
231 return configured_locales_.front();
234 std::string StartupCustomizationDocument::GetHelpPage(
235 const std::string& locale) const {
236 return GetLocaleSpecificString(locale, kSetupContentAttr, kHelpPageAttr);
239 std::string StartupCustomizationDocument::GetEULAPage(
240 const std::string& locale) const {
241 return GetLocaleSpecificString(locale, kSetupContentAttr, kEulaPageAttr);
244 // ServicesCustomizationDocument implementation. -------------------------------
246 ServicesCustomizationDocument::ServicesCustomizationDocument()
247 : CustomizationDocument(kAcceptedManifestVersion),
248 url_(kServicesCustomizationManifestUrl) {
251 ServicesCustomizationDocument::ServicesCustomizationDocument(
252 const std::string& manifest)
253 : CustomizationDocument(kAcceptedManifestVersion) {
254 LoadManifestFromString(manifest);
257 ServicesCustomizationDocument::~ServicesCustomizationDocument() {}
259 // static
260 ServicesCustomizationDocument* ServicesCustomizationDocument::GetInstance() {
261 return Singleton<ServicesCustomizationDocument,
262 DefaultSingletonTraits<ServicesCustomizationDocument> >::get();
265 // static
266 void ServicesCustomizationDocument::RegisterPrefs(
267 PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
268 registry->RegisterBooleanPref(kServicesCustomizationAppliedPref, false);
271 // static
272 bool ServicesCustomizationDocument::WasApplied() {
273 PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state();
274 return prefs->GetBoolean(kServicesCustomizationAppliedPref);
277 // static
278 void ServicesCustomizationDocument::SetApplied(bool val) {
279 PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state();
280 prefs->SetBoolean(kServicesCustomizationAppliedPref, val);
283 void ServicesCustomizationDocument::StartFetching() {
284 if (url_.SchemeIsFile()) {
285 BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
286 base::Bind(&ServicesCustomizationDocument::ReadFileInBackground,
287 base::Unretained(this), // this class is a singleton.
288 base::FilePath(url_.path())));
289 } else {
290 StartFileFetch();
294 void ServicesCustomizationDocument::ReadFileInBackground(
295 const base::FilePath& file) {
296 DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE));
298 std::string manifest;
299 if (base::ReadFileToString(file, &manifest)) {
300 BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
301 base::Bind(
302 base::IgnoreResult(
303 &ServicesCustomizationDocument::LoadManifestFromString),
304 base::Unretained(this), // this class is a singleton.
305 manifest));
306 } else {
307 VLOG(1) << "Failed to load services customization manifest from: "
308 << file.value();
312 void ServicesCustomizationDocument::StartFileFetch() {
313 DCHECK(url_.is_valid());
314 url_fetcher_.reset(net::URLFetcher::Create(
315 url_, net::URLFetcher::GET, this));
316 url_fetcher_->SetRequestContext(g_browser_process->system_request_context());
317 url_fetcher_->Start();
320 void ServicesCustomizationDocument::OnURLFetchComplete(
321 const net::URLFetcher* source) {
322 if (source->GetResponseCode() == 200) {
323 std::string data;
324 source->GetResponseAsString(&data);
325 LoadManifestFromString(data);
326 } else {
327 const NetworkState* default_network =
328 NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler()->DefaultNetwork();
329 if (default_network && default_network->IsConnectedState() &&
330 num_retries_ < kMaxFetchRetries) {
331 num_retries_++;
332 retry_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
333 base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kRetriesDelayInSec),
334 this, &ServicesCustomizationDocument::StartFileFetch);
335 return;
337 LOG(ERROR) << "URL fetch for services customization failed:"
338 << " response code = " << source->GetResponseCode()
339 << " URL = " << source->GetURL().spec();
343 bool ServicesCustomizationDocument::ApplyCustomization() {
344 // TODO(dpolukhin): apply customized apps, exts and support page.
345 SetApplied(true);
346 return true;
349 std::string ServicesCustomizationDocument::GetInitialStartPage(
350 const std::string& locale) const {
351 return GetLocaleSpecificString(
352 locale, kAppContentAttr, kInitialStartPageAttr);
355 std::string ServicesCustomizationDocument::GetSupportPage(
356 const std::string& locale) const {
357 return GetLocaleSpecificString(
358 locale, kAppContentAttr, kSupportPageAttr);
361 } // namespace chromeos