4 # Purpose: binary trees package
6 # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 by Manfred Moitzi
9 from __future__
import absolute_import
18 Balanced and unbalance binary trees written in pure Python with a dict-like API.
22 * BinaryTree -- unbalanced binary tree
23 * AVLTree -- balanced AVL-Tree
24 * RBTree -- balanced Red-Black-Tree
29 Basic tree functions written in Cython, merged with TreeMixin to provide the
30 full API of the Python Trees.
35 * FastBinaryTree -- unbalanced binary tree
36 * FastAVLTree -- balanced AVLTree
37 * FastRBTree -- balanced Red-Black-Tree
39 Overview of API for all Classes
40 ===============================
42 * TreeClass ([compare]) -> new empty tree.
43 * TreeClass(mapping, [compare]) -> new tree initialized from a mapping
44 * TreeClass(seq, [compare]) -> new tree initialized from seq [(k1, v1), (k2, v2), ... (kn, vn)]
49 * __contains__(k) -> True if T has a key k, else False, O(log(n))
50 * __delitem__(y) <==> del T[y], O(log(n))
51 * __getitem__(y) <==> T[y], O(log(n))
52 * __iter__() <==> iter(T)
53 * __len__() <==> len(T), O(1)
54 * __max__() <==> max(T), get max item (k,v) of T, O(log(n))
55 * __min__() <==> min(T), get min item (k,v) of T, O(log(n))
56 * __and__(other) <==> T & other, intersection
57 * __or__(other) <==> T | other, union
58 * __sub__(other) <==> T - other, difference
59 * __xor__(other) <==> T ^ other, symmetric_difference
60 * __repr__() <==> repr(T)
61 * __setitem__(k, v) <==> T[k] = v, O(log(n))
62 * clear() -> None, Remove all items from T, , O(n)
63 * copy() -> a shallow copy of T, O(n*log(n))
64 * discard(k) -> None, remove k from T, if k is present, O(log(n))
65 * get(k[,d]) -> T[k] if k in T, else d, O(log(n))
66 * is_empty() -> True if len(T) == 0, O(1)
67 * items([reverse]) -> list of T's (k, v) pairs, as 2-tuples, O(n)
68 * keys([reverse]) -> list of T's keys, O(n)
69 * pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value, O(log(n))
70 * popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple, O(log(n))
71 * setdefault(k[,d]) -> T.get(k, d), also set T[k]=d if k not in T, O(log(n))
72 * update(E) -> None. Update T from dict/iterable E, O(E*log(n))
73 * values([reverse]) -> list of T's values, O(n)
75 walk forward/backward, O(log(n))
77 * prev_item(key) -> get (k, v) pair, where k is predecessor to key, O(log(n))
78 * prev_key(key) -> k, get the predecessor of key, O(log(n))
79 * succ_item(key) -> get (k,v) pair as a 2-tuple, where k is successor to key, O(log(n))
80 * succ_key(key) -> k, get the successor of key, O(log(n))
84 * itemslice(s, e) -> generator for (k, v) items of T for s <= key < e, O(n)
85 * keyslice(s, e) -> generator for keys of T for s <= key < e, O(n)
86 * valueslice(s, e) -> generator for values of T for s <= key < e, O(n)
87 * T[s:e] -> TreeSlice object, with keys in range s <= key < e, O(n)
88 * del T[s:e] -> remove items by key slicing, for s <= key < e, O(n)
90 if 's' is None or T[:e] TreeSlice/iterator starts with value of min_key()
91 if 'e' is None or T[s:] TreeSlice/iterator ends with value of max_key()
92 T[:] is a TreeSlice which represents the whole tree.
94 TreeSlice is a tree wrapper with range check, and contains no references
95 to objects, deleting objects in the associated tree also deletes the object
98 * TreeSlice[k] -> get value for key k, raises KeyError if k not exists in range s:e
99 * TreeSlice[s1:e1] -> TreeSlice object, with keys in range s1 <= key < e1
101 * new lower bound is max(s, s1)
102 * new upper bound is min(e, e1)
106 * items() -> generator for (k, v) items of T, O(n)
107 * keys() -> generator for keys of T, O(n)
108 * values() -> generator for values of T, O(n)
109 * __iter__ <==> keys()
110 * __repr__ <==> repr(T)
111 * __contains__(key)-> True if TreeSlice has a key k, else False, O(log(n))
115 * max_item() -> get biggest (key, value) pair of T, O(log(n))
116 * max_key() -> get biggest key of T, O(log(n))
117 * min_item() -> get smallest (key, value) pair of T, O(log(n))
118 * min_key() -> get smallest key of T, O(log(n))
119 * pop_min() -> (k, v), remove item with minimum key, O(log(n))
120 * pop_max() -> (k, v), remove item with maximum key, O(log(n))
121 * nlargest(i[,pop]) -> get list of i largest items (k, v), O(i*log(n))
122 * nsmallest(i[,pop]) -> get list of i smallest items (k, v), O(i*log(n))
124 Set methods (using frozenset)
126 * intersection(t1, t2, ...) -> Tree with keys *common* to all trees
127 * union(t1, t2, ...) -> Tree with keys from *either* trees
128 * difference(t1, t2, ...) -> Tree with keys in T but not any of t1, t2, ...
129 * symmetric_difference(t1) -> Tree with keys in either T and t1 but not both
130 * issubset(S) -> True if every element in T is in S
131 * issuperset(S) -> True if every element in S is in T
132 * isdisjoint(S) -> True if T has a null intersection with S
136 * fromkeys(S[,v]) -> New tree with keys from S and values equal to v.
148 from .treemixin
import TreeMixin
149 from .bintree
import BinaryTree
150 from .avltree
import AVLTree
151 from .rbtree
import RBTree
154 from .qbintree
import cBinaryTree
156 class FastBinaryTree(cBinaryTree
, TreeMixin
157 """ Faster unbalanced binary tree written in Cython with C-Code. """
158 except ImportError: # fall back to pure Python version
159 FastBinaryTree
= BinaryTree
160 except ValueError: # for pypy
161 FastBinaryTree
= BinaryTree
164 from .qavltree
import cAVLTree
166 class FastAVLTree(cAVLTree
, TreeMixin
167 """ Faster balanced AVL-Tree written in Cython with C-Code. """
168 except ImportError: # fall back to pure Python version
169 FastAVLTree
= AVLTree
170 except ValueError: # for pypy
171 FastAVLTree
= AVLTree
174 from .qrbtree
import cRBTree
176 class FastRBTree(cRBTree
, TreeMixin
177 """ Faster balanced Red-Black-Tree written in Cython with C-Code. """
178 except ImportError: # fall back to pure Python version
180 except ValueError: # for pypy