Roll src/third_party/WebKit e0eac24:489c548 (svn 193311:193320)
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / build / android / lint / suppressions.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <lint>
3   <!--
4 STOP! It looks like you want to suppress some lint errors:
5 - Have you tried identifing the offending patch?
6   Ask the author for a fix and/or revert the patch.
7 - It is preferred to add suppressions in the code instead of
8   sweeping it under the rug here. See:
12 Still reading?
13 - You can edit this file manually to suppress an issue
14   globally if it is not applicable to the project.
15 - You can also automatically add issues found so for in the
16   build process by running:
18     build/android/lint/
20   which will generate this file (Comments are not preserved).
21   Note: PRODUCT_DIR will be substituted at run-time with actual
22   directory path (e.g. out/Debug)
23 -->
24   <issue id="AllowBackup">
25     <ignore path="AndroidManifest.xml"/>
26   </issue>
27   <issue id="Assert" severity="ignore"/>
28   <issue id="CommitPrefEdits">
29     <ignore path="third_party/cacheinvalidation/src/java/com/google/ipc/invalidation/ticl/android2/channel/"/>
30   </issue>
31   <issue id="DefaultLocale">
32     <ignore path="third_party/cacheinvalidation/src/java/com/google/ipc/invalidation/external/client/contrib/"/>
33   </issue>
34   <issue id="DrawAllocation">
35     <ignore path="content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/"/>
36     <ignore path="content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/"/>
37   </issue>
38   <issue id="ExportedContentProvider">
39     <ignore path="AndroidManifest.xml"/>
40   </issue>
41   <issue id="HandlerLeak">
42     <ignore path="remoting/android/java/src/org/chromium/chromoting/"/>
43   </issue>
44   <issue id="IconDensities">
45     <!-- is tracking missing assets -->
46     <ignore path="components/web_contents_delegate_android/android/java/res/drawable-xxhdpi"/>
47     <ignore path="components/web_contents_delegate_android/android/java/res/drawable-xxxhdpi"/>
48     <ignore path="content/public/android/java/res/drawable-xxhdpi"/>
49     <ignore path="content/public/android/java/res/drawable-xxxhdpi"/>
50     <ignore path="chrome/android/java/res/drawable-xxhdpi"/>
51     <ignore path="chrome/android/java/res/drawable-xxxhdpi"/>
52     <ignore path="ui/android/java/res/drawable-xxhdpi"/>
53     <ignore path="ui/android/java/res/drawable-xxxhdpi"/>
54   </issue>
55   <!-- It is OK for content_shell_apk and chrome_shell_apk to have missing assets. -->
56   <issue id="IconLocation">
57     <ignore path="content/shell/android/java/res/"/>
58     <ignore path="chrome/android/shell/res/"/>
59   </issue>
60   <issue id="InconsistentLayout" severity="ignore"/>
61   <issue id="InflateParams" severity="ignore"/>
62   <issue id="MissingApplicationIcon" severity="ignore"/>
63   <issue id="MissingRegistered" severity="ignore"/>
64   <issue id="MissingVersion">
65     <ignore path="AndroidManifest.xml"/>
66   </issue>
67   <issue id="InlinedApi" severity="ignore"/>
68   <issue id="NewApi">
69     <ignore regexp="Attribute `paddingStart` referenced here can result in a crash on some specific devices older than API 17"/>
70     <ignore path="org/chromium/base/AnimationFrameTimeHistogram$Recorder.class"/>
71     <ignore path="org/chromium/base/JavaHandlerThread.class"/>
72     <ignore path="org/chromium/base/SysUtils.class"/>
73     <ignore path="org/chromium/chrome/browser/TtsPlatformImpl.class"/>
74     <ignore path="org/chromium/chrome/browser/TtsPlatformImpl$*.class"/>
75   </issue>
76   <issue id="OldTargetApi">
77     <ignore path="AndroidManifest.xml"/>
78   </issue>
79   <issue id="Overdraw" severity="ignore"/>
80   <issue id="Recycle" severity="ignore"/>
81   <issue id="Registered" severity="ignore"/>
82   <issue id="RtlCompat" severity="ignore"/>
83   <issue id="RtlEnabled" severity="ignore"/>
84   <issue id="RtlSymmetry" severity="ignore"/>
85   <issue id="SdCardPath">
86     <ignore path="content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/"/>
87   </issue>
88   <issue id="SetJavaScriptEnabled" severity="ignore"/>
89   <issue id="UnusedResources">
90     <!-- These files are used by chrome_shell_apk and chrome_apk targets. -->
91     <ignore path="chrome/android/java/res/layout/accessibility_tab_switcher.xml" />
92     <ignore path="chrome/android/java/res/drawable/btn_back.xml" />
93     <ignore path="chrome/android/java/res/drawable/btn_forward.xml" />
94   </issue>
95   <issue id="SignatureOrSystemPermissions" severity="ignore"/>
96   <issue id="UnusedAttribute" severity="ignore"/>
97   <issue id="ViewConstructor" severity="ignore"/>
98   <issue id="WrongCall" severity="ignore"/>
99 </lint>