Adding Test Fixture for initial test cases for the App Remoting Test Driver. Also...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ui / gl /
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 // This file is auto-generated from
6 // ui/gl/
7 // It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
8 // clang-format -i -style=chromium filename
11 #include <string>
13 #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
14 #include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h"
15 #include "ui/gl/gl_context.h"
16 #include "ui/gl/gl_enums.h"
17 #include "ui/gl/gl_gl_api_implementation.h"
18 #include "ui/gl/gl_implementation.h"
19 #include "ui/gl/gl_version_info.h"
21 namespace gfx {
23 static bool g_debugBindingsInitialized;
24 DriverGL g_driver_gl;
26 void DriverGL::InitializeStaticBindings() {
27 fn.glActiveTextureFn = reinterpret_cast<glActiveTextureProc>(
28 GetGLProcAddress("glActiveTexture"));
29 fn.glAttachShaderFn =
30 reinterpret_cast<glAttachShaderProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glAttachShader"));
31 fn.glBeginQueryFn = 0;
32 fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
33 fn.glBindAttribLocationFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindAttribLocationProc>(
34 GetGLProcAddress("glBindAttribLocation"));
35 fn.glBindBufferFn =
36 reinterpret_cast<glBindBufferProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBindBuffer"));
37 fn.glBindBufferBaseFn = 0;
38 fn.glBindBufferRangeFn = 0;
39 fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn = 0;
40 fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn = 0;
41 fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
42 fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn = 0;
43 fn.glBindSamplerFn = 0;
44 fn.glBindTextureFn =
45 reinterpret_cast<glBindTextureProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBindTexture"));
46 fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
47 fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn = 0;
48 fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn = 0;
49 fn.glBlendColorFn =
50 reinterpret_cast<glBlendColorProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBlendColor"));
51 fn.glBlendEquationFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlendEquationProc>(
52 GetGLProcAddress("glBlendEquation"));
53 fn.glBlendEquationSeparateFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlendEquationSeparateProc>(
54 GetGLProcAddress("glBlendEquationSeparate"));
55 fn.glBlendFuncFn =
56 reinterpret_cast<glBlendFuncProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBlendFunc"));
57 fn.glBlendFuncSeparateFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlendFuncSeparateProc>(
58 GetGLProcAddress("glBlendFuncSeparate"));
59 fn.glBlitFramebufferFn = 0;
60 fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn = 0;
61 fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
62 fn.glBufferDataFn =
63 reinterpret_cast<glBufferDataProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBufferData"));
64 fn.glBufferSubDataFn = reinterpret_cast<glBufferSubDataProc>(
65 GetGLProcAddress("glBufferSubData"));
66 fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn = 0;
67 fn.glClearFn = reinterpret_cast<glClearProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glClear"));
68 fn.glClearBufferfiFn = 0;
69 fn.glClearBufferfvFn = 0;
70 fn.glClearBufferivFn = 0;
71 fn.glClearBufferuivFn = 0;
72 fn.glClearColorFn =
73 reinterpret_cast<glClearColorProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glClearColor"));
74 fn.glClearDepthFn =
75 reinterpret_cast<glClearDepthProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glClearDepth"));
76 fn.glClearDepthfFn = 0;
77 fn.glClearStencilFn =
78 reinterpret_cast<glClearStencilProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glClearStencil"));
79 fn.glClientWaitSyncFn = 0;
80 fn.glColorMaskFn =
81 reinterpret_cast<glColorMaskProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glColorMask"));
82 fn.glCompileShaderFn = reinterpret_cast<glCompileShaderProc>(
83 GetGLProcAddress("glCompileShader"));
84 fn.glCompressedTexImage2DFn = reinterpret_cast<glCompressedTexImage2DProc>(
85 GetGLProcAddress("glCompressedTexImage2D"));
86 fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn = 0;
87 fn.glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn =
88 reinterpret_cast<glCompressedTexSubImage2DProc>(
89 GetGLProcAddress("glCompressedTexSubImage2D"));
90 fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn = 0;
91 fn.glCopyTexImage2DFn = reinterpret_cast<glCopyTexImage2DProc>(
92 GetGLProcAddress("glCopyTexImage2D"));
93 fn.glCopyTexSubImage2DFn = reinterpret_cast<glCopyTexSubImage2DProc>(
94 GetGLProcAddress("glCopyTexSubImage2D"));
95 fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn = 0;
96 fn.glCreateProgramFn = reinterpret_cast<glCreateProgramProc>(
97 GetGLProcAddress("glCreateProgram"));
98 fn.glCreateShaderFn =
99 reinterpret_cast<glCreateShaderProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glCreateShader"));
100 fn.glCullFaceFn =
101 reinterpret_cast<glCullFaceProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glCullFace"));
102 fn.glDeleteBuffersARBFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteBuffersARBProc>(
103 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteBuffers"));
104 fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn = 0;
105 fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn = 0;
106 fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn = 0;
107 fn.glDeleteProgramFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteProgramProc>(
108 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteProgram"));
109 fn.glDeleteQueriesFn = 0;
110 fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn = 0;
111 fn.glDeleteSamplersFn = 0;
112 fn.glDeleteShaderFn =
113 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteShaderProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteShader"));
114 fn.glDeleteSyncFn = 0;
115 fn.glDeleteTexturesFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteTexturesProc>(
116 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteTextures"));
117 fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn = 0;
118 fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn = 0;
119 fn.glDepthFuncFn =
120 reinterpret_cast<glDepthFuncProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDepthFunc"));
121 fn.glDepthMaskFn =
122 reinterpret_cast<glDepthMaskProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDepthMask"));
123 fn.glDepthRangeFn =
124 reinterpret_cast<glDepthRangeProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDepthRange"));
125 fn.glDepthRangefFn = 0;
126 fn.glDetachShaderFn =
127 reinterpret_cast<glDetachShaderProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDetachShader"));
128 fn.glDisableFn =
129 reinterpret_cast<glDisableProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDisable"));
130 fn.glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn =
131 reinterpret_cast<glDisableVertexAttribArrayProc>(
132 GetGLProcAddress("glDisableVertexAttribArray"));
133 fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
134 fn.glDrawArraysFn =
135 reinterpret_cast<glDrawArraysProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDrawArrays"));
136 fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn = 0;
137 fn.glDrawBufferFn = 0;
138 fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn = 0;
139 fn.glDrawElementsFn =
140 reinterpret_cast<glDrawElementsProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDrawElements"));
141 fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn = 0;
142 fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn = 0;
143 fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn = 0;
144 fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn = 0;
145 fn.glEnableFn = reinterpret_cast<glEnableProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glEnable"));
146 fn.glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn =
147 reinterpret_cast<glEnableVertexAttribArrayProc>(
148 GetGLProcAddress("glEnableVertexAttribArray"));
149 fn.glEndQueryFn = 0;
150 fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
151 fn.glFenceSyncFn = 0;
152 fn.glFinishFn = reinterpret_cast<glFinishProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glFinish"));
153 fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
154 fn.glFinishFenceNVFn = 0;
155 fn.glFlushFn = reinterpret_cast<glFlushProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glFlush"));
156 fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn = 0;
157 fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn = 0;
158 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn = 0;
159 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn = 0;
160 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn = 0;
161 fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn = 0;
162 fn.glFrontFaceFn =
163 reinterpret_cast<glFrontFaceProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glFrontFace"));
164 fn.glGenBuffersARBFn =
165 reinterpret_cast<glGenBuffersARBProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGenBuffers"));
166 fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn = 0;
167 fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn = 0;
168 fn.glGenFencesNVFn = 0;
169 fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn = 0;
170 fn.glGenQueriesFn = 0;
171 fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn = 0;
172 fn.glGenSamplersFn = 0;
173 fn.glGenTexturesFn =
174 reinterpret_cast<glGenTexturesProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGenTextures"));
175 fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn = 0;
176 fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn = 0;
177 fn.glGetActiveAttribFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetActiveAttribProc>(
178 GetGLProcAddress("glGetActiveAttrib"));
179 fn.glGetActiveUniformFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetActiveUniformProc>(
180 GetGLProcAddress("glGetActiveUniform"));
181 fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn = 0;
182 fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn = 0;
183 fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn = 0;
184 fn.glGetAttachedShadersFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetAttachedShadersProc>(
185 GetGLProcAddress("glGetAttachedShaders"));
186 fn.glGetAttribLocationFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetAttribLocationProc>(
187 GetGLProcAddress("glGetAttribLocation"));
188 fn.glGetBooleanvFn =
189 reinterpret_cast<glGetBooleanvProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetBooleanv"));
190 fn.glGetBufferParameterivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetBufferParameterivProc>(
191 GetGLProcAddress("glGetBufferParameteriv"));
192 fn.glGetErrorFn =
193 reinterpret_cast<glGetErrorProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetError"));
194 fn.glGetFenceivNVFn = 0;
195 fn.glGetFloatvFn =
196 reinterpret_cast<glGetFloatvProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetFloatv"));
197 fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn = 0;
198 fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn = 0;
199 fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn = 0;
200 fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn = 0;
201 fn.glGetInteger64vFn = 0;
202 fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn = 0;
203 fn.glGetIntegervFn =
204 reinterpret_cast<glGetIntegervProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetIntegerv"));
205 fn.glGetInternalformativFn = 0;
206 fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn = 0;
207 fn.glGetProgramInfoLogFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetProgramInfoLogProc>(
208 GetGLProcAddress("glGetProgramInfoLog"));
209 fn.glGetProgramivFn =
210 reinterpret_cast<glGetProgramivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetProgramiv"));
211 fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn = 0;
212 fn.glGetQueryivFn = 0;
213 fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn = 0;
214 fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn = 0;
215 fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn = 0;
216 fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn = 0;
217 fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn = 0;
218 fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn = 0;
219 fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn = 0;
220 fn.glGetShaderInfoLogFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetShaderInfoLogProc>(
221 GetGLProcAddress("glGetShaderInfoLog"));
222 fn.glGetShaderivFn =
223 reinterpret_cast<glGetShaderivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetShaderiv"));
224 fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn = 0;
225 fn.glGetShaderSourceFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetShaderSourceProc>(
226 GetGLProcAddress("glGetShaderSource"));
227 fn.glGetStringFn =
228 reinterpret_cast<glGetStringProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetString"));
229 fn.glGetStringiFn = 0;
230 fn.glGetSyncivFn = 0;
231 fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn = 0;
232 fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn = 0;
233 fn.glGetTexParameterfvFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetTexParameterfvProc>(
234 GetGLProcAddress("glGetTexParameterfv"));
235 fn.glGetTexParameterivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetTexParameterivProc>(
236 GetGLProcAddress("glGetTexParameteriv"));
237 fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn = 0;
238 fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn = 0;
239 fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn = 0;
240 fn.glGetUniformfvFn =
241 reinterpret_cast<glGetUniformfvProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetUniformfv"));
242 fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn = 0;
243 fn.glGetUniformivFn =
244 reinterpret_cast<glGetUniformivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetUniformiv"));
245 fn.glGetUniformLocationFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetUniformLocationProc>(
246 GetGLProcAddress("glGetUniformLocation"));
247 fn.glGetVertexAttribfvFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetVertexAttribfvProc>(
248 GetGLProcAddress("glGetVertexAttribfv"));
249 fn.glGetVertexAttribivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetVertexAttribivProc>(
250 GetGLProcAddress("glGetVertexAttribiv"));
251 fn.glGetVertexAttribPointervFn =
252 reinterpret_cast<glGetVertexAttribPointervProc>(
253 GetGLProcAddress("glGetVertexAttribPointerv"));
254 fn.glHintFn = reinterpret_cast<glHintProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glHint"));
255 fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn = 0;
256 fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn = 0;
257 fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn = 0;
258 fn.glIsBufferFn =
259 reinterpret_cast<glIsBufferProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsBuffer"));
260 fn.glIsEnabledFn =
261 reinterpret_cast<glIsEnabledProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsEnabled"));
262 fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
263 fn.glIsFenceNVFn = 0;
264 fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
265 fn.glIsProgramFn =
266 reinterpret_cast<glIsProgramProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsProgram"));
267 fn.glIsQueryFn = 0;
268 fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn = 0;
269 fn.glIsSamplerFn = 0;
270 fn.glIsShaderFn =
271 reinterpret_cast<glIsShaderProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsShader"));
272 fn.glIsSyncFn = 0;
273 fn.glIsTextureFn =
274 reinterpret_cast<glIsTextureProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsTexture"));
275 fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
276 fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn = 0;
277 fn.glLineWidthFn =
278 reinterpret_cast<glLineWidthProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glLineWidth"));
279 fn.glLinkProgramFn =
280 reinterpret_cast<glLinkProgramProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glLinkProgram"));
281 fn.glMapBufferFn = 0;
282 fn.glMapBufferRangeFn = 0;
283 fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn = 0;
284 fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn = 0;
285 fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
286 fn.glPixelStoreiFn =
287 reinterpret_cast<glPixelStoreiProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glPixelStorei"));
288 fn.glPointParameteriFn = 0;
289 fn.glPolygonOffsetFn = reinterpret_cast<glPolygonOffsetProc>(
290 GetGLProcAddress("glPolygonOffset"));
291 fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn = 0;
292 fn.glProgramBinaryFn = 0;
293 fn.glProgramParameteriFn = 0;
294 fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn = 0;
295 fn.glQueryCounterFn = 0;
296 fn.glReadBufferFn = 0;
297 fn.glReadPixelsFn =
298 reinterpret_cast<glReadPixelsProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glReadPixels"));
299 fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn = 0;
300 fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn = 0;
301 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn = 0;
302 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn = 0;
303 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn = 0;
304 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn = 0;
305 fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
306 fn.glSampleCoverageFn = reinterpret_cast<glSampleCoverageProc>(
307 GetGLProcAddress("glSampleCoverage"));
308 fn.glSamplerParameterfFn = 0;
309 fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn = 0;
310 fn.glSamplerParameteriFn = 0;
311 fn.glSamplerParameterivFn = 0;
312 fn.glScissorFn =
313 reinterpret_cast<glScissorProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glScissor"));
314 fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
315 fn.glSetFenceNVFn = 0;
316 fn.glShaderBinaryFn = 0;
317 fn.glShaderSourceFn =
318 reinterpret_cast<glShaderSourceProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glShaderSource"));
319 fn.glStencilFuncFn =
320 reinterpret_cast<glStencilFuncProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glStencilFunc"));
321 fn.glStencilFuncSeparateFn = reinterpret_cast<glStencilFuncSeparateProc>(
322 GetGLProcAddress("glStencilFuncSeparate"));
323 fn.glStencilMaskFn =
324 reinterpret_cast<glStencilMaskProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glStencilMask"));
325 fn.glStencilMaskSeparateFn = reinterpret_cast<glStencilMaskSeparateProc>(
326 GetGLProcAddress("glStencilMaskSeparate"));
327 fn.glStencilOpFn =
328 reinterpret_cast<glStencilOpProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glStencilOp"));
329 fn.glStencilOpSeparateFn = reinterpret_cast<glStencilOpSeparateProc>(
330 GetGLProcAddress("glStencilOpSeparate"));
331 fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
332 fn.glTestFenceNVFn = 0;
333 fn.glTexImage2DFn =
334 reinterpret_cast<glTexImage2DProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glTexImage2D"));
335 fn.glTexImage3DFn = 0;
336 fn.glTexParameterfFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexParameterfProc>(
337 GetGLProcAddress("glTexParameterf"));
338 fn.glTexParameterfvFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexParameterfvProc>(
339 GetGLProcAddress("glTexParameterfv"));
340 fn.glTexParameteriFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexParameteriProc>(
341 GetGLProcAddress("glTexParameteri"));
342 fn.glTexParameterivFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexParameterivProc>(
343 GetGLProcAddress("glTexParameteriv"));
344 fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn = 0;
345 fn.glTexStorage3DFn = 0;
346 fn.glTexSubImage2DFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexSubImage2DProc>(
347 GetGLProcAddress("glTexSubImage2D"));
348 fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn = 0;
349 fn.glUniform1fFn =
350 reinterpret_cast<glUniform1fProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform1f"));
351 fn.glUniform1fvFn =
352 reinterpret_cast<glUniform1fvProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform1fv"));
353 fn.glUniform1iFn =
354 reinterpret_cast<glUniform1iProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform1i"));
355 fn.glUniform1ivFn =
356 reinterpret_cast<glUniform1ivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform1iv"));
357 fn.glUniform1uiFn = 0;
358 fn.glUniform1uivFn = 0;
359 fn.glUniform2fFn =
360 reinterpret_cast<glUniform2fProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform2f"));
361 fn.glUniform2fvFn =
362 reinterpret_cast<glUniform2fvProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform2fv"));
363 fn.glUniform2iFn =
364 reinterpret_cast<glUniform2iProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform2i"));
365 fn.glUniform2ivFn =
366 reinterpret_cast<glUniform2ivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform2iv"));
367 fn.glUniform2uiFn = 0;
368 fn.glUniform2uivFn = 0;
369 fn.glUniform3fFn =
370 reinterpret_cast<glUniform3fProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform3f"));
371 fn.glUniform3fvFn =
372 reinterpret_cast<glUniform3fvProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform3fv"));
373 fn.glUniform3iFn =
374 reinterpret_cast<glUniform3iProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform3i"));
375 fn.glUniform3ivFn =
376 reinterpret_cast<glUniform3ivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform3iv"));
377 fn.glUniform3uiFn = 0;
378 fn.glUniform3uivFn = 0;
379 fn.glUniform4fFn =
380 reinterpret_cast<glUniform4fProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform4f"));
381 fn.glUniform4fvFn =
382 reinterpret_cast<glUniform4fvProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform4fv"));
383 fn.glUniform4iFn =
384 reinterpret_cast<glUniform4iProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform4i"));
385 fn.glUniform4ivFn =
386 reinterpret_cast<glUniform4ivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform4iv"));
387 fn.glUniform4uiFn = 0;
388 fn.glUniform4uivFn = 0;
389 fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn = 0;
390 fn.glUniformMatrix2fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix2fvProc>(
391 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix2fv"));
392 fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn = 0;
393 fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn = 0;
394 fn.glUniformMatrix3fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix3fvProc>(
395 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix3fv"));
396 fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn = 0;
397 fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn = 0;
398 fn.glUniformMatrix4fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix4fvProc>(
399 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix4fv"));
400 fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn = 0;
401 fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn = 0;
402 fn.glUnmapBufferFn = 0;
403 fn.glUseProgramFn =
404 reinterpret_cast<glUseProgramProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUseProgram"));
405 fn.glValidateProgramFn = reinterpret_cast<glValidateProgramProc>(
406 GetGLProcAddress("glValidateProgram"));
407 fn.glVertexAttrib1fFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib1fProc>(
408 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1f"));
409 fn.glVertexAttrib1fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib1fvProc>(
410 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib1fv"));
411 fn.glVertexAttrib2fFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib2fProc>(
412 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2f"));
413 fn.glVertexAttrib2fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib2fvProc>(
414 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib2fv"));
415 fn.glVertexAttrib3fFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib3fProc>(
416 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3f"));
417 fn.glVertexAttrib3fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib3fvProc>(
418 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib3fv"));
419 fn.glVertexAttrib4fFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib4fProc>(
420 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4f"));
421 fn.glVertexAttrib4fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttrib4fvProc>(
422 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttrib4fv"));
423 fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn = 0;
424 fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn = 0;
425 fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn = 0;
426 fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn = 0;
427 fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn = 0;
428 fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn = 0;
429 fn.glVertexAttribPointerFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribPointerProc>(
430 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribPointer"));
431 fn.glViewportFn =
432 reinterpret_cast<glViewportProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glViewport"));
433 fn.glWaitSyncFn = 0;
436 void DriverGL::InitializeDynamicBindings(GLContext* context) {
437 DCHECK(context && context->IsCurrent(NULL));
438 const GLVersionInfo* ver = context->GetVersionInfo();
440 std::string extensions = context->GetExtensions() + " ";
441 ALLOW_UNUSED_LOCAL(extensions);
443 ext.b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit =
444 extensions.find("GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit ") != std::string::npos;
445 ext.b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample =
446 extensions.find("GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample ") != std::string::npos;
447 ext.b_GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays =
448 extensions.find("GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays ") != std::string::npos;
449 ext.b_GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source =
450 extensions.find("GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source ") !=
451 std::string::npos;
452 ext.b_GL_APPLE_fence =
453 extensions.find("GL_APPLE_fence ") != std::string::npos;
454 ext.b_GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object =
455 extensions.find("GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object ") != std::string::npos;
456 ext.b_GL_ARB_draw_buffers =
457 extensions.find("GL_ARB_draw_buffers ") != std::string::npos;
458 ext.b_GL_ARB_draw_instanced =
459 extensions.find("GL_ARB_draw_instanced ") != std::string::npos;
460 ext.b_GL_ARB_get_program_binary =
461 extensions.find("GL_ARB_get_program_binary ") != std::string::npos;
462 ext.b_GL_ARB_instanced_arrays =
463 extensions.find("GL_ARB_instanced_arrays ") != std::string::npos;
464 ext.b_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range =
465 extensions.find("GL_ARB_map_buffer_range ") != std::string::npos;
466 ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query =
467 extensions.find("GL_ARB_occlusion_query ") != std::string::npos;
468 ext.b_GL_ARB_robustness =
469 extensions.find("GL_ARB_robustness ") != std::string::npos;
470 ext.b_GL_ARB_sync = extensions.find("GL_ARB_sync ") != std::string::npos;
471 ext.b_GL_ARB_texture_storage =
472 extensions.find("GL_ARB_texture_storage ") != std::string::npos;
473 ext.b_GL_ARB_timer_query =
474 extensions.find("GL_ARB_timer_query ") != std::string::npos;
475 ext.b_GL_ARB_vertex_array_object =
476 extensions.find("GL_ARB_vertex_array_object ") != std::string::npos;
477 ext.b_GL_CHROMIUM_gles_depth_binding_hack =
478 extensions.find("GL_CHROMIUM_gles_depth_binding_hack ") !=
479 std::string::npos;
480 ext.b_GL_EXT_debug_marker =
481 extensions.find("GL_EXT_debug_marker ") != std::string::npos;
482 ext.b_GL_EXT_direct_state_access =
483 extensions.find("GL_EXT_direct_state_access ") != std::string::npos;
484 ext.b_GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer =
485 extensions.find("GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer ") != std::string::npos;
486 ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query =
487 extensions.find("GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ") != std::string::npos;
488 ext.b_GL_EXT_draw_buffers =
489 extensions.find("GL_EXT_draw_buffers ") != std::string::npos;
490 ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit =
491 extensions.find("GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit ") != std::string::npos;
492 ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample =
493 extensions.find("GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample ") != std::string::npos;
494 ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object =
495 extensions.find("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object ") != std::string::npos;
496 ext.b_GL_EXT_map_buffer_range =
497 extensions.find("GL_EXT_map_buffer_range ") != std::string::npos;
498 ext.b_GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture =
499 extensions.find("GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture ") !=
500 std::string::npos;
501 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean =
502 extensions.find("GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean ") != std::string::npos;
503 ext.b_GL_EXT_robustness =
504 extensions.find("GL_EXT_robustness ") != std::string::npos;
505 ext.b_GL_EXT_texture_storage =
506 extensions.find("GL_EXT_texture_storage ") != std::string::npos;
507 ext.b_GL_EXT_timer_query =
508 extensions.find("GL_EXT_timer_query ") != std::string::npos;
509 ext.b_GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture =
510 extensions.find("GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture ") !=
511 std::string::npos;
512 ext.b_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced =
513 extensions.find("GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced ") != std::string::npos;
514 ext.b_GL_KHR_robustness =
515 extensions.find("GL_KHR_robustness ") != std::string::npos;
516 ext.b_GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced =
517 extensions.find("GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced ") != std::string::npos;
518 ext.b_GL_NV_fence = extensions.find("GL_NV_fence ") != std::string::npos;
519 ext.b_GL_NV_path_rendering =
520 extensions.find("GL_NV_path_rendering ") != std::string::npos;
521 ext.b_GL_OES_EGL_image =
522 extensions.find("GL_OES_EGL_image ") != std::string::npos;
523 ext.b_GL_OES_get_program_binary =
524 extensions.find("GL_OES_get_program_binary ") != std::string::npos;
525 ext.b_GL_OES_mapbuffer =
526 extensions.find("GL_OES_mapbuffer ") != std::string::npos;
527 ext.b_GL_OES_vertex_array_object =
528 extensions.find("GL_OES_vertex_array_object ") != std::string::npos;
530 debug_fn.glBeginQueryFn = 0;
531 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
532 fn.glBeginQueryFn =
533 reinterpret_cast<glBeginQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBeginQuery"));
534 DCHECK(fn.glBeginQueryFn);
535 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
536 fn.glBeginQueryFn =
537 reinterpret_cast<glBeginQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBeginQueryARB"));
538 DCHECK(fn.glBeginQueryFn);
539 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ||
540 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean) {
541 fn.glBeginQueryFn =
542 reinterpret_cast<glBeginQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBeginQueryEXT"));
543 DCHECK(fn.glBeginQueryFn);
546 debug_fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
547 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
548 fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn =
549 reinterpret_cast<glBeginTransformFeedbackProc>(
550 GetGLProcAddress("glBeginTransformFeedback"));
551 DCHECK(fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn);
554 debug_fn.glBindBufferBaseFn = 0;
555 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
556 fn.glBindBufferBaseFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindBufferBaseProc>(
557 GetGLProcAddress("glBindBufferBase"));
558 DCHECK(fn.glBindBufferBaseFn);
561 debug_fn.glBindBufferRangeFn = 0;
562 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
563 fn.glBindBufferRangeFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindBufferRangeProc>(
564 GetGLProcAddress("glBindBufferRange"));
565 DCHECK(fn.glBindBufferRangeFn);
568 debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn = 0;
569 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u)) {
570 fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindFragDataLocationProc>(
571 GetGLProcAddress("glBindFragDataLocation"));
572 DCHECK(fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn);
575 debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn = 0;
576 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u)) {
577 fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn =
578 reinterpret_cast<glBindFragDataLocationIndexedProc>(
579 GetGLProcAddress("glBindFragDataLocationIndexed"));
580 DCHECK(fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn);
583 debug_fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
584 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
585 fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindFramebufferEXTProc>(
586 GetGLProcAddress("glBindFramebuffer"));
587 DCHECK(fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn);
588 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
589 fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindFramebufferEXTProc>(
590 GetGLProcAddress("glBindFramebufferEXT"));
591 DCHECK(fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn);
594 debug_fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn = 0;
595 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
596 fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindRenderbufferEXTProc>(
597 GetGLProcAddress("glBindRenderbuffer"));
598 DCHECK(fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn);
599 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
600 fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindRenderbufferEXTProc>(
601 GetGLProcAddress("glBindRenderbufferEXT"));
602 DCHECK(fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn);
605 debug_fn.glBindSamplerFn = 0;
606 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
607 fn.glBindSamplerFn =
608 reinterpret_cast<glBindSamplerProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glBindSampler"));
609 DCHECK(fn.glBindSamplerFn);
612 debug_fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
613 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 0u)) {
614 fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn =
615 reinterpret_cast<glBindTransformFeedbackProc>(
616 GetGLProcAddress("glBindTransformFeedback"));
617 DCHECK(fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn);
620 debug_fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn = 0;
621 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
622 ext.b_GL_ARB_vertex_array_object) {
623 fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindVertexArrayOESProc>(
624 GetGLProcAddress("glBindVertexArray"));
625 DCHECK(fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn);
626 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_vertex_array_object) {
627 fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindVertexArrayOESProc>(
628 GetGLProcAddress("glBindVertexArrayOES"));
629 DCHECK(fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn);
630 } else if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object) {
631 fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glBindVertexArrayOESProc>(
632 GetGLProcAddress("glBindVertexArrayAPPLE"));
633 DCHECK(fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn);
636 debug_fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn = 0;
637 if (ext.b_GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced) {
638 fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlendBarrierKHRProc>(
639 GetGLProcAddress("glBlendBarrierNV"));
640 DCHECK(fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn);
641 } else if (ext.b_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced) {
642 fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlendBarrierKHRProc>(
643 GetGLProcAddress("glBlendBarrierKHR"));
644 DCHECK(fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn);
647 debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferFn = 0;
648 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
649 fn.glBlitFramebufferFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlitFramebufferProc>(
650 GetGLProcAddress("glBlitFramebuffer"));
651 DCHECK(fn.glBlitFramebufferFn);
654 debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn = 0;
655 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
656 fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlitFramebufferANGLEProc>(
657 GetGLProcAddress("glBlitFramebuffer"));
658 DCHECK(fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn);
659 } else if (ext.b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit) {
660 fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlitFramebufferANGLEProc>(
661 GetGLProcAddress("glBlitFramebufferANGLE"));
662 DCHECK(fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn);
665 debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
666 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
667 fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlitFramebufferEXTProc>(
668 GetGLProcAddress("glBlitFramebuffer"));
669 DCHECK(fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn);
670 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit) {
671 fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glBlitFramebufferEXTProc>(
672 GetGLProcAddress("glBlitFramebufferEXT"));
673 DCHECK(fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn);
676 debug_fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn = 0;
677 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
678 fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn =
679 reinterpret_cast<glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTProc>(
680 GetGLProcAddress("glCheckFramebufferStatus"));
681 DCHECK(fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn);
682 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
683 fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn =
684 reinterpret_cast<glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTProc>(
685 GetGLProcAddress("glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT"));
686 DCHECK(fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn);
689 debug_fn.glClearBufferfiFn = 0;
690 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
691 fn.glClearBufferfiFn = reinterpret_cast<glClearBufferfiProc>(
692 GetGLProcAddress("glClearBufferfi"));
693 DCHECK(fn.glClearBufferfiFn);
696 debug_fn.glClearBufferfvFn = 0;
697 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
698 fn.glClearBufferfvFn = reinterpret_cast<glClearBufferfvProc>(
699 GetGLProcAddress("glClearBufferfv"));
700 DCHECK(fn.glClearBufferfvFn);
703 debug_fn.glClearBufferivFn = 0;
704 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
705 fn.glClearBufferivFn = reinterpret_cast<glClearBufferivProc>(
706 GetGLProcAddress("glClearBufferiv"));
707 DCHECK(fn.glClearBufferivFn);
710 debug_fn.glClearBufferuivFn = 0;
711 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
712 fn.glClearBufferuivFn = reinterpret_cast<glClearBufferuivProc>(
713 GetGLProcAddress("glClearBufferuiv"));
714 DCHECK(fn.glClearBufferuivFn);
717 debug_fn.glClearDepthfFn = 0;
718 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->is_es) {
719 fn.glClearDepthfFn =
720 reinterpret_cast<glClearDepthfProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glClearDepthf"));
721 DCHECK(fn.glClearDepthfFn);
724 debug_fn.glClientWaitSyncFn = 0;
725 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
726 ext.b_GL_ARB_sync) {
727 fn.glClientWaitSyncFn = reinterpret_cast<glClientWaitSyncProc>(
728 GetGLProcAddress("glClientWaitSync"));
729 DCHECK(fn.glClientWaitSyncFn);
732 debug_fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn = 0;
733 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
734 fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn = reinterpret_cast<glCompressedTexImage3DProc>(
735 GetGLProcAddress("glCompressedTexImage3D"));
736 DCHECK(fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn);
739 debug_fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn = 0;
740 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
741 fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn = reinterpret_cast<glCopyBufferSubDataProc>(
742 GetGLProcAddress("glCopyBufferSubData"));
743 DCHECK(fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn);
746 debug_fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn = 0;
747 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
748 fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn = reinterpret_cast<glCopyTexSubImage3DProc>(
749 GetGLProcAddress("glCopyTexSubImage3D"));
750 DCHECK(fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn);
753 debug_fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn = 0;
754 if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_fence) {
755 fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteFencesAPPLEProc>(
756 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteFencesAPPLE"));
757 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn);
760 debug_fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn = 0;
761 if (ext.b_GL_NV_fence) {
762 fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteFencesNVProc>(
763 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteFencesNV"));
764 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn);
767 debug_fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn = 0;
768 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
769 fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn =
770 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteFramebuffersEXTProc>(
771 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteFramebuffers"));
772 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn);
773 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
774 fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn =
775 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteFramebuffersEXTProc>(
776 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteFramebuffersEXT"));
777 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn);
780 debug_fn.glDeleteQueriesFn = 0;
781 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
782 fn.glDeleteQueriesFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteQueriesProc>(
783 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteQueries"));
784 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteQueriesFn);
785 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
786 fn.glDeleteQueriesFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteQueriesProc>(
787 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteQueriesARB"));
788 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteQueriesFn);
789 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ||
790 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean) {
791 fn.glDeleteQueriesFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteQueriesProc>(
792 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteQueriesEXT"));
793 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteQueriesFn);
796 debug_fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn = 0;
797 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
798 fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn =
799 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTProc>(
800 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteRenderbuffers"));
801 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn);
802 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
803 fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn =
804 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTProc>(
805 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT"));
806 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn);
809 debug_fn.glDeleteSamplersFn = 0;
810 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
811 fn.glDeleteSamplersFn = reinterpret_cast<glDeleteSamplersProc>(
812 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteSamplers"));
813 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteSamplersFn);
816 debug_fn.glDeleteSyncFn = 0;
817 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
818 ext.b_GL_ARB_sync) {
819 fn.glDeleteSyncFn =
820 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteSyncProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteSync"));
821 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteSyncFn);
824 debug_fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn = 0;
825 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 0u)) {
826 fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn =
827 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteTransformFeedbacksProc>(
828 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteTransformFeedbacks"));
829 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn);
832 debug_fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn = 0;
833 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
834 ext.b_GL_ARB_vertex_array_object) {
835 fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn =
836 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteVertexArraysOESProc>(
837 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteVertexArrays"));
838 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn);
839 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_vertex_array_object) {
840 fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn =
841 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteVertexArraysOESProc>(
842 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteVertexArraysOES"));
843 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn);
844 } else if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object) {
845 fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn =
846 reinterpret_cast<glDeleteVertexArraysOESProc>(
847 GetGLProcAddress("glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE"));
848 DCHECK(fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn);
851 debug_fn.glDepthRangefFn = 0;
852 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->is_es) {
853 fn.glDepthRangefFn =
854 reinterpret_cast<glDepthRangefProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDepthRangef"));
855 DCHECK(fn.glDepthRangefFn);
858 debug_fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
859 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer) {
860 fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn =
861 reinterpret_cast<glDiscardFramebufferEXTProc>(
862 GetGLProcAddress("glDiscardFramebufferEXT"));
863 DCHECK(fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn);
866 debug_fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn = 0;
867 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
868 fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn =
869 reinterpret_cast<glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEProc>(
870 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawArraysInstanced"));
871 DCHECK(fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn);
872 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_draw_instanced) {
873 fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn =
874 reinterpret_cast<glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEProc>(
875 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawArraysInstancedARB"));
876 DCHECK(fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn);
877 } else if (ext.b_GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays) {
878 fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn =
879 reinterpret_cast<glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEProc>(
880 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE"));
881 DCHECK(fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn);
884 debug_fn.glDrawBufferFn = 0;
885 if (!ver->is_es) {
886 fn.glDrawBufferFn =
887 reinterpret_cast<glDrawBufferProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glDrawBuffer"));
888 DCHECK(fn.glDrawBufferFn);
891 debug_fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn = 0;
892 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
893 fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn = reinterpret_cast<glDrawBuffersARBProc>(
894 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawBuffers"));
895 DCHECK(fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn);
896 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_draw_buffers) {
897 fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn = reinterpret_cast<glDrawBuffersARBProc>(
898 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawBuffersARB"));
899 DCHECK(fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn);
900 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_draw_buffers) {
901 fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn = reinterpret_cast<glDrawBuffersARBProc>(
902 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawBuffersEXT"));
903 DCHECK(fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn);
906 debug_fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn = 0;
907 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
908 fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn =
909 reinterpret_cast<glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEProc>(
910 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawElementsInstanced"));
911 DCHECK(fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn);
912 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_draw_instanced) {
913 fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn =
914 reinterpret_cast<glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEProc>(
915 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawElementsInstancedARB"));
916 DCHECK(fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn);
917 } else if (ext.b_GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays) {
918 fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn =
919 reinterpret_cast<glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEProc>(
920 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE"));
921 DCHECK(fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn);
924 debug_fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn = 0;
925 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
926 fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn = reinterpret_cast<glDrawRangeElementsProc>(
927 GetGLProcAddress("glDrawRangeElements"));
928 DCHECK(fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn);
931 debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn = 0;
932 if (ext.b_GL_OES_EGL_image) {
933 fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn =
934 reinterpret_cast<glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESProc>(
935 GetGLProcAddress("glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES"));
936 DCHECK(fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn);
939 debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn = 0;
940 if (ext.b_GL_OES_EGL_image) {
941 fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn =
942 reinterpret_cast<glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESProc>(
943 GetGLProcAddress("glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES"));
944 DCHECK(fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn);
947 debug_fn.glEndQueryFn = 0;
948 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
949 fn.glEndQueryFn =
950 reinterpret_cast<glEndQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glEndQuery"));
951 DCHECK(fn.glEndQueryFn);
952 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
953 fn.glEndQueryFn =
954 reinterpret_cast<glEndQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glEndQueryARB"));
955 DCHECK(fn.glEndQueryFn);
956 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ||
957 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean) {
958 fn.glEndQueryFn =
959 reinterpret_cast<glEndQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glEndQueryEXT"));
960 DCHECK(fn.glEndQueryFn);
963 debug_fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
964 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
965 fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn = reinterpret_cast<glEndTransformFeedbackProc>(
966 GetGLProcAddress("glEndTransformFeedback"));
967 DCHECK(fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn);
970 debug_fn.glFenceSyncFn = 0;
971 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
972 ext.b_GL_ARB_sync) {
973 fn.glFenceSyncFn =
974 reinterpret_cast<glFenceSyncProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glFenceSync"));
975 DCHECK(fn.glFenceSyncFn);
978 debug_fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
979 if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_fence) {
980 fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glFinishFenceAPPLEProc>(
981 GetGLProcAddress("glFinishFenceAPPLE"));
982 DCHECK(fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn);
985 debug_fn.glFinishFenceNVFn = 0;
986 if (ext.b_GL_NV_fence) {
987 fn.glFinishFenceNVFn = reinterpret_cast<glFinishFenceNVProc>(
988 GetGLProcAddress("glFinishFenceNV"));
989 DCHECK(fn.glFinishFenceNVFn);
992 debug_fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn = 0;
993 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
994 fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn =
995 reinterpret_cast<glFlushMappedBufferRangeProc>(
996 GetGLProcAddress("glFlushMappedBufferRange"));
997 DCHECK(fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn);
1000 debug_fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn = 0;
1001 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1002 fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn =
1003 reinterpret_cast<glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTProc>(
1004 GetGLProcAddress("glFramebufferRenderbuffer"));
1005 DCHECK(fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn);
1006 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1007 fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn =
1008 reinterpret_cast<glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTProc>(
1009 GetGLProcAddress("glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT"));
1010 DCHECK(fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn);
1013 debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn = 0;
1014 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1015 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn =
1016 reinterpret_cast<glFramebufferTexture2DEXTProc>(
1017 GetGLProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture2D"));
1018 DCHECK(fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn);
1019 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1020 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn =
1021 reinterpret_cast<glFramebufferTexture2DEXTProc>(
1022 GetGLProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture2DEXT"));
1023 DCHECK(fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn);
1026 debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn = 0;
1027 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture) {
1028 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn =
1029 reinterpret_cast<glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTProc>(
1030 GetGLProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT"));
1031 DCHECK(fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn);
1034 debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn = 0;
1035 if (ext.b_GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture) {
1036 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn =
1037 reinterpret_cast<glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGProc>(
1038 GetGLProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG"));
1039 DCHECK(fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn);
1042 debug_fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn = 0;
1043 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1044 fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn =
1045 reinterpret_cast<glFramebufferTextureLayerProc>(
1046 GetGLProcAddress("glFramebufferTextureLayer"));
1047 DCHECK(fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn);
1050 debug_fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn = 0;
1051 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1052 fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenerateMipmapEXTProc>(
1053 GetGLProcAddress("glGenerateMipmap"));
1054 DCHECK(fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn);
1055 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1056 fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenerateMipmapEXTProc>(
1057 GetGLProcAddress("glGenerateMipmapEXT"));
1058 DCHECK(fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn);
1061 debug_fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn = 0;
1062 if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_fence) {
1063 fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenFencesAPPLEProc>(
1064 GetGLProcAddress("glGenFencesAPPLE"));
1065 DCHECK(fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn);
1068 debug_fn.glGenFencesNVFn = 0;
1069 if (ext.b_GL_NV_fence) {
1070 fn.glGenFencesNVFn =
1071 reinterpret_cast<glGenFencesNVProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGenFencesNV"));
1072 DCHECK(fn.glGenFencesNVFn);
1075 debug_fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn = 0;
1076 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1077 fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenFramebuffersEXTProc>(
1078 GetGLProcAddress("glGenFramebuffers"));
1079 DCHECK(fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn);
1080 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1081 fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenFramebuffersEXTProc>(
1082 GetGLProcAddress("glGenFramebuffersEXT"));
1083 DCHECK(fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn);
1086 debug_fn.glGenQueriesFn = 0;
1087 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1088 fn.glGenQueriesFn =
1089 reinterpret_cast<glGenQueriesProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGenQueries"));
1090 DCHECK(fn.glGenQueriesFn);
1091 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
1092 fn.glGenQueriesFn =
1093 reinterpret_cast<glGenQueriesProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGenQueriesARB"));
1094 DCHECK(fn.glGenQueriesFn);
1095 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ||
1096 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean) {
1097 fn.glGenQueriesFn =
1098 reinterpret_cast<glGenQueriesProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGenQueriesEXT"));
1099 DCHECK(fn.glGenQueriesFn);
1102 debug_fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn = 0;
1103 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1104 fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenRenderbuffersEXTProc>(
1105 GetGLProcAddress("glGenRenderbuffers"));
1106 DCHECK(fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn);
1107 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1108 fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenRenderbuffersEXTProc>(
1109 GetGLProcAddress("glGenRenderbuffersEXT"));
1110 DCHECK(fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn);
1113 debug_fn.glGenSamplersFn = 0;
1114 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1115 fn.glGenSamplersFn =
1116 reinterpret_cast<glGenSamplersProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGenSamplers"));
1117 DCHECK(fn.glGenSamplersFn);
1120 debug_fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn = 0;
1121 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 0u)) {
1122 fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn =
1123 reinterpret_cast<glGenTransformFeedbacksProc>(
1124 GetGLProcAddress("glGenTransformFeedbacks"));
1125 DCHECK(fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn);
1128 debug_fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn = 0;
1129 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1130 ext.b_GL_ARB_vertex_array_object) {
1131 fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenVertexArraysOESProc>(
1132 GetGLProcAddress("glGenVertexArrays"));
1133 DCHECK(fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn);
1134 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_vertex_array_object) {
1135 fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenVertexArraysOESProc>(
1136 GetGLProcAddress("glGenVertexArraysOES"));
1137 DCHECK(fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn);
1138 } else if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object) {
1139 fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glGenVertexArraysOESProc>(
1140 GetGLProcAddress("glGenVertexArraysAPPLE"));
1141 DCHECK(fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn);
1144 debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn = 0;
1145 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
1146 fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn =
1147 reinterpret_cast<glGetActiveUniformBlockivProc>(
1148 GetGLProcAddress("glGetActiveUniformBlockiv"));
1149 DCHECK(fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn);
1152 debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn = 0;
1153 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
1154 fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn =
1155 reinterpret_cast<glGetActiveUniformBlockNameProc>(
1156 GetGLProcAddress("glGetActiveUniformBlockName"));
1157 DCHECK(fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn);
1160 debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn = 0;
1161 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
1162 fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetActiveUniformsivProc>(
1163 GetGLProcAddress("glGetActiveUniformsiv"));
1164 DCHECK(fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn);
1167 debug_fn.glGetFenceivNVFn = 0;
1168 if (ext.b_GL_NV_fence) {
1169 fn.glGetFenceivNVFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetFenceivNVProc>(
1170 GetGLProcAddress("glGetFenceivNV"));
1171 DCHECK(fn.glGetFenceivNVFn);
1174 debug_fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn = 0;
1175 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1176 fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetFragDataLocationProc>(
1177 GetGLProcAddress("glGetFragDataLocation"));
1178 DCHECK(fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn);
1181 debug_fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn = 0;
1182 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1183 fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn =
1184 reinterpret_cast<glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTProc>(
1185 GetGLProcAddress("glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv"));
1186 DCHECK(fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn);
1187 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1188 fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn =
1189 reinterpret_cast<glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTProc>(
1190 GetGLProcAddress("glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT"));
1191 DCHECK(fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn);
1194 debug_fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn = 0;
1195 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 5u)) {
1196 fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn =
1197 reinterpret_cast<glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc>(
1198 GetGLProcAddress("glGetGraphicsResetStatus"));
1199 DCHECK(fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn);
1200 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_robustness) {
1201 fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn =
1202 reinterpret_cast<glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc>(
1203 GetGLProcAddress("glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB"));
1204 DCHECK(fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn);
1205 } else if (ext.b_GL_KHR_robustness) {
1206 fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn =
1207 reinterpret_cast<glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc>(
1208 GetGLProcAddress("glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR"));
1209 DCHECK(fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn);
1210 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_robustness) {
1211 fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn =
1212 reinterpret_cast<glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc>(
1213 GetGLProcAddress("glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT"));
1214 DCHECK(fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn);
1217 debug_fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn = 0;
1218 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1219 fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetInteger64i_vProc>(
1220 GetGLProcAddress("glGetInteger64i_v"));
1221 DCHECK(fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn);
1224 debug_fn.glGetInteger64vFn = 0;
1225 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1226 fn.glGetInteger64vFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetInteger64vProc>(
1227 GetGLProcAddress("glGetInteger64v"));
1228 DCHECK(fn.glGetInteger64vFn);
1231 debug_fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn = 0;
1232 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1233 fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetIntegeri_vProc>(
1234 GetGLProcAddress("glGetIntegeri_v"));
1235 DCHECK(fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn);
1238 debug_fn.glGetInternalformativFn = 0;
1239 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1240 fn.glGetInternalformativFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetInternalformativProc>(
1241 GetGLProcAddress("glGetInternalformativ"));
1242 DCHECK(fn.glGetInternalformativFn);
1245 debug_fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn = 0;
1246 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1247 ext.b_GL_ARB_get_program_binary) {
1248 fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetProgramBinaryProc>(
1249 GetGLProcAddress("glGetProgramBinary"));
1250 DCHECK(fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn);
1251 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_get_program_binary) {
1252 fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetProgramBinaryProc>(
1253 GetGLProcAddress("glGetProgramBinaryOES"));
1254 DCHECK(fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn);
1257 debug_fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn = 0;
1258 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 1u)) {
1259 fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn =
1260 reinterpret_cast<glGetProgramResourceLocationProc>(
1261 GetGLProcAddress("glGetProgramResourceLocation"));
1262 DCHECK(fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn);
1265 debug_fn.glGetQueryivFn = 0;
1266 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1267 fn.glGetQueryivFn =
1268 reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryiv"));
1269 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryivFn);
1270 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
1271 fn.glGetQueryivFn =
1272 reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryivARB"));
1273 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryivFn);
1274 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ||
1275 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean) {
1276 fn.glGetQueryivFn =
1277 reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryivEXT"));
1278 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryivFn);
1281 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn = 0;
1282 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ext.b_GL_ARB_timer_query) {
1283 fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjecti64vProc>(
1284 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjecti64v"));
1285 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn);
1286 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_timer_query || ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query) {
1287 fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjecti64vProc>(
1288 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT"));
1289 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn);
1292 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn = 0;
1293 if (!ver->is_es) {
1294 fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectivProc>(
1295 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectiv"));
1296 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn);
1297 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
1298 fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectivProc>(
1299 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectivARB"));
1300 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn);
1301 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query) {
1302 fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectivProc>(
1303 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectivEXT"));
1304 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn);
1307 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn = 0;
1308 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ext.b_GL_ARB_timer_query) {
1309 fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectui64vProc>(
1310 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectui64v"));
1311 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn);
1312 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_timer_query || ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query) {
1313 fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectui64vProc>(
1314 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT"));
1315 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn);
1318 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn = 0;
1319 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1320 fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectuivProc>(
1321 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectuiv"));
1322 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn);
1323 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
1324 fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectuivProc>(
1325 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectuivARB"));
1326 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn);
1327 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ||
1328 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean) {
1329 fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetQueryObjectuivProc>(
1330 GetGLProcAddress("glGetQueryObjectuivEXT"));
1331 DCHECK(fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn);
1334 debug_fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn = 0;
1335 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1336 fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn =
1337 reinterpret_cast<glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTProc>(
1338 GetGLProcAddress("glGetRenderbufferParameteriv"));
1339 DCHECK(fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn);
1340 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1341 fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn =
1342 reinterpret_cast<glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTProc>(
1343 GetGLProcAddress("glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT"));
1344 DCHECK(fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn);
1347 debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn = 0;
1348 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1349 fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn =
1350 reinterpret_cast<glGetSamplerParameterfvProc>(
1351 GetGLProcAddress("glGetSamplerParameterfv"));
1352 DCHECK(fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn);
1355 debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn = 0;
1356 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1357 fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn =
1358 reinterpret_cast<glGetSamplerParameterivProc>(
1359 GetGLProcAddress("glGetSamplerParameteriv"));
1360 DCHECK(fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn);
1363 debug_fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn = 0;
1364 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->is_es) {
1365 fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn =
1366 reinterpret_cast<glGetShaderPrecisionFormatProc>(
1367 GetGLProcAddress("glGetShaderPrecisionFormat"));
1368 DCHECK(fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn);
1371 debug_fn.glGetStringiFn = 0;
1372 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1373 fn.glGetStringiFn =
1374 reinterpret_cast<glGetStringiProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetStringi"));
1375 DCHECK(fn.glGetStringiFn);
1378 debug_fn.glGetSyncivFn = 0;
1379 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1380 ext.b_GL_ARB_sync) {
1381 fn.glGetSyncivFn =
1382 reinterpret_cast<glGetSyncivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glGetSynciv"));
1383 DCHECK(fn.glGetSyncivFn);
1386 debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn = 0;
1387 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 1u)) {
1388 fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn =
1389 reinterpret_cast<glGetTexLevelParameterfvProc>(
1390 GetGLProcAddress("glGetTexLevelParameterfv"));
1391 DCHECK(fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn);
1394 debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn = 0;
1395 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 1u)) {
1396 fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn =
1397 reinterpret_cast<glGetTexLevelParameterivProc>(
1398 GetGLProcAddress("glGetTexLevelParameteriv"));
1399 DCHECK(fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn);
1402 debug_fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn = 0;
1403 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1404 fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn =
1405 reinterpret_cast<glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingProc>(
1406 GetGLProcAddress("glGetTransformFeedbackVarying"));
1407 DCHECK(fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn);
1410 debug_fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn = 0;
1411 if (ext.b_GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source) {
1412 fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn =
1413 reinterpret_cast<glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEProc>(
1414 GetGLProcAddress("glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE"));
1415 DCHECK(fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn);
1418 debug_fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn = 0;
1419 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
1420 fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetUniformBlockIndexProc>(
1421 GetGLProcAddress("glGetUniformBlockIndex"));
1422 DCHECK(fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn);
1425 debug_fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn = 0;
1426 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
1427 fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn = reinterpret_cast<glGetUniformIndicesProc>(
1428 GetGLProcAddress("glGetUniformIndices"));
1429 DCHECK(fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn);
1432 debug_fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn = 0;
1433 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_debug_marker) {
1434 fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glInsertEventMarkerEXTProc>(
1435 GetGLProcAddress("glInsertEventMarkerEXT"));
1436 DCHECK(fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn);
1439 debug_fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn = 0;
1440 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1441 fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn =
1442 reinterpret_cast<glInvalidateFramebufferProc>(
1443 GetGLProcAddress("glInvalidateFramebuffer"));
1444 DCHECK(fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn);
1447 debug_fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn = 0;
1448 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1449 fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn =
1450 reinterpret_cast<glInvalidateSubFramebufferProc>(
1451 GetGLProcAddress("glInvalidateSubFramebuffer"));
1452 DCHECK(fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn);
1455 debug_fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
1456 if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_fence) {
1457 fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsFenceAPPLEProc>(
1458 GetGLProcAddress("glIsFenceAPPLE"));
1459 DCHECK(fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn);
1462 debug_fn.glIsFenceNVFn = 0;
1463 if (ext.b_GL_NV_fence) {
1464 fn.glIsFenceNVFn =
1465 reinterpret_cast<glIsFenceNVProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsFenceNV"));
1466 DCHECK(fn.glIsFenceNVFn);
1469 debug_fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn = 0;
1470 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1471 fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsFramebufferEXTProc>(
1472 GetGLProcAddress("glIsFramebuffer"));
1473 DCHECK(fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn);
1474 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1475 fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsFramebufferEXTProc>(
1476 GetGLProcAddress("glIsFramebufferEXT"));
1477 DCHECK(fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn);
1480 debug_fn.glIsQueryFn = 0;
1481 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1482 fn.glIsQueryFn =
1483 reinterpret_cast<glIsQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsQuery"));
1484 DCHECK(fn.glIsQueryFn);
1485 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query) {
1486 fn.glIsQueryFn =
1487 reinterpret_cast<glIsQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsQueryARB"));
1488 DCHECK(fn.glIsQueryFn);
1489 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query ||
1490 ext.b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean) {
1491 fn.glIsQueryFn =
1492 reinterpret_cast<glIsQueryProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsQueryEXT"));
1493 DCHECK(fn.glIsQueryFn);
1496 debug_fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn = 0;
1497 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1498 fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsRenderbufferEXTProc>(
1499 GetGLProcAddress("glIsRenderbuffer"));
1500 DCHECK(fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn);
1501 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1502 fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsRenderbufferEXTProc>(
1503 GetGLProcAddress("glIsRenderbufferEXT"));
1504 DCHECK(fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn);
1507 debug_fn.glIsSamplerFn = 0;
1508 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1509 fn.glIsSamplerFn =
1510 reinterpret_cast<glIsSamplerProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsSampler"));
1511 DCHECK(fn.glIsSamplerFn);
1514 debug_fn.glIsSyncFn = 0;
1515 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1516 ext.b_GL_ARB_sync) {
1517 fn.glIsSyncFn =
1518 reinterpret_cast<glIsSyncProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glIsSync"));
1519 DCHECK(fn.glIsSyncFn);
1522 debug_fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
1523 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 0u)) {
1524 fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsTransformFeedbackProc>(
1525 GetGLProcAddress("glIsTransformFeedback"));
1526 DCHECK(fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn);
1529 debug_fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn = 0;
1530 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1531 ext.b_GL_ARB_vertex_array_object) {
1532 fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsVertexArrayOESProc>(
1533 GetGLProcAddress("glIsVertexArray"));
1534 DCHECK(fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn);
1535 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_vertex_array_object) {
1536 fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsVertexArrayOESProc>(
1537 GetGLProcAddress("glIsVertexArrayOES"));
1538 DCHECK(fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn);
1539 } else if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object) {
1540 fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn = reinterpret_cast<glIsVertexArrayOESProc>(
1541 GetGLProcAddress("glIsVertexArrayAPPLE"));
1542 DCHECK(fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn);
1545 debug_fn.glMapBufferFn = 0;
1546 if (!ver->is_es) {
1547 fn.glMapBufferFn =
1548 reinterpret_cast<glMapBufferProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glMapBuffer"));
1549 DCHECK(fn.glMapBufferFn);
1550 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_mapbuffer) {
1551 fn.glMapBufferFn =
1552 reinterpret_cast<glMapBufferProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glMapBufferOES"));
1553 DCHECK(fn.glMapBufferFn);
1556 debug_fn.glMapBufferRangeFn = 0;
1557 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1558 ext.b_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range) {
1559 fn.glMapBufferRangeFn = reinterpret_cast<glMapBufferRangeProc>(
1560 GetGLProcAddress("glMapBufferRange"));
1561 DCHECK(fn.glMapBufferRangeFn);
1562 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_map_buffer_range) {
1563 fn.glMapBufferRangeFn = reinterpret_cast<glMapBufferRangeProc>(
1564 GetGLProcAddress("glMapBufferRangeEXT"));
1565 DCHECK(fn.glMapBufferRangeFn);
1568 debug_fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn = 0;
1569 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_direct_state_access || ext.b_GL_NV_path_rendering) {
1570 fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glMatrixLoadfEXTProc>(
1571 GetGLProcAddress("glMatrixLoadfEXT"));
1572 DCHECK(fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn);
1575 debug_fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn = 0;
1576 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_direct_state_access || ext.b_GL_NV_path_rendering) {
1577 fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn =
1578 reinterpret_cast<glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTProc>(
1579 GetGLProcAddress("glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT"));
1580 DCHECK(fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn);
1583 debug_fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
1584 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 0u)) {
1585 fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn =
1586 reinterpret_cast<glPauseTransformFeedbackProc>(
1587 GetGLProcAddress("glPauseTransformFeedback"));
1588 DCHECK(fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn);
1591 debug_fn.glPointParameteriFn = 0;
1592 if (!ver->is_es) {
1593 fn.glPointParameteriFn = reinterpret_cast<glPointParameteriProc>(
1594 GetGLProcAddress("glPointParameteri"));
1595 DCHECK(fn.glPointParameteriFn);
1598 debug_fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn = 0;
1599 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_debug_marker) {
1600 fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glPopGroupMarkerEXTProc>(
1601 GetGLProcAddress("glPopGroupMarkerEXT"));
1602 DCHECK(fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn);
1605 debug_fn.glProgramBinaryFn = 0;
1606 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1607 ext.b_GL_ARB_get_program_binary) {
1608 fn.glProgramBinaryFn = reinterpret_cast<glProgramBinaryProc>(
1609 GetGLProcAddress("glProgramBinary"));
1610 DCHECK(fn.glProgramBinaryFn);
1611 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_get_program_binary) {
1612 fn.glProgramBinaryFn = reinterpret_cast<glProgramBinaryProc>(
1613 GetGLProcAddress("glProgramBinaryOES"));
1614 DCHECK(fn.glProgramBinaryFn);
1617 debug_fn.glProgramParameteriFn = 0;
1618 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1619 ext.b_GL_ARB_get_program_binary) {
1620 fn.glProgramParameteriFn = reinterpret_cast<glProgramParameteriProc>(
1621 GetGLProcAddress("glProgramParameteri"));
1622 DCHECK(fn.glProgramParameteriFn);
1625 debug_fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn = 0;
1626 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_debug_marker) {
1627 fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glPushGroupMarkerEXTProc>(
1628 GetGLProcAddress("glPushGroupMarkerEXT"));
1629 DCHECK(fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn);
1632 debug_fn.glQueryCounterFn = 0;
1633 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ext.b_GL_ARB_timer_query) {
1634 fn.glQueryCounterFn = reinterpret_cast<glQueryCounterProc>(
1635 GetGLProcAddress("glQueryCounter"));
1636 DCHECK(fn.glQueryCounterFn);
1637 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query) {
1638 fn.glQueryCounterFn = reinterpret_cast<glQueryCounterProc>(
1639 GetGLProcAddress("glQueryCounterEXT"));
1640 DCHECK(fn.glQueryCounterFn);
1643 debug_fn.glReadBufferFn = 0;
1644 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1645 fn.glReadBufferFn =
1646 reinterpret_cast<glReadBufferProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glReadBuffer"));
1647 DCHECK(fn.glReadBufferFn);
1650 debug_fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn = 0;
1651 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->is_es) {
1652 fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn =
1653 reinterpret_cast<glReleaseShaderCompilerProc>(
1654 GetGLProcAddress("glReleaseShaderCompiler"));
1655 DCHECK(fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn);
1658 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn = 0;
1659 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->is_es) {
1660 fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn =
1661 reinterpret_cast<glRenderbufferStorageEXTProc>(
1662 GetGLProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorage"));
1663 DCHECK(fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn);
1664 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object) {
1665 fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn =
1666 reinterpret_cast<glRenderbufferStorageEXTProc>(
1667 GetGLProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorageEXT"));
1668 DCHECK(fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn);
1671 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn = 0;
1672 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1673 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn =
1674 reinterpret_cast<glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc>(
1675 GetGLProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorageMultisample"));
1676 DCHECK(fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn);
1679 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn = 0;
1680 if (ext.b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample) {
1681 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn =
1682 reinterpret_cast<glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEProc>(
1683 GetGLProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE"));
1684 DCHECK(fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn);
1687 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn = 0;
1688 if (ext.b_GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture ||
1689 ext.b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample) {
1690 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn =
1691 reinterpret_cast<glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTProc>(
1692 GetGLProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT"));
1693 DCHECK(fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn);
1696 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn = 0;
1697 if (ext.b_GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture) {
1698 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn =
1699 reinterpret_cast<glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGProc>(
1700 GetGLProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG"));
1701 DCHECK(fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn);
1704 debug_fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn = 0;
1705 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 0u)) {
1706 fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn =
1707 reinterpret_cast<glResumeTransformFeedbackProc>(
1708 GetGLProcAddress("glResumeTransformFeedback"));
1709 DCHECK(fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn);
1712 debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfFn = 0;
1713 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1714 fn.glSamplerParameterfFn = reinterpret_cast<glSamplerParameterfProc>(
1715 GetGLProcAddress("glSamplerParameterf"));
1716 DCHECK(fn.glSamplerParameterfFn);
1719 debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn = 0;
1720 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1721 fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn = reinterpret_cast<glSamplerParameterfvProc>(
1722 GetGLProcAddress("glSamplerParameterfv"));
1723 DCHECK(fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn);
1726 debug_fn.glSamplerParameteriFn = 0;
1727 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1728 fn.glSamplerParameteriFn = reinterpret_cast<glSamplerParameteriProc>(
1729 GetGLProcAddress("glSamplerParameteri"));
1730 DCHECK(fn.glSamplerParameteriFn);
1733 debug_fn.glSamplerParameterivFn = 0;
1734 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1735 fn.glSamplerParameterivFn = reinterpret_cast<glSamplerParameterivProc>(
1736 GetGLProcAddress("glSamplerParameteriv"));
1737 DCHECK(fn.glSamplerParameterivFn);
1740 debug_fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
1741 if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_fence) {
1742 fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glSetFenceAPPLEProc>(
1743 GetGLProcAddress("glSetFenceAPPLE"));
1744 DCHECK(fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn);
1747 debug_fn.glSetFenceNVFn = 0;
1748 if (ext.b_GL_NV_fence) {
1749 fn.glSetFenceNVFn =
1750 reinterpret_cast<glSetFenceNVProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glSetFenceNV"));
1751 DCHECK(fn.glSetFenceNVFn);
1754 debug_fn.glShaderBinaryFn = 0;
1755 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 1u) || ver->is_es) {
1756 fn.glShaderBinaryFn = reinterpret_cast<glShaderBinaryProc>(
1757 GetGLProcAddress("glShaderBinary"));
1758 DCHECK(fn.glShaderBinaryFn);
1761 debug_fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn = 0;
1762 if (ext.b_GL_APPLE_fence) {
1763 fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn = reinterpret_cast<glTestFenceAPPLEProc>(
1764 GetGLProcAddress("glTestFenceAPPLE"));
1765 DCHECK(fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn);
1768 debug_fn.glTestFenceNVFn = 0;
1769 if (ext.b_GL_NV_fence) {
1770 fn.glTestFenceNVFn =
1771 reinterpret_cast<glTestFenceNVProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glTestFenceNV"));
1772 DCHECK(fn.glTestFenceNVFn);
1775 debug_fn.glTexImage3DFn = 0;
1776 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1777 fn.glTexImage3DFn =
1778 reinterpret_cast<glTexImage3DProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glTexImage3D"));
1779 DCHECK(fn.glTexImage3DFn);
1782 debug_fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn = 0;
1783 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1784 ext.b_GL_ARB_texture_storage) {
1785 fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexStorage2DEXTProc>(
1786 GetGLProcAddress("glTexStorage2D"));
1787 DCHECK(fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn);
1788 } else if (ext.b_GL_EXT_texture_storage) {
1789 fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexStorage2DEXTProc>(
1790 GetGLProcAddress("glTexStorage2DEXT"));
1791 DCHECK(fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn);
1794 debug_fn.glTexStorage3DFn = 0;
1795 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(4u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1796 fn.glTexStorage3DFn = reinterpret_cast<glTexStorage3DProc>(
1797 GetGLProcAddress("glTexStorage3D"));
1798 DCHECK(fn.glTexStorage3DFn);
1801 debug_fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn = 0;
1802 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1803 fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn =
1804 reinterpret_cast<glTransformFeedbackVaryingsProc>(
1805 GetGLProcAddress("glTransformFeedbackVaryings"));
1806 DCHECK(fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn);
1809 debug_fn.glUniform1uiFn = 0;
1810 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1811 fn.glUniform1uiFn =
1812 reinterpret_cast<glUniform1uiProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform1ui"));
1813 DCHECK(fn.glUniform1uiFn);
1816 debug_fn.glUniform1uivFn = 0;
1817 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1818 fn.glUniform1uivFn =
1819 reinterpret_cast<glUniform1uivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform1uiv"));
1820 DCHECK(fn.glUniform1uivFn);
1823 debug_fn.glUniform2uiFn = 0;
1824 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1825 fn.glUniform2uiFn =
1826 reinterpret_cast<glUniform2uiProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform2ui"));
1827 DCHECK(fn.glUniform2uiFn);
1830 debug_fn.glUniform2uivFn = 0;
1831 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1832 fn.glUniform2uivFn =
1833 reinterpret_cast<glUniform2uivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform2uiv"));
1834 DCHECK(fn.glUniform2uivFn);
1837 debug_fn.glUniform3uiFn = 0;
1838 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1839 fn.glUniform3uiFn =
1840 reinterpret_cast<glUniform3uiProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform3ui"));
1841 DCHECK(fn.glUniform3uiFn);
1844 debug_fn.glUniform3uivFn = 0;
1845 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1846 fn.glUniform3uivFn =
1847 reinterpret_cast<glUniform3uivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform3uiv"));
1848 DCHECK(fn.glUniform3uivFn);
1851 debug_fn.glUniform4uiFn = 0;
1852 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1853 fn.glUniform4uiFn =
1854 reinterpret_cast<glUniform4uiProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform4ui"));
1855 DCHECK(fn.glUniform4uiFn);
1858 debug_fn.glUniform4uivFn = 0;
1859 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1860 fn.glUniform4uivFn =
1861 reinterpret_cast<glUniform4uivProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUniform4uiv"));
1862 DCHECK(fn.glUniform4uivFn);
1865 debug_fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn = 0;
1866 if (ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 1u)) {
1867 fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformBlockBindingProc>(
1868 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformBlockBinding"));
1869 DCHECK(fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn);
1872 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn = 0;
1873 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1874 fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix2x3fvProc>(
1875 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix2x3fv"));
1876 DCHECK(fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn);
1879 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn = 0;
1880 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1881 fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix2x4fvProc>(
1882 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix2x4fv"));
1883 DCHECK(fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn);
1886 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn = 0;
1887 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1888 fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix3x2fvProc>(
1889 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix3x2fv"));
1890 DCHECK(fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn);
1893 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn = 0;
1894 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1895 fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix3x4fvProc>(
1896 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix3x4fv"));
1897 DCHECK(fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn);
1900 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn = 0;
1901 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1902 fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix4x2fvProc>(
1903 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix4x2fv"));
1904 DCHECK(fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn);
1907 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn = 0;
1908 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1909 fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn = reinterpret_cast<glUniformMatrix4x3fvProc>(
1910 GetGLProcAddress("glUniformMatrix4x3fv"));
1911 DCHECK(fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn);
1914 debug_fn.glUnmapBufferFn = 0;
1915 if (!ver->is_es || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1916 fn.glUnmapBufferFn =
1917 reinterpret_cast<glUnmapBufferProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glUnmapBuffer"));
1918 DCHECK(fn.glUnmapBufferFn);
1919 } else if (ext.b_GL_OES_mapbuffer) {
1920 fn.glUnmapBufferFn = reinterpret_cast<glUnmapBufferProc>(
1921 GetGLProcAddress("glUnmapBufferOES"));
1922 DCHECK(fn.glUnmapBufferFn);
1925 debug_fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn = 0;
1926 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 3u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1927 fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn =
1928 reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEProc>(
1929 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribDivisor"));
1930 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn);
1931 } else if (ext.b_GL_ARB_instanced_arrays) {
1932 fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn =
1933 reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEProc>(
1934 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribDivisorARB"));
1935 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn);
1936 } else if (ext.b_GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays) {
1937 fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn =
1938 reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEProc>(
1939 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE"));
1940 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn);
1943 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn = 0;
1944 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1945 fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribI4iProc>(
1946 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribI4i"));
1947 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn);
1950 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn = 0;
1951 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1952 fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribI4ivProc>(
1953 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribI4iv"));
1954 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn);
1957 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn = 0;
1958 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1959 fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribI4uiProc>(
1960 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribI4ui"));
1961 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn);
1964 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn = 0;
1965 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1966 fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribI4uivProc>(
1967 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribI4uiv"));
1968 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn);
1971 debug_fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn = 0;
1972 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 0u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u)) {
1973 fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn = reinterpret_cast<glVertexAttribIPointerProc>(
1974 GetGLProcAddress("glVertexAttribIPointer"));
1975 DCHECK(fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn);
1978 debug_fn.glWaitSyncFn = 0;
1979 if (ver->IsAtLeastGL(3u, 2u) || ver->IsAtLeastGLES(3u, 0u) ||
1980 ext.b_GL_ARB_sync) {
1981 fn.glWaitSyncFn =
1982 reinterpret_cast<glWaitSyncProc>(GetGLProcAddress("glWaitSync"));
1983 DCHECK(fn.glWaitSyncFn);
1986 if (g_debugBindingsInitialized)
1987 InitializeDebugBindings();
1990 extern "C" {
1992 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glActiveTexture(GLenum texture) {
1993 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glActiveTexture"
1994 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(texture) << ")");
1995 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glActiveTextureFn(texture);
1998 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
1999 Debug_glAttachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
2000 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glAttachShader"
2001 << "(" << program << ", " << shader << ")");
2002 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glAttachShaderFn(program, shader);
2005 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBeginQuery(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
2006 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBeginQuery"
2007 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << id << ")");
2008 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBeginQueryFn(target, id);
2011 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2012 Debug_glBeginTransformFeedback(GLenum primitiveMode) {
2013 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBeginTransformFeedback"
2014 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(primitiveMode) << ")");
2015 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(primitiveMode);
2018 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2019 Debug_glBindAttribLocation(GLuint program, GLuint index, const char* name) {
2020 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindAttribLocation"
2021 << "(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << name << ")");
2022 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindAttribLocationFn(program, index, name);
2025 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBindBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) {
2026 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindBuffer"
2027 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << buffer
2028 << ")");
2029 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindBufferFn(target, buffer);
2032 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2033 Debug_glBindBufferBase(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer) {
2034 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindBufferBase"
2035 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << index
2036 << ", " << buffer << ")");
2037 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindBufferBaseFn(target, index, buffer);
2040 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBindBufferRange(GLenum target,
2041 GLuint index,
2042 GLuint buffer,
2043 GLintptr offset,
2044 GLsizeiptr size) {
2045 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindBufferRange"
2046 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << index
2047 << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ")");
2048 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindBufferRangeFn(target, index, buffer, offset, size);
2051 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBindFragDataLocation(GLuint program,
2052 GLuint colorNumber,
2053 const char* name) {
2054 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindFragDataLocation"
2055 << "(" << program << ", " << colorNumber << ", " << name
2056 << ")");
2057 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn(program, colorNumber, name);
2060 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2061 Debug_glBindFragDataLocationIndexed(GLuint program,
2062 GLuint colorNumber,
2063 GLuint index,
2064 const char* name) {
2065 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindFragDataLocationIndexed"
2066 << "(" << program << ", " << colorNumber << ", " << index
2067 << ", " << name << ")");
2068 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(program, colorNumber,
2069 index, name);
2072 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2073 Debug_glBindFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) {
2074 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindFramebufferEXT"
2075 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << framebuffer
2076 << ")");
2077 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn(target, framebuffer);
2080 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2081 Debug_glBindRenderbufferEXT(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) {
2082 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindRenderbufferEXT"
2083 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
2084 << renderbuffer << ")");
2085 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(target, renderbuffer);
2088 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBindSampler(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler) {
2089 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindSampler"
2090 << "(" << unit << ", " << sampler << ")");
2091 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindSamplerFn(unit, sampler);
2094 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture) {
2095 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindTexture"
2096 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << texture
2097 << ")");
2098 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindTextureFn(target, texture);
2101 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2102 Debug_glBindTransformFeedback(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
2103 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindTransformFeedback"
2104 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << id << ")");
2105 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn(target, id);
2108 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBindVertexArrayOES(GLuint array) {
2109 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBindVertexArrayOES"
2110 << "(" << array << ")");
2111 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn(array);
2114 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlendBarrierKHR(void) {
2115 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlendBarrierKHR"
2116 << "("
2117 << ")");
2118 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn();
2121 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlendColor(GLclampf red,
2122 GLclampf green,
2123 GLclampf blue,
2124 GLclampf alpha) {
2125 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlendColor"
2126 << "(" << red << ", " << green << ", " << blue << ", " << alpha
2127 << ")");
2128 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlendColorFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
2131 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlendEquation(GLenum mode) {
2132 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlendEquation"
2133 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ")");
2134 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlendEquationFn(mode);
2137 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2138 Debug_glBlendEquationSeparate(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha) {
2139 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlendEquationSeparate"
2140 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(modeRGB) << ", "
2141 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(modeAlpha) << ")");
2142 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlendEquationSeparateFn(modeRGB, modeAlpha);
2145 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlendFunc(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) {
2146 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlendFunc"
2147 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(sfactor) << ", "
2148 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(dfactor) << ")");
2149 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlendFuncFn(sfactor, dfactor);
2152 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlendFuncSeparate(GLenum srcRGB,
2153 GLenum dstRGB,
2154 GLenum srcAlpha,
2155 GLenum dstAlpha) {
2156 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlendFuncSeparate"
2157 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(srcRGB) << ", "
2158 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(dstRGB) << ", "
2159 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(srcAlpha) << ", "
2160 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(dstAlpha) << ")");
2161 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlendFuncSeparateFn(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha,
2162 dstAlpha);
2165 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlitFramebuffer(GLint srcX0,
2166 GLint srcY0,
2167 GLint srcX1,
2168 GLint srcY1,
2169 GLint dstX0,
2170 GLint dstY0,
2171 GLint dstX1,
2172 GLint dstY1,
2173 GLbitfield mask,
2174 GLenum filter) {
2175 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlitFramebuffer"
2176 << "(" << srcX0 << ", " << srcY0 << ", " << srcX1 << ", "
2177 << srcY1 << ", " << dstX0 << ", " << dstY0 << ", " << dstX1
2178 << ", " << dstY1 << ", " << mask << ", "
2179 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(filter) << ")");
2180 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferFn(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0,
2181 dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
2184 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlitFramebufferANGLE(GLint srcX0,
2185 GLint srcY0,
2186 GLint srcX1,
2187 GLint srcY1,
2188 GLint dstX0,
2189 GLint dstY0,
2190 GLint dstX1,
2191 GLint dstY1,
2192 GLbitfield mask,
2193 GLenum filter) {
2194 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlitFramebufferANGLE"
2195 << "(" << srcX0 << ", " << srcY0 << ", " << srcX1 << ", "
2196 << srcY1 << ", " << dstX0 << ", " << dstY0 << ", " << dstX1
2197 << ", " << dstY1 << ", " << mask << ", "
2198 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(filter) << ")");
2199 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(
2200 srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
2203 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBlitFramebufferEXT(GLint srcX0,
2204 GLint srcY0,
2205 GLint srcX1,
2206 GLint srcY1,
2207 GLint dstX0,
2208 GLint dstY0,
2209 GLint dstX1,
2210 GLint dstY1,
2211 GLbitfield mask,
2212 GLenum filter) {
2213 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBlitFramebufferEXT"
2214 << "(" << srcX0 << ", " << srcY0 << ", " << srcX1 << ", "
2215 << srcY1 << ", " << dstX0 << ", " << dstY0 << ", " << dstX1
2216 << ", " << dstY1 << ", " << mask << ", "
2217 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(filter) << ")");
2218 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(
2219 srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
2222 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBufferData(GLenum target,
2223 GLsizeiptr size,
2224 const void* data,
2225 GLenum usage) {
2226 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBufferData"
2227 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << size
2228 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(data) << ", "
2229 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(usage) << ")");
2230 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBufferDataFn(target, size, data, usage);
2233 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glBufferSubData(GLenum target,
2234 GLintptr offset,
2235 GLsizeiptr size,
2236 const void* data) {
2237 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glBufferSubData"
2238 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << offset
2239 << ", " << size << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(data)
2240 << ")");
2241 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glBufferSubDataFn(target, offset, size, data);
2244 static GLenum GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GLenum target) {
2245 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT"
2246 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ")");
2247 GLenum result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(target);
2249 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(result));
2251 return result;
2254 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glClear(GLbitfield mask) {
2255 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClear"
2256 << "(" << mask << ")");
2257 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearFn(mask);
2260 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glClearBufferfi(GLenum buffer,
2261 GLint drawbuffer,
2262 const GLfloat depth,
2263 GLint stencil) {
2264 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearBufferfi"
2265 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer
2266 << ", " << depth << ", " << stencil << ")");
2267 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearBufferfiFn(buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil);
2270 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2271 Debug_glClearBufferfv(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat* value) {
2272 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearBufferfv"
2273 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer
2274 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
2275 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearBufferfvFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
2278 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2279 Debug_glClearBufferiv(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint* value) {
2280 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearBufferiv"
2281 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer
2282 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
2283 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearBufferivFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
2286 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2287 Debug_glClearBufferuiv(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint* value) {
2288 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearBufferuiv"
2289 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer
2290 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
2291 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearBufferuivFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
2294 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glClearColor(GLclampf red,
2295 GLclampf green,
2296 GLclampf blue,
2297 GLclampf alpha) {
2298 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearColor"
2299 << "(" << red << ", " << green << ", " << blue << ", " << alpha
2300 << ")");
2301 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearColorFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
2304 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glClearDepth(GLclampd depth) {
2305 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearDepth"
2306 << "(" << depth << ")");
2307 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearDepthFn(depth);
2310 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glClearDepthf(GLclampf depth) {
2311 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearDepthf"
2312 << "(" << depth << ")");
2313 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearDepthfFn(depth);
2316 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glClearStencil(GLint s) {
2317 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClearStencil"
2318 << "(" << s << ")");
2319 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClearStencilFn(s);
2322 static GLenum GL_BINDING_CALL
2323 Debug_glClientWaitSync(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout) {
2324 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glClientWaitSync"
2325 << "(" << sync << ", " << flags << ", " << timeout << ")");
2326 GLenum result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glClientWaitSyncFn(sync, flags, timeout);
2327 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
2328 return result;
2331 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glColorMask(GLboolean red,
2332 GLboolean green,
2333 GLboolean blue,
2334 GLboolean alpha) {
2335 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glColorMask"
2336 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringBool(red) << ", "
2337 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(green) << ", "
2338 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(blue) << ", "
2339 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(alpha) << ")");
2340 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glColorMaskFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
2343 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCompileShader(GLuint shader) {
2344 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCompileShader"
2345 << "(" << shader << ")");
2346 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCompileShaderFn(shader);
2349 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCompressedTexImage2D(GLenum target,
2350 GLint level,
2351 GLenum internalformat,
2352 GLsizei width,
2353 GLsizei height,
2354 GLint border,
2355 GLsizei imageSize,
2356 const void* data) {
2357 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCompressedTexImage2D"
2358 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
2359 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
2360 << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", "
2361 << imageSize << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(data) << ")");
2362 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCompressedTexImage2DFn(
2363 target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data);
2366 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCompressedTexImage3D(GLenum target,
2367 GLint level,
2368 GLenum internalformat,
2369 GLsizei width,
2370 GLsizei height,
2371 GLsizei depth,
2372 GLint border,
2373 GLsizei imageSize,
2374 const void* data) {
2375 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCompressedTexImage3D"
2376 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
2377 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
2378 << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border
2379 << ", " << imageSize << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(data)
2380 << ")");
2381 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn(target, level, internalformat,
2382 width, height, depth, border,
2383 imageSize, data);
2386 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GLenum target,
2387 GLint level,
2388 GLint xoffset,
2389 GLint yoffset,
2390 GLsizei width,
2391 GLsizei height,
2392 GLenum format,
2393 GLsizei imageSize,
2394 const void* data) {
2395 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCompressedTexSubImage2D"
2396 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
2397 << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", "
2398 << height << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(format) << ", "
2399 << imageSize << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(data) << ")");
2400 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(
2401 target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data);
2404 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCopyBufferSubData(GLenum readTarget,
2405 GLenum writeTarget,
2406 GLintptr readOffset,
2407 GLintptr writeOffset,
2408 GLsizeiptr size) {
2409 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCopyBufferSubData"
2410 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(readTarget) << ", "
2411 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(writeTarget) << ", " << readOffset
2412 << ", " << writeOffset << ", " << size << ")");
2413 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn(readTarget, writeTarget,
2414 readOffset, writeOffset, size);
2417 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCopyTexImage2D(GLenum target,
2418 GLint level,
2419 GLenum internalformat,
2420 GLint x,
2421 GLint y,
2422 GLsizei width,
2423 GLsizei height,
2424 GLint border) {
2425 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCopyTexImage2D"
2426 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
2427 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", " << x
2428 << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", "
2429 << border << ")");
2430 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCopyTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, x, y,
2431 width, height, border);
2434 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum target,
2435 GLint level,
2436 GLint xoffset,
2437 GLint yoffset,
2438 GLint x,
2439 GLint y,
2440 GLsizei width,
2441 GLsizei height) {
2442 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCopyTexSubImage2D"
2443 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
2444 << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y
2445 << ", " << width << ", " << height << ")");
2446 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x,
2447 y, width, height);
2450 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCopyTexSubImage3D(GLenum target,
2451 GLint level,
2452 GLint xoffset,
2453 GLint yoffset,
2454 GLint zoffset,
2455 GLint x,
2456 GLint y,
2457 GLsizei width,
2458 GLsizei height) {
2459 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCopyTexSubImage3D"
2460 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
2461 << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset
2462 << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height
2463 << ")");
2464 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset,
2465 zoffset, x, y, width, height);
2468 static GLuint GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCreateProgram(void) {
2469 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCreateProgram"
2470 << "("
2471 << ")");
2472 GLuint result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCreateProgramFn();
2473 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
2474 return result;
2477 static GLuint GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCreateShader(GLenum type) {
2478 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCreateShader"
2479 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ")");
2480 GLuint result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCreateShaderFn(type);
2481 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
2482 return result;
2485 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glCullFace(GLenum mode) {
2486 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glCullFace"
2487 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ")");
2488 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glCullFaceFn(mode);
2491 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2492 Debug_glDeleteBuffersARB(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) {
2493 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteBuffersARB"
2494 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(buffers)
2495 << ")");
2496 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteBuffersARBFn(n, buffers);
2499 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2500 Debug_glDeleteFencesAPPLE(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
2501 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteFencesAPPLE"
2502 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(fences)
2503 << ")");
2504 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(n, fences);
2507 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2508 Debug_glDeleteFencesNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
2509 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteFencesNV"
2510 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(fences)
2511 << ")");
2512 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn(n, fences);
2515 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2516 Debug_glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers) {
2517 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteFramebuffersEXT"
2518 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(framebuffers)
2519 << ")");
2520 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(n, framebuffers);
2523 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDeleteProgram(GLuint program) {
2524 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteProgram"
2525 << "(" << program << ")");
2526 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteProgramFn(program);
2529 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2530 Debug_glDeleteQueries(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {
2531 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteQueries"
2532 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(ids) << ")");
2533 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteQueriesFn(n, ids);
2536 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2537 Debug_glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers) {
2538 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT"
2539 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(renderbuffers)
2540 << ")");
2541 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(n, renderbuffers);
2544 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2545 Debug_glDeleteSamplers(GLsizei n, const GLuint* samplers) {
2546 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteSamplers"
2547 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(samplers)
2548 << ")");
2549 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteSamplersFn(n, samplers);
2552 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDeleteShader(GLuint shader) {
2553 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteShader"
2554 << "(" << shader << ")");
2555 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteShaderFn(shader);
2558 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDeleteSync(GLsync sync) {
2559 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteSync"
2560 << "(" << sync << ")");
2561 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteSyncFn(sync);
2564 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2565 Debug_glDeleteTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) {
2566 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteTextures"
2567 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(textures)
2568 << ")");
2569 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteTexturesFn(n, textures);
2572 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2573 Debug_glDeleteTransformFeedbacks(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {
2574 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteTransformFeedbacks"
2575 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(ids) << ")");
2576 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(n, ids);
2579 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2580 Debug_glDeleteVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays) {
2581 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDeleteVertexArraysOES"
2582 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(arrays)
2583 << ")");
2584 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(n, arrays);
2587 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDepthFunc(GLenum func) {
2588 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDepthFunc"
2589 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(func) << ")");
2590 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDepthFuncFn(func);
2593 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDepthMask(GLboolean flag) {
2594 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDepthMask"
2595 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringBool(flag) << ")");
2596 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDepthMaskFn(flag);
2599 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDepthRange(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) {
2600 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDepthRange"
2601 << "(" << zNear << ", " << zFar << ")");
2602 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDepthRangeFn(zNear, zFar);
2605 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDepthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) {
2606 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDepthRangef"
2607 << "(" << zNear << ", " << zFar << ")");
2608 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDepthRangefFn(zNear, zFar);
2611 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2612 Debug_glDetachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
2613 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDetachShader"
2614 << "(" << program << ", " << shader << ")");
2615 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDetachShaderFn(program, shader);
2618 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDisable(GLenum cap) {
2619 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDisable"
2620 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(cap) << ")");
2621 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDisableFn(cap);
2624 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDisableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index) {
2625 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDisableVertexAttribArray"
2626 << "(" << index << ")");
2627 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(index);
2630 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2631 Debug_glDiscardFramebufferEXT(GLenum target,
2632 GLsizei numAttachments,
2633 const GLenum* attachments) {
2634 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDiscardFramebufferEXT"
2635 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
2636 << numAttachments << ", "
2637 << static_cast<const void*>(attachments) << ")");
2638 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(target, numAttachments,
2639 attachments);
2642 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2643 Debug_glDrawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) {
2644 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDrawArrays"
2645 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ", " << first << ", "
2646 << count << ")");
2647 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDrawArraysFn(mode, first, count);
2650 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2651 Debug_glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode,
2652 GLint first,
2653 GLsizei count,
2654 GLsizei primcount) {
2655 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE"
2656 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ", " << first << ", "
2657 << count << ", " << primcount << ")");
2658 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(mode, first, count,
2659 primcount);
2662 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDrawBuffer(GLenum mode) {
2663 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDrawBuffer"
2664 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ")");
2665 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDrawBufferFn(mode);
2668 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2669 Debug_glDrawBuffersARB(GLsizei n, const GLenum* bufs) {
2670 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDrawBuffersARB"
2671 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(bufs) << ")");
2672 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn(n, bufs);
2675 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDrawElements(GLenum mode,
2676 GLsizei count,
2677 GLenum type,
2678 const void* indices) {
2679 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDrawElements"
2680 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ", " << count << ", "
2681 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", "
2682 << static_cast<const void*>(indices) << ")");
2683 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDrawElementsFn(mode, count, type, indices);
2686 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2687 Debug_glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode,
2688 GLsizei count,
2689 GLenum type,
2690 const void* indices,
2691 GLsizei primcount) {
2692 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE"
2693 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ", " << count << ", "
2694 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", "
2695 << static_cast<const void*>(indices) << ", " << primcount
2696 << ")");
2697 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(mode, count, type,
2698 indices, primcount);
2701 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glDrawRangeElements(GLenum mode,
2702 GLuint start,
2703 GLuint end,
2704 GLsizei count,
2705 GLenum type,
2706 const void* indices) {
2707 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glDrawRangeElements"
2708 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ", " << start << ", "
2709 << end << ", " << count << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type)
2710 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(indices) << ")");
2711 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn(mode, start, end, count, type,
2712 indices);
2715 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2716 Debug_glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target,
2717 GLeglImageOES image) {
2718 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES"
2719 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << image
2720 << ")");
2721 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn(target, image);
2724 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2725 Debug_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image) {
2726 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES"
2727 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << image
2728 << ")");
2729 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(target, image);
2732 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glEnable(GLenum cap) {
2733 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glEnable"
2734 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(cap) << ")");
2735 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glEnableFn(cap);
2738 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glEnableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index) {
2739 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glEnableVertexAttribArray"
2740 << "(" << index << ")");
2741 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(index);
2744 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glEndQuery(GLenum target) {
2745 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glEndQuery"
2746 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ")");
2747 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glEndQueryFn(target);
2750 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glEndTransformFeedback(void) {
2751 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glEndTransformFeedback"
2752 << "("
2753 << ")");
2754 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn();
2757 static GLsync GL_BINDING_CALL
2758 Debug_glFenceSync(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) {
2759 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFenceSync"
2760 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(condition) << ", " << flags
2761 << ")");
2762 GLsync result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFenceSyncFn(condition, flags);
2763 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
2764 return result;
2767 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFinish(void) {
2768 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFinish"
2769 << "("
2770 << ")");
2771 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFinishFn();
2774 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFinishFenceAPPLE(GLuint fence) {
2775 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFinishFenceAPPLE"
2776 << "(" << fence << ")");
2777 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
2780 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFinishFenceNV(GLuint fence) {
2781 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFinishFenceNV"
2782 << "(" << fence << ")");
2783 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFinishFenceNVFn(fence);
2786 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFlush(void) {
2787 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFlush"
2788 << "("
2789 << ")");
2790 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFlushFn();
2793 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFlushMappedBufferRange(GLenum target,
2794 GLintptr offset,
2795 GLsizeiptr length) {
2796 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFlushMappedBufferRange"
2797 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << offset
2798 << ", " << length << ")");
2799 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(target, offset, length);
2802 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2803 Debug_glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(GLenum target,
2804 GLenum attachment,
2805 GLenum renderbuffertarget,
2806 GLuint renderbuffer) {
2807 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT"
2808 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
2809 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(attachment) << ", "
2810 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(renderbuffertarget) << ", "
2811 << renderbuffer << ")");
2812 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(
2813 target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer);
2816 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GLenum target,
2817 GLenum attachment,
2818 GLenum textarget,
2819 GLuint texture,
2820 GLint level) {
2821 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFramebufferTexture2DEXT"
2822 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
2823 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(attachment) << ", "
2824 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", "
2825 << level << ")");
2826 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(target, attachment,
2827 textarget, texture, level);
2830 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2831 Debug_glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(GLenum target,
2832 GLenum attachment,
2833 GLenum textarget,
2834 GLuint texture,
2835 GLint level,
2836 GLsizei samples) {
2837 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT"
2838 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
2839 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(attachment) << ", "
2840 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", "
2841 << level << ", " << samples << ")");
2842 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(
2843 target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, samples);
2846 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2847 Debug_glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(GLenum target,
2848 GLenum attachment,
2849 GLenum textarget,
2850 GLuint texture,
2851 GLint level,
2852 GLsizei samples) {
2853 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG"
2854 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
2855 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(attachment) << ", "
2856 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", "
2857 << level << ", " << samples << ")");
2858 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(
2859 target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, samples);
2862 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFramebufferTextureLayer(GLenum target,
2863 GLenum attachment,
2864 GLuint texture,
2865 GLint level,
2866 GLint layer) {
2867 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFramebufferTextureLayer"
2868 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
2869 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(attachment) << ", " << texture
2870 << ", " << level << ", " << layer << ")");
2871 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(target, attachment, texture,
2872 level, layer);
2875 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glFrontFace(GLenum mode) {
2876 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glFrontFace"
2877 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ")");
2878 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glFrontFaceFn(mode);
2881 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGenBuffersARB(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) {
2882 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenBuffersARB"
2883 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(buffers)
2884 << ")");
2885 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenBuffersARBFn(n, buffers);
2888 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGenerateMipmapEXT(GLenum target) {
2889 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenerateMipmapEXT"
2890 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ")");
2891 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(target);
2894 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGenFencesAPPLE(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
2895 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenFencesAPPLE"
2896 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(fences)
2897 << ")");
2898 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn(n, fences);
2901 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGenFencesNV(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
2902 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenFencesNV"
2903 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(fences)
2904 << ")");
2905 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenFencesNVFn(n, fences);
2908 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2909 Debug_glGenFramebuffersEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) {
2910 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenFramebuffersEXT"
2911 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(framebuffers)
2912 << ")");
2913 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(n, framebuffers);
2916 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGenQueries(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
2917 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenQueries"
2918 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(ids) << ")");
2919 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenQueriesFn(n, ids);
2922 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2923 Debug_glGenRenderbuffersEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) {
2924 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenRenderbuffersEXT"
2925 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(renderbuffers)
2926 << ")");
2927 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(n, renderbuffers);
2930 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGenSamplers(GLsizei n, GLuint* samplers) {
2931 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenSamplers"
2932 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(samplers)
2933 << ")");
2934 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenSamplersFn(n, samplers);
2937 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGenTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) {
2938 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenTextures"
2939 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(textures)
2940 << ")");
2941 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenTexturesFn(n, textures);
2944 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2945 Debug_glGenTransformFeedbacks(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
2946 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenTransformFeedbacks"
2947 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(ids) << ")");
2948 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(n, ids);
2951 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2952 Debug_glGenVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays) {
2953 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGenVertexArraysOES"
2954 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(arrays)
2955 << ")");
2956 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn(n, arrays);
2959 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetActiveAttrib(GLuint program,
2960 GLuint index,
2961 GLsizei bufsize,
2962 GLsizei* length,
2963 GLint* size,
2964 GLenum* type,
2965 char* name) {
2966 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetActiveAttrib"
2967 << "(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << bufsize << ", "
2968 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
2969 << static_cast<const void*>(size) << ", "
2970 << static_cast<const void*>(type) << ", "
2971 << static_cast<const void*>(name) << ")");
2972 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetActiveAttribFn(program, index, bufsize, length,
2973 size, type, name);
2976 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetActiveUniform(GLuint program,
2977 GLuint index,
2978 GLsizei bufsize,
2979 GLsizei* length,
2980 GLint* size,
2981 GLenum* type,
2982 char* name) {
2983 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetActiveUniform"
2984 << "(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << bufsize << ", "
2985 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
2986 << static_cast<const void*>(size) << ", "
2987 << static_cast<const void*>(type) << ", "
2988 << static_cast<const void*>(name) << ")");
2989 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformFn(program, index, bufsize, length,
2990 size, type, name);
2993 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
2994 Debug_glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(GLuint program,
2995 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
2996 GLenum pname,
2997 GLint* params) {
2998 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetActiveUniformBlockiv"
2999 << "(" << program << ", " << uniformBlockIndex << ", "
3000 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3001 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3002 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(program, uniformBlockIndex,
3003 pname, params);
3006 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3007 Debug_glGetActiveUniformBlockName(GLuint program,
3008 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
3009 GLsizei bufSize,
3010 GLsizei* length,
3011 char* uniformBlockName) {
3012 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetActiveUniformBlockName"
3013 << "(" << program << ", " << uniformBlockIndex << ", "
3014 << bufSize << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3015 << static_cast<const void*>(uniformBlockName) << ")");
3016 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(
3017 program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName);
3020 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3021 Debug_glGetActiveUniformsiv(GLuint program,
3022 GLsizei uniformCount,
3023 const GLuint* uniformIndices,
3024 GLenum pname,
3025 GLint* params) {
3026 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetActiveUniformsiv"
3027 << "(" << program << ", " << uniformCount << ", "
3028 << static_cast<const void*>(uniformIndices) << ", "
3029 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3030 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3031 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn(program, uniformCount,
3032 uniformIndices, pname, params);
3035 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetAttachedShaders(GLuint program,
3036 GLsizei maxcount,
3037 GLsizei* count,
3038 GLuint* shaders) {
3039 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetAttachedShaders"
3040 << "(" << program << ", " << maxcount << ", "
3041 << static_cast<const void*>(count) << ", "
3042 << static_cast<const void*>(shaders) << ")");
3043 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetAttachedShadersFn(program, maxcount, count,
3044 shaders);
3047 static GLint GL_BINDING_CALL
3048 Debug_glGetAttribLocation(GLuint program, const char* name) {
3049 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetAttribLocation"
3050 << "(" << program << ", " << name << ")");
3051 GLint result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetAttribLocationFn(program, name);
3052 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3053 return result;
3056 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3057 Debug_glGetBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params) {
3058 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetBooleanv"
3059 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3060 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3061 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetBooleanvFn(pname, params);
3064 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3065 Debug_glGetBufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3066 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetBufferParameteriv"
3067 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3068 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3069 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3070 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetBufferParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
3073 static GLenum GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetError(void) {
3074 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetError"
3075 << "("
3076 << ")");
3077 GLenum result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetErrorFn();
3079 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << GLEnums::GetStringError(result));
3081 return result;
3084 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3085 Debug_glGetFenceivNV(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3086 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetFenceivNV"
3087 << "(" << fence << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3088 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3089 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetFenceivNVFn(fence, pname, params);
3092 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) {
3093 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetFloatv"
3094 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3095 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3096 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetFloatvFn(pname, params);
3099 static GLint GL_BINDING_CALL
3100 Debug_glGetFragDataLocation(GLuint program, const char* name) {
3101 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetFragDataLocation"
3102 << "(" << program << ", " << name << ")");
3103 GLint result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn(program, name);
3104 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3105 return result;
3108 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3109 Debug_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(GLenum target,
3110 GLenum attachment,
3111 GLenum pname,
3112 GLint* params) {
3113 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT"
3114 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3115 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(attachment) << ", "
3116 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3117 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3118 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(
3119 target, attachment, pname, params);
3122 static GLenum GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB(void) {
3123 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB"
3124 << "("
3125 << ")");
3126 GLenum result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn();
3127 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3128 return result;
3131 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3132 Debug_glGetInteger64i_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint64* data) {
3133 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetInteger64i_v"
3134 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << index
3135 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(data) << ")");
3136 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn(target, index, data);
3139 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3140 Debug_glGetInteger64v(GLenum pname, GLint64* params) {
3141 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetInteger64v"
3142 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3143 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3144 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetInteger64vFn(pname, params);
3147 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3148 Debug_glGetIntegeri_v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint* data) {
3149 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetIntegeri_v"
3150 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << index
3151 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(data) << ")");
3152 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn(target, index, data);
3155 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3156 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetIntegerv"
3157 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3158 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3159 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetIntegervFn(pname, params);
3162 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetInternalformativ(GLenum target,
3163 GLenum internalformat,
3164 GLenum pname,
3165 GLsizei bufSize,
3166 GLint* params) {
3167 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetInternalformativ"
3168 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3169 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
3170 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", " << bufSize << ", "
3171 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3172 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetInternalformativFn(target, internalformat, pname,
3173 bufSize, params);
3176 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetProgramBinary(GLuint program,
3177 GLsizei bufSize,
3178 GLsizei* length,
3179 GLenum* binaryFormat,
3180 GLvoid* binary) {
3181 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetProgramBinary"
3182 << "(" << program << ", " << bufSize << ", "
3183 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3184 << static_cast<const void*>(binaryFormat) << ", "
3185 << static_cast<const void*>(binary) << ")");
3186 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn(program, bufSize, length,
3187 binaryFormat, binary);
3190 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetProgramInfoLog(GLuint program,
3191 GLsizei bufsize,
3192 GLsizei* length,
3193 char* infolog) {
3194 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetProgramInfoLog"
3195 << "(" << program << ", " << bufsize << ", "
3196 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3197 << static_cast<const void*>(infolog) << ")");
3198 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetProgramInfoLogFn(program, bufsize, length, infolog);
3201 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3202 Debug_glGetProgramiv(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3203 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetProgramiv"
3204 << "(" << program << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3205 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3206 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetProgramivFn(program, pname, params);
3209 static GLint GL_BINDING_CALL
3210 Debug_glGetProgramResourceLocation(GLuint program,
3211 GLenum programInterface,
3212 const char* name) {
3213 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetProgramResourceLocation"
3214 << "(" << program << ", "
3215 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(programInterface) << ", " << name
3216 << ")");
3217 GLint result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(
3218 program, programInterface, name);
3219 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3220 return result;
3223 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3224 Debug_glGetQueryiv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3225 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetQueryiv"
3226 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3227 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3228 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3229 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetQueryivFn(target, pname, params);
3232 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3233 Debug_glGetQueryObjecti64v(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64* params) {
3234 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetQueryObjecti64v"
3235 << "(" << id << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3236 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3237 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(id, pname, params);
3240 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3241 Debug_glGetQueryObjectiv(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3242 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetQueryObjectiv"
3243 << "(" << id << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3244 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3245 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn(id, pname, params);
3248 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3249 Debug_glGetQueryObjectui64v(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64* params) {
3250 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetQueryObjectui64v"
3251 << "(" << id << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3252 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3253 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(id, pname, params);
3256 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3257 Debug_glGetQueryObjectuiv(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint* params) {
3258 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetQueryObjectuiv"
3259 << "(" << id << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3260 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3261 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn(id, pname, params);
3264 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3265 Debug_glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT(GLenum target,
3266 GLenum pname,
3267 GLint* params) {
3268 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT"
3269 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3270 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3271 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3272 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(target, pname, params);
3275 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3276 Debug_glGetSamplerParameterfv(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) {
3277 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetSamplerParameterfv"
3278 << "(" << sampler << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3279 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3280 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(sampler, pname, params);
3283 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3284 Debug_glGetSamplerParameteriv(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3285 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetSamplerParameteriv"
3286 << "(" << sampler << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3287 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3288 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn(sampler, pname, params);
3291 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetShaderInfoLog(GLuint shader,
3292 GLsizei bufsize,
3293 GLsizei* length,
3294 char* infolog) {
3295 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetShaderInfoLog"
3296 << "(" << shader << ", " << bufsize << ", "
3297 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3298 << static_cast<const void*>(infolog) << ")");
3299 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetShaderInfoLogFn(shader, bufsize, length, infolog);
3302 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3303 Debug_glGetShaderiv(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3304 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetShaderiv"
3305 << "(" << shader << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3306 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3307 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetShaderivFn(shader, pname, params);
3310 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3311 Debug_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(GLenum shadertype,
3312 GLenum precisiontype,
3313 GLint* range,
3314 GLint* precision) {
3315 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetShaderPrecisionFormat"
3316 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(shadertype) << ", "
3317 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(precisiontype) << ", "
3318 << static_cast<const void*>(range) << ", "
3319 << static_cast<const void*>(precision) << ")");
3320 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(shadertype, precisiontype,
3321 range, precision);
3324 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetShaderSource(GLuint shader,
3325 GLsizei bufsize,
3326 GLsizei* length,
3327 char* source) {
3328 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetShaderSource"
3329 << "(" << shader << ", " << bufsize << ", "
3330 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3331 << static_cast<const void*>(source) << ")");
3332 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetShaderSourceFn(shader, bufsize, length, source);
3335 static const GLubyte* GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetString(GLenum name) {
3336 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetString"
3337 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(name) << ")");
3338 const GLubyte* result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetStringFn(name);
3339 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3340 return result;
3343 static const GLubyte* GL_BINDING_CALL
3344 Debug_glGetStringi(GLenum name, GLuint index) {
3345 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetStringi"
3346 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(name) << ", " << index
3347 << ")");
3348 const GLubyte* result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetStringiFn(name, index);
3349 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3350 return result;
3353 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetSynciv(GLsync sync,
3354 GLenum pname,
3355 GLsizei bufSize,
3356 GLsizei* length,
3357 GLint* values) {
3358 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetSynciv"
3359 << "(" << sync << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3360 << bufSize << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3361 << static_cast<const void*>(values) << ")");
3362 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetSyncivFn(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values);
3365 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetTexLevelParameterfv(GLenum target,
3366 GLint level,
3367 GLenum pname,
3368 GLfloat* params) {
3369 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetTexLevelParameterfv"
3370 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
3371 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3372 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3373 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(target, level, pname, params);
3376 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GLenum target,
3377 GLint level,
3378 GLenum pname,
3379 GLint* params) {
3380 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetTexLevelParameteriv"
3381 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
3382 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3383 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3384 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(target, level, pname, params);
3387 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3388 Debug_glGetTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) {
3389 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetTexParameterfv"
3390 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3391 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3392 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3393 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetTexParameterfvFn(target, pname, params);
3396 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3397 Debug_glGetTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3398 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetTexParameteriv"
3399 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3400 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
3401 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3402 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetTexParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
3405 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(GLuint program,
3406 GLuint index,
3407 GLsizei bufSize,
3408 GLsizei* length,
3409 GLsizei* size,
3410 GLenum* type,
3411 char* name) {
3412 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetTransformFeedbackVarying"
3413 << "(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << bufSize << ", "
3414 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3415 << static_cast<const void*>(size) << ", "
3416 << static_cast<const void*>(type) << ", "
3417 << static_cast<const void*>(name) << ")");
3418 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(
3419 program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name);
3422 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3423 Debug_glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(GLuint shader,
3424 GLsizei bufsize,
3425 GLsizei* length,
3426 char* source) {
3427 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE"
3428 << "(" << shader << ", " << bufsize << ", "
3429 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ", "
3430 << static_cast<const void*>(source) << ")");
3431 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(shader, bufsize,
3432 length, source);
3435 static GLuint GL_BINDING_CALL
3436 Debug_glGetUniformBlockIndex(GLuint program, const char* uniformBlockName) {
3437 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetUniformBlockIndex"
3438 << "(" << program << ", " << uniformBlockName << ")");
3439 GLuint result =
3440 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(program, uniformBlockName);
3441 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3442 return result;
3445 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3446 Debug_glGetUniformfv(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat* params) {
3447 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetUniformfv"
3448 << "(" << program << ", " << location << ", "
3449 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3450 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetUniformfvFn(program, location, params);
3453 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3454 Debug_glGetUniformIndices(GLuint program,
3455 GLsizei uniformCount,
3456 const char* const* uniformNames,
3457 GLuint* uniformIndices) {
3458 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetUniformIndices"
3459 << "(" << program << ", " << uniformCount << ", "
3460 << static_cast<const void*>(uniformNames) << ", "
3461 << static_cast<const void*>(uniformIndices) << ")");
3462 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn(program, uniformCount,
3463 uniformNames, uniformIndices);
3466 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3467 Debug_glGetUniformiv(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint* params) {
3468 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetUniformiv"
3469 << "(" << program << ", " << location << ", "
3470 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3471 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetUniformivFn(program, location, params);
3474 static GLint GL_BINDING_CALL
3475 Debug_glGetUniformLocation(GLuint program, const char* name) {
3476 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetUniformLocation"
3477 << "(" << program << ", " << name << ")");
3478 GLint result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetUniformLocationFn(program, name);
3479 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3480 return result;
3483 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3484 Debug_glGetVertexAttribfv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) {
3485 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetVertexAttribfv"
3486 << "(" << index << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3487 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3488 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribfvFn(index, pname, params);
3491 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3492 Debug_glGetVertexAttribiv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
3493 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetVertexAttribiv"
3494 << "(" << index << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3495 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3496 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribivFn(index, pname, params);
3499 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3500 Debug_glGetVertexAttribPointerv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, void** pointer) {
3501 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glGetVertexAttribPointerv"
3502 << "(" << index << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3503 << ", " << pointer << ")");
3504 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(index, pname, pointer);
3507 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glHint(GLenum target, GLenum mode) {
3508 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glHint"
3509 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3510 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(mode) << ")");
3511 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glHintFn(target, mode);
3514 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3515 Debug_glInsertEventMarkerEXT(GLsizei length, const char* marker) {
3516 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glInsertEventMarkerEXT"
3517 << "(" << length << ", " << marker << ")");
3518 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(length, marker);
3521 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3522 Debug_glInvalidateFramebuffer(GLenum target,
3523 GLsizei numAttachments,
3524 const GLenum* attachments) {
3525 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glInvalidateFramebuffer"
3526 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3527 << numAttachments << ", "
3528 << static_cast<const void*>(attachments) << ")");
3529 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn(target, numAttachments,
3530 attachments);
3533 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3534 Debug_glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(GLenum target,
3535 GLsizei numAttachments,
3536 const GLenum* attachments,
3537 GLint x,
3538 GLint y,
3539 GLint width,
3540 GLint height) {
3541 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glInvalidateSubFramebuffer"
3542 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3543 << numAttachments << ", "
3544 << static_cast<const void*>(attachments) << ", " << x << ", "
3545 << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ")");
3546 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(
3547 target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height);
3550 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsBuffer(GLuint buffer) {
3551 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsBuffer"
3552 << "(" << buffer << ")");
3553 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsBufferFn(buffer);
3554 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3555 return result;
3558 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsEnabled(GLenum cap) {
3559 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsEnabled"
3560 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(cap) << ")");
3561 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsEnabledFn(cap);
3562 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3563 return result;
3566 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsFenceAPPLE(GLuint fence) {
3568 << "(" << fence << ")");
3569 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
3570 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3571 return result;
3574 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsFenceNV(GLuint fence) {
3575 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsFenceNV"
3576 << "(" << fence << ")");
3577 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsFenceNVFn(fence);
3578 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3579 return result;
3582 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsFramebufferEXT(GLuint framebuffer) {
3583 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsFramebufferEXT"
3584 << "(" << framebuffer << ")");
3585 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn(framebuffer);
3586 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3587 return result;
3590 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsProgram(GLuint program) {
3591 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsProgram"
3592 << "(" << program << ")");
3593 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsProgramFn(program);
3594 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3595 return result;
3598 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsQuery(GLuint query) {
3599 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsQuery"
3600 << "(" << query << ")");
3601 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsQueryFn(query);
3602 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3603 return result;
3606 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL
3607 Debug_glIsRenderbufferEXT(GLuint renderbuffer) {
3608 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsRenderbufferEXT"
3609 << "(" << renderbuffer << ")");
3610 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(renderbuffer);
3611 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3612 return result;
3615 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsSampler(GLuint sampler) {
3616 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsSampler"
3617 << "(" << sampler << ")");
3618 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsSamplerFn(sampler);
3619 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3620 return result;
3623 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsShader(GLuint shader) {
3624 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsShader"
3625 << "(" << shader << ")");
3626 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsShaderFn(shader);
3627 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3628 return result;
3631 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsSync(GLsync sync) {
3632 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsSync"
3633 << "(" << sync << ")");
3634 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsSyncFn(sync);
3635 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3636 return result;
3639 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsTexture(GLuint texture) {
3640 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsTexture"
3641 << "(" << texture << ")");
3642 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsTextureFn(texture);
3643 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3644 return result;
3647 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsTransformFeedback(GLuint id) {
3648 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsTransformFeedback"
3649 << "(" << id << ")");
3650 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn(id);
3651 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3652 return result;
3655 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glIsVertexArrayOES(GLuint array) {
3656 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glIsVertexArrayOES"
3657 << "(" << array << ")");
3658 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn(array);
3659 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3660 return result;
3663 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glLineWidth(GLfloat width) {
3664 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glLineWidth"
3665 << "(" << width << ")");
3666 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glLineWidthFn(width);
3669 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glLinkProgram(GLuint program) {
3670 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glLinkProgram"
3671 << "(" << program << ")");
3672 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glLinkProgramFn(program);
3675 static void* GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glMapBuffer(GLenum target, GLenum access) {
3676 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glMapBuffer"
3677 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3678 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(access) << ")");
3679 void* result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glMapBufferFn(target, access);
3680 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3681 return result;
3684 static void* GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glMapBufferRange(GLenum target,
3685 GLintptr offset,
3686 GLsizeiptr length,
3687 GLbitfield access) {
3688 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glMapBufferRange"
3689 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << offset
3690 << ", " << length << ", " << access << ")");
3691 void* result =
3692 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glMapBufferRangeFn(target, offset, length, access);
3693 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
3694 return result;
3697 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3698 Debug_glMatrixLoadfEXT(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat* m) {
3699 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glMatrixLoadfEXT"
3700 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(matrixMode) << ", "
3701 << static_cast<const void*>(m) << ")");
3702 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(matrixMode, m);
3705 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT(GLenum matrixMode) {
3706 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT"
3707 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(matrixMode) << ")");
3708 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(matrixMode);
3711 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glPauseTransformFeedback(void) {
3712 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glPauseTransformFeedback"
3713 << "("
3714 << ")");
3715 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn();
3718 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glPixelStorei(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
3719 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glPixelStorei"
3720 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", " << param
3721 << ")");
3722 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glPixelStoreiFn(pname, param);
3725 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glPointParameteri(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
3726 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glPointParameteri"
3727 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", " << param
3728 << ")");
3729 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glPointParameteriFn(pname, param);
3732 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3733 Debug_glPolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) {
3734 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glPolygonOffset"
3735 << "(" << factor << ", " << units << ")");
3736 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glPolygonOffsetFn(factor, units);
3739 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glPopGroupMarkerEXT(void) {
3740 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glPopGroupMarkerEXT"
3741 << "("
3742 << ")");
3743 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn();
3746 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glProgramBinary(GLuint program,
3747 GLenum binaryFormat,
3748 const GLvoid* binary,
3749 GLsizei length) {
3750 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glProgramBinary"
3751 << "(" << program << ", "
3752 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(binaryFormat) << ", "
3753 << static_cast<const void*>(binary) << ", " << length << ")");
3754 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glProgramBinaryFn(program, binaryFormat, binary, length);
3757 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3758 Debug_glProgramParameteri(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value) {
3759 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glProgramParameteri"
3760 << "(" << program << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3761 << ", " << value << ")");
3762 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glProgramParameteriFn(program, pname, value);
3765 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3766 Debug_glPushGroupMarkerEXT(GLsizei length, const char* marker) {
3767 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glPushGroupMarkerEXT"
3768 << "(" << length << ", " << marker << ")");
3769 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(length, marker);
3772 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glQueryCounter(GLuint id, GLenum target) {
3773 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glQueryCounter"
3774 << "(" << id << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ")");
3775 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glQueryCounterFn(id, target);
3778 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glReadBuffer(GLenum src) {
3779 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glReadBuffer"
3780 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(src) << ")");
3781 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glReadBufferFn(src);
3784 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glReadPixels(GLint x,
3785 GLint y,
3786 GLsizei width,
3787 GLsizei height,
3788 GLenum format,
3789 GLenum type,
3790 void* pixels) {
3791 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glReadPixels"
3792 << "(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height
3793 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(format) << ", "
3794 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", "
3795 << static_cast<const void*>(pixels) << ")");
3796 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glReadPixelsFn(x, y, width, height, format, type,
3797 pixels);
3800 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glReleaseShaderCompiler(void) {
3801 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glReleaseShaderCompiler"
3802 << "("
3803 << ")");
3804 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn();
3807 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3808 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageEXT(GLenum target,
3809 GLenum internalformat,
3810 GLsizei width,
3811 GLsizei height) {
3812 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glRenderbufferStorageEXT"
3813 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
3814 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", " << width
3815 << ", " << height << ")");
3816 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(target, internalformat, width,
3817 height);
3820 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3821 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GLenum target,
3822 GLsizei samples,
3823 GLenum internalformat,
3824 GLsizei width,
3825 GLsizei height) {
3826 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glRenderbufferStorageMultisample"
3827 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << samples
3828 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
3829 << width << ", " << height << ")");
3830 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(
3831 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
3834 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3835 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(GLenum target,
3836 GLsizei samples,
3837 GLenum internalformat,
3838 GLsizei width,
3839 GLsizei height) {
3840 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE"
3841 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << samples
3842 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
3843 << width << ", " << height << ")");
3844 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(
3845 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
3848 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3849 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(GLenum target,
3850 GLsizei samples,
3851 GLenum internalformat,
3852 GLsizei width,
3853 GLsizei height) {
3854 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT"
3855 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << samples
3856 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
3857 << width << ", " << height << ")");
3858 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(
3859 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
3862 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3863 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(GLenum target,
3864 GLsizei samples,
3865 GLenum internalformat,
3866 GLsizei width,
3867 GLsizei height) {
3868 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG"
3869 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << samples
3870 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
3871 << width << ", " << height << ")");
3872 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(
3873 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
3876 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glResumeTransformFeedback(void) {
3877 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glResumeTransformFeedback"
3878 << "("
3879 << ")");
3880 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn();
3883 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3884 Debug_glSampleCoverage(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) {
3885 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glSampleCoverage"
3886 << "(" << value << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringBool(invert)
3887 << ")");
3888 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glSampleCoverageFn(value, invert);
3891 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3892 Debug_glSamplerParameterf(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) {
3893 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glSamplerParameterf"
3894 << "(" << sampler << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3895 << ", " << param << ")");
3896 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfFn(sampler, pname, param);
3899 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glSamplerParameterfv(GLuint sampler,
3900 GLenum pname,
3901 const GLfloat* params) {
3902 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glSamplerParameterfv"
3903 << "(" << sampler << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3904 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3905 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn(sampler, pname, params);
3908 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3909 Debug_glSamplerParameteri(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param) {
3910 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glSamplerParameteri"
3911 << "(" << sampler << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3912 << ", " << param << ")");
3913 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glSamplerParameteriFn(sampler, pname, param);
3916 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3917 Debug_glSamplerParameteriv(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint* params) {
3918 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glSamplerParameteriv"
3919 << "(" << sampler << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname)
3920 << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
3921 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glSamplerParameterivFn(sampler, pname, params);
3924 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3925 Debug_glScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
3926 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glScissor"
3927 << "(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height
3928 << ")");
3929 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glScissorFn(x, y, width, height);
3932 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glSetFenceAPPLE(GLuint fence) {
3934 << "(" << fence << ")");
3935 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
3938 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glSetFenceNV(GLuint fence, GLenum condition) {
3939 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glSetFenceNV"
3940 << "(" << fence << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(condition)
3941 << ")");
3942 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glSetFenceNVFn(fence, condition);
3945 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glShaderBinary(GLsizei n,
3946 const GLuint* shaders,
3947 GLenum binaryformat,
3948 const void* binary,
3949 GLsizei length) {
3950 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glShaderBinary"
3951 << "(" << n << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(shaders)
3952 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(binaryformat) << ", "
3953 << static_cast<const void*>(binary) << ", " << length << ")");
3954 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glShaderBinaryFn(n, shaders, binaryformat, binary,
3955 length);
3958 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glShaderSource(GLuint shader,
3959 GLsizei count,
3960 const char* const* str,
3961 const GLint* length) {
3962 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glShaderSource"
3963 << "(" << shader << ", " << count << ", "
3964 << static_cast<const void*>(str) << ", "
3965 << static_cast<const void*>(length) << ")");
3966 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glShaderSourceFn(shader, count, str, length);
3969 for (GLsizei ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii) {
3970 if (str[ii]) {
3971 if (length && length[ii] >= 0) {
3972 std::string source(str[ii], length[ii]);
3973 GL_SERVICE_LOG(" " << ii << ": ---\n" << source << "\n---");
3974 } else {
3975 GL_SERVICE_LOG(" " << ii << ": ---\n" << str[ii] << "\n---");
3977 } else {
3978 GL_SERVICE_LOG(" " << ii << ": NULL");
3984 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3985 Debug_glStencilFunc(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) {
3986 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glStencilFunc"
3987 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(func) << ", " << ref << ", "
3988 << mask << ")");
3989 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glStencilFuncFn(func, ref, mask);
3992 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
3993 Debug_glStencilFuncSeparate(GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) {
3994 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glStencilFuncSeparate"
3995 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(face) << ", "
3996 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(func) << ", " << ref << ", " << mask
3997 << ")");
3998 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glStencilFuncSeparateFn(face, func, ref, mask);
4001 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glStencilMask(GLuint mask) {
4002 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glStencilMask"
4003 << "(" << mask << ")");
4004 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glStencilMaskFn(mask);
4007 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4008 Debug_glStencilMaskSeparate(GLenum face, GLuint mask) {
4009 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glStencilMaskSeparate"
4010 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(face) << ", " << mask << ")");
4011 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glStencilMaskSeparateFn(face, mask);
4014 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4015 Debug_glStencilOp(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) {
4016 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glStencilOp"
4017 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(fail) << ", "
4018 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(zfail) << ", "
4019 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(zpass) << ")");
4020 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glStencilOpFn(fail, zfail, zpass);
4023 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glStencilOpSeparate(GLenum face,
4024 GLenum fail,
4025 GLenum zfail,
4026 GLenum zpass) {
4027 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glStencilOpSeparate"
4028 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(face) << ", "
4029 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(fail) << ", "
4030 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(zfail) << ", "
4031 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(zpass) << ")");
4032 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glStencilOpSeparateFn(face, fail, zfail, zpass);
4035 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glTestFenceAPPLE(GLuint fence) {
4036 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTestFenceAPPLE"
4037 << "(" << fence << ")");
4038 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
4039 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
4040 return result;
4043 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glTestFenceNV(GLuint fence) {
4044 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTestFenceNV"
4045 << "(" << fence << ")");
4046 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTestFenceNVFn(fence);
4047 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
4048 return result;
4051 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glTexImage2D(GLenum target,
4052 GLint level,
4053 GLint internalformat,
4054 GLsizei width,
4055 GLsizei height,
4056 GLint border,
4057 GLenum format,
4058 GLenum type,
4059 const void* pixels) {
4060 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexImage2D"
4061 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
4062 << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << height
4063 << ", " << border << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(format)
4064 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", "
4065 << static_cast<const void*>(pixels) << ")");
4066 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, width,
4067 height, border, format, type, pixels);
4070 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glTexImage3D(GLenum target,
4071 GLint level,
4072 GLint internalformat,
4073 GLsizei width,
4074 GLsizei height,
4075 GLsizei depth,
4076 GLint border,
4077 GLenum format,
4078 GLenum type,
4079 const void* pixels) {
4080 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexImage3D"
4081 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
4082 << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << height
4083 << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", "
4084 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(format) << ", "
4085 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", "
4086 << static_cast<const void*>(pixels) << ")");
4087 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexImage3DFn(target, level, internalformat, width,
4088 height, depth, border, format, type,
4089 pixels);
4092 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4093 Debug_glTexParameterf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) {
4094 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexParameterf"
4095 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
4096 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", " << param << ")");
4097 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexParameterfFn(target, pname, param);
4100 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4101 Debug_glTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat* params) {
4102 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexParameterfv"
4103 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
4104 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
4105 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
4106 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexParameterfvFn(target, pname, params);
4109 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4110 Debug_glTexParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) {
4111 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexParameteri"
4112 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
4113 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", " << param << ")");
4114 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexParameteriFn(target, pname, param);
4117 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4118 Debug_glTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint* params) {
4119 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexParameteriv"
4120 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", "
4121 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(pname) << ", "
4122 << static_cast<const void*>(params) << ")");
4123 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
4126 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glTexStorage2DEXT(GLenum target,
4127 GLsizei levels,
4128 GLenum internalformat,
4129 GLsizei width,
4130 GLsizei height) {
4131 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexStorage2DEXT"
4132 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << levels
4133 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
4134 << width << ", " << height << ")");
4135 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn(target, levels, internalformat,
4136 width, height);
4139 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glTexStorage3D(GLenum target,
4140 GLsizei levels,
4141 GLenum internalformat,
4142 GLsizei width,
4143 GLsizei height,
4144 GLsizei depth) {
4145 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexStorage3D"
4146 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << levels
4147 << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(internalformat) << ", "
4148 << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ")");
4149 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexStorage3DFn(target, levels, internalformat, width,
4150 height, depth);
4153 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glTexSubImage2D(GLenum target,
4154 GLint level,
4155 GLint xoffset,
4156 GLint yoffset,
4157 GLsizei width,
4158 GLsizei height,
4159 GLenum format,
4160 GLenum type,
4161 const void* pixels) {
4162 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTexSubImage2D"
4163 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ", " << level
4164 << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", "
4165 << height << ", " << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(format) << ", "
4166 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", "
4167 << static_cast<const void*>(pixels) << ")");
4168 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTexSubImage2DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width,
4169 height, format, type, pixels);
4172 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4173 Debug_glTransformFeedbackVaryings(GLuint program,
4174 GLsizei count,
4175 const char* const* varyings,
4176 GLenum bufferMode) {
4177 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glTransformFeedbackVaryings"
4178 << "(" << program << ", " << count << ", "
4179 << static_cast<const void*>(varyings) << ", "
4180 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(bufferMode) << ")");
4181 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(program, count, varyings,
4182 bufferMode);
4185 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniform1f(GLint location, GLfloat x) {
4186 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform1f"
4187 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ")");
4188 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform1fFn(location, x);
4191 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4192 Debug_glUniform1fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) {
4193 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform1fv"
4194 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4195 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4196 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform1fvFn(location, count, v);
4199 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniform1i(GLint location, GLint x) {
4200 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform1i"
4201 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ")");
4202 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform1iFn(location, x);
4205 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4206 Debug_glUniform1iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
4207 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform1iv"
4208 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4209 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4210 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform1ivFn(location, count, v);
4213 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniform1ui(GLint location, GLuint v0) {
4214 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform1ui"
4215 << "(" << location << ", " << v0 << ")");
4216 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform1uiFn(location, v0);
4219 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4220 Debug_glUniform1uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* v) {
4221 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform1uiv"
4222 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4223 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4224 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform1uivFn(location, count, v);
4227 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4228 Debug_glUniform2f(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
4229 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform2f"
4230 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ")");
4231 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform2fFn(location, x, y);
4234 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4235 Debug_glUniform2fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) {
4236 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform2fv"
4237 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4238 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4239 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform2fvFn(location, count, v);
4242 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4243 Debug_glUniform2i(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y) {
4244 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform2i"
4245 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ")");
4246 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform2iFn(location, x, y);
4249 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4250 Debug_glUniform2iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
4251 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform2iv"
4252 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4253 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4254 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform2ivFn(location, count, v);
4257 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4258 Debug_glUniform2ui(GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1) {
4259 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform2ui"
4260 << "(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ")");
4261 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform2uiFn(location, v0, v1);
4264 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4265 Debug_glUniform2uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* v) {
4266 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform2uiv"
4267 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4268 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4269 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform2uivFn(location, count, v);
4272 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4273 Debug_glUniform3f(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) {
4274 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform3f"
4275 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z
4276 << ")");
4277 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform3fFn(location, x, y, z);
4280 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4281 Debug_glUniform3fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) {
4282 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform3fv"
4283 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4284 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4285 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform3fvFn(location, count, v);
4288 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4289 Debug_glUniform3i(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) {
4290 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform3i"
4291 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z
4292 << ")");
4293 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform3iFn(location, x, y, z);
4296 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4297 Debug_glUniform3iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
4298 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform3iv"
4299 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4300 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4301 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform3ivFn(location, count, v);
4304 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4305 Debug_glUniform3ui(GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2) {
4306 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform3ui"
4307 << "(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2
4308 << ")");
4309 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform3uiFn(location, v0, v1, v2);
4312 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4313 Debug_glUniform3uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* v) {
4314 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform3uiv"
4315 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4316 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4317 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform3uivFn(location, count, v);
4320 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4321 Debug_glUniform4f(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) {
4322 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform4f"
4323 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z
4324 << ", " << w << ")");
4325 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform4fFn(location, x, y, z, w);
4328 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4329 Debug_glUniform4fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v) {
4330 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform4fv"
4331 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4332 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4333 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform4fvFn(location, count, v);
4336 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4337 Debug_glUniform4i(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) {
4338 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform4i"
4339 << "(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z
4340 << ", " << w << ")");
4341 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform4iFn(location, x, y, z, w);
4344 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4345 Debug_glUniform4iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
4346 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform4iv"
4347 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4348 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4349 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform4ivFn(location, count, v);
4352 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4353 Debug_glUniform4ui(GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint v3) {
4354 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform4ui"
4355 << "(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2
4356 << ", " << v3 << ")");
4357 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform4uiFn(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
4360 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4361 Debug_glUniform4uiv(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* v) {
4362 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniform4uiv"
4363 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4364 << static_cast<const void*>(v) << ")");
4365 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniform4uivFn(location, count, v);
4368 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4369 Debug_glUniformBlockBinding(GLuint program,
4370 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
4371 GLuint uniformBlockBinding) {
4372 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformBlockBinding"
4373 << "(" << program << ", " << uniformBlockIndex << ", "
4374 << uniformBlockBinding << ")");
4375 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn(program, uniformBlockIndex,
4376 uniformBlockBinding);
4379 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix2fv(GLint location,
4380 GLsizei count,
4381 GLboolean transpose,
4382 const GLfloat* value) {
4383 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix2fv"
4384 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4385 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4386 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4387 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
4390 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix2x3fv(GLint location,
4391 GLsizei count,
4392 GLboolean transpose,
4393 const GLfloat* value) {
4394 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix2x3fv"
4395 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4396 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4397 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4398 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(location, count, transpose,
4399 value);
4402 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix2x4fv(GLint location,
4403 GLsizei count,
4404 GLboolean transpose,
4405 const GLfloat* value) {
4406 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix2x4fv"
4407 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4408 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4409 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4410 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(location, count, transpose,
4411 value);
4414 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix3fv(GLint location,
4415 GLsizei count,
4416 GLboolean transpose,
4417 const GLfloat* value) {
4418 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix3fv"
4419 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4420 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4421 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4422 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
4425 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix3x2fv(GLint location,
4426 GLsizei count,
4427 GLboolean transpose,
4428 const GLfloat* value) {
4429 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix3x2fv"
4430 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4431 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4432 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4433 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(location, count, transpose,
4434 value);
4437 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix3x4fv(GLint location,
4438 GLsizei count,
4439 GLboolean transpose,
4440 const GLfloat* value) {
4441 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix3x4fv"
4442 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4443 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4444 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4445 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(location, count, transpose,
4446 value);
4449 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix4fv(GLint location,
4450 GLsizei count,
4451 GLboolean transpose,
4452 const GLfloat* value) {
4453 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix4fv"
4454 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4455 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4456 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4457 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
4460 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix4x2fv(GLint location,
4461 GLsizei count,
4462 GLboolean transpose,
4463 const GLfloat* value) {
4464 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix4x2fv"
4465 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4466 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4467 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4468 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(location, count, transpose,
4469 value);
4472 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUniformMatrix4x3fv(GLint location,
4473 GLsizei count,
4474 GLboolean transpose,
4475 const GLfloat* value) {
4476 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUniformMatrix4x3fv"
4477 << "(" << location << ", " << count << ", "
4478 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(transpose) << ", "
4479 << static_cast<const void*>(value) << ")");
4480 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(location, count, transpose,
4481 value);
4484 static GLboolean GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUnmapBuffer(GLenum target) {
4485 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUnmapBuffer"
4486 << "(" << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(target) << ")");
4487 GLboolean result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUnmapBufferFn(target);
4488 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
4489 return result;
4492 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glUseProgram(GLuint program) {
4493 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glUseProgram"
4494 << "(" << program << ")");
4495 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glUseProgramFn(program);
4498 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glValidateProgram(GLuint program) {
4499 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glValidateProgram"
4500 << "(" << program << ")");
4501 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glValidateProgramFn(program);
4504 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glVertexAttrib1f(GLuint indx, GLfloat x) {
4505 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib1f"
4506 << "(" << indx << ", " << x << ")");
4507 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib1fFn(indx, x);
4510 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4511 Debug_glVertexAttrib1fv(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
4512 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib1fv"
4513 << "(" << indx << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(values)
4514 << ")");
4515 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib1fvFn(indx, values);
4518 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4519 Debug_glVertexAttrib2f(GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
4520 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib2f"
4521 << "(" << indx << ", " << x << ", " << y << ")");
4522 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib2fFn(indx, x, y);
4525 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4526 Debug_glVertexAttrib2fv(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
4527 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib2fv"
4528 << "(" << indx << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(values)
4529 << ")");
4530 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib2fvFn(indx, values);
4533 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4534 Debug_glVertexAttrib3f(GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) {
4535 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib3f"
4536 << "(" << indx << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ")");
4537 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib3fFn(indx, x, y, z);
4540 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4541 Debug_glVertexAttrib3fv(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
4542 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib3fv"
4543 << "(" << indx << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(values)
4544 << ")");
4545 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib3fvFn(indx, values);
4548 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glVertexAttrib4f(GLuint indx,
4549 GLfloat x,
4550 GLfloat y,
4551 GLfloat z,
4552 GLfloat w) {
4553 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib4f"
4554 << "(" << indx << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", "
4555 << w << ")");
4556 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib4fFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
4559 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4560 Debug_glVertexAttrib4fv(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
4561 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttrib4fv"
4562 << "(" << indx << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(values)
4563 << ")");
4564 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttrib4fvFn(indx, values);
4567 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4568 Debug_glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) {
4569 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE"
4570 << "(" << index << ", " << divisor << ")");
4571 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(index, divisor);
4574 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4575 Debug_glVertexAttribI4i(GLuint indx, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) {
4576 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttribI4i"
4577 << "(" << indx << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", "
4578 << w << ")");
4579 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
4582 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4583 Debug_glVertexAttribI4iv(GLuint indx, const GLint* values) {
4584 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttribI4iv"
4585 << "(" << indx << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(values)
4586 << ")");
4587 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn(indx, values);
4590 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4591 Debug_glVertexAttribI4ui(GLuint indx, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) {
4592 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttribI4ui"
4593 << "(" << indx << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", "
4594 << w << ")");
4595 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
4598 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4599 Debug_glVertexAttribI4uiv(GLuint indx, const GLuint* values) {
4600 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttribI4uiv"
4601 << "(" << indx << ", " << static_cast<const void*>(values)
4602 << ")");
4603 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn(indx, values);
4606 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glVertexAttribIPointer(GLuint indx,
4607 GLint size,
4608 GLenum type,
4609 GLsizei stride,
4610 const void* ptr) {
4611 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttribIPointer"
4612 << "(" << indx << ", " << size << ", "
4613 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", " << stride << ", "
4614 << static_cast<const void*>(ptr) << ")");
4615 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn(indx, size, type, stride, ptr);
4618 static void GL_BINDING_CALL Debug_glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint indx,
4619 GLint size,
4620 GLenum type,
4621 GLboolean normalized,
4622 GLsizei stride,
4623 const void* ptr) {
4624 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glVertexAttribPointer"
4625 << "(" << indx << ", " << size << ", "
4626 << GLEnums::GetStringEnum(type) << ", "
4627 << GLEnums::GetStringBool(normalized) << ", " << stride << ", "
4628 << static_cast<const void*>(ptr) << ")");
4629 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glVertexAttribPointerFn(indx, size, type, normalized,
4630 stride, ptr);
4633 static void GL_BINDING_CALL
4634 Debug_glViewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
4635 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glViewport"
4636 << "(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height
4637 << ")");
4638 g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glViewportFn(x, y, width, height);
4641 static GLenum GL_BINDING_CALL
4642 Debug_glWaitSync(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout) {
4643 GL_SERVICE_LOG("glWaitSync"
4644 << "(" << sync << ", " << flags << ", " << timeout << ")");
4645 GLenum result = g_driver_gl.debug_fn.glWaitSyncFn(sync, flags, timeout);
4646 GL_SERVICE_LOG("GL_RESULT: " << result);
4647 return result;
4649 } // extern "C"
4651 void DriverGL::InitializeDebugBindings() {
4652 if (!debug_fn.glActiveTextureFn) {
4653 debug_fn.glActiveTextureFn = fn.glActiveTextureFn;
4654 fn.glActiveTextureFn = Debug_glActiveTexture;
4656 if (!debug_fn.glAttachShaderFn) {
4657 debug_fn.glAttachShaderFn = fn.glAttachShaderFn;
4658 fn.glAttachShaderFn = Debug_glAttachShader;
4660 if (!debug_fn.glBeginQueryFn) {
4661 debug_fn.glBeginQueryFn = fn.glBeginQueryFn;
4662 fn.glBeginQueryFn = Debug_glBeginQuery;
4664 if (!debug_fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn) {
4665 debug_fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn = fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn;
4666 fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn = Debug_glBeginTransformFeedback;
4668 if (!debug_fn.glBindAttribLocationFn) {
4669 debug_fn.glBindAttribLocationFn = fn.glBindAttribLocationFn;
4670 fn.glBindAttribLocationFn = Debug_glBindAttribLocation;
4672 if (!debug_fn.glBindBufferFn) {
4673 debug_fn.glBindBufferFn = fn.glBindBufferFn;
4674 fn.glBindBufferFn = Debug_glBindBuffer;
4676 if (!debug_fn.glBindBufferBaseFn) {
4677 debug_fn.glBindBufferBaseFn = fn.glBindBufferBaseFn;
4678 fn.glBindBufferBaseFn = Debug_glBindBufferBase;
4680 if (!debug_fn.glBindBufferRangeFn) {
4681 debug_fn.glBindBufferRangeFn = fn.glBindBufferRangeFn;
4682 fn.glBindBufferRangeFn = Debug_glBindBufferRange;
4684 if (!debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn) {
4685 debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn = fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn;
4686 fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn = Debug_glBindFragDataLocation;
4688 if (!debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn) {
4689 debug_fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn =
4690 fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn;
4691 fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn = Debug_glBindFragDataLocationIndexed;
4693 if (!debug_fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn) {
4694 debug_fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn = fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn;
4695 fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn = Debug_glBindFramebufferEXT;
4697 if (!debug_fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn) {
4698 debug_fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn = fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn;
4699 fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn = Debug_glBindRenderbufferEXT;
4701 if (!debug_fn.glBindSamplerFn) {
4702 debug_fn.glBindSamplerFn = fn.glBindSamplerFn;
4703 fn.glBindSamplerFn = Debug_glBindSampler;
4705 if (!debug_fn.glBindTextureFn) {
4706 debug_fn.glBindTextureFn = fn.glBindTextureFn;
4707 fn.glBindTextureFn = Debug_glBindTexture;
4709 if (!debug_fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn) {
4710 debug_fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn = fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn;
4711 fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn = Debug_glBindTransformFeedback;
4713 if (!debug_fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn) {
4714 debug_fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn = fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn;
4715 fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn = Debug_glBindVertexArrayOES;
4717 if (!debug_fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn) {
4718 debug_fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn = fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn;
4719 fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn = Debug_glBlendBarrierKHR;
4721 if (!debug_fn.glBlendColorFn) {
4722 debug_fn.glBlendColorFn = fn.glBlendColorFn;
4723 fn.glBlendColorFn = Debug_glBlendColor;
4725 if (!debug_fn.glBlendEquationFn) {
4726 debug_fn.glBlendEquationFn = fn.glBlendEquationFn;
4727 fn.glBlendEquationFn = Debug_glBlendEquation;
4729 if (!debug_fn.glBlendEquationSeparateFn) {
4730 debug_fn.glBlendEquationSeparateFn = fn.glBlendEquationSeparateFn;
4731 fn.glBlendEquationSeparateFn = Debug_glBlendEquationSeparate;
4733 if (!debug_fn.glBlendFuncFn) {
4734 debug_fn.glBlendFuncFn = fn.glBlendFuncFn;
4735 fn.glBlendFuncFn = Debug_glBlendFunc;
4737 if (!debug_fn.glBlendFuncSeparateFn) {
4738 debug_fn.glBlendFuncSeparateFn = fn.glBlendFuncSeparateFn;
4739 fn.glBlendFuncSeparateFn = Debug_glBlendFuncSeparate;
4741 if (!debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferFn) {
4742 debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferFn = fn.glBlitFramebufferFn;
4743 fn.glBlitFramebufferFn = Debug_glBlitFramebuffer;
4745 if (!debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn) {
4746 debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn = fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn;
4747 fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn = Debug_glBlitFramebufferANGLE;
4749 if (!debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn) {
4750 debug_fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn = fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn;
4751 fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn = Debug_glBlitFramebufferEXT;
4753 if (!debug_fn.glBufferDataFn) {
4754 debug_fn.glBufferDataFn = fn.glBufferDataFn;
4755 fn.glBufferDataFn = Debug_glBufferData;
4757 if (!debug_fn.glBufferSubDataFn) {
4758 debug_fn.glBufferSubDataFn = fn.glBufferSubDataFn;
4759 fn.glBufferSubDataFn = Debug_glBufferSubData;
4761 if (!debug_fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn) {
4762 debug_fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn = fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn;
4763 fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn = Debug_glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT;
4765 if (!debug_fn.glClearFn) {
4766 debug_fn.glClearFn = fn.glClearFn;
4767 fn.glClearFn = Debug_glClear;
4769 if (!debug_fn.glClearBufferfiFn) {
4770 debug_fn.glClearBufferfiFn = fn.glClearBufferfiFn;
4771 fn.glClearBufferfiFn = Debug_glClearBufferfi;
4773 if (!debug_fn.glClearBufferfvFn) {
4774 debug_fn.glClearBufferfvFn = fn.glClearBufferfvFn;
4775 fn.glClearBufferfvFn = Debug_glClearBufferfv;
4777 if (!debug_fn.glClearBufferivFn) {
4778 debug_fn.glClearBufferivFn = fn.glClearBufferivFn;
4779 fn.glClearBufferivFn = Debug_glClearBufferiv;
4781 if (!debug_fn.glClearBufferuivFn) {
4782 debug_fn.glClearBufferuivFn = fn.glClearBufferuivFn;
4783 fn.glClearBufferuivFn = Debug_glClearBufferuiv;
4785 if (!debug_fn.glClearColorFn) {
4786 debug_fn.glClearColorFn = fn.glClearColorFn;
4787 fn.glClearColorFn = Debug_glClearColor;
4789 if (!debug_fn.glClearDepthFn) {
4790 debug_fn.glClearDepthFn = fn.glClearDepthFn;
4791 fn.glClearDepthFn = Debug_glClearDepth;
4793 if (!debug_fn.glClearDepthfFn) {
4794 debug_fn.glClearDepthfFn = fn.glClearDepthfFn;
4795 fn.glClearDepthfFn = Debug_glClearDepthf;
4797 if (!debug_fn.glClearStencilFn) {
4798 debug_fn.glClearStencilFn = fn.glClearStencilFn;
4799 fn.glClearStencilFn = Debug_glClearStencil;
4801 if (!debug_fn.glClientWaitSyncFn) {
4802 debug_fn.glClientWaitSyncFn = fn.glClientWaitSyncFn;
4803 fn.glClientWaitSyncFn = Debug_glClientWaitSync;
4805 if (!debug_fn.glColorMaskFn) {
4806 debug_fn.glColorMaskFn = fn.glColorMaskFn;
4807 fn.glColorMaskFn = Debug_glColorMask;
4809 if (!debug_fn.glCompileShaderFn) {
4810 debug_fn.glCompileShaderFn = fn.glCompileShaderFn;
4811 fn.glCompileShaderFn = Debug_glCompileShader;
4813 if (!debug_fn.glCompressedTexImage2DFn) {
4814 debug_fn.glCompressedTexImage2DFn = fn.glCompressedTexImage2DFn;
4815 fn.glCompressedTexImage2DFn = Debug_glCompressedTexImage2D;
4817 if (!debug_fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn) {
4818 debug_fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn = fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn;
4819 fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn = Debug_glCompressedTexImage3D;
4821 if (!debug_fn.glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn) {
4822 debug_fn.glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn = fn.glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn;
4823 fn.glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn = Debug_glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
4825 if (!debug_fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn) {
4826 debug_fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn = fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn;
4827 fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn = Debug_glCopyBufferSubData;
4829 if (!debug_fn.glCopyTexImage2DFn) {
4830 debug_fn.glCopyTexImage2DFn = fn.glCopyTexImage2DFn;
4831 fn.glCopyTexImage2DFn = Debug_glCopyTexImage2D;
4833 if (!debug_fn.glCopyTexSubImage2DFn) {
4834 debug_fn.glCopyTexSubImage2DFn = fn.glCopyTexSubImage2DFn;
4835 fn.glCopyTexSubImage2DFn = Debug_glCopyTexSubImage2D;
4837 if (!debug_fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn) {
4838 debug_fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn = fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn;
4839 fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn = Debug_glCopyTexSubImage3D;
4841 if (!debug_fn.glCreateProgramFn) {
4842 debug_fn.glCreateProgramFn = fn.glCreateProgramFn;
4843 fn.glCreateProgramFn = Debug_glCreateProgram;
4845 if (!debug_fn.glCreateShaderFn) {
4846 debug_fn.glCreateShaderFn = fn.glCreateShaderFn;
4847 fn.glCreateShaderFn = Debug_glCreateShader;
4849 if (!debug_fn.glCullFaceFn) {
4850 debug_fn.glCullFaceFn = fn.glCullFaceFn;
4851 fn.glCullFaceFn = Debug_glCullFace;
4853 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteBuffersARBFn) {
4854 debug_fn.glDeleteBuffersARBFn = fn.glDeleteBuffersARBFn;
4855 fn.glDeleteBuffersARBFn = Debug_glDeleteBuffersARB;
4857 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn) {
4858 debug_fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn = fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn;
4859 fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn = Debug_glDeleteFencesAPPLE;
4861 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn) {
4862 debug_fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn = fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn;
4863 fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn = Debug_glDeleteFencesNV;
4865 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn) {
4866 debug_fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn = fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn;
4867 fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn = Debug_glDeleteFramebuffersEXT;
4869 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteProgramFn) {
4870 debug_fn.glDeleteProgramFn = fn.glDeleteProgramFn;
4871 fn.glDeleteProgramFn = Debug_glDeleteProgram;
4873 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteQueriesFn) {
4874 debug_fn.glDeleteQueriesFn = fn.glDeleteQueriesFn;
4875 fn.glDeleteQueriesFn = Debug_glDeleteQueries;
4877 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn) {
4878 debug_fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn = fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn;
4879 fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn = Debug_glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT;
4881 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteSamplersFn) {
4882 debug_fn.glDeleteSamplersFn = fn.glDeleteSamplersFn;
4883 fn.glDeleteSamplersFn = Debug_glDeleteSamplers;
4885 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteShaderFn) {
4886 debug_fn.glDeleteShaderFn = fn.glDeleteShaderFn;
4887 fn.glDeleteShaderFn = Debug_glDeleteShader;
4889 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteSyncFn) {
4890 debug_fn.glDeleteSyncFn = fn.glDeleteSyncFn;
4891 fn.glDeleteSyncFn = Debug_glDeleteSync;
4893 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteTexturesFn) {
4894 debug_fn.glDeleteTexturesFn = fn.glDeleteTexturesFn;
4895 fn.glDeleteTexturesFn = Debug_glDeleteTextures;
4897 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn) {
4898 debug_fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn = fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn;
4899 fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn = Debug_glDeleteTransformFeedbacks;
4901 if (!debug_fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn) {
4902 debug_fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn = fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn;
4903 fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn = Debug_glDeleteVertexArraysOES;
4905 if (!debug_fn.glDepthFuncFn) {
4906 debug_fn.glDepthFuncFn = fn.glDepthFuncFn;
4907 fn.glDepthFuncFn = Debug_glDepthFunc;
4909 if (!debug_fn.glDepthMaskFn) {
4910 debug_fn.glDepthMaskFn = fn.glDepthMaskFn;
4911 fn.glDepthMaskFn = Debug_glDepthMask;
4913 if (!debug_fn.glDepthRangeFn) {
4914 debug_fn.glDepthRangeFn = fn.glDepthRangeFn;
4915 fn.glDepthRangeFn = Debug_glDepthRange;
4917 if (!debug_fn.glDepthRangefFn) {
4918 debug_fn.glDepthRangefFn = fn.glDepthRangefFn;
4919 fn.glDepthRangefFn = Debug_glDepthRangef;
4921 if (!debug_fn.glDetachShaderFn) {
4922 debug_fn.glDetachShaderFn = fn.glDetachShaderFn;
4923 fn.glDetachShaderFn = Debug_glDetachShader;
4925 if (!debug_fn.glDisableFn) {
4926 debug_fn.glDisableFn = fn.glDisableFn;
4927 fn.glDisableFn = Debug_glDisable;
4929 if (!debug_fn.glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn) {
4930 debug_fn.glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn = fn.glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn;
4931 fn.glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn = Debug_glDisableVertexAttribArray;
4933 if (!debug_fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn) {
4934 debug_fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn = fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn;
4935 fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn = Debug_glDiscardFramebufferEXT;
4937 if (!debug_fn.glDrawArraysFn) {
4938 debug_fn.glDrawArraysFn = fn.glDrawArraysFn;
4939 fn.glDrawArraysFn = Debug_glDrawArrays;
4941 if (!debug_fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn) {
4942 debug_fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn = fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn;
4943 fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn = Debug_glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE;
4945 if (!debug_fn.glDrawBufferFn) {
4946 debug_fn.glDrawBufferFn = fn.glDrawBufferFn;
4947 fn.glDrawBufferFn = Debug_glDrawBuffer;
4949 if (!debug_fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn) {
4950 debug_fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn = fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn;
4951 fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn = Debug_glDrawBuffersARB;
4953 if (!debug_fn.glDrawElementsFn) {
4954 debug_fn.glDrawElementsFn = fn.glDrawElementsFn;
4955 fn.glDrawElementsFn = Debug_glDrawElements;
4957 if (!debug_fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn) {
4958 debug_fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn = fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn;
4959 fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn = Debug_glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE;
4961 if (!debug_fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn) {
4962 debug_fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn = fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn;
4963 fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn = Debug_glDrawRangeElements;
4965 if (!debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn) {
4966 debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn =
4967 fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn;
4968 fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn =
4969 Debug_glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES;
4971 if (!debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn) {
4972 debug_fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn = fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn;
4973 fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn = Debug_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES;
4975 if (!debug_fn.glEnableFn) {
4976 debug_fn.glEnableFn = fn.glEnableFn;
4977 fn.glEnableFn = Debug_glEnable;
4979 if (!debug_fn.glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn) {
4980 debug_fn.glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn = fn.glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn;
4981 fn.glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn = Debug_glEnableVertexAttribArray;
4983 if (!debug_fn.glEndQueryFn) {
4984 debug_fn.glEndQueryFn = fn.glEndQueryFn;
4985 fn.glEndQueryFn = Debug_glEndQuery;
4987 if (!debug_fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn) {
4988 debug_fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn = fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn;
4989 fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn = Debug_glEndTransformFeedback;
4991 if (!debug_fn.glFenceSyncFn) {
4992 debug_fn.glFenceSyncFn = fn.glFenceSyncFn;
4993 fn.glFenceSyncFn = Debug_glFenceSync;
4995 if (!debug_fn.glFinishFn) {
4996 debug_fn.glFinishFn = fn.glFinishFn;
4997 fn.glFinishFn = Debug_glFinish;
4999 if (!debug_fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn) {
5000 debug_fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn = fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn;
5001 fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn = Debug_glFinishFenceAPPLE;
5003 if (!debug_fn.glFinishFenceNVFn) {
5004 debug_fn.glFinishFenceNVFn = fn.glFinishFenceNVFn;
5005 fn.glFinishFenceNVFn = Debug_glFinishFenceNV;
5007 if (!debug_fn.glFlushFn) {
5008 debug_fn.glFlushFn = fn.glFlushFn;
5009 fn.glFlushFn = Debug_glFlush;
5011 if (!debug_fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn) {
5012 debug_fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn = fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn;
5013 fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn = Debug_glFlushMappedBufferRange;
5015 if (!debug_fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn) {
5016 debug_fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn = fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn;
5017 fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn = Debug_glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT;
5019 if (!debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn) {
5020 debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn = fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn;
5021 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn = Debug_glFramebufferTexture2DEXT;
5023 if (!debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn) {
5024 debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn =
5025 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn;
5026 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn =
5027 Debug_glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT;
5029 if (!debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn) {
5030 debug_fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn =
5031 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn;
5032 fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn =
5033 Debug_glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG;
5035 if (!debug_fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn) {
5036 debug_fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn = fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn;
5037 fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn = Debug_glFramebufferTextureLayer;
5039 if (!debug_fn.glFrontFaceFn) {
5040 debug_fn.glFrontFaceFn = fn.glFrontFaceFn;
5041 fn.glFrontFaceFn = Debug_glFrontFace;
5043 if (!debug_fn.glGenBuffersARBFn) {
5044 debug_fn.glGenBuffersARBFn = fn.glGenBuffersARBFn;
5045 fn.glGenBuffersARBFn = Debug_glGenBuffersARB;
5047 if (!debug_fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn) {
5048 debug_fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn = fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn;
5049 fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn = Debug_glGenerateMipmapEXT;
5051 if (!debug_fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn) {
5052 debug_fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn = fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn;
5053 fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn = Debug_glGenFencesAPPLE;
5055 if (!debug_fn.glGenFencesNVFn) {
5056 debug_fn.glGenFencesNVFn = fn.glGenFencesNVFn;
5057 fn.glGenFencesNVFn = Debug_glGenFencesNV;
5059 if (!debug_fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn) {
5060 debug_fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn = fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn;
5061 fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn = Debug_glGenFramebuffersEXT;
5063 if (!debug_fn.glGenQueriesFn) {
5064 debug_fn.glGenQueriesFn = fn.glGenQueriesFn;
5065 fn.glGenQueriesFn = Debug_glGenQueries;
5067 if (!debug_fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn) {
5068 debug_fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn = fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn;
5069 fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn = Debug_glGenRenderbuffersEXT;
5071 if (!debug_fn.glGenSamplersFn) {
5072 debug_fn.glGenSamplersFn = fn.glGenSamplersFn;
5073 fn.glGenSamplersFn = Debug_glGenSamplers;
5075 if (!debug_fn.glGenTexturesFn) {
5076 debug_fn.glGenTexturesFn = fn.glGenTexturesFn;
5077 fn.glGenTexturesFn = Debug_glGenTextures;
5079 if (!debug_fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn) {
5080 debug_fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn = fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn;
5081 fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn = Debug_glGenTransformFeedbacks;
5083 if (!debug_fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn) {
5084 debug_fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn = fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn;
5085 fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn = Debug_glGenVertexArraysOES;
5087 if (!debug_fn.glGetActiveAttribFn) {
5088 debug_fn.glGetActiveAttribFn = fn.glGetActiveAttribFn;
5089 fn.glGetActiveAttribFn = Debug_glGetActiveAttrib;
5091 if (!debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformFn) {
5092 debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformFn = fn.glGetActiveUniformFn;
5093 fn.glGetActiveUniformFn = Debug_glGetActiveUniform;
5095 if (!debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn) {
5096 debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn = fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn;
5097 fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn = Debug_glGetActiveUniformBlockiv;
5099 if (!debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn) {
5100 debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn = fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn;
5101 fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn = Debug_glGetActiveUniformBlockName;
5103 if (!debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn) {
5104 debug_fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn = fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn;
5105 fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn = Debug_glGetActiveUniformsiv;
5107 if (!debug_fn.glGetAttachedShadersFn) {
5108 debug_fn.glGetAttachedShadersFn = fn.glGetAttachedShadersFn;
5109 fn.glGetAttachedShadersFn = Debug_glGetAttachedShaders;
5111 if (!debug_fn.glGetAttribLocationFn) {
5112 debug_fn.glGetAttribLocationFn = fn.glGetAttribLocationFn;
5113 fn.glGetAttribLocationFn = Debug_glGetAttribLocation;
5115 if (!debug_fn.glGetBooleanvFn) {
5116 debug_fn.glGetBooleanvFn = fn.glGetBooleanvFn;
5117 fn.glGetBooleanvFn = Debug_glGetBooleanv;
5119 if (!debug_fn.glGetBufferParameterivFn) {
5120 debug_fn.glGetBufferParameterivFn = fn.glGetBufferParameterivFn;
5121 fn.glGetBufferParameterivFn = Debug_glGetBufferParameteriv;
5123 if (!debug_fn.glGetErrorFn) {
5124 debug_fn.glGetErrorFn = fn.glGetErrorFn;
5125 fn.glGetErrorFn = Debug_glGetError;
5127 if (!debug_fn.glGetFenceivNVFn) {
5128 debug_fn.glGetFenceivNVFn = fn.glGetFenceivNVFn;
5129 fn.glGetFenceivNVFn = Debug_glGetFenceivNV;
5131 if (!debug_fn.glGetFloatvFn) {
5132 debug_fn.glGetFloatvFn = fn.glGetFloatvFn;
5133 fn.glGetFloatvFn = Debug_glGetFloatv;
5135 if (!debug_fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn) {
5136 debug_fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn = fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn;
5137 fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn = Debug_glGetFragDataLocation;
5139 if (!debug_fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn) {
5140 debug_fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn =
5141 fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn;
5142 fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn =
5143 Debug_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT;
5145 if (!debug_fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn) {
5146 debug_fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn = fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn;
5147 fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn = Debug_glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB;
5149 if (!debug_fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn) {
5150 debug_fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn = fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn;
5151 fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn = Debug_glGetInteger64i_v;
5153 if (!debug_fn.glGetInteger64vFn) {
5154 debug_fn.glGetInteger64vFn = fn.glGetInteger64vFn;
5155 fn.glGetInteger64vFn = Debug_glGetInteger64v;
5157 if (!debug_fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn) {
5158 debug_fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn = fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn;
5159 fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn = Debug_glGetIntegeri_v;
5161 if (!debug_fn.glGetIntegervFn) {
5162 debug_fn.glGetIntegervFn = fn.glGetIntegervFn;
5163 fn.glGetIntegervFn = Debug_glGetIntegerv;
5165 if (!debug_fn.glGetInternalformativFn) {
5166 debug_fn.glGetInternalformativFn = fn.glGetInternalformativFn;
5167 fn.glGetInternalformativFn = Debug_glGetInternalformativ;
5169 if (!debug_fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn) {
5170 debug_fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn = fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn;
5171 fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn = Debug_glGetProgramBinary;
5173 if (!debug_fn.glGetProgramInfoLogFn) {
5174 debug_fn.glGetProgramInfoLogFn = fn.glGetProgramInfoLogFn;
5175 fn.glGetProgramInfoLogFn = Debug_glGetProgramInfoLog;
5177 if (!debug_fn.glGetProgramivFn) {
5178 debug_fn.glGetProgramivFn = fn.glGetProgramivFn;
5179 fn.glGetProgramivFn = Debug_glGetProgramiv;
5181 if (!debug_fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn) {
5182 debug_fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn = fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn;
5183 fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn = Debug_glGetProgramResourceLocation;
5185 if (!debug_fn.glGetQueryivFn) {
5186 debug_fn.glGetQueryivFn = fn.glGetQueryivFn;
5187 fn.glGetQueryivFn = Debug_glGetQueryiv;
5189 if (!debug_fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn) {
5190 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn = fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn;
5191 fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn = Debug_glGetQueryObjecti64v;
5193 if (!debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn) {
5194 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn = fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn;
5195 fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn = Debug_glGetQueryObjectiv;
5197 if (!debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn) {
5198 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn = fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn;
5199 fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn = Debug_glGetQueryObjectui64v;
5201 if (!debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn) {
5202 debug_fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn = fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn;
5203 fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn = Debug_glGetQueryObjectuiv;
5205 if (!debug_fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn) {
5206 debug_fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn =
5207 fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn;
5208 fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn =
5209 Debug_glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT;
5211 if (!debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn) {
5212 debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn = fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn;
5213 fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn = Debug_glGetSamplerParameterfv;
5215 if (!debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn) {
5216 debug_fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn = fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn;
5217 fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn = Debug_glGetSamplerParameteriv;
5219 if (!debug_fn.glGetShaderInfoLogFn) {
5220 debug_fn.glGetShaderInfoLogFn = fn.glGetShaderInfoLogFn;
5221 fn.glGetShaderInfoLogFn = Debug_glGetShaderInfoLog;
5223 if (!debug_fn.glGetShaderivFn) {
5224 debug_fn.glGetShaderivFn = fn.glGetShaderivFn;
5225 fn.glGetShaderivFn = Debug_glGetShaderiv;
5227 if (!debug_fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn) {
5228 debug_fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn = fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn;
5229 fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn = Debug_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat;
5231 if (!debug_fn.glGetShaderSourceFn) {
5232 debug_fn.glGetShaderSourceFn = fn.glGetShaderSourceFn;
5233 fn.glGetShaderSourceFn = Debug_glGetShaderSource;
5235 if (!debug_fn.glGetStringFn) {
5236 debug_fn.glGetStringFn = fn.glGetStringFn;
5237 fn.glGetStringFn = Debug_glGetString;
5239 if (!debug_fn.glGetStringiFn) {
5240 debug_fn.glGetStringiFn = fn.glGetStringiFn;
5241 fn.glGetStringiFn = Debug_glGetStringi;
5243 if (!debug_fn.glGetSyncivFn) {
5244 debug_fn.glGetSyncivFn = fn.glGetSyncivFn;
5245 fn.glGetSyncivFn = Debug_glGetSynciv;
5247 if (!debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn) {
5248 debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn = fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn;
5249 fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn = Debug_glGetTexLevelParameterfv;
5251 if (!debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn) {
5252 debug_fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn = fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn;
5253 fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn = Debug_glGetTexLevelParameteriv;
5255 if (!debug_fn.glGetTexParameterfvFn) {
5256 debug_fn.glGetTexParameterfvFn = fn.glGetTexParameterfvFn;
5257 fn.glGetTexParameterfvFn = Debug_glGetTexParameterfv;
5259 if (!debug_fn.glGetTexParameterivFn) {
5260 debug_fn.glGetTexParameterivFn = fn.glGetTexParameterivFn;
5261 fn.glGetTexParameterivFn = Debug_glGetTexParameteriv;
5263 if (!debug_fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn) {
5264 debug_fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn =
5265 fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn;
5266 fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn = Debug_glGetTransformFeedbackVarying;
5268 if (!debug_fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn) {
5269 debug_fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn =
5270 fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn;
5271 fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn =
5272 Debug_glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE;
5274 if (!debug_fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn) {
5275 debug_fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn = fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn;
5276 fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn = Debug_glGetUniformBlockIndex;
5278 if (!debug_fn.glGetUniformfvFn) {
5279 debug_fn.glGetUniformfvFn = fn.glGetUniformfvFn;
5280 fn.glGetUniformfvFn = Debug_glGetUniformfv;
5282 if (!debug_fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn) {
5283 debug_fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn = fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn;
5284 fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn = Debug_glGetUniformIndices;
5286 if (!debug_fn.glGetUniformivFn) {
5287 debug_fn.glGetUniformivFn = fn.glGetUniformivFn;
5288 fn.glGetUniformivFn = Debug_glGetUniformiv;
5290 if (!debug_fn.glGetUniformLocationFn) {
5291 debug_fn.glGetUniformLocationFn = fn.glGetUniformLocationFn;
5292 fn.glGetUniformLocationFn = Debug_glGetUniformLocation;
5294 if (!debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribfvFn) {
5295 debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribfvFn = fn.glGetVertexAttribfvFn;
5296 fn.glGetVertexAttribfvFn = Debug_glGetVertexAttribfv;
5298 if (!debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribivFn) {
5299 debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribivFn = fn.glGetVertexAttribivFn;
5300 fn.glGetVertexAttribivFn = Debug_glGetVertexAttribiv;
5302 if (!debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribPointervFn) {
5303 debug_fn.glGetVertexAttribPointervFn = fn.glGetVertexAttribPointervFn;
5304 fn.glGetVertexAttribPointervFn = Debug_glGetVertexAttribPointerv;
5306 if (!debug_fn.glHintFn) {
5307 debug_fn.glHintFn = fn.glHintFn;
5308 fn.glHintFn = Debug_glHint;
5310 if (!debug_fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn) {
5311 debug_fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn = fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn;
5312 fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn = Debug_glInsertEventMarkerEXT;
5314 if (!debug_fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn) {
5315 debug_fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn = fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn;
5316 fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn = Debug_glInvalidateFramebuffer;
5318 if (!debug_fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn) {
5319 debug_fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn = fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn;
5320 fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn = Debug_glInvalidateSubFramebuffer;
5322 if (!debug_fn.glIsBufferFn) {
5323 debug_fn.glIsBufferFn = fn.glIsBufferFn;
5324 fn.glIsBufferFn = Debug_glIsBuffer;
5326 if (!debug_fn.glIsEnabledFn) {
5327 debug_fn.glIsEnabledFn = fn.glIsEnabledFn;
5328 fn.glIsEnabledFn = Debug_glIsEnabled;
5330 if (!debug_fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn) {
5331 debug_fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn = fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn;
5332 fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn = Debug_glIsFenceAPPLE;
5334 if (!debug_fn.glIsFenceNVFn) {
5335 debug_fn.glIsFenceNVFn = fn.glIsFenceNVFn;
5336 fn.glIsFenceNVFn = Debug_glIsFenceNV;
5338 if (!debug_fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn) {
5339 debug_fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn = fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn;
5340 fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn = Debug_glIsFramebufferEXT;
5342 if (!debug_fn.glIsProgramFn) {
5343 debug_fn.glIsProgramFn = fn.glIsProgramFn;
5344 fn.glIsProgramFn = Debug_glIsProgram;
5346 if (!debug_fn.glIsQueryFn) {
5347 debug_fn.glIsQueryFn = fn.glIsQueryFn;
5348 fn.glIsQueryFn = Debug_glIsQuery;
5350 if (!debug_fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn) {
5351 debug_fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn = fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn;
5352 fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn = Debug_glIsRenderbufferEXT;
5354 if (!debug_fn.glIsSamplerFn) {
5355 debug_fn.glIsSamplerFn = fn.glIsSamplerFn;
5356 fn.glIsSamplerFn = Debug_glIsSampler;
5358 if (!debug_fn.glIsShaderFn) {
5359 debug_fn.glIsShaderFn = fn.glIsShaderFn;
5360 fn.glIsShaderFn = Debug_glIsShader;
5362 if (!debug_fn.glIsSyncFn) {
5363 debug_fn.glIsSyncFn = fn.glIsSyncFn;
5364 fn.glIsSyncFn = Debug_glIsSync;
5366 if (!debug_fn.glIsTextureFn) {
5367 debug_fn.glIsTextureFn = fn.glIsTextureFn;
5368 fn.glIsTextureFn = Debug_glIsTexture;
5370 if (!debug_fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn) {
5371 debug_fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn = fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn;
5372 fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn = Debug_glIsTransformFeedback;
5374 if (!debug_fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn) {
5375 debug_fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn = fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn;
5376 fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn = Debug_glIsVertexArrayOES;
5378 if (!debug_fn.glLineWidthFn) {
5379 debug_fn.glLineWidthFn = fn.glLineWidthFn;
5380 fn.glLineWidthFn = Debug_glLineWidth;
5382 if (!debug_fn.glLinkProgramFn) {
5383 debug_fn.glLinkProgramFn = fn.glLinkProgramFn;
5384 fn.glLinkProgramFn = Debug_glLinkProgram;
5386 if (!debug_fn.glMapBufferFn) {
5387 debug_fn.glMapBufferFn = fn.glMapBufferFn;
5388 fn.glMapBufferFn = Debug_glMapBuffer;
5390 if (!debug_fn.glMapBufferRangeFn) {
5391 debug_fn.glMapBufferRangeFn = fn.glMapBufferRangeFn;
5392 fn.glMapBufferRangeFn = Debug_glMapBufferRange;
5394 if (!debug_fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn) {
5395 debug_fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn = fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn;
5396 fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn = Debug_glMatrixLoadfEXT;
5398 if (!debug_fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn) {
5399 debug_fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn = fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn;
5400 fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn = Debug_glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT;
5402 if (!debug_fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn) {
5403 debug_fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn = fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn;
5404 fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn = Debug_glPauseTransformFeedback;
5406 if (!debug_fn.glPixelStoreiFn) {
5407 debug_fn.glPixelStoreiFn = fn.glPixelStoreiFn;
5408 fn.glPixelStoreiFn = Debug_glPixelStorei;
5410 if (!debug_fn.glPointParameteriFn) {
5411 debug_fn.glPointParameteriFn = fn.glPointParameteriFn;
5412 fn.glPointParameteriFn = Debug_glPointParameteri;
5414 if (!debug_fn.glPolygonOffsetFn) {
5415 debug_fn.glPolygonOffsetFn = fn.glPolygonOffsetFn;
5416 fn.glPolygonOffsetFn = Debug_glPolygonOffset;
5418 if (!debug_fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn) {
5419 debug_fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn = fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn;
5420 fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn = Debug_glPopGroupMarkerEXT;
5422 if (!debug_fn.glProgramBinaryFn) {
5423 debug_fn.glProgramBinaryFn = fn.glProgramBinaryFn;
5424 fn.glProgramBinaryFn = Debug_glProgramBinary;
5426 if (!debug_fn.glProgramParameteriFn) {
5427 debug_fn.glProgramParameteriFn = fn.glProgramParameteriFn;
5428 fn.glProgramParameteriFn = Debug_glProgramParameteri;
5430 if (!debug_fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn) {
5431 debug_fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn = fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn;
5432 fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn = Debug_glPushGroupMarkerEXT;
5434 if (!debug_fn.glQueryCounterFn) {
5435 debug_fn.glQueryCounterFn = fn.glQueryCounterFn;
5436 fn.glQueryCounterFn = Debug_glQueryCounter;
5438 if (!debug_fn.glReadBufferFn) {
5439 debug_fn.glReadBufferFn = fn.glReadBufferFn;
5440 fn.glReadBufferFn = Debug_glReadBuffer;
5442 if (!debug_fn.glReadPixelsFn) {
5443 debug_fn.glReadPixelsFn = fn.glReadPixelsFn;
5444 fn.glReadPixelsFn = Debug_glReadPixels;
5446 if (!debug_fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn) {
5447 debug_fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn = fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn;
5448 fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn = Debug_glReleaseShaderCompiler;
5450 if (!debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn) {
5451 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn = fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn;
5452 fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn = Debug_glRenderbufferStorageEXT;
5454 if (!debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn) {
5455 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn =
5456 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn;
5457 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn =
5458 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample;
5460 if (!debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn) {
5461 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn =
5462 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn;
5463 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn =
5464 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE;
5466 if (!debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn) {
5467 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn =
5468 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn;
5469 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn =
5470 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT;
5472 if (!debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn) {
5473 debug_fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn =
5474 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn;
5475 fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn =
5476 Debug_glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG;
5478 if (!debug_fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn) {
5479 debug_fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn = fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn;
5480 fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn = Debug_glResumeTransformFeedback;
5482 if (!debug_fn.glSampleCoverageFn) {
5483 debug_fn.glSampleCoverageFn = fn.glSampleCoverageFn;
5484 fn.glSampleCoverageFn = Debug_glSampleCoverage;
5486 if (!debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfFn) {
5487 debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfFn = fn.glSamplerParameterfFn;
5488 fn.glSamplerParameterfFn = Debug_glSamplerParameterf;
5490 if (!debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn) {
5491 debug_fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn = fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn;
5492 fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn = Debug_glSamplerParameterfv;
5494 if (!debug_fn.glSamplerParameteriFn) {
5495 debug_fn.glSamplerParameteriFn = fn.glSamplerParameteriFn;
5496 fn.glSamplerParameteriFn = Debug_glSamplerParameteri;
5498 if (!debug_fn.glSamplerParameterivFn) {
5499 debug_fn.glSamplerParameterivFn = fn.glSamplerParameterivFn;
5500 fn.glSamplerParameterivFn = Debug_glSamplerParameteriv;
5502 if (!debug_fn.glScissorFn) {
5503 debug_fn.glScissorFn = fn.glScissorFn;
5504 fn.glScissorFn = Debug_glScissor;
5506 if (!debug_fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn) {
5507 debug_fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn = fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn;
5508 fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn = Debug_glSetFenceAPPLE;
5510 if (!debug_fn.glSetFenceNVFn) {
5511 debug_fn.glSetFenceNVFn = fn.glSetFenceNVFn;
5512 fn.glSetFenceNVFn = Debug_glSetFenceNV;
5514 if (!debug_fn.glShaderBinaryFn) {
5515 debug_fn.glShaderBinaryFn = fn.glShaderBinaryFn;
5516 fn.glShaderBinaryFn = Debug_glShaderBinary;
5518 if (!debug_fn.glShaderSourceFn) {
5519 debug_fn.glShaderSourceFn = fn.glShaderSourceFn;
5520 fn.glShaderSourceFn = Debug_glShaderSource;
5522 if (!debug_fn.glStencilFuncFn) {
5523 debug_fn.glStencilFuncFn = fn.glStencilFuncFn;
5524 fn.glStencilFuncFn = Debug_glStencilFunc;
5526 if (!debug_fn.glStencilFuncSeparateFn) {
5527 debug_fn.glStencilFuncSeparateFn = fn.glStencilFuncSeparateFn;
5528 fn.glStencilFuncSeparateFn = Debug_glStencilFuncSeparate;
5530 if (!debug_fn.glStencilMaskFn) {
5531 debug_fn.glStencilMaskFn = fn.glStencilMaskFn;
5532 fn.glStencilMaskFn = Debug_glStencilMask;
5534 if (!debug_fn.glStencilMaskSeparateFn) {
5535 debug_fn.glStencilMaskSeparateFn = fn.glStencilMaskSeparateFn;
5536 fn.glStencilMaskSeparateFn = Debug_glStencilMaskSeparate;
5538 if (!debug_fn.glStencilOpFn) {
5539 debug_fn.glStencilOpFn = fn.glStencilOpFn;
5540 fn.glStencilOpFn = Debug_glStencilOp;
5542 if (!debug_fn.glStencilOpSeparateFn) {
5543 debug_fn.glStencilOpSeparateFn = fn.glStencilOpSeparateFn;
5544 fn.glStencilOpSeparateFn = Debug_glStencilOpSeparate;
5546 if (!debug_fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn) {
5547 debug_fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn = fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn;
5548 fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn = Debug_glTestFenceAPPLE;
5550 if (!debug_fn.glTestFenceNVFn) {
5551 debug_fn.glTestFenceNVFn = fn.glTestFenceNVFn;
5552 fn.glTestFenceNVFn = Debug_glTestFenceNV;
5554 if (!debug_fn.glTexImage2DFn) {
5555 debug_fn.glTexImage2DFn = fn.glTexImage2DFn;
5556 fn.glTexImage2DFn = Debug_glTexImage2D;
5558 if (!debug_fn.glTexImage3DFn) {
5559 debug_fn.glTexImage3DFn = fn.glTexImage3DFn;
5560 fn.glTexImage3DFn = Debug_glTexImage3D;
5562 if (!debug_fn.glTexParameterfFn) {
5563 debug_fn.glTexParameterfFn = fn.glTexParameterfFn;
5564 fn.glTexParameterfFn = Debug_glTexParameterf;
5566 if (!debug_fn.glTexParameterfvFn) {
5567 debug_fn.glTexParameterfvFn = fn.glTexParameterfvFn;
5568 fn.glTexParameterfvFn = Debug_glTexParameterfv;
5570 if (!debug_fn.glTexParameteriFn) {
5571 debug_fn.glTexParameteriFn = fn.glTexParameteriFn;
5572 fn.glTexParameteriFn = Debug_glTexParameteri;
5574 if (!debug_fn.glTexParameterivFn) {
5575 debug_fn.glTexParameterivFn = fn.glTexParameterivFn;
5576 fn.glTexParameterivFn = Debug_glTexParameteriv;
5578 if (!debug_fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn) {
5579 debug_fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn = fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn;
5580 fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn = Debug_glTexStorage2DEXT;
5582 if (!debug_fn.glTexStorage3DFn) {
5583 debug_fn.glTexStorage3DFn = fn.glTexStorage3DFn;
5584 fn.glTexStorage3DFn = Debug_glTexStorage3D;
5586 if (!debug_fn.glTexSubImage2DFn) {
5587 debug_fn.glTexSubImage2DFn = fn.glTexSubImage2DFn;
5588 fn.glTexSubImage2DFn = Debug_glTexSubImage2D;
5590 if (!debug_fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn) {
5591 debug_fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn = fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn;
5592 fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn = Debug_glTransformFeedbackVaryings;
5594 if (!debug_fn.glUniform1fFn) {
5595 debug_fn.glUniform1fFn = fn.glUniform1fFn;
5596 fn.glUniform1fFn = Debug_glUniform1f;
5598 if (!debug_fn.glUniform1fvFn) {
5599 debug_fn.glUniform1fvFn = fn.glUniform1fvFn;
5600 fn.glUniform1fvFn = Debug_glUniform1fv;
5602 if (!debug_fn.glUniform1iFn) {
5603 debug_fn.glUniform1iFn = fn.glUniform1iFn;
5604 fn.glUniform1iFn = Debug_glUniform1i;
5606 if (!debug_fn.glUniform1ivFn) {
5607 debug_fn.glUniform1ivFn = fn.glUniform1ivFn;
5608 fn.glUniform1ivFn = Debug_glUniform1iv;
5610 if (!debug_fn.glUniform1uiFn) {
5611 debug_fn.glUniform1uiFn = fn.glUniform1uiFn;
5612 fn.glUniform1uiFn = Debug_glUniform1ui;
5614 if (!debug_fn.glUniform1uivFn) {
5615 debug_fn.glUniform1uivFn = fn.glUniform1uivFn;
5616 fn.glUniform1uivFn = Debug_glUniform1uiv;
5618 if (!debug_fn.glUniform2fFn) {
5619 debug_fn.glUniform2fFn = fn.glUniform2fFn;
5620 fn.glUniform2fFn = Debug_glUniform2f;
5622 if (!debug_fn.glUniform2fvFn) {
5623 debug_fn.glUniform2fvFn = fn.glUniform2fvFn;
5624 fn.glUniform2fvFn = Debug_glUniform2fv;
5626 if (!debug_fn.glUniform2iFn) {
5627 debug_fn.glUniform2iFn = fn.glUniform2iFn;
5628 fn.glUniform2iFn = Debug_glUniform2i;
5630 if (!debug_fn.glUniform2ivFn) {
5631 debug_fn.glUniform2ivFn = fn.glUniform2ivFn;
5632 fn.glUniform2ivFn = Debug_glUniform2iv;
5634 if (!debug_fn.glUniform2uiFn) {
5635 debug_fn.glUniform2uiFn = fn.glUniform2uiFn;
5636 fn.glUniform2uiFn = Debug_glUniform2ui;
5638 if (!debug_fn.glUniform2uivFn) {
5639 debug_fn.glUniform2uivFn = fn.glUniform2uivFn;
5640 fn.glUniform2uivFn = Debug_glUniform2uiv;
5642 if (!debug_fn.glUniform3fFn) {
5643 debug_fn.glUniform3fFn = fn.glUniform3fFn;
5644 fn.glUniform3fFn = Debug_glUniform3f;
5646 if (!debug_fn.glUniform3fvFn) {
5647 debug_fn.glUniform3fvFn = fn.glUniform3fvFn;
5648 fn.glUniform3fvFn = Debug_glUniform3fv;
5650 if (!debug_fn.glUniform3iFn) {
5651 debug_fn.glUniform3iFn = fn.glUniform3iFn;
5652 fn.glUniform3iFn = Debug_glUniform3i;
5654 if (!debug_fn.glUniform3ivFn) {
5655 debug_fn.glUniform3ivFn = fn.glUniform3ivFn;
5656 fn.glUniform3ivFn = Debug_glUniform3iv;
5658 if (!debug_fn.glUniform3uiFn) {
5659 debug_fn.glUniform3uiFn = fn.glUniform3uiFn;
5660 fn.glUniform3uiFn = Debug_glUniform3ui;
5662 if (!debug_fn.glUniform3uivFn) {
5663 debug_fn.glUniform3uivFn = fn.glUniform3uivFn;
5664 fn.glUniform3uivFn = Debug_glUniform3uiv;
5666 if (!debug_fn.glUniform4fFn) {
5667 debug_fn.glUniform4fFn = fn.glUniform4fFn;
5668 fn.glUniform4fFn = Debug_glUniform4f;
5670 if (!debug_fn.glUniform4fvFn) {
5671 debug_fn.glUniform4fvFn = fn.glUniform4fvFn;
5672 fn.glUniform4fvFn = Debug_glUniform4fv;
5674 if (!debug_fn.glUniform4iFn) {
5675 debug_fn.glUniform4iFn = fn.glUniform4iFn;
5676 fn.glUniform4iFn = Debug_glUniform4i;
5678 if (!debug_fn.glUniform4ivFn) {
5679 debug_fn.glUniform4ivFn = fn.glUniform4ivFn;
5680 fn.glUniform4ivFn = Debug_glUniform4iv;
5682 if (!debug_fn.glUniform4uiFn) {
5683 debug_fn.glUniform4uiFn = fn.glUniform4uiFn;
5684 fn.glUniform4uiFn = Debug_glUniform4ui;
5686 if (!debug_fn.glUniform4uivFn) {
5687 debug_fn.glUniform4uivFn = fn.glUniform4uivFn;
5688 fn.glUniform4uivFn = Debug_glUniform4uiv;
5690 if (!debug_fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn) {
5691 debug_fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn = fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn;
5692 fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn = Debug_glUniformBlockBinding;
5694 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2fvFn) {
5695 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix2fvFn;
5696 fn.glUniformMatrix2fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix2fv;
5698 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn) {
5699 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn;
5700 fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix2x3fv;
5702 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn) {
5703 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn;
5704 fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix2x4fv;
5706 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3fvFn) {
5707 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix3fvFn;
5708 fn.glUniformMatrix3fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix3fv;
5710 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn) {
5711 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn;
5712 fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix3x2fv;
5714 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn) {
5715 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn;
5716 fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix3x4fv;
5718 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4fvFn) {
5719 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix4fvFn;
5720 fn.glUniformMatrix4fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix4fv;
5722 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn) {
5723 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn;
5724 fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix4x2fv;
5726 if (!debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn) {
5727 debug_fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn = fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn;
5728 fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn = Debug_glUniformMatrix4x3fv;
5730 if (!debug_fn.glUnmapBufferFn) {
5731 debug_fn.glUnmapBufferFn = fn.glUnmapBufferFn;
5732 fn.glUnmapBufferFn = Debug_glUnmapBuffer;
5734 if (!debug_fn.glUseProgramFn) {
5735 debug_fn.glUseProgramFn = fn.glUseProgramFn;
5736 fn.glUseProgramFn = Debug_glUseProgram;
5738 if (!debug_fn.glValidateProgramFn) {
5739 debug_fn.glValidateProgramFn = fn.glValidateProgramFn;
5740 fn.glValidateProgramFn = Debug_glValidateProgram;
5742 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib1fFn) {
5743 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib1fFn = fn.glVertexAttrib1fFn;
5744 fn.glVertexAttrib1fFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib1f;
5746 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib1fvFn) {
5747 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib1fvFn = fn.glVertexAttrib1fvFn;
5748 fn.glVertexAttrib1fvFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib1fv;
5750 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib2fFn) {
5751 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib2fFn = fn.glVertexAttrib2fFn;
5752 fn.glVertexAttrib2fFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib2f;
5754 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib2fvFn) {
5755 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib2fvFn = fn.glVertexAttrib2fvFn;
5756 fn.glVertexAttrib2fvFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib2fv;
5758 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib3fFn) {
5759 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib3fFn = fn.glVertexAttrib3fFn;
5760 fn.glVertexAttrib3fFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib3f;
5762 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib3fvFn) {
5763 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib3fvFn = fn.glVertexAttrib3fvFn;
5764 fn.glVertexAttrib3fvFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib3fv;
5766 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib4fFn) {
5767 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib4fFn = fn.glVertexAttrib4fFn;
5768 fn.glVertexAttrib4fFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib4f;
5770 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttrib4fvFn) {
5771 debug_fn.glVertexAttrib4fvFn = fn.glVertexAttrib4fvFn;
5772 fn.glVertexAttrib4fvFn = Debug_glVertexAttrib4fv;
5774 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn) {
5775 debug_fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn = fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn;
5776 fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn = Debug_glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE;
5778 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn) {
5779 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn = fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn;
5780 fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn = Debug_glVertexAttribI4i;
5782 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn) {
5783 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn = fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn;
5784 fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn = Debug_glVertexAttribI4iv;
5786 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn) {
5787 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn = fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn;
5788 fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn = Debug_glVertexAttribI4ui;
5790 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn) {
5791 debug_fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn = fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn;
5792 fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn = Debug_glVertexAttribI4uiv;
5794 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn) {
5795 debug_fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn = fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn;
5796 fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn = Debug_glVertexAttribIPointer;
5798 if (!debug_fn.glVertexAttribPointerFn) {
5799 debug_fn.glVertexAttribPointerFn = fn.glVertexAttribPointerFn;
5800 fn.glVertexAttribPointerFn = Debug_glVertexAttribPointer;
5802 if (!debug_fn.glViewportFn) {
5803 debug_fn.glViewportFn = fn.glViewportFn;
5804 fn.glViewportFn = Debug_glViewport;
5806 if (!debug_fn.glWaitSyncFn) {
5807 debug_fn.glWaitSyncFn = fn.glWaitSyncFn;
5808 fn.glWaitSyncFn = Debug_glWaitSync;
5810 g_debugBindingsInitialized = true;
5813 void DriverGL::ClearBindings() {
5814 memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
5817 void GLApiBase::glActiveTextureFn(GLenum texture) {
5818 driver_->fn.glActiveTextureFn(texture);
5821 void GLApiBase::glAttachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
5822 driver_->fn.glAttachShaderFn(program, shader);
5825 void GLApiBase::glBeginQueryFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
5826 driver_->fn.glBeginQueryFn(target, id);
5829 void GLApiBase::glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum primitiveMode) {
5830 driver_->fn.glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(primitiveMode);
5833 void GLApiBase::glBindAttribLocationFn(GLuint program,
5834 GLuint index,
5835 const char* name) {
5836 driver_->fn.glBindAttribLocationFn(program, index, name);
5839 void GLApiBase::glBindBufferFn(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) {
5840 driver_->fn.glBindBufferFn(target, buffer);
5843 void GLApiBase::glBindBufferBaseFn(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer) {
5844 driver_->fn.glBindBufferBaseFn(target, index, buffer);
5847 void GLApiBase::glBindBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
5848 GLuint index,
5849 GLuint buffer,
5850 GLintptr offset,
5851 GLsizeiptr size) {
5852 driver_->fn.glBindBufferRangeFn(target, index, buffer, offset, size);
5855 void GLApiBase::glBindFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program,
5856 GLuint colorNumber,
5857 const char* name) {
5858 driver_->fn.glBindFragDataLocationFn(program, colorNumber, name);
5861 void GLApiBase::glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(GLuint program,
5862 GLuint colorNumber,
5863 GLuint index,
5864 const char* name) {
5865 driver_->fn.glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(program, colorNumber, index,
5866 name);
5869 void GLApiBase::glBindFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) {
5870 driver_->fn.glBindFramebufferEXTFn(target, framebuffer);
5873 void GLApiBase::glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) {
5874 driver_->fn.glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(target, renderbuffer);
5877 void GLApiBase::glBindSamplerFn(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler) {
5878 driver_->fn.glBindSamplerFn(unit, sampler);
5881 void GLApiBase::glBindTextureFn(GLenum target, GLuint texture) {
5882 driver_->fn.glBindTextureFn(target, texture);
5885 void GLApiBase::glBindTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
5886 driver_->fn.glBindTransformFeedbackFn(target, id);
5889 void GLApiBase::glBindVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) {
5890 driver_->fn.glBindVertexArrayOESFn(array);
5893 void GLApiBase::glBlendBarrierKHRFn(void) {
5894 driver_->fn.glBlendBarrierKHRFn();
5897 void GLApiBase::glBlendColorFn(GLclampf red,
5898 GLclampf green,
5899 GLclampf blue,
5900 GLclampf alpha) {
5901 driver_->fn.glBlendColorFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
5904 void GLApiBase::glBlendEquationFn(GLenum mode) {
5905 driver_->fn.glBlendEquationFn(mode);
5908 void GLApiBase::glBlendEquationSeparateFn(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha) {
5909 driver_->fn.glBlendEquationSeparateFn(modeRGB, modeAlpha);
5912 void GLApiBase::glBlendFuncFn(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) {
5913 driver_->fn.glBlendFuncFn(sfactor, dfactor);
5916 void GLApiBase::glBlendFuncSeparateFn(GLenum srcRGB,
5917 GLenum dstRGB,
5918 GLenum srcAlpha,
5919 GLenum dstAlpha) {
5920 driver_->fn.glBlendFuncSeparateFn(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
5923 void GLApiBase::glBlitFramebufferFn(GLint srcX0,
5924 GLint srcY0,
5925 GLint srcX1,
5926 GLint srcY1,
5927 GLint dstX0,
5928 GLint dstY0,
5929 GLint dstX1,
5930 GLint dstY1,
5931 GLbitfield mask,
5932 GLenum filter) {
5933 driver_->fn.glBlitFramebufferFn(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0,
5934 dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
5937 void GLApiBase::glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(GLint srcX0,
5938 GLint srcY0,
5939 GLint srcX1,
5940 GLint srcY1,
5941 GLint dstX0,
5942 GLint dstY0,
5943 GLint dstX1,
5944 GLint dstY1,
5945 GLbitfield mask,
5946 GLenum filter) {
5947 driver_->fn.glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0,
5948 dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
5951 void GLApiBase::glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(GLint srcX0,
5952 GLint srcY0,
5953 GLint srcX1,
5954 GLint srcY1,
5955 GLint dstX0,
5956 GLint dstY0,
5957 GLint dstX1,
5958 GLint dstY1,
5959 GLbitfield mask,
5960 GLenum filter) {
5961 driver_->fn.glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0,
5962 dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
5965 void GLApiBase::glBufferDataFn(GLenum target,
5966 GLsizeiptr size,
5967 const void* data,
5968 GLenum usage) {
5969 driver_->fn.glBufferDataFn(target, size, data, usage);
5972 void GLApiBase::glBufferSubDataFn(GLenum target,
5973 GLintptr offset,
5974 GLsizeiptr size,
5975 const void* data) {
5976 driver_->fn.glBufferSubDataFn(target, offset, size, data);
5979 GLenum GLApiBase::glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(GLenum target) {
5980 return driver_->fn.glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(target);
5983 void GLApiBase::glClearFn(GLbitfield mask) {
5984 driver_->fn.glClearFn(mask);
5987 void GLApiBase::glClearBufferfiFn(GLenum buffer,
5988 GLint drawbuffer,
5989 const GLfloat depth,
5990 GLint stencil) {
5991 driver_->fn.glClearBufferfiFn(buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil);
5994 void GLApiBase::glClearBufferfvFn(GLenum buffer,
5995 GLint drawbuffer,
5996 const GLfloat* value) {
5997 driver_->fn.glClearBufferfvFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
6000 void GLApiBase::glClearBufferivFn(GLenum buffer,
6001 GLint drawbuffer,
6002 const GLint* value) {
6003 driver_->fn.glClearBufferivFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
6006 void GLApiBase::glClearBufferuivFn(GLenum buffer,
6007 GLint drawbuffer,
6008 const GLuint* value) {
6009 driver_->fn.glClearBufferuivFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
6012 void GLApiBase::glClearColorFn(GLclampf red,
6013 GLclampf green,
6014 GLclampf blue,
6015 GLclampf alpha) {
6016 driver_->fn.glClearColorFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
6019 void GLApiBase::glClearDepthFn(GLclampd depth) {
6020 driver_->fn.glClearDepthFn(depth);
6023 void GLApiBase::glClearDepthfFn(GLclampf depth) {
6024 driver_->fn.glClearDepthfFn(depth);
6027 void GLApiBase::glClearStencilFn(GLint s) {
6028 driver_->fn.glClearStencilFn(s);
6031 GLenum GLApiBase::glClientWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync,
6032 GLbitfield flags,
6033 GLuint64 timeout) {
6034 return driver_->fn.glClientWaitSyncFn(sync, flags, timeout);
6037 void GLApiBase::glColorMaskFn(GLboolean red,
6038 GLboolean green,
6039 GLboolean blue,
6040 GLboolean alpha) {
6041 driver_->fn.glColorMaskFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
6044 void GLApiBase::glCompileShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
6045 driver_->fn.glCompileShaderFn(shader);
6048 void GLApiBase::glCompressedTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
6049 GLint level,
6050 GLenum internalformat,
6051 GLsizei width,
6052 GLsizei height,
6053 GLint border,
6054 GLsizei imageSize,
6055 const void* data) {
6056 driver_->fn.glCompressedTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, width,
6057 height, border, imageSize, data);
6060 void GLApiBase::glCompressedTexImage3DFn(GLenum target,
6061 GLint level,
6062 GLenum internalformat,
6063 GLsizei width,
6064 GLsizei height,
6065 GLsizei depth,
6066 GLint border,
6067 GLsizei imageSize,
6068 const void* data) {
6069 driver_->fn.glCompressedTexImage3DFn(target, level, internalformat, width,
6070 height, depth, border, imageSize, data);
6073 void GLApiBase::glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
6074 GLint level,
6075 GLint xoffset,
6076 GLint yoffset,
6077 GLsizei width,
6078 GLsizei height,
6079 GLenum format,
6080 GLsizei imageSize,
6081 const void* data) {
6082 driver_->fn.glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(
6083 target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data);
6086 void GLApiBase::glCopyBufferSubDataFn(GLenum readTarget,
6087 GLenum writeTarget,
6088 GLintptr readOffset,
6089 GLintptr writeOffset,
6090 GLsizeiptr size) {
6091 driver_->fn.glCopyBufferSubDataFn(readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset,
6092 writeOffset, size);
6095 void GLApiBase::glCopyTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
6096 GLint level,
6097 GLenum internalformat,
6098 GLint x,
6099 GLint y,
6100 GLsizei width,
6101 GLsizei height,
6102 GLint border) {
6103 driver_->fn.glCopyTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width,
6104 height, border);
6107 void GLApiBase::glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
6108 GLint level,
6109 GLint xoffset,
6110 GLint yoffset,
6111 GLint x,
6112 GLint y,
6113 GLsizei width,
6114 GLsizei height) {
6115 driver_->fn.glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y,
6116 width, height);
6119 void GLApiBase::glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(GLenum target,
6120 GLint level,
6121 GLint xoffset,
6122 GLint yoffset,
6123 GLint zoffset,
6124 GLint x,
6125 GLint y,
6126 GLsizei width,
6127 GLsizei height) {
6128 driver_->fn.glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x,
6129 y, width, height);
6132 GLuint GLApiBase::glCreateProgramFn(void) {
6133 return driver_->fn.glCreateProgramFn();
6136 GLuint GLApiBase::glCreateShaderFn(GLenum type) {
6137 return driver_->fn.glCreateShaderFn(type);
6140 void GLApiBase::glCullFaceFn(GLenum mode) {
6141 driver_->fn.glCullFaceFn(mode);
6144 void GLApiBase::glDeleteBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) {
6145 driver_->fn.glDeleteBuffersARBFn(n, buffers);
6148 void GLApiBase::glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
6149 driver_->fn.glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(n, fences);
6152 void GLApiBase::glDeleteFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
6153 driver_->fn.glDeleteFencesNVFn(n, fences);
6156 void GLApiBase::glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n,
6157 const GLuint* framebuffers) {
6158 driver_->fn.glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(n, framebuffers);
6161 void GLApiBase::glDeleteProgramFn(GLuint program) {
6162 driver_->fn.glDeleteProgramFn(program);
6165 void GLApiBase::glDeleteQueriesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {
6166 driver_->fn.glDeleteQueriesFn(n, ids);
6169 void GLApiBase::glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n,
6170 const GLuint* renderbuffers) {
6171 driver_->fn.glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(n, renderbuffers);
6174 void GLApiBase::glDeleteSamplersFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* samplers) {
6175 driver_->fn.glDeleteSamplersFn(n, samplers);
6178 void GLApiBase::glDeleteShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
6179 driver_->fn.glDeleteShaderFn(shader);
6182 void GLApiBase::glDeleteSyncFn(GLsync sync) {
6183 driver_->fn.glDeleteSyncFn(sync);
6186 void GLApiBase::glDeleteTexturesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) {
6187 driver_->fn.glDeleteTexturesFn(n, textures);
6190 void GLApiBase::glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {
6191 driver_->fn.glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(n, ids);
6194 void GLApiBase::glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays) {
6195 driver_->fn.glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(n, arrays);
6198 void GLApiBase::glDepthFuncFn(GLenum func) {
6199 driver_->fn.glDepthFuncFn(func);
6202 void GLApiBase::glDepthMaskFn(GLboolean flag) {
6203 driver_->fn.glDepthMaskFn(flag);
6206 void GLApiBase::glDepthRangeFn(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) {
6207 driver_->fn.glDepthRangeFn(zNear, zFar);
6210 void GLApiBase::glDepthRangefFn(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) {
6211 driver_->fn.glDepthRangefFn(zNear, zFar);
6214 void GLApiBase::glDetachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
6215 driver_->fn.glDetachShaderFn(program, shader);
6218 void GLApiBase::glDisableFn(GLenum cap) {
6219 driver_->fn.glDisableFn(cap);
6222 void GLApiBase::glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) {
6223 driver_->fn.glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(index);
6226 void GLApiBase::glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target,
6227 GLsizei numAttachments,
6228 const GLenum* attachments) {
6229 driver_->fn.glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(target, numAttachments, attachments);
6232 void GLApiBase::glDrawArraysFn(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) {
6233 driver_->fn.glDrawArraysFn(mode, first, count);
6236 void GLApiBase::glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode,
6237 GLint first,
6238 GLsizei count,
6239 GLsizei primcount) {
6240 driver_->fn.glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(mode, first, count, primcount);
6243 void GLApiBase::glDrawBufferFn(GLenum mode) {
6244 driver_->fn.glDrawBufferFn(mode);
6247 void GLApiBase::glDrawBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLenum* bufs) {
6248 driver_->fn.glDrawBuffersARBFn(n, bufs);
6251 void GLApiBase::glDrawElementsFn(GLenum mode,
6252 GLsizei count,
6253 GLenum type,
6254 const void* indices) {
6255 driver_->fn.glDrawElementsFn(mode, count, type, indices);
6258 void GLApiBase::glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode,
6259 GLsizei count,
6260 GLenum type,
6261 const void* indices,
6262 GLsizei primcount) {
6263 driver_->fn.glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(mode, count, type, indices,
6264 primcount);
6267 void GLApiBase::glDrawRangeElementsFn(GLenum mode,
6268 GLuint start,
6269 GLuint end,
6270 GLsizei count,
6271 GLenum type,
6272 const void* indices) {
6273 driver_->fn.glDrawRangeElementsFn(mode, start, end, count, type, indices);
6276 void GLApiBase::glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn(GLenum target,
6277 GLeglImageOES image) {
6278 driver_->fn.glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn(target, image);
6281 void GLApiBase::glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(GLenum target,
6282 GLeglImageOES image) {
6283 driver_->fn.glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(target, image);
6286 void GLApiBase::glEnableFn(GLenum cap) {
6287 driver_->fn.glEnableFn(cap);
6290 void GLApiBase::glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) {
6291 driver_->fn.glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(index);
6294 void GLApiBase::glEndQueryFn(GLenum target) {
6295 driver_->fn.glEndQueryFn(target);
6298 void GLApiBase::glEndTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
6299 driver_->fn.glEndTransformFeedbackFn();
6302 GLsync GLApiBase::glFenceSyncFn(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) {
6303 return driver_->fn.glFenceSyncFn(condition, flags);
6306 void GLApiBase::glFinishFn(void) {
6307 driver_->fn.glFinishFn();
6310 void GLApiBase::glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
6311 driver_->fn.glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
6314 void GLApiBase::glFinishFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
6315 driver_->fn.glFinishFenceNVFn(fence);
6318 void GLApiBase::glFlushFn(void) {
6319 driver_->fn.glFlushFn();
6322 void GLApiBase::glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
6323 GLintptr offset,
6324 GLsizeiptr length) {
6325 driver_->fn.glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(target, offset, length);
6328 void GLApiBase::glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target,
6329 GLenum attachment,
6330 GLenum renderbuffertarget,
6331 GLuint renderbuffer) {
6332 driver_->fn.glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(target, attachment,
6333 renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer);
6336 void GLApiBase::glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(GLenum target,
6337 GLenum attachment,
6338 GLenum textarget,
6339 GLuint texture,
6340 GLint level) {
6341 driver_->fn.glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(target, attachment, textarget,
6342 texture, level);
6345 void GLApiBase::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target,
6346 GLenum attachment,
6347 GLenum textarget,
6348 GLuint texture,
6349 GLint level,
6350 GLsizei samples) {
6351 driver_->fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(
6352 target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, samples);
6355 void GLApiBase::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target,
6356 GLenum attachment,
6357 GLenum textarget,
6358 GLuint texture,
6359 GLint level,
6360 GLsizei samples) {
6361 driver_->fn.glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(
6362 target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, samples);
6365 void GLApiBase::glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(GLenum target,
6366 GLenum attachment,
6367 GLuint texture,
6368 GLint level,
6369 GLint layer) {
6370 driver_->fn.glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(target, attachment, texture, level,
6371 layer);
6374 void GLApiBase::glFrontFaceFn(GLenum mode) {
6375 driver_->fn.glFrontFaceFn(mode);
6378 void GLApiBase::glGenBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) {
6379 driver_->fn.glGenBuffersARBFn(n, buffers);
6382 void GLApiBase::glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(GLenum target) {
6383 driver_->fn.glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(target);
6386 void GLApiBase::glGenFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
6387 driver_->fn.glGenFencesAPPLEFn(n, fences);
6390 void GLApiBase::glGenFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
6391 driver_->fn.glGenFencesNVFn(n, fences);
6394 void GLApiBase::glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) {
6395 driver_->fn.glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(n, framebuffers);
6398 void GLApiBase::glGenQueriesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
6399 driver_->fn.glGenQueriesFn(n, ids);
6402 void GLApiBase::glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) {
6403 driver_->fn.glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(n, renderbuffers);
6406 void GLApiBase::glGenSamplersFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* samplers) {
6407 driver_->fn.glGenSamplersFn(n, samplers);
6410 void GLApiBase::glGenTexturesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) {
6411 driver_->fn.glGenTexturesFn(n, textures);
6414 void GLApiBase::glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
6415 driver_->fn.glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(n, ids);
6418 void GLApiBase::glGenVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays) {
6419 driver_->fn.glGenVertexArraysOESFn(n, arrays);
6422 void GLApiBase::glGetActiveAttribFn(GLuint program,
6423 GLuint index,
6424 GLsizei bufsize,
6425 GLsizei* length,
6426 GLint* size,
6427 GLenum* type,
6428 char* name) {
6429 driver_->fn.glGetActiveAttribFn(program, index, bufsize, length, size, type,
6430 name);
6433 void GLApiBase::glGetActiveUniformFn(GLuint program,
6434 GLuint index,
6435 GLsizei bufsize,
6436 GLsizei* length,
6437 GLint* size,
6438 GLenum* type,
6439 char* name) {
6440 driver_->fn.glGetActiveUniformFn(program, index, bufsize, length, size, type,
6441 name);
6444 void GLApiBase::glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(GLuint program,
6445 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
6446 GLenum pname,
6447 GLint* params) {
6448 driver_->fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(program, uniformBlockIndex, pname,
6449 params);
6452 void GLApiBase::glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(GLuint program,
6453 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
6454 GLsizei bufSize,
6455 GLsizei* length,
6456 char* uniformBlockName) {
6457 driver_->fn.glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize,
6458 length, uniformBlockName);
6461 void GLApiBase::glGetActiveUniformsivFn(GLuint program,
6462 GLsizei uniformCount,
6463 const GLuint* uniformIndices,
6464 GLenum pname,
6465 GLint* params) {
6466 driver_->fn.glGetActiveUniformsivFn(program, uniformCount, uniformIndices,
6467 pname, params);
6470 void GLApiBase::glGetAttachedShadersFn(GLuint program,
6471 GLsizei maxcount,
6472 GLsizei* count,
6473 GLuint* shaders) {
6474 driver_->fn.glGetAttachedShadersFn(program, maxcount, count, shaders);
6477 GLint GLApiBase::glGetAttribLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
6478 return driver_->fn.glGetAttribLocationFn(program, name);
6481 void GLApiBase::glGetBooleanvFn(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params) {
6482 driver_->fn.glGetBooleanvFn(pname, params);
6485 void GLApiBase::glGetBufferParameterivFn(GLenum target,
6486 GLenum pname,
6487 GLint* params) {
6488 driver_->fn.glGetBufferParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
6491 GLenum GLApiBase::glGetErrorFn(void) {
6492 return driver_->fn.glGetErrorFn();
6495 void GLApiBase::glGetFenceivNVFn(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
6496 driver_->fn.glGetFenceivNVFn(fence, pname, params);
6499 void GLApiBase::glGetFloatvFn(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) {
6500 driver_->fn.glGetFloatvFn(pname, params);
6503 GLint GLApiBase::glGetFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
6504 return driver_->fn.glGetFragDataLocationFn(program, name);
6507 void GLApiBase::glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target,
6508 GLenum attachment,
6509 GLenum pname,
6510 GLint* params) {
6511 driver_->fn.glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(target, attachment,
6512 pname, params);
6515 GLenum GLApiBase::glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn(void) {
6516 return driver_->fn.glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn();
6519 void GLApiBase::glGetInteger64i_vFn(GLenum target,
6520 GLuint index,
6521 GLint64* data) {
6522 driver_->fn.glGetInteger64i_vFn(target, index, data);
6525 void GLApiBase::glGetInteger64vFn(GLenum pname, GLint64* params) {
6526 driver_->fn.glGetInteger64vFn(pname, params);
6529 void GLApiBase::glGetIntegeri_vFn(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint* data) {
6530 driver_->fn.glGetIntegeri_vFn(target, index, data);
6533 void GLApiBase::glGetIntegervFn(GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
6534 driver_->fn.glGetIntegervFn(pname, params);
6537 void GLApiBase::glGetInternalformativFn(GLenum target,
6538 GLenum internalformat,
6539 GLenum pname,
6540 GLsizei bufSize,
6541 GLint* params) {
6542 driver_->fn.glGetInternalformativFn(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize,
6543 params);
6546 void GLApiBase::glGetProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program,
6547 GLsizei bufSize,
6548 GLsizei* length,
6549 GLenum* binaryFormat,
6550 GLvoid* binary) {
6551 driver_->fn.glGetProgramBinaryFn(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat,
6552 binary);
6555 void GLApiBase::glGetProgramInfoLogFn(GLuint program,
6556 GLsizei bufsize,
6557 GLsizei* length,
6558 char* infolog) {
6559 driver_->fn.glGetProgramInfoLogFn(program, bufsize, length, infolog);
6562 void GLApiBase::glGetProgramivFn(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
6563 driver_->fn.glGetProgramivFn(program, pname, params);
6566 GLint GLApiBase::glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(GLuint program,
6567 GLenum programInterface,
6568 const char* name) {
6569 return driver_->fn.glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(program, programInterface,
6570 name);
6573 void GLApiBase::glGetQueryivFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
6574 driver_->fn.glGetQueryivFn(target, pname, params);
6577 void GLApiBase::glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(GLuint id,
6578 GLenum pname,
6579 GLint64* params) {
6580 driver_->fn.glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(id, pname, params);
6583 void GLApiBase::glGetQueryObjectivFn(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
6584 driver_->fn.glGetQueryObjectivFn(id, pname, params);
6587 void GLApiBase::glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(GLuint id,
6588 GLenum pname,
6589 GLuint64* params) {
6590 driver_->fn.glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(id, pname, params);
6593 void GLApiBase::glGetQueryObjectuivFn(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint* params) {
6594 driver_->fn.glGetQueryObjectuivFn(id, pname, params);
6597 void GLApiBase::glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target,
6598 GLenum pname,
6599 GLint* params) {
6600 driver_->fn.glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(target, pname, params);
6603 void GLApiBase::glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler,
6604 GLenum pname,
6605 GLfloat* params) {
6606 driver_->fn.glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(sampler, pname, params);
6609 void GLApiBase::glGetSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler,
6610 GLenum pname,
6611 GLint* params) {
6612 driver_->fn.glGetSamplerParameterivFn(sampler, pname, params);
6615 void GLApiBase::glGetShaderInfoLogFn(GLuint shader,
6616 GLsizei bufsize,
6617 GLsizei* length,
6618 char* infolog) {
6619 driver_->fn.glGetShaderInfoLogFn(shader, bufsize, length, infolog);
6622 void GLApiBase::glGetShaderivFn(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
6623 driver_->fn.glGetShaderivFn(shader, pname, params);
6626 void GLApiBase::glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(GLenum shadertype,
6627 GLenum precisiontype,
6628 GLint* range,
6629 GLint* precision) {
6630 driver_->fn.glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(shadertype, precisiontype, range,
6631 precision);
6634 void GLApiBase::glGetShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader,
6635 GLsizei bufsize,
6636 GLsizei* length,
6637 char* source) {
6638 driver_->fn.glGetShaderSourceFn(shader, bufsize, length, source);
6641 const GLubyte* GLApiBase::glGetStringFn(GLenum name) {
6642 return driver_->fn.glGetStringFn(name);
6645 const GLubyte* GLApiBase::glGetStringiFn(GLenum name, GLuint index) {
6646 return driver_->fn.glGetStringiFn(name, index);
6649 void GLApiBase::glGetSyncivFn(GLsync sync,
6650 GLenum pname,
6651 GLsizei bufSize,
6652 GLsizei* length,
6653 GLint* values) {
6654 driver_->fn.glGetSyncivFn(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values);
6657 void GLApiBase::glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
6658 GLint level,
6659 GLenum pname,
6660 GLfloat* params) {
6661 driver_->fn.glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(target, level, pname, params);
6664 void GLApiBase::glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(GLenum target,
6665 GLint level,
6666 GLenum pname,
6667 GLint* params) {
6668 driver_->fn.glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(target, level, pname, params);
6671 void GLApiBase::glGetTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
6672 GLenum pname,
6673 GLfloat* params) {
6674 driver_->fn.glGetTexParameterfvFn(target, pname, params);
6677 void GLApiBase::glGetTexParameterivFn(GLenum target,
6678 GLenum pname,
6679 GLint* params) {
6680 driver_->fn.glGetTexParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
6683 void GLApiBase::glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(GLuint program,
6684 GLuint index,
6685 GLsizei bufSize,
6686 GLsizei* length,
6687 GLsizei* size,
6688 GLenum* type,
6689 char* name) {
6690 driver_->fn.glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(program, index, bufSize, length,
6691 size, type, name);
6694 void GLApiBase::glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(GLuint shader,
6695 GLsizei bufsize,
6696 GLsizei* length,
6697 char* source) {
6698 driver_->fn.glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(shader, bufsize, length,
6699 source);
6702 GLuint GLApiBase::glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(GLuint program,
6703 const char* uniformBlockName) {
6704 return driver_->fn.glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(program, uniformBlockName);
6707 void GLApiBase::glGetUniformfvFn(GLuint program,
6708 GLint location,
6709 GLfloat* params) {
6710 driver_->fn.glGetUniformfvFn(program, location, params);
6713 void GLApiBase::glGetUniformIndicesFn(GLuint program,
6714 GLsizei uniformCount,
6715 const char* const* uniformNames,
6716 GLuint* uniformIndices) {
6717 driver_->fn.glGetUniformIndicesFn(program, uniformCount, uniformNames,
6718 uniformIndices);
6721 void GLApiBase::glGetUniformivFn(GLuint program,
6722 GLint location,
6723 GLint* params) {
6724 driver_->fn.glGetUniformivFn(program, location, params);
6727 GLint GLApiBase::glGetUniformLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
6728 return driver_->fn.glGetUniformLocationFn(program, name);
6731 void GLApiBase::glGetVertexAttribfvFn(GLuint index,
6732 GLenum pname,
6733 GLfloat* params) {
6734 driver_->fn.glGetVertexAttribfvFn(index, pname, params);
6737 void GLApiBase::glGetVertexAttribivFn(GLuint index,
6738 GLenum pname,
6739 GLint* params) {
6740 driver_->fn.glGetVertexAttribivFn(index, pname, params);
6743 void GLApiBase::glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(GLuint index,
6744 GLenum pname,
6745 void** pointer) {
6746 driver_->fn.glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(index, pname, pointer);
6749 void GLApiBase::glHintFn(GLenum target, GLenum mode) {
6750 driver_->fn.glHintFn(target, mode);
6753 void GLApiBase::glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length, const char* marker) {
6754 driver_->fn.glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(length, marker);
6757 void GLApiBase::glInvalidateFramebufferFn(GLenum target,
6758 GLsizei numAttachments,
6759 const GLenum* attachments) {
6760 driver_->fn.glInvalidateFramebufferFn(target, numAttachments, attachments);
6763 void GLApiBase::glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(GLenum target,
6764 GLsizei numAttachments,
6765 const GLenum* attachments,
6766 GLint x,
6767 GLint y,
6768 GLint width,
6769 GLint height) {
6770 driver_->fn.glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(target, numAttachments, attachments,
6771 x, y, width, height);
6774 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsBufferFn(GLuint buffer) {
6775 return driver_->fn.glIsBufferFn(buffer);
6778 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsEnabledFn(GLenum cap) {
6779 return driver_->fn.glIsEnabledFn(cap);
6782 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
6783 return driver_->fn.glIsFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
6786 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
6787 return driver_->fn.glIsFenceNVFn(fence);
6790 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsFramebufferEXTFn(GLuint framebuffer) {
6791 return driver_->fn.glIsFramebufferEXTFn(framebuffer);
6794 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsProgramFn(GLuint program) {
6795 return driver_->fn.glIsProgramFn(program);
6798 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsQueryFn(GLuint query) {
6799 return driver_->fn.glIsQueryFn(query);
6802 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(GLuint renderbuffer) {
6803 return driver_->fn.glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(renderbuffer);
6806 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsSamplerFn(GLuint sampler) {
6807 return driver_->fn.glIsSamplerFn(sampler);
6810 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
6811 return driver_->fn.glIsShaderFn(shader);
6814 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsSyncFn(GLsync sync) {
6815 return driver_->fn.glIsSyncFn(sync);
6818 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsTextureFn(GLuint texture) {
6819 return driver_->fn.glIsTextureFn(texture);
6822 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsTransformFeedbackFn(GLuint id) {
6823 return driver_->fn.glIsTransformFeedbackFn(id);
6826 GLboolean GLApiBase::glIsVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) {
6827 return driver_->fn.glIsVertexArrayOESFn(array);
6830 void GLApiBase::glLineWidthFn(GLfloat width) {
6831 driver_->fn.glLineWidthFn(width);
6834 void GLApiBase::glLinkProgramFn(GLuint program) {
6835 driver_->fn.glLinkProgramFn(program);
6838 void* GLApiBase::glMapBufferFn(GLenum target, GLenum access) {
6839 return driver_->fn.glMapBufferFn(target, access);
6842 void* GLApiBase::glMapBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
6843 GLintptr offset,
6844 GLsizeiptr length,
6845 GLbitfield access) {
6846 return driver_->fn.glMapBufferRangeFn(target, offset, length, access);
6849 void GLApiBase::glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat* m) {
6850 driver_->fn.glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(matrixMode, m);
6853 void GLApiBase::glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode) {
6854 driver_->fn.glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(matrixMode);
6857 void GLApiBase::glPauseTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
6858 driver_->fn.glPauseTransformFeedbackFn();
6861 void GLApiBase::glPixelStoreiFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
6862 driver_->fn.glPixelStoreiFn(pname, param);
6865 void GLApiBase::glPointParameteriFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
6866 driver_->fn.glPointParameteriFn(pname, param);
6869 void GLApiBase::glPolygonOffsetFn(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) {
6870 driver_->fn.glPolygonOffsetFn(factor, units);
6873 void GLApiBase::glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn(void) {
6874 driver_->fn.glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn();
6877 void GLApiBase::glProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program,
6878 GLenum binaryFormat,
6879 const GLvoid* binary,
6880 GLsizei length) {
6881 driver_->fn.glProgramBinaryFn(program, binaryFormat, binary, length);
6884 void GLApiBase::glProgramParameteriFn(GLuint program,
6885 GLenum pname,
6886 GLint value) {
6887 driver_->fn.glProgramParameteriFn(program, pname, value);
6890 void GLApiBase::glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length, const char* marker) {
6891 driver_->fn.glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(length, marker);
6894 void GLApiBase::glQueryCounterFn(GLuint id, GLenum target) {
6895 driver_->fn.glQueryCounterFn(id, target);
6898 void GLApiBase::glReadBufferFn(GLenum src) {
6899 driver_->fn.glReadBufferFn(src);
6902 void GLApiBase::glReadPixelsFn(GLint x,
6903 GLint y,
6904 GLsizei width,
6905 GLsizei height,
6906 GLenum format,
6907 GLenum type,
6908 void* pixels) {
6909 driver_->fn.glReadPixelsFn(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
6912 void GLApiBase::glReleaseShaderCompilerFn(void) {
6913 driver_->fn.glReleaseShaderCompilerFn();
6916 void GLApiBase::glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(GLenum target,
6917 GLenum internalformat,
6918 GLsizei width,
6919 GLsizei height) {
6920 driver_->fn.glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(target, internalformat, width, height);
6923 void GLApiBase::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(GLenum target,
6924 GLsizei samples,
6925 GLenum internalformat,
6926 GLsizei width,
6927 GLsizei height) {
6928 driver_->fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(target, samples,
6929 internalformat, width, height);
6932 void GLApiBase::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(GLenum target,
6933 GLsizei samples,
6934 GLenum internalformat,
6935 GLsizei width,
6936 GLsizei height) {
6937 driver_->fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(
6938 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
6941 void GLApiBase::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target,
6942 GLsizei samples,
6943 GLenum internalformat,
6944 GLsizei width,
6945 GLsizei height) {
6946 driver_->fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(
6947 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
6950 void GLApiBase::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target,
6951 GLsizei samples,
6952 GLenum internalformat,
6953 GLsizei width,
6954 GLsizei height) {
6955 driver_->fn.glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(
6956 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
6959 void GLApiBase::glResumeTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
6960 driver_->fn.glResumeTransformFeedbackFn();
6963 void GLApiBase::glSampleCoverageFn(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) {
6964 driver_->fn.glSampleCoverageFn(value, invert);
6967 void GLApiBase::glSamplerParameterfFn(GLuint sampler,
6968 GLenum pname,
6969 GLfloat param) {
6970 driver_->fn.glSamplerParameterfFn(sampler, pname, param);
6973 void GLApiBase::glSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler,
6974 GLenum pname,
6975 const GLfloat* params) {
6976 driver_->fn.glSamplerParameterfvFn(sampler, pname, params);
6979 void GLApiBase::glSamplerParameteriFn(GLuint sampler,
6980 GLenum pname,
6981 GLint param) {
6982 driver_->fn.glSamplerParameteriFn(sampler, pname, param);
6985 void GLApiBase::glSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler,
6986 GLenum pname,
6987 const GLint* params) {
6988 driver_->fn.glSamplerParameterivFn(sampler, pname, params);
6991 void GLApiBase::glScissorFn(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
6992 driver_->fn.glScissorFn(x, y, width, height);
6995 void GLApiBase::glSetFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
6996 driver_->fn.glSetFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
6999 void GLApiBase::glSetFenceNVFn(GLuint fence, GLenum condition) {
7000 driver_->fn.glSetFenceNVFn(fence, condition);
7003 void GLApiBase::glShaderBinaryFn(GLsizei n,
7004 const GLuint* shaders,
7005 GLenum binaryformat,
7006 const void* binary,
7007 GLsizei length) {
7008 driver_->fn.glShaderBinaryFn(n, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length);
7011 void GLApiBase::glShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader,
7012 GLsizei count,
7013 const char* const* str,
7014 const GLint* length) {
7015 driver_->fn.glShaderSourceFn(shader, count, str, length);
7018 void GLApiBase::glStencilFuncFn(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) {
7019 driver_->fn.glStencilFuncFn(func, ref, mask);
7022 void GLApiBase::glStencilFuncSeparateFn(GLenum face,
7023 GLenum func,
7024 GLint ref,
7025 GLuint mask) {
7026 driver_->fn.glStencilFuncSeparateFn(face, func, ref, mask);
7029 void GLApiBase::glStencilMaskFn(GLuint mask) {
7030 driver_->fn.glStencilMaskFn(mask);
7033 void GLApiBase::glStencilMaskSeparateFn(GLenum face, GLuint mask) {
7034 driver_->fn.glStencilMaskSeparateFn(face, mask);
7037 void GLApiBase::glStencilOpFn(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) {
7038 driver_->fn.glStencilOpFn(fail, zfail, zpass);
7041 void GLApiBase::glStencilOpSeparateFn(GLenum face,
7042 GLenum fail,
7043 GLenum zfail,
7044 GLenum zpass) {
7045 driver_->fn.glStencilOpSeparateFn(face, fail, zfail, zpass);
7048 GLboolean GLApiBase::glTestFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
7049 return driver_->fn.glTestFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
7052 GLboolean GLApiBase::glTestFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
7053 return driver_->fn.glTestFenceNVFn(fence);
7056 void GLApiBase::glTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
7057 GLint level,
7058 GLint internalformat,
7059 GLsizei width,
7060 GLsizei height,
7061 GLint border,
7062 GLenum format,
7063 GLenum type,
7064 const void* pixels) {
7065 driver_->fn.glTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, width, height,
7066 border, format, type, pixels);
7069 void GLApiBase::glTexImage3DFn(GLenum target,
7070 GLint level,
7071 GLint internalformat,
7072 GLsizei width,
7073 GLsizei height,
7074 GLsizei depth,
7075 GLint border,
7076 GLenum format,
7077 GLenum type,
7078 const void* pixels) {
7079 driver_->fn.glTexImage3DFn(target, level, internalformat, width, height,
7080 depth, border, format, type, pixels);
7083 void GLApiBase::glTexParameterfFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) {
7084 driver_->fn.glTexParameterfFn(target, pname, param);
7087 void GLApiBase::glTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
7088 GLenum pname,
7089 const GLfloat* params) {
7090 driver_->fn.glTexParameterfvFn(target, pname, params);
7093 void GLApiBase::glTexParameteriFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) {
7094 driver_->fn.glTexParameteriFn(target, pname, param);
7097 void GLApiBase::glTexParameterivFn(GLenum target,
7098 GLenum pname,
7099 const GLint* params) {
7100 driver_->fn.glTexParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
7103 void GLApiBase::glTexStorage2DEXTFn(GLenum target,
7104 GLsizei levels,
7105 GLenum internalformat,
7106 GLsizei width,
7107 GLsizei height) {
7108 driver_->fn.glTexStorage2DEXTFn(target, levels, internalformat, width,
7109 height);
7112 void GLApiBase::glTexStorage3DFn(GLenum target,
7113 GLsizei levels,
7114 GLenum internalformat,
7115 GLsizei width,
7116 GLsizei height,
7117 GLsizei depth) {
7118 driver_->fn.glTexStorage3DFn(target, levels, internalformat, width, height,
7119 depth);
7122 void GLApiBase::glTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
7123 GLint level,
7124 GLint xoffset,
7125 GLint yoffset,
7126 GLsizei width,
7127 GLsizei height,
7128 GLenum format,
7129 GLenum type,
7130 const void* pixels) {
7131 driver_->fn.glTexSubImage2DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height,
7132 format, type, pixels);
7135 void GLApiBase::glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(GLuint program,
7136 GLsizei count,
7137 const char* const* varyings,
7138 GLenum bufferMode) {
7139 driver_->fn.glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(program, count, varyings,
7140 bufferMode);
7143 void GLApiBase::glUniform1fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x) {
7144 driver_->fn.glUniform1fFn(location, x);
7147 void GLApiBase::glUniform1fvFn(GLint location,
7148 GLsizei count,
7149 const GLfloat* v) {
7150 driver_->fn.glUniform1fvFn(location, count, v);
7153 void GLApiBase::glUniform1iFn(GLint location, GLint x) {
7154 driver_->fn.glUniform1iFn(location, x);
7157 void GLApiBase::glUniform1ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
7158 driver_->fn.glUniform1ivFn(location, count, v);
7161 void GLApiBase::glUniform1uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0) {
7162 driver_->fn.glUniform1uiFn(location, v0);
7165 void GLApiBase::glUniform1uivFn(GLint location,
7166 GLsizei count,
7167 const GLuint* v) {
7168 driver_->fn.glUniform1uivFn(location, count, v);
7171 void GLApiBase::glUniform2fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
7172 driver_->fn.glUniform2fFn(location, x, y);
7175 void GLApiBase::glUniform2fvFn(GLint location,
7176 GLsizei count,
7177 const GLfloat* v) {
7178 driver_->fn.glUniform2fvFn(location, count, v);
7181 void GLApiBase::glUniform2iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y) {
7182 driver_->fn.glUniform2iFn(location, x, y);
7185 void GLApiBase::glUniform2ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
7186 driver_->fn.glUniform2ivFn(location, count, v);
7189 void GLApiBase::glUniform2uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1) {
7190 driver_->fn.glUniform2uiFn(location, v0, v1);
7193 void GLApiBase::glUniform2uivFn(GLint location,
7194 GLsizei count,
7195 const GLuint* v) {
7196 driver_->fn.glUniform2uivFn(location, count, v);
7199 void GLApiBase::glUniform3fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) {
7200 driver_->fn.glUniform3fFn(location, x, y, z);
7203 void GLApiBase::glUniform3fvFn(GLint location,
7204 GLsizei count,
7205 const GLfloat* v) {
7206 driver_->fn.glUniform3fvFn(location, count, v);
7209 void GLApiBase::glUniform3iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) {
7210 driver_->fn.glUniform3iFn(location, x, y, z);
7213 void GLApiBase::glUniform3ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
7214 driver_->fn.glUniform3ivFn(location, count, v);
7217 void GLApiBase::glUniform3uiFn(GLint location,
7218 GLuint v0,
7219 GLuint v1,
7220 GLuint v2) {
7221 driver_->fn.glUniform3uiFn(location, v0, v1, v2);
7224 void GLApiBase::glUniform3uivFn(GLint location,
7225 GLsizei count,
7226 const GLuint* v) {
7227 driver_->fn.glUniform3uivFn(location, count, v);
7230 void GLApiBase::glUniform4fFn(GLint location,
7231 GLfloat x,
7232 GLfloat y,
7233 GLfloat z,
7234 GLfloat w) {
7235 driver_->fn.glUniform4fFn(location, x, y, z, w);
7238 void GLApiBase::glUniform4fvFn(GLint location,
7239 GLsizei count,
7240 const GLfloat* v) {
7241 driver_->fn.glUniform4fvFn(location, count, v);
7244 void GLApiBase::glUniform4iFn(GLint location,
7245 GLint x,
7246 GLint y,
7247 GLint z,
7248 GLint w) {
7249 driver_->fn.glUniform4iFn(location, x, y, z, w);
7252 void GLApiBase::glUniform4ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
7253 driver_->fn.glUniform4ivFn(location, count, v);
7256 void GLApiBase::glUniform4uiFn(GLint location,
7257 GLuint v0,
7258 GLuint v1,
7259 GLuint v2,
7260 GLuint v3) {
7261 driver_->fn.glUniform4uiFn(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
7264 void GLApiBase::glUniform4uivFn(GLint location,
7265 GLsizei count,
7266 const GLuint* v) {
7267 driver_->fn.glUniform4uivFn(location, count, v);
7270 void GLApiBase::glUniformBlockBindingFn(GLuint program,
7271 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
7272 GLuint uniformBlockBinding) {
7273 driver_->fn.glUniformBlockBindingFn(program, uniformBlockIndex,
7274 uniformBlockBinding);
7277 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix2fvFn(GLint location,
7278 GLsizei count,
7279 GLboolean transpose,
7280 const GLfloat* value) {
7281 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix2fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7284 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(GLint location,
7285 GLsizei count,
7286 GLboolean transpose,
7287 const GLfloat* value) {
7288 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7291 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(GLint location,
7292 GLsizei count,
7293 GLboolean transpose,
7294 const GLfloat* value) {
7295 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7298 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix3fvFn(GLint location,
7299 GLsizei count,
7300 GLboolean transpose,
7301 const GLfloat* value) {
7302 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix3fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7305 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(GLint location,
7306 GLsizei count,
7307 GLboolean transpose,
7308 const GLfloat* value) {
7309 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7312 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(GLint location,
7313 GLsizei count,
7314 GLboolean transpose,
7315 const GLfloat* value) {
7316 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7319 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix4fvFn(GLint location,
7320 GLsizei count,
7321 GLboolean transpose,
7322 const GLfloat* value) {
7323 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix4fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7326 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(GLint location,
7327 GLsizei count,
7328 GLboolean transpose,
7329 const GLfloat* value) {
7330 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7333 void GLApiBase::glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(GLint location,
7334 GLsizei count,
7335 GLboolean transpose,
7336 const GLfloat* value) {
7337 driver_->fn.glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
7340 GLboolean GLApiBase::glUnmapBufferFn(GLenum target) {
7341 return driver_->fn.glUnmapBufferFn(target);
7344 void GLApiBase::glUseProgramFn(GLuint program) {
7345 driver_->fn.glUseProgramFn(program);
7348 void GLApiBase::glValidateProgramFn(GLuint program) {
7349 driver_->fn.glValidateProgramFn(program);
7352 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib1fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x) {
7353 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib1fFn(indx, x);
7356 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib1fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
7357 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib1fvFn(indx, values);
7360 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib2fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
7361 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib2fFn(indx, x, y);
7364 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib2fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
7365 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib2fvFn(indx, values);
7368 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib3fFn(GLuint indx,
7369 GLfloat x,
7370 GLfloat y,
7371 GLfloat z) {
7372 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib3fFn(indx, x, y, z);
7375 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib3fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
7376 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib3fvFn(indx, values);
7379 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib4fFn(GLuint indx,
7380 GLfloat x,
7381 GLfloat y,
7382 GLfloat z,
7383 GLfloat w) {
7384 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib4fFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
7387 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttrib4fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
7388 driver_->fn.glVertexAttrib4fvFn(indx, values);
7391 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) {
7392 driver_->fn.glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(index, divisor);
7395 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttribI4iFn(GLuint indx,
7396 GLint x,
7397 GLint y,
7398 GLint z,
7399 GLint w) {
7400 driver_->fn.glVertexAttribI4iFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
7403 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttribI4ivFn(GLuint indx, const GLint* values) {
7404 driver_->fn.glVertexAttribI4ivFn(indx, values);
7407 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttribI4uiFn(GLuint indx,
7408 GLuint x,
7409 GLuint y,
7410 GLuint z,
7411 GLuint w) {
7412 driver_->fn.glVertexAttribI4uiFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
7415 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttribI4uivFn(GLuint indx, const GLuint* values) {
7416 driver_->fn.glVertexAttribI4uivFn(indx, values);
7419 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttribIPointerFn(GLuint indx,
7420 GLint size,
7421 GLenum type,
7422 GLsizei stride,
7423 const void* ptr) {
7424 driver_->fn.glVertexAttribIPointerFn(indx, size, type, stride, ptr);
7427 void GLApiBase::glVertexAttribPointerFn(GLuint indx,
7428 GLint size,
7429 GLenum type,
7430 GLboolean normalized,
7431 GLsizei stride,
7432 const void* ptr) {
7433 driver_->fn.glVertexAttribPointerFn(indx, size, type, normalized, stride,
7434 ptr);
7437 void GLApiBase::glViewportFn(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
7438 driver_->fn.glViewportFn(x, y, width, height);
7441 GLenum GLApiBase::glWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync,
7442 GLbitfield flags,
7443 GLuint64 timeout) {
7444 return driver_->fn.glWaitSyncFn(sync, flags, timeout);
7447 void TraceGLApi::glActiveTextureFn(GLenum texture) {
7448 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glActiveTexture")
7449 gl_api_->glActiveTextureFn(texture);
7452 void TraceGLApi::glAttachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
7453 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glAttachShader")
7454 gl_api_->glAttachShaderFn(program, shader);
7457 void TraceGLApi::glBeginQueryFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
7458 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBeginQuery")
7459 gl_api_->glBeginQueryFn(target, id);
7462 void TraceGLApi::glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum primitiveMode) {
7463 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBeginTransformFeedback")
7464 gl_api_->glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(primitiveMode);
7467 void TraceGLApi::glBindAttribLocationFn(GLuint program,
7468 GLuint index,
7469 const char* name) {
7470 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindAttribLocation")
7471 gl_api_->glBindAttribLocationFn(program, index, name);
7474 void TraceGLApi::glBindBufferFn(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) {
7475 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindBuffer")
7476 gl_api_->glBindBufferFn(target, buffer);
7479 void TraceGLApi::glBindBufferBaseFn(GLenum target,
7480 GLuint index,
7481 GLuint buffer) {
7482 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindBufferBase")
7483 gl_api_->glBindBufferBaseFn(target, index, buffer);
7486 void TraceGLApi::glBindBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
7487 GLuint index,
7488 GLuint buffer,
7489 GLintptr offset,
7490 GLsizeiptr size) {
7491 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindBufferRange")
7492 gl_api_->glBindBufferRangeFn(target, index, buffer, offset, size);
7495 void TraceGLApi::glBindFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program,
7496 GLuint colorNumber,
7497 const char* name) {
7498 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindFragDataLocation")
7499 gl_api_->glBindFragDataLocationFn(program, colorNumber, name);
7502 void TraceGLApi::glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(GLuint program,
7503 GLuint colorNumber,
7504 GLuint index,
7505 const char* name) {
7507 "TraceGLAPI::glBindFragDataLocationIndexed")
7508 gl_api_->glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(program, colorNumber, index, name);
7511 void TraceGLApi::glBindFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) {
7512 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindFramebufferEXT")
7513 gl_api_->glBindFramebufferEXTFn(target, framebuffer);
7516 void TraceGLApi::glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) {
7517 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindRenderbufferEXT")
7518 gl_api_->glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(target, renderbuffer);
7521 void TraceGLApi::glBindSamplerFn(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler) {
7522 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindSampler")
7523 gl_api_->glBindSamplerFn(unit, sampler);
7526 void TraceGLApi::glBindTextureFn(GLenum target, GLuint texture) {
7527 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindTexture")
7528 gl_api_->glBindTextureFn(target, texture);
7531 void TraceGLApi::glBindTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
7532 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindTransformFeedback")
7533 gl_api_->glBindTransformFeedbackFn(target, id);
7536 void TraceGLApi::glBindVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) {
7537 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBindVertexArrayOES")
7538 gl_api_->glBindVertexArrayOESFn(array);
7541 void TraceGLApi::glBlendBarrierKHRFn(void) {
7542 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlendBarrierKHR")
7543 gl_api_->glBlendBarrierKHRFn();
7546 void TraceGLApi::glBlendColorFn(GLclampf red,
7547 GLclampf green,
7548 GLclampf blue,
7549 GLclampf alpha) {
7550 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlendColor")
7551 gl_api_->glBlendColorFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
7554 void TraceGLApi::glBlendEquationFn(GLenum mode) {
7555 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlendEquation")
7556 gl_api_->glBlendEquationFn(mode);
7559 void TraceGLApi::glBlendEquationSeparateFn(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha) {
7560 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlendEquationSeparate")
7561 gl_api_->glBlendEquationSeparateFn(modeRGB, modeAlpha);
7564 void TraceGLApi::glBlendFuncFn(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) {
7565 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlendFunc")
7566 gl_api_->glBlendFuncFn(sfactor, dfactor);
7569 void TraceGLApi::glBlendFuncSeparateFn(GLenum srcRGB,
7570 GLenum dstRGB,
7571 GLenum srcAlpha,
7572 GLenum dstAlpha) {
7573 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlendFuncSeparate")
7574 gl_api_->glBlendFuncSeparateFn(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
7577 void TraceGLApi::glBlitFramebufferFn(GLint srcX0,
7578 GLint srcY0,
7579 GLint srcX1,
7580 GLint srcY1,
7581 GLint dstX0,
7582 GLint dstY0,
7583 GLint dstX1,
7584 GLint dstY1,
7585 GLbitfield mask,
7586 GLenum filter) {
7587 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlitFramebuffer")
7588 gl_api_->glBlitFramebufferFn(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1,
7589 dstY1, mask, filter);
7592 void TraceGLApi::glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(GLint srcX0,
7593 GLint srcY0,
7594 GLint srcX1,
7595 GLint srcY1,
7596 GLint dstX0,
7597 GLint dstY0,
7598 GLint dstX1,
7599 GLint dstY1,
7600 GLbitfield mask,
7601 GLenum filter) {
7602 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlitFramebufferANGLE")
7603 gl_api_->glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0,
7604 dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
7607 void TraceGLApi::glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(GLint srcX0,
7608 GLint srcY0,
7609 GLint srcX1,
7610 GLint srcY1,
7611 GLint dstX0,
7612 GLint dstY0,
7613 GLint dstX1,
7614 GLint dstY1,
7615 GLbitfield mask,
7616 GLenum filter) {
7617 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBlitFramebufferEXT")
7618 gl_api_->glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0,
7619 dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
7622 void TraceGLApi::glBufferDataFn(GLenum target,
7623 GLsizeiptr size,
7624 const void* data,
7625 GLenum usage) {
7626 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBufferData")
7627 gl_api_->glBufferDataFn(target, size, data, usage);
7630 void TraceGLApi::glBufferSubDataFn(GLenum target,
7631 GLintptr offset,
7632 GLsizeiptr size,
7633 const void* data) {
7634 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glBufferSubData")
7635 gl_api_->glBufferSubDataFn(target, offset, size, data);
7638 GLenum TraceGLApi::glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(GLenum target) {
7640 "TraceGLAPI::glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT")
7641 return gl_api_->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(target);
7644 void TraceGLApi::glClearFn(GLbitfield mask) {
7645 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClear")
7646 gl_api_->glClearFn(mask);
7649 void TraceGLApi::glClearBufferfiFn(GLenum buffer,
7650 GLint drawbuffer,
7651 const GLfloat depth,
7652 GLint stencil) {
7653 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearBufferfi")
7654 gl_api_->glClearBufferfiFn(buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil);
7657 void TraceGLApi::glClearBufferfvFn(GLenum buffer,
7658 GLint drawbuffer,
7659 const GLfloat* value) {
7660 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearBufferfv")
7661 gl_api_->glClearBufferfvFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
7664 void TraceGLApi::glClearBufferivFn(GLenum buffer,
7665 GLint drawbuffer,
7666 const GLint* value) {
7667 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearBufferiv")
7668 gl_api_->glClearBufferivFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
7671 void TraceGLApi::glClearBufferuivFn(GLenum buffer,
7672 GLint drawbuffer,
7673 const GLuint* value) {
7674 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearBufferuiv")
7675 gl_api_->glClearBufferuivFn(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
7678 void TraceGLApi::glClearColorFn(GLclampf red,
7679 GLclampf green,
7680 GLclampf blue,
7681 GLclampf alpha) {
7682 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearColor")
7683 gl_api_->glClearColorFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
7686 void TraceGLApi::glClearDepthFn(GLclampd depth) {
7687 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearDepth")
7688 gl_api_->glClearDepthFn(depth);
7691 void TraceGLApi::glClearDepthfFn(GLclampf depth) {
7692 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearDepthf")
7693 gl_api_->glClearDepthfFn(depth);
7696 void TraceGLApi::glClearStencilFn(GLint s) {
7697 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClearStencil")
7698 gl_api_->glClearStencilFn(s);
7701 GLenum TraceGLApi::glClientWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync,
7702 GLbitfield flags,
7703 GLuint64 timeout) {
7704 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glClientWaitSync")
7705 return gl_api_->glClientWaitSyncFn(sync, flags, timeout);
7708 void TraceGLApi::glColorMaskFn(GLboolean red,
7709 GLboolean green,
7710 GLboolean blue,
7711 GLboolean alpha) {
7712 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glColorMask")
7713 gl_api_->glColorMaskFn(red, green, blue, alpha);
7716 void TraceGLApi::glCompileShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
7717 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCompileShader")
7718 gl_api_->glCompileShaderFn(shader);
7721 void TraceGLApi::glCompressedTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
7722 GLint level,
7723 GLenum internalformat,
7724 GLsizei width,
7725 GLsizei height,
7726 GLint border,
7727 GLsizei imageSize,
7728 const void* data) {
7729 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCompressedTexImage2D")
7730 gl_api_->glCompressedTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, width,
7731 height, border, imageSize, data);
7734 void TraceGLApi::glCompressedTexImage3DFn(GLenum target,
7735 GLint level,
7736 GLenum internalformat,
7737 GLsizei width,
7738 GLsizei height,
7739 GLsizei depth,
7740 GLint border,
7741 GLsizei imageSize,
7742 const void* data) {
7743 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCompressedTexImage3D")
7744 gl_api_->glCompressedTexImage3DFn(target, level, internalformat, width,
7745 height, depth, border, imageSize, data);
7748 void TraceGLApi::glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
7749 GLint level,
7750 GLint xoffset,
7751 GLint yoffset,
7752 GLsizei width,
7753 GLsizei height,
7754 GLenum format,
7755 GLsizei imageSize,
7756 const void* data) {
7757 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCompressedTexSubImage2D")
7758 gl_api_->glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width,
7759 height, format, imageSize, data);
7762 void TraceGLApi::glCopyBufferSubDataFn(GLenum readTarget,
7763 GLenum writeTarget,
7764 GLintptr readOffset,
7765 GLintptr writeOffset,
7766 GLsizeiptr size) {
7767 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCopyBufferSubData")
7768 gl_api_->glCopyBufferSubDataFn(readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset,
7769 writeOffset, size);
7772 void TraceGLApi::glCopyTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
7773 GLint level,
7774 GLenum internalformat,
7775 GLint x,
7776 GLint y,
7777 GLsizei width,
7778 GLsizei height,
7779 GLint border) {
7780 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCopyTexImage2D")
7781 gl_api_->glCopyTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width,
7782 height, border);
7785 void TraceGLApi::glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
7786 GLint level,
7787 GLint xoffset,
7788 GLint yoffset,
7789 GLint x,
7790 GLint y,
7791 GLsizei width,
7792 GLsizei height) {
7793 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCopyTexSubImage2D")
7794 gl_api_->glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width,
7795 height);
7798 void TraceGLApi::glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(GLenum target,
7799 GLint level,
7800 GLint xoffset,
7801 GLint yoffset,
7802 GLint zoffset,
7803 GLint x,
7804 GLint y,
7805 GLsizei width,
7806 GLsizei height) {
7807 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCopyTexSubImage3D")
7808 gl_api_->glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y,
7809 width, height);
7812 GLuint TraceGLApi::glCreateProgramFn(void) {
7813 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCreateProgram")
7814 return gl_api_->glCreateProgramFn();
7817 GLuint TraceGLApi::glCreateShaderFn(GLenum type) {
7818 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCreateShader")
7819 return gl_api_->glCreateShaderFn(type);
7822 void TraceGLApi::glCullFaceFn(GLenum mode) {
7823 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glCullFace")
7824 gl_api_->glCullFaceFn(mode);
7827 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) {
7828 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteBuffersARB")
7829 gl_api_->glDeleteBuffersARBFn(n, buffers);
7832 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
7833 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteFencesAPPLE")
7834 gl_api_->glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(n, fences);
7837 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
7838 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteFencesNV")
7839 gl_api_->glDeleteFencesNVFn(n, fences);
7842 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n,
7843 const GLuint* framebuffers) {
7844 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteFramebuffersEXT")
7845 gl_api_->glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(n, framebuffers);
7848 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteProgramFn(GLuint program) {
7849 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteProgram")
7850 gl_api_->glDeleteProgramFn(program);
7853 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteQueriesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {
7854 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteQueries")
7855 gl_api_->glDeleteQueriesFn(n, ids);
7858 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n,
7859 const GLuint* renderbuffers) {
7860 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT")
7861 gl_api_->glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(n, renderbuffers);
7864 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteSamplersFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* samplers) {
7865 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteSamplers")
7866 gl_api_->glDeleteSamplersFn(n, samplers);
7869 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
7870 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteShader")
7871 gl_api_->glDeleteShaderFn(shader);
7874 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteSyncFn(GLsync sync) {
7875 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteSync")
7876 gl_api_->glDeleteSyncFn(sync);
7879 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteTexturesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) {
7880 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteTextures")
7881 gl_api_->glDeleteTexturesFn(n, textures);
7884 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {
7885 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteTransformFeedbacks")
7886 gl_api_->glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(n, ids);
7889 void TraceGLApi::glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays) {
7890 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDeleteVertexArraysOES")
7891 gl_api_->glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(n, arrays);
7894 void TraceGLApi::glDepthFuncFn(GLenum func) {
7895 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDepthFunc")
7896 gl_api_->glDepthFuncFn(func);
7899 void TraceGLApi::glDepthMaskFn(GLboolean flag) {
7900 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDepthMask")
7901 gl_api_->glDepthMaskFn(flag);
7904 void TraceGLApi::glDepthRangeFn(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) {
7905 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDepthRange")
7906 gl_api_->glDepthRangeFn(zNear, zFar);
7909 void TraceGLApi::glDepthRangefFn(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) {
7910 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDepthRangef")
7911 gl_api_->glDepthRangefFn(zNear, zFar);
7914 void TraceGLApi::glDetachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
7915 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDetachShader")
7916 gl_api_->glDetachShaderFn(program, shader);
7919 void TraceGLApi::glDisableFn(GLenum cap) {
7920 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDisable")
7921 gl_api_->glDisableFn(cap);
7924 void TraceGLApi::glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) {
7925 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDisableVertexAttribArray")
7926 gl_api_->glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(index);
7929 void TraceGLApi::glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target,
7930 GLsizei numAttachments,
7931 const GLenum* attachments) {
7932 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDiscardFramebufferEXT")
7933 gl_api_->glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(target, numAttachments, attachments);
7936 void TraceGLApi::glDrawArraysFn(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) {
7937 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDrawArrays")
7938 gl_api_->glDrawArraysFn(mode, first, count);
7941 void TraceGLApi::glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode,
7942 GLint first,
7943 GLsizei count,
7944 GLsizei primcount) {
7945 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE")
7946 gl_api_->glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(mode, first, count, primcount);
7949 void TraceGLApi::glDrawBufferFn(GLenum mode) {
7950 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDrawBuffer")
7951 gl_api_->glDrawBufferFn(mode);
7954 void TraceGLApi::glDrawBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLenum* bufs) {
7955 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDrawBuffersARB")
7956 gl_api_->glDrawBuffersARBFn(n, bufs);
7959 void TraceGLApi::glDrawElementsFn(GLenum mode,
7960 GLsizei count,
7961 GLenum type,
7962 const void* indices) {
7963 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDrawElements")
7964 gl_api_->glDrawElementsFn(mode, count, type, indices);
7967 void TraceGLApi::glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode,
7968 GLsizei count,
7969 GLenum type,
7970 const void* indices,
7971 GLsizei primcount) {
7973 "TraceGLAPI::glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE")
7974 gl_api_->glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(mode, count, type, indices,
7975 primcount);
7978 void TraceGLApi::glDrawRangeElementsFn(GLenum mode,
7979 GLuint start,
7980 GLuint end,
7981 GLsizei count,
7982 GLenum type,
7983 const void* indices) {
7984 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glDrawRangeElements")
7985 gl_api_->glDrawRangeElementsFn(mode, start, end, count, type, indices);
7988 void TraceGLApi::glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn(GLenum target,
7989 GLeglImageOES image) {
7991 "gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES")
7992 gl_api_->glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn(target, image);
7995 void TraceGLApi::glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(GLenum target,
7996 GLeglImageOES image) {
7998 "TraceGLAPI::glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES")
7999 gl_api_->glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(target, image);
8002 void TraceGLApi::glEnableFn(GLenum cap) {
8003 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glEnable")
8004 gl_api_->glEnableFn(cap);
8007 void TraceGLApi::glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) {
8008 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glEnableVertexAttribArray")
8009 gl_api_->glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(index);
8012 void TraceGLApi::glEndQueryFn(GLenum target) {
8013 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glEndQuery")
8014 gl_api_->glEndQueryFn(target);
8017 void TraceGLApi::glEndTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
8018 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glEndTransformFeedback")
8019 gl_api_->glEndTransformFeedbackFn();
8022 GLsync TraceGLApi::glFenceSyncFn(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) {
8023 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFenceSync")
8024 return gl_api_->glFenceSyncFn(condition, flags);
8027 void TraceGLApi::glFinishFn(void) {
8028 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFinish")
8029 gl_api_->glFinishFn();
8032 void TraceGLApi::glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
8034 gl_api_->glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
8037 void TraceGLApi::glFinishFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
8038 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFinishFenceNV")
8039 gl_api_->glFinishFenceNVFn(fence);
8042 void TraceGLApi::glFlushFn(void) {
8043 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFlush")
8044 gl_api_->glFlushFn();
8047 void TraceGLApi::glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
8048 GLintptr offset,
8049 GLsizeiptr length) {
8050 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFlushMappedBufferRange")
8051 gl_api_->glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(target, offset, length);
8054 void TraceGLApi::glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target,
8055 GLenum attachment,
8056 GLenum renderbuffertarget,
8057 GLuint renderbuffer) {
8059 "TraceGLAPI::glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT")
8060 gl_api_->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(target, attachment,
8061 renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer);
8064 void TraceGLApi::glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(GLenum target,
8065 GLenum attachment,
8066 GLenum textarget,
8067 GLuint texture,
8068 GLint level) {
8069 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFramebufferTexture2DEXT")
8070 gl_api_->glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(target, attachment, textarget, texture,
8071 level);
8074 void TraceGLApi::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target,
8075 GLenum attachment,
8076 GLenum textarget,
8077 GLuint texture,
8078 GLint level,
8079 GLsizei samples) {
8081 "gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT")
8082 gl_api_->glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(target, attachment, textarget,
8083 texture, level, samples);
8086 void TraceGLApi::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target,
8087 GLenum attachment,
8088 GLenum textarget,
8089 GLuint texture,
8090 GLint level,
8091 GLsizei samples) {
8093 "gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG")
8094 gl_api_->glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(target, attachment, textarget,
8095 texture, level, samples);
8098 void TraceGLApi::glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(GLenum target,
8099 GLenum attachment,
8100 GLuint texture,
8101 GLint level,
8102 GLint layer) {
8103 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFramebufferTextureLayer")
8104 gl_api_->glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(target, attachment, texture, level,
8105 layer);
8108 void TraceGLApi::glFrontFaceFn(GLenum mode) {
8109 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glFrontFace")
8110 gl_api_->glFrontFaceFn(mode);
8113 void TraceGLApi::glGenBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) {
8114 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenBuffersARB")
8115 gl_api_->glGenBuffersARBFn(n, buffers);
8118 void TraceGLApi::glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(GLenum target) {
8119 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenerateMipmapEXT")
8120 gl_api_->glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(target);
8123 void TraceGLApi::glGenFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
8125 gl_api_->glGenFencesAPPLEFn(n, fences);
8128 void TraceGLApi::glGenFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
8129 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenFencesNV")
8130 gl_api_->glGenFencesNVFn(n, fences);
8133 void TraceGLApi::glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) {
8134 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenFramebuffersEXT")
8135 gl_api_->glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(n, framebuffers);
8138 void TraceGLApi::glGenQueriesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
8139 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenQueries")
8140 gl_api_->glGenQueriesFn(n, ids);
8143 void TraceGLApi::glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) {
8144 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenRenderbuffersEXT")
8145 gl_api_->glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(n, renderbuffers);
8148 void TraceGLApi::glGenSamplersFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* samplers) {
8149 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenSamplers")
8150 gl_api_->glGenSamplersFn(n, samplers);
8153 void TraceGLApi::glGenTexturesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) {
8154 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenTextures")
8155 gl_api_->glGenTexturesFn(n, textures);
8158 void TraceGLApi::glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
8159 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenTransformFeedbacks")
8160 gl_api_->glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(n, ids);
8163 void TraceGLApi::glGenVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays) {
8164 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGenVertexArraysOES")
8165 gl_api_->glGenVertexArraysOESFn(n, arrays);
8168 void TraceGLApi::glGetActiveAttribFn(GLuint program,
8169 GLuint index,
8170 GLsizei bufsize,
8171 GLsizei* length,
8172 GLint* size,
8173 GLenum* type,
8174 char* name) {
8175 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetActiveAttrib")
8176 gl_api_->glGetActiveAttribFn(program, index, bufsize, length, size, type,
8177 name);
8180 void TraceGLApi::glGetActiveUniformFn(GLuint program,
8181 GLuint index,
8182 GLsizei bufsize,
8183 GLsizei* length,
8184 GLint* size,
8185 GLenum* type,
8186 char* name) {
8187 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetActiveUniform")
8188 gl_api_->glGetActiveUniformFn(program, index, bufsize, length, size, type,
8189 name);
8192 void TraceGLApi::glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(GLuint program,
8193 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
8194 GLenum pname,
8195 GLint* params) {
8196 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetActiveUniformBlockiv")
8197 gl_api_->glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(program, uniformBlockIndex, pname,
8198 params);
8201 void TraceGLApi::glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(GLuint program,
8202 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
8203 GLsizei bufSize,
8204 GLsizei* length,
8205 char* uniformBlockName) {
8207 "TraceGLAPI::glGetActiveUniformBlockName")
8208 gl_api_->glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize,
8209 length, uniformBlockName);
8212 void TraceGLApi::glGetActiveUniformsivFn(GLuint program,
8213 GLsizei uniformCount,
8214 const GLuint* uniformIndices,
8215 GLenum pname,
8216 GLint* params) {
8217 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetActiveUniformsiv")
8218 gl_api_->glGetActiveUniformsivFn(program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname,
8219 params);
8222 void TraceGLApi::glGetAttachedShadersFn(GLuint program,
8223 GLsizei maxcount,
8224 GLsizei* count,
8225 GLuint* shaders) {
8226 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetAttachedShaders")
8227 gl_api_->glGetAttachedShadersFn(program, maxcount, count, shaders);
8230 GLint TraceGLApi::glGetAttribLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
8231 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetAttribLocation")
8232 return gl_api_->glGetAttribLocationFn(program, name);
8235 void TraceGLApi::glGetBooleanvFn(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params) {
8236 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetBooleanv")
8237 gl_api_->glGetBooleanvFn(pname, params);
8240 void TraceGLApi::glGetBufferParameterivFn(GLenum target,
8241 GLenum pname,
8242 GLint* params) {
8243 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetBufferParameteriv")
8244 gl_api_->glGetBufferParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
8247 GLenum TraceGLApi::glGetErrorFn(void) {
8248 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetError")
8249 return gl_api_->glGetErrorFn();
8252 void TraceGLApi::glGetFenceivNVFn(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
8253 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetFenceivNV")
8254 gl_api_->glGetFenceivNVFn(fence, pname, params);
8257 void TraceGLApi::glGetFloatvFn(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) {
8258 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetFloatv")
8259 gl_api_->glGetFloatvFn(pname, params);
8262 GLint TraceGLApi::glGetFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
8263 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetFragDataLocation")
8264 return gl_api_->glGetFragDataLocationFn(program, name);
8267 void TraceGLApi::glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target,
8268 GLenum attachment,
8269 GLenum pname,
8270 GLint* params) {
8272 "gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT")
8273 gl_api_->glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(target, attachment, pname,
8274 params);
8277 GLenum TraceGLApi::glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn(void) {
8279 "TraceGLAPI::glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB")
8280 return gl_api_->glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn();
8283 void TraceGLApi::glGetInteger64i_vFn(GLenum target,
8284 GLuint index,
8285 GLint64* data) {
8286 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetInteger64i_v")
8287 gl_api_->glGetInteger64i_vFn(target, index, data);
8290 void TraceGLApi::glGetInteger64vFn(GLenum pname, GLint64* params) {
8291 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetInteger64v")
8292 gl_api_->glGetInteger64vFn(pname, params);
8295 void TraceGLApi::glGetIntegeri_vFn(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint* data) {
8296 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetIntegeri_v")
8297 gl_api_->glGetIntegeri_vFn(target, index, data);
8300 void TraceGLApi::glGetIntegervFn(GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
8301 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetIntegerv")
8302 gl_api_->glGetIntegervFn(pname, params);
8305 void TraceGLApi::glGetInternalformativFn(GLenum target,
8306 GLenum internalformat,
8307 GLenum pname,
8308 GLsizei bufSize,
8309 GLint* params) {
8310 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetInternalformativ")
8311 gl_api_->glGetInternalformativFn(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize,
8312 params);
8315 void TraceGLApi::glGetProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program,
8316 GLsizei bufSize,
8317 GLsizei* length,
8318 GLenum* binaryFormat,
8319 GLvoid* binary) {
8320 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetProgramBinary")
8321 gl_api_->glGetProgramBinaryFn(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary);
8324 void TraceGLApi::glGetProgramInfoLogFn(GLuint program,
8325 GLsizei bufsize,
8326 GLsizei* length,
8327 char* infolog) {
8328 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetProgramInfoLog")
8329 gl_api_->glGetProgramInfoLogFn(program, bufsize, length, infolog);
8332 void TraceGLApi::glGetProgramivFn(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
8333 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetProgramiv")
8334 gl_api_->glGetProgramivFn(program, pname, params);
8337 GLint TraceGLApi::glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(GLuint program,
8338 GLenum programInterface,
8339 const char* name) {
8341 "TraceGLAPI::glGetProgramResourceLocation")
8342 return gl_api_->glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(program, programInterface,
8343 name);
8346 void TraceGLApi::glGetQueryivFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
8347 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetQueryiv")
8348 gl_api_->glGetQueryivFn(target, pname, params);
8351 void TraceGLApi::glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(GLuint id,
8352 GLenum pname,
8353 GLint64* params) {
8354 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetQueryObjecti64v")
8355 gl_api_->glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(id, pname, params);
8358 void TraceGLApi::glGetQueryObjectivFn(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
8359 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetQueryObjectiv")
8360 gl_api_->glGetQueryObjectivFn(id, pname, params);
8363 void TraceGLApi::glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(GLuint id,
8364 GLenum pname,
8365 GLuint64* params) {
8366 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetQueryObjectui64v")
8367 gl_api_->glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(id, pname, params);
8370 void TraceGLApi::glGetQueryObjectuivFn(GLuint id,
8371 GLenum pname,
8372 GLuint* params) {
8373 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetQueryObjectuiv")
8374 gl_api_->glGetQueryObjectuivFn(id, pname, params);
8377 void TraceGLApi::glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target,
8378 GLenum pname,
8379 GLint* params) {
8381 "TraceGLAPI::glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT")
8382 gl_api_->glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(target, pname, params);
8385 void TraceGLApi::glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler,
8386 GLenum pname,
8387 GLfloat* params) {
8388 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetSamplerParameterfv")
8389 gl_api_->glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(sampler, pname, params);
8392 void TraceGLApi::glGetSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler,
8393 GLenum pname,
8394 GLint* params) {
8395 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetSamplerParameteriv")
8396 gl_api_->glGetSamplerParameterivFn(sampler, pname, params);
8399 void TraceGLApi::glGetShaderInfoLogFn(GLuint shader,
8400 GLsizei bufsize,
8401 GLsizei* length,
8402 char* infolog) {
8403 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetShaderInfoLog")
8404 gl_api_->glGetShaderInfoLogFn(shader, bufsize, length, infolog);
8407 void TraceGLApi::glGetShaderivFn(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
8408 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetShaderiv")
8409 gl_api_->glGetShaderivFn(shader, pname, params);
8412 void TraceGLApi::glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(GLenum shadertype,
8413 GLenum precisiontype,
8414 GLint* range,
8415 GLint* precision) {
8416 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetShaderPrecisionFormat")
8417 gl_api_->glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(shadertype, precisiontype, range,
8418 precision);
8421 void TraceGLApi::glGetShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader,
8422 GLsizei bufsize,
8423 GLsizei* length,
8424 char* source) {
8425 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetShaderSource")
8426 gl_api_->glGetShaderSourceFn(shader, bufsize, length, source);
8429 const GLubyte* TraceGLApi::glGetStringFn(GLenum name) {
8430 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetString")
8431 return gl_api_->glGetStringFn(name);
8434 const GLubyte* TraceGLApi::glGetStringiFn(GLenum name, GLuint index) {
8435 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetStringi")
8436 return gl_api_->glGetStringiFn(name, index);
8439 void TraceGLApi::glGetSyncivFn(GLsync sync,
8440 GLenum pname,
8441 GLsizei bufSize,
8442 GLsizei* length,
8443 GLint* values) {
8444 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetSynciv")
8445 gl_api_->glGetSyncivFn(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values);
8448 void TraceGLApi::glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
8449 GLint level,
8450 GLenum pname,
8451 GLfloat* params) {
8452 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetTexLevelParameterfv")
8453 gl_api_->glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(target, level, pname, params);
8456 void TraceGLApi::glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(GLenum target,
8457 GLint level,
8458 GLenum pname,
8459 GLint* params) {
8460 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetTexLevelParameteriv")
8461 gl_api_->glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(target, level, pname, params);
8464 void TraceGLApi::glGetTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
8465 GLenum pname,
8466 GLfloat* params) {
8467 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetTexParameterfv")
8468 gl_api_->glGetTexParameterfvFn(target, pname, params);
8471 void TraceGLApi::glGetTexParameterivFn(GLenum target,
8472 GLenum pname,
8473 GLint* params) {
8474 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetTexParameteriv")
8475 gl_api_->glGetTexParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
8478 void TraceGLApi::glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(GLuint program,
8479 GLuint index,
8480 GLsizei bufSize,
8481 GLsizei* length,
8482 GLsizei* size,
8483 GLenum* type,
8484 char* name) {
8486 "TraceGLAPI::glGetTransformFeedbackVarying")
8487 gl_api_->glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(program, index, bufSize, length,
8488 size, type, name);
8491 void TraceGLApi::glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(GLuint shader,
8492 GLsizei bufsize,
8493 GLsizei* length,
8494 char* source) {
8496 "TraceGLAPI::glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE")
8497 gl_api_->glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(shader, bufsize, length, source);
8500 GLuint TraceGLApi::glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(GLuint program,
8501 const char* uniformBlockName) {
8502 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetUniformBlockIndex")
8503 return gl_api_->glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(program, uniformBlockName);
8506 void TraceGLApi::glGetUniformfvFn(GLuint program,
8507 GLint location,
8508 GLfloat* params) {
8509 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetUniformfv")
8510 gl_api_->glGetUniformfvFn(program, location, params);
8513 void TraceGLApi::glGetUniformIndicesFn(GLuint program,
8514 GLsizei uniformCount,
8515 const char* const* uniformNames,
8516 GLuint* uniformIndices) {
8517 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetUniformIndices")
8518 gl_api_->glGetUniformIndicesFn(program, uniformCount, uniformNames,
8519 uniformIndices);
8522 void TraceGLApi::glGetUniformivFn(GLuint program,
8523 GLint location,
8524 GLint* params) {
8525 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetUniformiv")
8526 gl_api_->glGetUniformivFn(program, location, params);
8529 GLint TraceGLApi::glGetUniformLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
8530 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetUniformLocation")
8531 return gl_api_->glGetUniformLocationFn(program, name);
8534 void TraceGLApi::glGetVertexAttribfvFn(GLuint index,
8535 GLenum pname,
8536 GLfloat* params) {
8537 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetVertexAttribfv")
8538 gl_api_->glGetVertexAttribfvFn(index, pname, params);
8541 void TraceGLApi::glGetVertexAttribivFn(GLuint index,
8542 GLenum pname,
8543 GLint* params) {
8544 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetVertexAttribiv")
8545 gl_api_->glGetVertexAttribivFn(index, pname, params);
8548 void TraceGLApi::glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(GLuint index,
8549 GLenum pname,
8550 void** pointer) {
8551 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glGetVertexAttribPointerv")
8552 gl_api_->glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(index, pname, pointer);
8555 void TraceGLApi::glHintFn(GLenum target, GLenum mode) {
8557 gl_api_->glHintFn(target, mode);
8560 void TraceGLApi::glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length, const char* marker) {
8561 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glInsertEventMarkerEXT")
8562 gl_api_->glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(length, marker);
8565 void TraceGLApi::glInvalidateFramebufferFn(GLenum target,
8566 GLsizei numAttachments,
8567 const GLenum* attachments) {
8568 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glInvalidateFramebuffer")
8569 gl_api_->glInvalidateFramebufferFn(target, numAttachments, attachments);
8572 void TraceGLApi::glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(GLenum target,
8573 GLsizei numAttachments,
8574 const GLenum* attachments,
8575 GLint x,
8576 GLint y,
8577 GLint width,
8578 GLint height) {
8579 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glInvalidateSubFramebuffer")
8580 gl_api_->glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(target, numAttachments, attachments, x,
8581 y, width, height);
8584 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsBufferFn(GLuint buffer) {
8585 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsBuffer")
8586 return gl_api_->glIsBufferFn(buffer);
8589 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsEnabledFn(GLenum cap) {
8590 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsEnabled")
8591 return gl_api_->glIsEnabledFn(cap);
8594 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
8596 return gl_api_->glIsFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
8599 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
8601 return gl_api_->glIsFenceNVFn(fence);
8604 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsFramebufferEXTFn(GLuint framebuffer) {
8605 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsFramebufferEXT")
8606 return gl_api_->glIsFramebufferEXTFn(framebuffer);
8609 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsProgramFn(GLuint program) {
8610 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsProgram")
8611 return gl_api_->glIsProgramFn(program);
8614 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsQueryFn(GLuint query) {
8615 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsQuery")
8616 return gl_api_->glIsQueryFn(query);
8619 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(GLuint renderbuffer) {
8620 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsRenderbufferEXT")
8621 return gl_api_->glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(renderbuffer);
8624 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsSamplerFn(GLuint sampler) {
8625 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsSampler")
8626 return gl_api_->glIsSamplerFn(sampler);
8629 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
8630 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsShader")
8631 return gl_api_->glIsShaderFn(shader);
8634 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsSyncFn(GLsync sync) {
8636 return gl_api_->glIsSyncFn(sync);
8639 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsTextureFn(GLuint texture) {
8640 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsTexture")
8641 return gl_api_->glIsTextureFn(texture);
8644 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsTransformFeedbackFn(GLuint id) {
8645 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsTransformFeedback")
8646 return gl_api_->glIsTransformFeedbackFn(id);
8649 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glIsVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) {
8650 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glIsVertexArrayOES")
8651 return gl_api_->glIsVertexArrayOESFn(array);
8654 void TraceGLApi::glLineWidthFn(GLfloat width) {
8655 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glLineWidth")
8656 gl_api_->glLineWidthFn(width);
8659 void TraceGLApi::glLinkProgramFn(GLuint program) {
8660 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glLinkProgram")
8661 gl_api_->glLinkProgramFn(program);
8664 void* TraceGLApi::glMapBufferFn(GLenum target, GLenum access) {
8665 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glMapBuffer")
8666 return gl_api_->glMapBufferFn(target, access);
8669 void* TraceGLApi::glMapBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
8670 GLintptr offset,
8671 GLsizeiptr length,
8672 GLbitfield access) {
8673 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glMapBufferRange")
8674 return gl_api_->glMapBufferRangeFn(target, offset, length, access);
8677 void TraceGLApi::glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat* m) {
8678 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glMatrixLoadfEXT")
8679 gl_api_->glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(matrixMode, m);
8682 void TraceGLApi::glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode) {
8683 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT")
8684 gl_api_->glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(matrixMode);
8687 void TraceGLApi::glPauseTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
8688 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glPauseTransformFeedback")
8689 gl_api_->glPauseTransformFeedbackFn();
8692 void TraceGLApi::glPixelStoreiFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
8693 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glPixelStorei")
8694 gl_api_->glPixelStoreiFn(pname, param);
8697 void TraceGLApi::glPointParameteriFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
8698 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glPointParameteri")
8699 gl_api_->glPointParameteriFn(pname, param);
8702 void TraceGLApi::glPolygonOffsetFn(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) {
8703 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glPolygonOffset")
8704 gl_api_->glPolygonOffsetFn(factor, units);
8707 void TraceGLApi::glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn(void) {
8708 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glPopGroupMarkerEXT")
8709 gl_api_->glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn();
8712 void TraceGLApi::glProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program,
8713 GLenum binaryFormat,
8714 const GLvoid* binary,
8715 GLsizei length) {
8716 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glProgramBinary")
8717 gl_api_->glProgramBinaryFn(program, binaryFormat, binary, length);
8720 void TraceGLApi::glProgramParameteriFn(GLuint program,
8721 GLenum pname,
8722 GLint value) {
8723 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glProgramParameteri")
8724 gl_api_->glProgramParameteriFn(program, pname, value);
8727 void TraceGLApi::glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length, const char* marker) {
8728 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glPushGroupMarkerEXT")
8729 gl_api_->glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(length, marker);
8732 void TraceGLApi::glQueryCounterFn(GLuint id, GLenum target) {
8733 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glQueryCounter")
8734 gl_api_->glQueryCounterFn(id, target);
8737 void TraceGLApi::glReadBufferFn(GLenum src) {
8738 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glReadBuffer")
8739 gl_api_->glReadBufferFn(src);
8742 void TraceGLApi::glReadPixelsFn(GLint x,
8743 GLint y,
8744 GLsizei width,
8745 GLsizei height,
8746 GLenum format,
8747 GLenum type,
8748 void* pixels) {
8749 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glReadPixels")
8750 gl_api_->glReadPixelsFn(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
8753 void TraceGLApi::glReleaseShaderCompilerFn(void) {
8754 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glReleaseShaderCompiler")
8755 gl_api_->glReleaseShaderCompilerFn();
8758 void TraceGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(GLenum target,
8759 GLenum internalformat,
8760 GLsizei width,
8761 GLsizei height) {
8762 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glRenderbufferStorageEXT")
8763 gl_api_->glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(target, internalformat, width, height);
8766 void TraceGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(GLenum target,
8767 GLsizei samples,
8768 GLenum internalformat,
8769 GLsizei width,
8770 GLsizei height) {
8772 "TraceGLAPI::glRenderbufferStorageMultisample")
8773 gl_api_->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(target, samples, internalformat,
8774 width, height);
8777 void TraceGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(GLenum target,
8778 GLsizei samples,
8779 GLenum internalformat,
8780 GLsizei width,
8781 GLsizei height) {
8783 "gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE")
8784 gl_api_->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(
8785 target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
8788 void TraceGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target,
8789 GLsizei samples,
8790 GLenum internalformat,
8791 GLsizei width,
8792 GLsizei height) {
8794 "gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT")
8795 gl_api_->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(target, samples,
8796 internalformat, width, height);
8799 void TraceGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target,
8800 GLsizei samples,
8801 GLenum internalformat,
8802 GLsizei width,
8803 GLsizei height) {
8805 "gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG")
8806 gl_api_->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(target, samples,
8807 internalformat, width, height);
8810 void TraceGLApi::glResumeTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
8811 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glResumeTransformFeedback")
8812 gl_api_->glResumeTransformFeedbackFn();
8815 void TraceGLApi::glSampleCoverageFn(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) {
8816 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glSampleCoverage")
8817 gl_api_->glSampleCoverageFn(value, invert);
8820 void TraceGLApi::glSamplerParameterfFn(GLuint sampler,
8821 GLenum pname,
8822 GLfloat param) {
8823 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glSamplerParameterf")
8824 gl_api_->glSamplerParameterfFn(sampler, pname, param);
8827 void TraceGLApi::glSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler,
8828 GLenum pname,
8829 const GLfloat* params) {
8830 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glSamplerParameterfv")
8831 gl_api_->glSamplerParameterfvFn(sampler, pname, params);
8834 void TraceGLApi::glSamplerParameteriFn(GLuint sampler,
8835 GLenum pname,
8836 GLint param) {
8837 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glSamplerParameteri")
8838 gl_api_->glSamplerParameteriFn(sampler, pname, param);
8841 void TraceGLApi::glSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler,
8842 GLenum pname,
8843 const GLint* params) {
8844 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glSamplerParameteriv")
8845 gl_api_->glSamplerParameterivFn(sampler, pname, params);
8848 void TraceGLApi::glScissorFn(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
8849 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glScissor")
8850 gl_api_->glScissorFn(x, y, width, height);
8853 void TraceGLApi::glSetFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
8855 gl_api_->glSetFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
8858 void TraceGLApi::glSetFenceNVFn(GLuint fence, GLenum condition) {
8860 gl_api_->glSetFenceNVFn(fence, condition);
8863 void TraceGLApi::glShaderBinaryFn(GLsizei n,
8864 const GLuint* shaders,
8865 GLenum binaryformat,
8866 const void* binary,
8867 GLsizei length) {
8868 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glShaderBinary")
8869 gl_api_->glShaderBinaryFn(n, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length);
8872 void TraceGLApi::glShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader,
8873 GLsizei count,
8874 const char* const* str,
8875 const GLint* length) {
8876 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glShaderSource")
8877 gl_api_->glShaderSourceFn(shader, count, str, length);
8880 void TraceGLApi::glStencilFuncFn(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) {
8881 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glStencilFunc")
8882 gl_api_->glStencilFuncFn(func, ref, mask);
8885 void TraceGLApi::glStencilFuncSeparateFn(GLenum face,
8886 GLenum func,
8887 GLint ref,
8888 GLuint mask) {
8889 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glStencilFuncSeparate")
8890 gl_api_->glStencilFuncSeparateFn(face, func, ref, mask);
8893 void TraceGLApi::glStencilMaskFn(GLuint mask) {
8894 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glStencilMask")
8895 gl_api_->glStencilMaskFn(mask);
8898 void TraceGLApi::glStencilMaskSeparateFn(GLenum face, GLuint mask) {
8899 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glStencilMaskSeparate")
8900 gl_api_->glStencilMaskSeparateFn(face, mask);
8903 void TraceGLApi::glStencilOpFn(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) {
8904 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glStencilOp")
8905 gl_api_->glStencilOpFn(fail, zfail, zpass);
8908 void TraceGLApi::glStencilOpSeparateFn(GLenum face,
8909 GLenum fail,
8910 GLenum zfail,
8911 GLenum zpass) {
8912 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glStencilOpSeparate")
8913 gl_api_->glStencilOpSeparateFn(face, fail, zfail, zpass);
8916 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glTestFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
8918 return gl_api_->glTestFenceAPPLEFn(fence);
8921 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glTestFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
8922 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTestFenceNV")
8923 return gl_api_->glTestFenceNVFn(fence);
8926 void TraceGLApi::glTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
8927 GLint level,
8928 GLint internalformat,
8929 GLsizei width,
8930 GLsizei height,
8931 GLint border,
8932 GLenum format,
8933 GLenum type,
8934 const void* pixels) {
8935 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexImage2D")
8936 gl_api_->glTexImage2DFn(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border,
8937 format, type, pixels);
8940 void TraceGLApi::glTexImage3DFn(GLenum target,
8941 GLint level,
8942 GLint internalformat,
8943 GLsizei width,
8944 GLsizei height,
8945 GLsizei depth,
8946 GLint border,
8947 GLenum format,
8948 GLenum type,
8949 const void* pixels) {
8950 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexImage3D")
8951 gl_api_->glTexImage3DFn(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth,
8952 border, format, type, pixels);
8955 void TraceGLApi::glTexParameterfFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) {
8956 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexParameterf")
8957 gl_api_->glTexParameterfFn(target, pname, param);
8960 void TraceGLApi::glTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
8961 GLenum pname,
8962 const GLfloat* params) {
8963 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexParameterfv")
8964 gl_api_->glTexParameterfvFn(target, pname, params);
8967 void TraceGLApi::glTexParameteriFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) {
8968 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexParameteri")
8969 gl_api_->glTexParameteriFn(target, pname, param);
8972 void TraceGLApi::glTexParameterivFn(GLenum target,
8973 GLenum pname,
8974 const GLint* params) {
8975 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexParameteriv")
8976 gl_api_->glTexParameterivFn(target, pname, params);
8979 void TraceGLApi::glTexStorage2DEXTFn(GLenum target,
8980 GLsizei levels,
8981 GLenum internalformat,
8982 GLsizei width,
8983 GLsizei height) {
8984 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexStorage2DEXT")
8985 gl_api_->glTexStorage2DEXTFn(target, levels, internalformat, width, height);
8988 void TraceGLApi::glTexStorage3DFn(GLenum target,
8989 GLsizei levels,
8990 GLenum internalformat,
8991 GLsizei width,
8992 GLsizei height,
8993 GLsizei depth) {
8994 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexStorage3D")
8995 gl_api_->glTexStorage3DFn(target, levels, internalformat, width, height,
8996 depth);
8999 void TraceGLApi::glTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
9000 GLint level,
9001 GLint xoffset,
9002 GLint yoffset,
9003 GLsizei width,
9004 GLsizei height,
9005 GLenum format,
9006 GLenum type,
9007 const void* pixels) {
9008 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glTexSubImage2D")
9009 gl_api_->glTexSubImage2DFn(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height,
9010 format, type, pixels);
9013 void TraceGLApi::glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(GLuint program,
9014 GLsizei count,
9015 const char* const* varyings,
9016 GLenum bufferMode) {
9018 "TraceGLAPI::glTransformFeedbackVaryings")
9019 gl_api_->glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(program, count, varyings, bufferMode);
9022 void TraceGLApi::glUniform1fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x) {
9023 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform1f")
9024 gl_api_->glUniform1fFn(location, x);
9027 void TraceGLApi::glUniform1fvFn(GLint location,
9028 GLsizei count,
9029 const GLfloat* v) {
9030 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform1fv")
9031 gl_api_->glUniform1fvFn(location, count, v);
9034 void TraceGLApi::glUniform1iFn(GLint location, GLint x) {
9035 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform1i")
9036 gl_api_->glUniform1iFn(location, x);
9039 void TraceGLApi::glUniform1ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
9040 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform1iv")
9041 gl_api_->glUniform1ivFn(location, count, v);
9044 void TraceGLApi::glUniform1uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0) {
9045 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform1ui")
9046 gl_api_->glUniform1uiFn(location, v0);
9049 void TraceGLApi::glUniform1uivFn(GLint location,
9050 GLsizei count,
9051 const GLuint* v) {
9052 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform1uiv")
9053 gl_api_->glUniform1uivFn(location, count, v);
9056 void TraceGLApi::glUniform2fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
9057 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform2f")
9058 gl_api_->glUniform2fFn(location, x, y);
9061 void TraceGLApi::glUniform2fvFn(GLint location,
9062 GLsizei count,
9063 const GLfloat* v) {
9064 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform2fv")
9065 gl_api_->glUniform2fvFn(location, count, v);
9068 void TraceGLApi::glUniform2iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y) {
9069 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform2i")
9070 gl_api_->glUniform2iFn(location, x, y);
9073 void TraceGLApi::glUniform2ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
9074 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform2iv")
9075 gl_api_->glUniform2ivFn(location, count, v);
9078 void TraceGLApi::glUniform2uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1) {
9079 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform2ui")
9080 gl_api_->glUniform2uiFn(location, v0, v1);
9083 void TraceGLApi::glUniform2uivFn(GLint location,
9084 GLsizei count,
9085 const GLuint* v) {
9086 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform2uiv")
9087 gl_api_->glUniform2uivFn(location, count, v);
9090 void TraceGLApi::glUniform3fFn(GLint location,
9091 GLfloat x,
9092 GLfloat y,
9093 GLfloat z) {
9094 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform3f")
9095 gl_api_->glUniform3fFn(location, x, y, z);
9098 void TraceGLApi::glUniform3fvFn(GLint location,
9099 GLsizei count,
9100 const GLfloat* v) {
9101 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform3fv")
9102 gl_api_->glUniform3fvFn(location, count, v);
9105 void TraceGLApi::glUniform3iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) {
9106 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform3i")
9107 gl_api_->glUniform3iFn(location, x, y, z);
9110 void TraceGLApi::glUniform3ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
9111 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform3iv")
9112 gl_api_->glUniform3ivFn(location, count, v);
9115 void TraceGLApi::glUniform3uiFn(GLint location,
9116 GLuint v0,
9117 GLuint v1,
9118 GLuint v2) {
9119 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform3ui")
9120 gl_api_->glUniform3uiFn(location, v0, v1, v2);
9123 void TraceGLApi::glUniform3uivFn(GLint location,
9124 GLsizei count,
9125 const GLuint* v) {
9126 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform3uiv")
9127 gl_api_->glUniform3uivFn(location, count, v);
9130 void TraceGLApi::glUniform4fFn(GLint location,
9131 GLfloat x,
9132 GLfloat y,
9133 GLfloat z,
9134 GLfloat w) {
9135 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform4f")
9136 gl_api_->glUniform4fFn(location, x, y, z, w);
9139 void TraceGLApi::glUniform4fvFn(GLint location,
9140 GLsizei count,
9141 const GLfloat* v) {
9142 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform4fv")
9143 gl_api_->glUniform4fvFn(location, count, v);
9146 void TraceGLApi::glUniform4iFn(GLint location,
9147 GLint x,
9148 GLint y,
9149 GLint z,
9150 GLint w) {
9151 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform4i")
9152 gl_api_->glUniform4iFn(location, x, y, z, w);
9155 void TraceGLApi::glUniform4ivFn(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v) {
9156 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform4iv")
9157 gl_api_->glUniform4ivFn(location, count, v);
9160 void TraceGLApi::glUniform4uiFn(GLint location,
9161 GLuint v0,
9162 GLuint v1,
9163 GLuint v2,
9164 GLuint v3) {
9165 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform4ui")
9166 gl_api_->glUniform4uiFn(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
9169 void TraceGLApi::glUniform4uivFn(GLint location,
9170 GLsizei count,
9171 const GLuint* v) {
9172 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniform4uiv")
9173 gl_api_->glUniform4uivFn(location, count, v);
9176 void TraceGLApi::glUniformBlockBindingFn(GLuint program,
9177 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
9178 GLuint uniformBlockBinding) {
9179 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformBlockBinding")
9180 gl_api_->glUniformBlockBindingFn(program, uniformBlockIndex,
9181 uniformBlockBinding);
9184 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix2fvFn(GLint location,
9185 GLsizei count,
9186 GLboolean transpose,
9187 const GLfloat* value) {
9188 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix2fv")
9189 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix2fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9192 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(GLint location,
9193 GLsizei count,
9194 GLboolean transpose,
9195 const GLfloat* value) {
9196 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix2x3fv")
9197 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9200 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(GLint location,
9201 GLsizei count,
9202 GLboolean transpose,
9203 const GLfloat* value) {
9204 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix2x4fv")
9205 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9208 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix3fvFn(GLint location,
9209 GLsizei count,
9210 GLboolean transpose,
9211 const GLfloat* value) {
9212 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix3fv")
9213 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix3fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9216 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(GLint location,
9217 GLsizei count,
9218 GLboolean transpose,
9219 const GLfloat* value) {
9220 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix3x2fv")
9221 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9224 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(GLint location,
9225 GLsizei count,
9226 GLboolean transpose,
9227 const GLfloat* value) {
9228 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix3x4fv")
9229 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9232 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix4fvFn(GLint location,
9233 GLsizei count,
9234 GLboolean transpose,
9235 const GLfloat* value) {
9236 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix4fv")
9237 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix4fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9240 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(GLint location,
9241 GLsizei count,
9242 GLboolean transpose,
9243 const GLfloat* value) {
9244 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix4x2fv")
9245 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9248 void TraceGLApi::glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(GLint location,
9249 GLsizei count,
9250 GLboolean transpose,
9251 const GLfloat* value) {
9252 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUniformMatrix4x3fv")
9253 gl_api_->glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(location, count, transpose, value);
9256 GLboolean TraceGLApi::glUnmapBufferFn(GLenum target) {
9257 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUnmapBuffer")
9258 return gl_api_->glUnmapBufferFn(target);
9261 void TraceGLApi::glUseProgramFn(GLuint program) {
9262 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glUseProgram")
9263 gl_api_->glUseProgramFn(program);
9266 void TraceGLApi::glValidateProgramFn(GLuint program) {
9267 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glValidateProgram")
9268 gl_api_->glValidateProgramFn(program);
9271 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib1fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x) {
9272 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib1f")
9273 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib1fFn(indx, x);
9276 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib1fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
9277 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib1fv")
9278 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib1fvFn(indx, values);
9281 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib2fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
9282 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib2f")
9283 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib2fFn(indx, x, y);
9286 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib2fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
9287 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib2fv")
9288 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib2fvFn(indx, values);
9291 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib3fFn(GLuint indx,
9292 GLfloat x,
9293 GLfloat y,
9294 GLfloat z) {
9295 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib3f")
9296 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib3fFn(indx, x, y, z);
9299 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib3fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
9300 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib3fv")
9301 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib3fvFn(indx, values);
9304 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib4fFn(GLuint indx,
9305 GLfloat x,
9306 GLfloat y,
9307 GLfloat z,
9308 GLfloat w) {
9309 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib4f")
9310 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib4fFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
9313 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttrib4fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
9314 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttrib4fv")
9315 gl_api_->glVertexAttrib4fvFn(indx, values);
9318 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) {
9319 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE")
9320 gl_api_->glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(index, divisor);
9323 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttribI4iFn(GLuint indx,
9324 GLint x,
9325 GLint y,
9326 GLint z,
9327 GLint w) {
9328 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttribI4i")
9329 gl_api_->glVertexAttribI4iFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
9332 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttribI4ivFn(GLuint indx, const GLint* values) {
9333 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttribI4iv")
9334 gl_api_->glVertexAttribI4ivFn(indx, values);
9337 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttribI4uiFn(GLuint indx,
9338 GLuint x,
9339 GLuint y,
9340 GLuint z,
9341 GLuint w) {
9342 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttribI4ui")
9343 gl_api_->glVertexAttribI4uiFn(indx, x, y, z, w);
9346 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttribI4uivFn(GLuint indx, const GLuint* values) {
9347 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttribI4uiv")
9348 gl_api_->glVertexAttribI4uivFn(indx, values);
9351 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttribIPointerFn(GLuint indx,
9352 GLint size,
9353 GLenum type,
9354 GLsizei stride,
9355 const void* ptr) {
9356 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttribIPointer")
9357 gl_api_->glVertexAttribIPointerFn(indx, size, type, stride, ptr);
9360 void TraceGLApi::glVertexAttribPointerFn(GLuint indx,
9361 GLint size,
9362 GLenum type,
9363 GLboolean normalized,
9364 GLsizei stride,
9365 const void* ptr) {
9366 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glVertexAttribPointer")
9367 gl_api_->glVertexAttribPointerFn(indx, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr);
9370 void TraceGLApi::glViewportFn(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) {
9371 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glViewport")
9372 gl_api_->glViewportFn(x, y, width, height);
9375 GLenum TraceGLApi::glWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync,
9376 GLbitfield flags,
9377 GLuint64 timeout) {
9378 TRACE_EVENT_BINARY_EFFICIENT0("gpu", "TraceGLAPI::glWaitSync")
9379 return gl_api_->glWaitSyncFn(sync, flags, timeout);
9382 void NoContextGLApi::glActiveTextureFn(GLenum texture) {
9383 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glActiveTexture() without current GL context";
9384 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glActiveTexture() without current GL context";
9387 void NoContextGLApi::glAttachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
9388 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glAttachShader() without current GL context";
9389 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glAttachShader() without current GL context";
9392 void NoContextGLApi::glBeginQueryFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
9393 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBeginQuery() without current GL context";
9394 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBeginQuery() without current GL context";
9397 void NoContextGLApi::glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum primitiveMode) {
9399 << "Trying to call glBeginTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
9401 << "Trying to call glBeginTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
9404 void NoContextGLApi::glBindAttribLocationFn(GLuint program,
9405 GLuint index,
9406 const char* name) {
9408 << "Trying to call glBindAttribLocation() without current GL context";
9410 << "Trying to call glBindAttribLocation() without current GL context";
9413 void NoContextGLApi::glBindBufferFn(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) {
9414 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBindBuffer() without current GL context";
9415 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBindBuffer() without current GL context";
9418 void NoContextGLApi::glBindBufferBaseFn(GLenum target,
9419 GLuint index,
9420 GLuint buffer) {
9422 << "Trying to call glBindBufferBase() without current GL context";
9423 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBindBufferBase() without current GL context";
9426 void NoContextGLApi::glBindBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
9427 GLuint index,
9428 GLuint buffer,
9429 GLintptr offset,
9430 GLsizeiptr size) {
9432 << "Trying to call glBindBufferRange() without current GL context";
9433 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBindBufferRange() without current GL context";
9436 void NoContextGLApi::glBindFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program,
9437 GLuint colorNumber,
9438 const char* name) {
9440 << "Trying to call glBindFragDataLocation() without current GL context";
9442 << "Trying to call glBindFragDataLocation() without current GL context";
9445 void NoContextGLApi::glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(GLuint program,
9446 GLuint colorNumber,
9447 GLuint index,
9448 const char* name) {
9449 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBindFragDataLocationIndexed() without "
9450 "current GL context";
9451 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBindFragDataLocationIndexed() without "
9452 "current GL context";
9455 void NoContextGLApi::glBindFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) {
9457 << "Trying to call glBindFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
9459 << "Trying to call glBindFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
9462 void NoContextGLApi::glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target,
9463 GLuint renderbuffer) {
9465 << "Trying to call glBindRenderbufferEXT() without current GL context";
9467 << "Trying to call glBindRenderbufferEXT() without current GL context";
9470 void NoContextGLApi::glBindSamplerFn(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler) {
9471 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBindSampler() without current GL context";
9472 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBindSampler() without current GL context";
9475 void NoContextGLApi::glBindTextureFn(GLenum target, GLuint texture) {
9476 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBindTexture() without current GL context";
9477 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBindTexture() without current GL context";
9480 void NoContextGLApi::glBindTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
9482 << "Trying to call glBindTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
9484 << "Trying to call glBindTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
9487 void NoContextGLApi::glBindVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) {
9489 << "Trying to call glBindVertexArrayOES() without current GL context";
9491 << "Trying to call glBindVertexArrayOES() without current GL context";
9494 void NoContextGLApi::glBlendBarrierKHRFn(void) {
9496 << "Trying to call glBlendBarrierKHR() without current GL context";
9497 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBlendBarrierKHR() without current GL context";
9500 void NoContextGLApi::glBlendColorFn(GLclampf red,
9501 GLclampf green,
9502 GLclampf blue,
9503 GLclampf alpha) {
9504 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBlendColor() without current GL context";
9505 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBlendColor() without current GL context";
9508 void NoContextGLApi::glBlendEquationFn(GLenum mode) {
9509 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBlendEquation() without current GL context";
9510 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBlendEquation() without current GL context";
9513 void NoContextGLApi::glBlendEquationSeparateFn(GLenum modeRGB,
9514 GLenum modeAlpha) {
9516 << "Trying to call glBlendEquationSeparate() without current GL context";
9518 << "Trying to call glBlendEquationSeparate() without current GL context";
9521 void NoContextGLApi::glBlendFuncFn(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) {
9522 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBlendFunc() without current GL context";
9523 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBlendFunc() without current GL context";
9526 void NoContextGLApi::glBlendFuncSeparateFn(GLenum srcRGB,
9527 GLenum dstRGB,
9528 GLenum srcAlpha,
9529 GLenum dstAlpha) {
9531 << "Trying to call glBlendFuncSeparate() without current GL context";
9533 << "Trying to call glBlendFuncSeparate() without current GL context";
9536 void NoContextGLApi::glBlitFramebufferFn(GLint srcX0,
9537 GLint srcY0,
9538 GLint srcX1,
9539 GLint srcY1,
9540 GLint dstX0,
9541 GLint dstY0,
9542 GLint dstX1,
9543 GLint dstY1,
9544 GLbitfield mask,
9545 GLenum filter) {
9547 << "Trying to call glBlitFramebuffer() without current GL context";
9548 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBlitFramebuffer() without current GL context";
9551 void NoContextGLApi::glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(GLint srcX0,
9552 GLint srcY0,
9553 GLint srcX1,
9554 GLint srcY1,
9555 GLint dstX0,
9556 GLint dstY0,
9557 GLint dstX1,
9558 GLint dstY1,
9559 GLbitfield mask,
9560 GLenum filter) {
9562 << "Trying to call glBlitFramebufferANGLE() without current GL context";
9564 << "Trying to call glBlitFramebufferANGLE() without current GL context";
9567 void NoContextGLApi::glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(GLint srcX0,
9568 GLint srcY0,
9569 GLint srcX1,
9570 GLint srcY1,
9571 GLint dstX0,
9572 GLint dstY0,
9573 GLint dstX1,
9574 GLint dstY1,
9575 GLbitfield mask,
9576 GLenum filter) {
9578 << "Trying to call glBlitFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
9580 << "Trying to call glBlitFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
9583 void NoContextGLApi::glBufferDataFn(GLenum target,
9584 GLsizeiptr size,
9585 const void* data,
9586 GLenum usage) {
9587 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBufferData() without current GL context";
9588 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBufferData() without current GL context";
9591 void NoContextGLApi::glBufferSubDataFn(GLenum target,
9592 GLintptr offset,
9593 GLsizeiptr size,
9594 const void* data) {
9595 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glBufferSubData() without current GL context";
9596 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glBufferSubData() without current GL context";
9599 GLenum NoContextGLApi::glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(GLenum target) {
9600 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT() without "
9601 "current GL context";
9602 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT() without current "
9603 "GL context";
9604 return static_cast<GLenum>(0);
9607 void NoContextGLApi::glClearFn(GLbitfield mask) {
9608 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClear() without current GL context";
9609 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClear() without current GL context";
9612 void NoContextGLApi::glClearBufferfiFn(GLenum buffer,
9613 GLint drawbuffer,
9614 const GLfloat depth,
9615 GLint stencil) {
9616 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClearBufferfi() without current GL context";
9617 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearBufferfi() without current GL context";
9620 void NoContextGLApi::glClearBufferfvFn(GLenum buffer,
9621 GLint drawbuffer,
9622 const GLfloat* value) {
9623 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClearBufferfv() without current GL context";
9624 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearBufferfv() without current GL context";
9627 void NoContextGLApi::glClearBufferivFn(GLenum buffer,
9628 GLint drawbuffer,
9629 const GLint* value) {
9630 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClearBufferiv() without current GL context";
9631 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearBufferiv() without current GL context";
9634 void NoContextGLApi::glClearBufferuivFn(GLenum buffer,
9635 GLint drawbuffer,
9636 const GLuint* value) {
9638 << "Trying to call glClearBufferuiv() without current GL context";
9639 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearBufferuiv() without current GL context";
9642 void NoContextGLApi::glClearColorFn(GLclampf red,
9643 GLclampf green,
9644 GLclampf blue,
9645 GLclampf alpha) {
9646 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClearColor() without current GL context";
9647 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearColor() without current GL context";
9650 void NoContextGLApi::glClearDepthFn(GLclampd depth) {
9651 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClearDepth() without current GL context";
9652 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearDepth() without current GL context";
9655 void NoContextGLApi::glClearDepthfFn(GLclampf depth) {
9656 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClearDepthf() without current GL context";
9657 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearDepthf() without current GL context";
9660 void NoContextGLApi::glClearStencilFn(GLint s) {
9661 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glClearStencil() without current GL context";
9662 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClearStencil() without current GL context";
9665 GLenum NoContextGLApi::glClientWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync,
9666 GLbitfield flags,
9667 GLuint64 timeout) {
9669 << "Trying to call glClientWaitSync() without current GL context";
9670 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glClientWaitSync() without current GL context";
9671 return static_cast<GLenum>(0);
9674 void NoContextGLApi::glColorMaskFn(GLboolean red,
9675 GLboolean green,
9676 GLboolean blue,
9677 GLboolean alpha) {
9678 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glColorMask() without current GL context";
9679 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glColorMask() without current GL context";
9682 void NoContextGLApi::glCompileShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
9683 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glCompileShader() without current GL context";
9684 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glCompileShader() without current GL context";
9687 void NoContextGLApi::glCompressedTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
9688 GLint level,
9689 GLenum internalformat,
9690 GLsizei width,
9691 GLsizei height,
9692 GLint border,
9693 GLsizei imageSize,
9694 const void* data) {
9696 << "Trying to call glCompressedTexImage2D() without current GL context";
9698 << "Trying to call glCompressedTexImage2D() without current GL context";
9701 void NoContextGLApi::glCompressedTexImage3DFn(GLenum target,
9702 GLint level,
9703 GLenum internalformat,
9704 GLsizei width,
9705 GLsizei height,
9706 GLsizei depth,
9707 GLint border,
9708 GLsizei imageSize,
9709 const void* data) {
9711 << "Trying to call glCompressedTexImage3D() without current GL context";
9713 << "Trying to call glCompressedTexImage3D() without current GL context";
9716 void NoContextGLApi::glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
9717 GLint level,
9718 GLint xoffset,
9719 GLint yoffset,
9720 GLsizei width,
9721 GLsizei height,
9722 GLenum format,
9723 GLsizei imageSize,
9724 const void* data) {
9725 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glCompressedTexSubImage2D() without current "
9726 "GL context";
9727 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glCompressedTexSubImage2D() without current GL "
9728 "context";
9731 void NoContextGLApi::glCopyBufferSubDataFn(GLenum readTarget,
9732 GLenum writeTarget,
9733 GLintptr readOffset,
9734 GLintptr writeOffset,
9735 GLsizeiptr size) {
9737 << "Trying to call glCopyBufferSubData() without current GL context";
9739 << "Trying to call glCopyBufferSubData() without current GL context";
9742 void NoContextGLApi::glCopyTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
9743 GLint level,
9744 GLenum internalformat,
9745 GLint x,
9746 GLint y,
9747 GLsizei width,
9748 GLsizei height,
9749 GLint border) {
9751 << "Trying to call glCopyTexImage2D() without current GL context";
9752 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glCopyTexImage2D() without current GL context";
9755 void NoContextGLApi::glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
9756 GLint level,
9757 GLint xoffset,
9758 GLint yoffset,
9759 GLint x,
9760 GLint y,
9761 GLsizei width,
9762 GLsizei height) {
9764 << "Trying to call glCopyTexSubImage2D() without current GL context";
9766 << "Trying to call glCopyTexSubImage2D() without current GL context";
9769 void NoContextGLApi::glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(GLenum target,
9770 GLint level,
9771 GLint xoffset,
9772 GLint yoffset,
9773 GLint zoffset,
9774 GLint x,
9775 GLint y,
9776 GLsizei width,
9777 GLsizei height) {
9779 << "Trying to call glCopyTexSubImage3D() without current GL context";
9781 << "Trying to call glCopyTexSubImage3D() without current GL context";
9784 GLuint NoContextGLApi::glCreateProgramFn(void) {
9785 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glCreateProgram() without current GL context";
9786 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glCreateProgram() without current GL context";
9787 return 0U;
9790 GLuint NoContextGLApi::glCreateShaderFn(GLenum type) {
9791 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glCreateShader() without current GL context";
9792 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glCreateShader() without current GL context";
9793 return 0U;
9796 void NoContextGLApi::glCullFaceFn(GLenum mode) {
9797 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glCullFace() without current GL context";
9798 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glCullFace() without current GL context";
9801 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) {
9803 << "Trying to call glDeleteBuffersARB() without current GL context";
9805 << "Trying to call glDeleteBuffersARB() without current GL context";
9808 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
9810 << "Trying to call glDeleteFencesAPPLE() without current GL context";
9812 << "Trying to call glDeleteFencesAPPLE() without current GL context";
9815 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) {
9817 << "Trying to call glDeleteFencesNV() without current GL context";
9818 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteFencesNV() without current GL context";
9821 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n,
9822 const GLuint* framebuffers) {
9824 << "Trying to call glDeleteFramebuffersEXT() without current GL context";
9826 << "Trying to call glDeleteFramebuffersEXT() without current GL context";
9829 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteProgramFn(GLuint program) {
9830 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDeleteProgram() without current GL context";
9831 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteProgram() without current GL context";
9834 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteQueriesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) {
9835 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDeleteQueries() without current GL context";
9836 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteQueries() without current GL context";
9839 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n,
9840 const GLuint* renderbuffers) {
9842 << "Trying to call glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT() without current GL context";
9844 << "Trying to call glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT() without current GL context";
9847 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteSamplersFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* samplers) {
9849 << "Trying to call glDeleteSamplers() without current GL context";
9850 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteSamplers() without current GL context";
9853 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
9854 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDeleteShader() without current GL context";
9855 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteShader() without current GL context";
9858 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteSyncFn(GLsync sync) {
9859 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context";
9860 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteSync() without current GL context";
9863 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteTexturesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) {
9865 << "Trying to call glDeleteTextures() without current GL context";
9866 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteTextures() without current GL context";
9869 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n,
9870 const GLuint* ids) {
9871 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDeleteTransformFeedbacks() without current "
9872 "GL context";
9873 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDeleteTransformFeedbacks() without current "
9874 "GL context";
9877 void NoContextGLApi::glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n,
9878 const GLuint* arrays) {
9880 << "Trying to call glDeleteVertexArraysOES() without current GL context";
9882 << "Trying to call glDeleteVertexArraysOES() without current GL context";
9885 void NoContextGLApi::glDepthFuncFn(GLenum func) {
9886 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDepthFunc() without current GL context";
9887 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDepthFunc() without current GL context";
9890 void NoContextGLApi::glDepthMaskFn(GLboolean flag) {
9891 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDepthMask() without current GL context";
9892 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDepthMask() without current GL context";
9895 void NoContextGLApi::glDepthRangeFn(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) {
9896 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDepthRange() without current GL context";
9897 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDepthRange() without current GL context";
9900 void NoContextGLApi::glDepthRangefFn(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) {
9901 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDepthRangef() without current GL context";
9902 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDepthRangef() without current GL context";
9905 void NoContextGLApi::glDetachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) {
9906 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDetachShader() without current GL context";
9907 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDetachShader() without current GL context";
9910 void NoContextGLApi::glDisableFn(GLenum cap) {
9911 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDisable() without current GL context";
9912 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDisable() without current GL context";
9915 void NoContextGLApi::glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) {
9916 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDisableVertexAttribArray() without current "
9917 "GL context";
9918 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDisableVertexAttribArray() without current "
9919 "GL context";
9922 void NoContextGLApi::glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target,
9923 GLsizei numAttachments,
9924 const GLenum* attachments) {
9926 << "Trying to call glDiscardFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
9928 << "Trying to call glDiscardFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
9931 void NoContextGLApi::glDrawArraysFn(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) {
9932 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDrawArrays() without current GL context";
9933 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDrawArrays() without current GL context";
9936 void NoContextGLApi::glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode,
9937 GLint first,
9938 GLsizei count,
9939 GLsizei primcount) {
9940 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE() without current "
9941 "GL context";
9942 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE() without current "
9943 "GL context";
9946 void NoContextGLApi::glDrawBufferFn(GLenum mode) {
9947 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDrawBuffer() without current GL context";
9948 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDrawBuffer() without current GL context";
9951 void NoContextGLApi::glDrawBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLenum* bufs) {
9953 << "Trying to call glDrawBuffersARB() without current GL context";
9954 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDrawBuffersARB() without current GL context";
9957 void NoContextGLApi::glDrawElementsFn(GLenum mode,
9958 GLsizei count,
9959 GLenum type,
9960 const void* indices) {
9961 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDrawElements() without current GL context";
9962 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDrawElements() without current GL context";
9965 void NoContextGLApi::glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode,
9966 GLsizei count,
9967 GLenum type,
9968 const void* indices,
9969 GLsizei primcount) {
9970 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE() without "
9971 "current GL context";
9972 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE() without current "
9973 "GL context";
9976 void NoContextGLApi::glDrawRangeElementsFn(GLenum mode,
9977 GLuint start,
9978 GLuint end,
9979 GLsizei count,
9980 GLenum type,
9981 const void* indices) {
9983 << "Trying to call glDrawRangeElements() without current GL context";
9985 << "Trying to call glDrawRangeElements() without current GL context";
9988 void NoContextGLApi::glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn(
9989 GLenum target,
9990 GLeglImageOES image) {
9991 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES() "
9992 "without current GL context";
9993 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES() "
9994 "without current GL context";
9997 void NoContextGLApi::glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(GLenum target,
9998 GLeglImageOES image) {
9999 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES() without "
10000 "current GL context";
10001 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES() without current "
10002 "GL context";
10005 void NoContextGLApi::glEnableFn(GLenum cap) {
10006 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glEnable() without current GL context";
10007 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glEnable() without current GL context";
10010 void NoContextGLApi::glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) {
10011 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glEnableVertexAttribArray() without current "
10012 "GL context";
10013 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glEnableVertexAttribArray() without current GL "
10014 "context";
10017 void NoContextGLApi::glEndQueryFn(GLenum target) {
10018 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glEndQuery() without current GL context";
10019 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glEndQuery() without current GL context";
10022 void NoContextGLApi::glEndTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
10024 << "Trying to call glEndTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
10025 LOG(ERROR)
10026 << "Trying to call glEndTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
10029 GLsync NoContextGLApi::glFenceSyncFn(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) {
10030 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFenceSync() without current GL context";
10031 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFenceSync() without current GL context";
10032 return NULL;
10035 void NoContextGLApi::glFinishFn(void) {
10036 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFinish() without current GL context";
10037 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFinish() without current GL context";
10040 void NoContextGLApi::glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
10042 << "Trying to call glFinishFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
10043 LOG(ERROR)
10044 << "Trying to call glFinishFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
10047 void NoContextGLApi::glFinishFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
10048 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFinishFenceNV() without current GL context";
10049 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFinishFenceNV() without current GL context";
10052 void NoContextGLApi::glFlushFn(void) {
10053 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFlush() without current GL context";
10054 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFlush() without current GL context";
10057 void NoContextGLApi::glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
10058 GLintptr offset,
10059 GLsizeiptr length) {
10061 << "Trying to call glFlushMappedBufferRange() without current GL context";
10062 LOG(ERROR)
10063 << "Trying to call glFlushMappedBufferRange() without current GL context";
10066 void NoContextGLApi::glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target,
10067 GLenum attachment,
10068 GLenum renderbuffertarget,
10069 GLuint renderbuffer) {
10070 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT() without "
10071 "current GL context";
10072 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT() without current "
10073 "GL context";
10076 void NoContextGLApi::glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(GLenum target,
10077 GLenum attachment,
10078 GLenum textarget,
10079 GLuint texture,
10080 GLint level) {
10081 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFramebufferTexture2DEXT() without current "
10082 "GL context";
10083 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFramebufferTexture2DEXT() without current GL "
10084 "context";
10087 void NoContextGLApi::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target,
10088 GLenum attachment,
10089 GLenum textarget,
10090 GLuint texture,
10091 GLint level,
10092 GLsizei samples) {
10093 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT() "
10094 "without current GL context";
10095 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT() without "
10096 "current GL context";
10099 void NoContextGLApi::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target,
10100 GLenum attachment,
10101 GLenum textarget,
10102 GLuint texture,
10103 GLint level,
10104 GLsizei samples) {
10105 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG() "
10106 "without current GL context";
10107 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG() without "
10108 "current GL context";
10111 void NoContextGLApi::glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(GLenum target,
10112 GLenum attachment,
10113 GLuint texture,
10114 GLint level,
10115 GLint layer) {
10116 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFramebufferTextureLayer() without current "
10117 "GL context";
10118 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFramebufferTextureLayer() without current GL "
10119 "context";
10122 void NoContextGLApi::glFrontFaceFn(GLenum mode) {
10123 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glFrontFace() without current GL context";
10124 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glFrontFace() without current GL context";
10127 void NoContextGLApi::glGenBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) {
10128 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGenBuffersARB() without current GL context";
10129 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGenBuffersARB() without current GL context";
10132 void NoContextGLApi::glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(GLenum target) {
10134 << "Trying to call glGenerateMipmapEXT() without current GL context";
10135 LOG(ERROR)
10136 << "Trying to call glGenerateMipmapEXT() without current GL context";
10139 void NoContextGLApi::glGenFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
10141 << "Trying to call glGenFencesAPPLE() without current GL context";
10142 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGenFencesAPPLE() without current GL context";
10145 void NoContextGLApi::glGenFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) {
10146 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGenFencesNV() without current GL context";
10147 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGenFencesNV() without current GL context";
10150 void NoContextGLApi::glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) {
10152 << "Trying to call glGenFramebuffersEXT() without current GL context";
10153 LOG(ERROR)
10154 << "Trying to call glGenFramebuffersEXT() without current GL context";
10157 void NoContextGLApi::glGenQueriesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
10158 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGenQueries() without current GL context";
10159 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGenQueries() without current GL context";
10162 void NoContextGLApi::glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) {
10164 << "Trying to call glGenRenderbuffersEXT() without current GL context";
10165 LOG(ERROR)
10166 << "Trying to call glGenRenderbuffersEXT() without current GL context";
10169 void NoContextGLApi::glGenSamplersFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* samplers) {
10170 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGenSamplers() without current GL context";
10171 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGenSamplers() without current GL context";
10174 void NoContextGLApi::glGenTexturesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) {
10175 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGenTextures() without current GL context";
10176 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGenTextures() without current GL context";
10179 void NoContextGLApi::glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) {
10181 << "Trying to call glGenTransformFeedbacks() without current GL context";
10182 LOG(ERROR)
10183 << "Trying to call glGenTransformFeedbacks() without current GL context";
10186 void NoContextGLApi::glGenVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays) {
10188 << "Trying to call glGenVertexArraysOES() without current GL context";
10189 LOG(ERROR)
10190 << "Trying to call glGenVertexArraysOES() without current GL context";
10193 void NoContextGLApi::glGetActiveAttribFn(GLuint program,
10194 GLuint index,
10195 GLsizei bufsize,
10196 GLsizei* length,
10197 GLint* size,
10198 GLenum* type,
10199 char* name) {
10201 << "Trying to call glGetActiveAttrib() without current GL context";
10202 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetActiveAttrib() without current GL context";
10205 void NoContextGLApi::glGetActiveUniformFn(GLuint program,
10206 GLuint index,
10207 GLsizei bufsize,
10208 GLsizei* length,
10209 GLint* size,
10210 GLenum* type,
10211 char* name) {
10213 << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniform() without current GL context";
10214 LOG(ERROR)
10215 << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniform() without current GL context";
10218 void NoContextGLApi::glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(GLuint program,
10219 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
10220 GLenum pname,
10221 GLint* params) {
10222 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniformBlockiv() without current "
10223 "GL context";
10224 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniformBlockiv() without current GL "
10225 "context";
10228 void NoContextGLApi::glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(GLuint program,
10229 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
10230 GLsizei bufSize,
10231 GLsizei* length,
10232 char* uniformBlockName) {
10233 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniformBlockName() without "
10234 "current GL context";
10235 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniformBlockName() without current "
10236 "GL context";
10239 void NoContextGLApi::glGetActiveUniformsivFn(GLuint program,
10240 GLsizei uniformCount,
10241 const GLuint* uniformIndices,
10242 GLenum pname,
10243 GLint* params) {
10245 << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniformsiv() without current GL context";
10246 LOG(ERROR)
10247 << "Trying to call glGetActiveUniformsiv() without current GL context";
10250 void NoContextGLApi::glGetAttachedShadersFn(GLuint program,
10251 GLsizei maxcount,
10252 GLsizei* count,
10253 GLuint* shaders) {
10255 << "Trying to call glGetAttachedShaders() without current GL context";
10256 LOG(ERROR)
10257 << "Trying to call glGetAttachedShaders() without current GL context";
10260 GLint NoContextGLApi::glGetAttribLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
10262 << "Trying to call glGetAttribLocation() without current GL context";
10263 LOG(ERROR)
10264 << "Trying to call glGetAttribLocation() without current GL context";
10265 return 0;
10268 void NoContextGLApi::glGetBooleanvFn(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params) {
10269 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetBooleanv() without current GL context";
10270 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetBooleanv() without current GL context";
10273 void NoContextGLApi::glGetBufferParameterivFn(GLenum target,
10274 GLenum pname,
10275 GLint* params) {
10277 << "Trying to call glGetBufferParameteriv() without current GL context";
10278 LOG(ERROR)
10279 << "Trying to call glGetBufferParameteriv() without current GL context";
10282 GLenum NoContextGLApi::glGetErrorFn(void) {
10283 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetError() without current GL context";
10284 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetError() without current GL context";
10285 return static_cast<GLenum>(0);
10288 void NoContextGLApi::glGetFenceivNVFn(GLuint fence,
10289 GLenum pname,
10290 GLint* params) {
10291 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetFenceivNV() without current GL context";
10292 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetFenceivNV() without current GL context";
10295 void NoContextGLApi::glGetFloatvFn(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) {
10296 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetFloatv() without current GL context";
10297 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetFloatv() without current GL context";
10300 GLint NoContextGLApi::glGetFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program,
10301 const char* name) {
10303 << "Trying to call glGetFragDataLocation() without current GL context";
10304 LOG(ERROR)
10305 << "Trying to call glGetFragDataLocation() without current GL context";
10306 return 0;
10309 void NoContextGLApi::glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(
10310 GLenum target,
10311 GLenum attachment,
10312 GLenum pname,
10313 GLint* params) {
10314 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT() "
10315 "without current GL context";
10316 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT() "
10317 "without current GL context";
10320 GLenum NoContextGLApi::glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn(void) {
10321 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB() without "
10322 "current GL context";
10323 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB() without current "
10324 "GL context";
10325 return static_cast<GLenum>(0);
10328 void NoContextGLApi::glGetInteger64i_vFn(GLenum target,
10329 GLuint index,
10330 GLint64* data) {
10332 << "Trying to call glGetInteger64i_v() without current GL context";
10333 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetInteger64i_v() without current GL context";
10336 void NoContextGLApi::glGetInteger64vFn(GLenum pname, GLint64* params) {
10337 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetInteger64v() without current GL context";
10338 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetInteger64v() without current GL context";
10341 void NoContextGLApi::glGetIntegeri_vFn(GLenum target,
10342 GLuint index,
10343 GLint* data) {
10344 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetIntegeri_v() without current GL context";
10345 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetIntegeri_v() without current GL context";
10348 void NoContextGLApi::glGetIntegervFn(GLenum pname, GLint* params) {
10349 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetIntegerv() without current GL context";
10350 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetIntegerv() without current GL context";
10353 void NoContextGLApi::glGetInternalformativFn(GLenum target,
10354 GLenum internalformat,
10355 GLenum pname,
10356 GLsizei bufSize,
10357 GLint* params) {
10359 << "Trying to call glGetInternalformativ() without current GL context";
10360 LOG(ERROR)
10361 << "Trying to call glGetInternalformativ() without current GL context";
10364 void NoContextGLApi::glGetProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program,
10365 GLsizei bufSize,
10366 GLsizei* length,
10367 GLenum* binaryFormat,
10368 GLvoid* binary) {
10370 << "Trying to call glGetProgramBinary() without current GL context";
10371 LOG(ERROR)
10372 << "Trying to call glGetProgramBinary() without current GL context";
10375 void NoContextGLApi::glGetProgramInfoLogFn(GLuint program,
10376 GLsizei bufsize,
10377 GLsizei* length,
10378 char* infolog) {
10380 << "Trying to call glGetProgramInfoLog() without current GL context";
10381 LOG(ERROR)
10382 << "Trying to call glGetProgramInfoLog() without current GL context";
10385 void NoContextGLApi::glGetProgramivFn(GLuint program,
10386 GLenum pname,
10387 GLint* params) {
10388 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetProgramiv() without current GL context";
10389 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetProgramiv() without current GL context";
10392 GLint NoContextGLApi::glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(GLuint program,
10393 GLenum programInterface,
10394 const char* name) {
10395 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetProgramResourceLocation() without "
10396 "current GL context";
10397 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetProgramResourceLocation() without current "
10398 "GL context";
10399 return 0;
10402 void NoContextGLApi::glGetQueryivFn(GLenum target,
10403 GLenum pname,
10404 GLint* params) {
10405 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetQueryiv() without current GL context";
10406 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetQueryiv() without current GL context";
10409 void NoContextGLApi::glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(GLuint id,
10410 GLenum pname,
10411 GLint64* params) {
10413 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjecti64v() without current GL context";
10414 LOG(ERROR)
10415 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjecti64v() without current GL context";
10418 void NoContextGLApi::glGetQueryObjectivFn(GLuint id,
10419 GLenum pname,
10420 GLint* params) {
10422 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjectiv() without current GL context";
10423 LOG(ERROR)
10424 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjectiv() without current GL context";
10427 void NoContextGLApi::glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(GLuint id,
10428 GLenum pname,
10429 GLuint64* params) {
10431 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjectui64v() without current GL context";
10432 LOG(ERROR)
10433 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjectui64v() without current GL context";
10436 void NoContextGLApi::glGetQueryObjectuivFn(GLuint id,
10437 GLenum pname,
10438 GLuint* params) {
10440 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjectuiv() without current GL context";
10441 LOG(ERROR)
10442 << "Trying to call glGetQueryObjectuiv() without current GL context";
10445 void NoContextGLApi::glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target,
10446 GLenum pname,
10447 GLint* params) {
10448 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT() without "
10449 "current GL context";
10450 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT() without "
10451 "current GL context";
10454 void NoContextGLApi::glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler,
10455 GLenum pname,
10456 GLfloat* params) {
10458 << "Trying to call glGetSamplerParameterfv() without current GL context";
10459 LOG(ERROR)
10460 << "Trying to call glGetSamplerParameterfv() without current GL context";
10463 void NoContextGLApi::glGetSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler,
10464 GLenum pname,
10465 GLint* params) {
10467 << "Trying to call glGetSamplerParameteriv() without current GL context";
10468 LOG(ERROR)
10469 << "Trying to call glGetSamplerParameteriv() without current GL context";
10472 void NoContextGLApi::glGetShaderInfoLogFn(GLuint shader,
10473 GLsizei bufsize,
10474 GLsizei* length,
10475 char* infolog) {
10477 << "Trying to call glGetShaderInfoLog() without current GL context";
10478 LOG(ERROR)
10479 << "Trying to call glGetShaderInfoLog() without current GL context";
10482 void NoContextGLApi::glGetShaderivFn(GLuint shader,
10483 GLenum pname,
10484 GLint* params) {
10485 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetShaderiv() without current GL context";
10486 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetShaderiv() without current GL context";
10489 void NoContextGLApi::glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(GLenum shadertype,
10490 GLenum precisiontype,
10491 GLint* range,
10492 GLint* precision) {
10493 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetShaderPrecisionFormat() without current "
10494 "GL context";
10495 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetShaderPrecisionFormat() without current "
10496 "GL context";
10499 void NoContextGLApi::glGetShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader,
10500 GLsizei bufsize,
10501 GLsizei* length,
10502 char* source) {
10504 << "Trying to call glGetShaderSource() without current GL context";
10505 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetShaderSource() without current GL context";
10508 const GLubyte* NoContextGLApi::glGetStringFn(GLenum name) {
10509 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetString() without current GL context";
10510 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetString() without current GL context";
10511 return NULL;
10514 const GLubyte* NoContextGLApi::glGetStringiFn(GLenum name, GLuint index) {
10515 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetStringi() without current GL context";
10516 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetStringi() without current GL context";
10517 return NULL;
10520 void NoContextGLApi::glGetSyncivFn(GLsync sync,
10521 GLenum pname,
10522 GLsizei bufSize,
10523 GLsizei* length,
10524 GLint* values) {
10525 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetSynciv() without current GL context";
10526 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetSynciv() without current GL context";
10529 void NoContextGLApi::glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
10530 GLint level,
10531 GLenum pname,
10532 GLfloat* params) {
10534 << "Trying to call glGetTexLevelParameterfv() without current GL context";
10535 LOG(ERROR)
10536 << "Trying to call glGetTexLevelParameterfv() without current GL context";
10539 void NoContextGLApi::glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(GLenum target,
10540 GLint level,
10541 GLenum pname,
10542 GLint* params) {
10544 << "Trying to call glGetTexLevelParameteriv() without current GL context";
10545 LOG(ERROR)
10546 << "Trying to call glGetTexLevelParameteriv() without current GL context";
10549 void NoContextGLApi::glGetTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
10550 GLenum pname,
10551 GLfloat* params) {
10553 << "Trying to call glGetTexParameterfv() without current GL context";
10554 LOG(ERROR)
10555 << "Trying to call glGetTexParameterfv() without current GL context";
10558 void NoContextGLApi::glGetTexParameterivFn(GLenum target,
10559 GLenum pname,
10560 GLint* params) {
10562 << "Trying to call glGetTexParameteriv() without current GL context";
10563 LOG(ERROR)
10564 << "Trying to call glGetTexParameteriv() without current GL context";
10567 void NoContextGLApi::glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(GLuint program,
10568 GLuint index,
10569 GLsizei bufSize,
10570 GLsizei* length,
10571 GLsizei* size,
10572 GLenum* type,
10573 char* name) {
10574 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetTransformFeedbackVarying() without "
10575 "current GL context";
10576 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetTransformFeedbackVarying() without "
10577 "current GL context";
10580 void NoContextGLApi::glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(GLuint shader,
10581 GLsizei bufsize,
10582 GLsizei* length,
10583 char* source) {
10584 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE() without "
10585 "current GL context";
10586 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE() without "
10587 "current GL context";
10590 GLuint NoContextGLApi::glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(GLuint program,
10591 const char* uniformBlockName) {
10593 << "Trying to call glGetUniformBlockIndex() without current GL context";
10594 LOG(ERROR)
10595 << "Trying to call glGetUniformBlockIndex() without current GL context";
10596 return 0U;
10599 void NoContextGLApi::glGetUniformfvFn(GLuint program,
10600 GLint location,
10601 GLfloat* params) {
10602 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetUniformfv() without current GL context";
10603 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetUniformfv() without current GL context";
10606 void NoContextGLApi::glGetUniformIndicesFn(GLuint program,
10607 GLsizei uniformCount,
10608 const char* const* uniformNames,
10609 GLuint* uniformIndices) {
10611 << "Trying to call glGetUniformIndices() without current GL context";
10612 LOG(ERROR)
10613 << "Trying to call glGetUniformIndices() without current GL context";
10616 void NoContextGLApi::glGetUniformivFn(GLuint program,
10617 GLint location,
10618 GLint* params) {
10619 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetUniformiv() without current GL context";
10620 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetUniformiv() without current GL context";
10623 GLint NoContextGLApi::glGetUniformLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) {
10625 << "Trying to call glGetUniformLocation() without current GL context";
10626 LOG(ERROR)
10627 << "Trying to call glGetUniformLocation() without current GL context";
10628 return 0;
10631 void NoContextGLApi::glGetVertexAttribfvFn(GLuint index,
10632 GLenum pname,
10633 GLfloat* params) {
10635 << "Trying to call glGetVertexAttribfv() without current GL context";
10636 LOG(ERROR)
10637 << "Trying to call glGetVertexAttribfv() without current GL context";
10640 void NoContextGLApi::glGetVertexAttribivFn(GLuint index,
10641 GLenum pname,
10642 GLint* params) {
10644 << "Trying to call glGetVertexAttribiv() without current GL context";
10645 LOG(ERROR)
10646 << "Trying to call glGetVertexAttribiv() without current GL context";
10649 void NoContextGLApi::glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(GLuint index,
10650 GLenum pname,
10651 void** pointer) {
10652 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glGetVertexAttribPointerv() without current "
10653 "GL context";
10654 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glGetVertexAttribPointerv() without current GL "
10655 "context";
10658 void NoContextGLApi::glHintFn(GLenum target, GLenum mode) {
10659 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glHint() without current GL context";
10660 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glHint() without current GL context";
10663 void NoContextGLApi::glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length,
10664 const char* marker) {
10666 << "Trying to call glInsertEventMarkerEXT() without current GL context";
10667 LOG(ERROR)
10668 << "Trying to call glInsertEventMarkerEXT() without current GL context";
10671 void NoContextGLApi::glInvalidateFramebufferFn(GLenum target,
10672 GLsizei numAttachments,
10673 const GLenum* attachments) {
10675 << "Trying to call glInvalidateFramebuffer() without current GL context";
10676 LOG(ERROR)
10677 << "Trying to call glInvalidateFramebuffer() without current GL context";
10680 void NoContextGLApi::glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(GLenum target,
10681 GLsizei numAttachments,
10682 const GLenum* attachments,
10683 GLint x,
10684 GLint y,
10685 GLint width,
10686 GLint height) {
10687 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glInvalidateSubFramebuffer() without current "
10688 "GL context";
10689 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glInvalidateSubFramebuffer() without current "
10690 "GL context";
10693 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsBufferFn(GLuint buffer) {
10694 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsBuffer() without current GL context";
10695 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsBuffer() without current GL context";
10696 return GL_FALSE;
10699 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsEnabledFn(GLenum cap) {
10700 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsEnabled() without current GL context";
10701 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsEnabled() without current GL context";
10702 return GL_FALSE;
10705 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
10706 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
10707 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
10708 return GL_FALSE;
10711 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
10712 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsFenceNV() without current GL context";
10713 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsFenceNV() without current GL context";
10714 return GL_FALSE;
10717 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsFramebufferEXTFn(GLuint framebuffer) {
10719 << "Trying to call glIsFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
10720 LOG(ERROR)
10721 << "Trying to call glIsFramebufferEXT() without current GL context";
10722 return GL_FALSE;
10725 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsProgramFn(GLuint program) {
10726 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsProgram() without current GL context";
10727 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsProgram() without current GL context";
10728 return GL_FALSE;
10731 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsQueryFn(GLuint query) {
10732 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsQuery() without current GL context";
10733 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsQuery() without current GL context";
10734 return GL_FALSE;
10737 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(GLuint renderbuffer) {
10739 << "Trying to call glIsRenderbufferEXT() without current GL context";
10740 LOG(ERROR)
10741 << "Trying to call glIsRenderbufferEXT() without current GL context";
10742 return GL_FALSE;
10745 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsSamplerFn(GLuint sampler) {
10746 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsSampler() without current GL context";
10747 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsSampler() without current GL context";
10748 return GL_FALSE;
10751 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsShaderFn(GLuint shader) {
10752 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsShader() without current GL context";
10753 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsShader() without current GL context";
10754 return GL_FALSE;
10757 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsSyncFn(GLsync sync) {
10758 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsSync() without current GL context";
10759 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsSync() without current GL context";
10760 return GL_FALSE;
10763 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsTextureFn(GLuint texture) {
10764 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glIsTexture() without current GL context";
10765 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glIsTexture() without current GL context";
10766 return GL_FALSE;
10769 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsTransformFeedbackFn(GLuint id) {
10771 << "Trying to call glIsTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
10772 LOG(ERROR)
10773 << "Trying to call glIsTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
10774 return GL_FALSE;
10777 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glIsVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) {
10779 << "Trying to call glIsVertexArrayOES() without current GL context";
10780 LOG(ERROR)
10781 << "Trying to call glIsVertexArrayOES() without current GL context";
10782 return GL_FALSE;
10785 void NoContextGLApi::glLineWidthFn(GLfloat width) {
10786 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glLineWidth() without current GL context";
10787 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glLineWidth() without current GL context";
10790 void NoContextGLApi::glLinkProgramFn(GLuint program) {
10791 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glLinkProgram() without current GL context";
10792 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glLinkProgram() without current GL context";
10795 void* NoContextGLApi::glMapBufferFn(GLenum target, GLenum access) {
10796 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glMapBuffer() without current GL context";
10797 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glMapBuffer() without current GL context";
10798 return NULL;
10801 void* NoContextGLApi::glMapBufferRangeFn(GLenum target,
10802 GLintptr offset,
10803 GLsizeiptr length,
10804 GLbitfield access) {
10806 << "Trying to call glMapBufferRange() without current GL context";
10807 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glMapBufferRange() without current GL context";
10808 return NULL;
10811 void NoContextGLApi::glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat* m) {
10813 << "Trying to call glMatrixLoadfEXT() without current GL context";
10814 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glMatrixLoadfEXT() without current GL context";
10817 void NoContextGLApi::glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode) {
10819 << "Trying to call glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT() without current GL context";
10820 LOG(ERROR)
10821 << "Trying to call glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT() without current GL context";
10824 void NoContextGLApi::glPauseTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
10826 << "Trying to call glPauseTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
10827 LOG(ERROR)
10828 << "Trying to call glPauseTransformFeedback() without current GL context";
10831 void NoContextGLApi::glPixelStoreiFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
10832 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glPixelStorei() without current GL context";
10833 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glPixelStorei() without current GL context";
10836 void NoContextGLApi::glPointParameteriFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) {
10838 << "Trying to call glPointParameteri() without current GL context";
10839 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glPointParameteri() without current GL context";
10842 void NoContextGLApi::glPolygonOffsetFn(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) {
10843 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glPolygonOffset() without current GL context";
10844 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glPolygonOffset() without current GL context";
10847 void NoContextGLApi::glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn(void) {
10849 << "Trying to call glPopGroupMarkerEXT() without current GL context";
10850 LOG(ERROR)
10851 << "Trying to call glPopGroupMarkerEXT() without current GL context";
10854 void NoContextGLApi::glProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program,
10855 GLenum binaryFormat,
10856 const GLvoid* binary,
10857 GLsizei length) {
10858 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glProgramBinary() without current GL context";
10859 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glProgramBinary() without current GL context";
10862 void NoContextGLApi::glProgramParameteriFn(GLuint program,
10863 GLenum pname,
10864 GLint value) {
10866 << "Trying to call glProgramParameteri() without current GL context";
10867 LOG(ERROR)
10868 << "Trying to call glProgramParameteri() without current GL context";
10871 void NoContextGLApi::glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length,
10872 const char* marker) {
10874 << "Trying to call glPushGroupMarkerEXT() without current GL context";
10875 LOG(ERROR)
10876 << "Trying to call glPushGroupMarkerEXT() without current GL context";
10879 void NoContextGLApi::glQueryCounterFn(GLuint id, GLenum target) {
10880 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glQueryCounter() without current GL context";
10881 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glQueryCounter() without current GL context";
10884 void NoContextGLApi::glReadBufferFn(GLenum src) {
10885 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glReadBuffer() without current GL context";
10886 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glReadBuffer() without current GL context";
10889 void NoContextGLApi::glReadPixelsFn(GLint x,
10890 GLint y,
10891 GLsizei width,
10892 GLsizei height,
10893 GLenum format,
10894 GLenum type,
10895 void* pixels) {
10896 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glReadPixels() without current GL context";
10897 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glReadPixels() without current GL context";
10900 void NoContextGLApi::glReleaseShaderCompilerFn(void) {
10902 << "Trying to call glReleaseShaderCompiler() without current GL context";
10903 LOG(ERROR)
10904 << "Trying to call glReleaseShaderCompiler() without current GL context";
10907 void NoContextGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(GLenum target,
10908 GLenum internalformat,
10909 GLsizei width,
10910 GLsizei height) {
10912 << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageEXT() without current GL context";
10913 LOG(ERROR)
10914 << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageEXT() without current GL context";
10917 void NoContextGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(GLenum target,
10918 GLsizei samples,
10919 GLenum internalformat,
10920 GLsizei width,
10921 GLsizei height) {
10922 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisample() without "
10923 "current GL context";
10924 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisample() without "
10925 "current GL context";
10928 void NoContextGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(
10929 GLenum target,
10930 GLsizei samples,
10931 GLenum internalformat,
10932 GLsizei width,
10933 GLsizei height) {
10934 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE() "
10935 "without current GL context";
10936 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE() "
10937 "without current GL context";
10940 void NoContextGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(
10941 GLenum target,
10942 GLsizei samples,
10943 GLenum internalformat,
10944 GLsizei width,
10945 GLsizei height) {
10946 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT() "
10947 "without current GL context";
10948 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT() without "
10949 "current GL context";
10952 void NoContextGLApi::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(
10953 GLenum target,
10954 GLsizei samples,
10955 GLenum internalformat,
10956 GLsizei width,
10957 GLsizei height) {
10958 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG() "
10959 "without current GL context";
10960 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG() without "
10961 "current GL context";
10964 void NoContextGLApi::glResumeTransformFeedbackFn(void) {
10965 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glResumeTransformFeedback() without current "
10966 "GL context";
10967 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glResumeTransformFeedback() without current GL "
10968 "context";
10971 void NoContextGLApi::glSampleCoverageFn(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) {
10973 << "Trying to call glSampleCoverage() without current GL context";
10974 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glSampleCoverage() without current GL context";
10977 void NoContextGLApi::glSamplerParameterfFn(GLuint sampler,
10978 GLenum pname,
10979 GLfloat param) {
10981 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameterf() without current GL context";
10982 LOG(ERROR)
10983 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameterf() without current GL context";
10986 void NoContextGLApi::glSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler,
10987 GLenum pname,
10988 const GLfloat* params) {
10990 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameterfv() without current GL context";
10991 LOG(ERROR)
10992 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameterfv() without current GL context";
10995 void NoContextGLApi::glSamplerParameteriFn(GLuint sampler,
10996 GLenum pname,
10997 GLint param) {
10999 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameteri() without current GL context";
11000 LOG(ERROR)
11001 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameteri() without current GL context";
11004 void NoContextGLApi::glSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler,
11005 GLenum pname,
11006 const GLint* params) {
11008 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameteriv() without current GL context";
11009 LOG(ERROR)
11010 << "Trying to call glSamplerParameteriv() without current GL context";
11013 void NoContextGLApi::glScissorFn(GLint x,
11014 GLint y,
11015 GLsizei width,
11016 GLsizei height) {
11017 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glScissor() without current GL context";
11018 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glScissor() without current GL context";
11021 void NoContextGLApi::glSetFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
11022 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glSetFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
11023 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glSetFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
11026 void NoContextGLApi::glSetFenceNVFn(GLuint fence, GLenum condition) {
11027 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glSetFenceNV() without current GL context";
11028 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glSetFenceNV() without current GL context";
11031 void NoContextGLApi::glShaderBinaryFn(GLsizei n,
11032 const GLuint* shaders,
11033 GLenum binaryformat,
11034 const void* binary,
11035 GLsizei length) {
11036 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glShaderBinary() without current GL context";
11037 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glShaderBinary() without current GL context";
11040 void NoContextGLApi::glShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader,
11041 GLsizei count,
11042 const char* const* str,
11043 const GLint* length) {
11044 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glShaderSource() without current GL context";
11045 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glShaderSource() without current GL context";
11048 void NoContextGLApi::glStencilFuncFn(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) {
11049 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glStencilFunc() without current GL context";
11050 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glStencilFunc() without current GL context";
11053 void NoContextGLApi::glStencilFuncSeparateFn(GLenum face,
11054 GLenum func,
11055 GLint ref,
11056 GLuint mask) {
11058 << "Trying to call glStencilFuncSeparate() without current GL context";
11059 LOG(ERROR)
11060 << "Trying to call glStencilFuncSeparate() without current GL context";
11063 void NoContextGLApi::glStencilMaskFn(GLuint mask) {
11064 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glStencilMask() without current GL context";
11065 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glStencilMask() without current GL context";
11068 void NoContextGLApi::glStencilMaskSeparateFn(GLenum face, GLuint mask) {
11070 << "Trying to call glStencilMaskSeparate() without current GL context";
11071 LOG(ERROR)
11072 << "Trying to call glStencilMaskSeparate() without current GL context";
11075 void NoContextGLApi::glStencilOpFn(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) {
11076 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glStencilOp() without current GL context";
11077 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glStencilOp() without current GL context";
11080 void NoContextGLApi::glStencilOpSeparateFn(GLenum face,
11081 GLenum fail,
11082 GLenum zfail,
11083 GLenum zpass) {
11085 << "Trying to call glStencilOpSeparate() without current GL context";
11086 LOG(ERROR)
11087 << "Trying to call glStencilOpSeparate() without current GL context";
11090 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glTestFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) {
11092 << "Trying to call glTestFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
11093 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTestFenceAPPLE() without current GL context";
11094 return GL_FALSE;
11097 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glTestFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) {
11098 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTestFenceNV() without current GL context";
11099 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTestFenceNV() without current GL context";
11100 return GL_FALSE;
11103 void NoContextGLApi::glTexImage2DFn(GLenum target,
11104 GLint level,
11105 GLint internalformat,
11106 GLsizei width,
11107 GLsizei height,
11108 GLint border,
11109 GLenum format,
11110 GLenum type,
11111 const void* pixels) {
11112 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTexImage2D() without current GL context";
11113 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexImage2D() without current GL context";
11116 void NoContextGLApi::glTexImage3DFn(GLenum target,
11117 GLint level,
11118 GLint internalformat,
11119 GLsizei width,
11120 GLsizei height,
11121 GLsizei depth,
11122 GLint border,
11123 GLenum format,
11124 GLenum type,
11125 const void* pixels) {
11126 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTexImage3D() without current GL context";
11127 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexImage3D() without current GL context";
11130 void NoContextGLApi::glTexParameterfFn(GLenum target,
11131 GLenum pname,
11132 GLfloat param) {
11133 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTexParameterf() without current GL context";
11134 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexParameterf() without current GL context";
11137 void NoContextGLApi::glTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target,
11138 GLenum pname,
11139 const GLfloat* params) {
11141 << "Trying to call glTexParameterfv() without current GL context";
11142 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexParameterfv() without current GL context";
11145 void NoContextGLApi::glTexParameteriFn(GLenum target,
11146 GLenum pname,
11147 GLint param) {
11148 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTexParameteri() without current GL context";
11149 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexParameteri() without current GL context";
11152 void NoContextGLApi::glTexParameterivFn(GLenum target,
11153 GLenum pname,
11154 const GLint* params) {
11156 << "Trying to call glTexParameteriv() without current GL context";
11157 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexParameteriv() without current GL context";
11160 void NoContextGLApi::glTexStorage2DEXTFn(GLenum target,
11161 GLsizei levels,
11162 GLenum internalformat,
11163 GLsizei width,
11164 GLsizei height) {
11166 << "Trying to call glTexStorage2DEXT() without current GL context";
11167 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexStorage2DEXT() without current GL context";
11170 void NoContextGLApi::glTexStorage3DFn(GLenum target,
11171 GLsizei levels,
11172 GLenum internalformat,
11173 GLsizei width,
11174 GLsizei height,
11175 GLsizei depth) {
11176 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTexStorage3D() without current GL context";
11177 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexStorage3D() without current GL context";
11180 void NoContextGLApi::glTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target,
11181 GLint level,
11182 GLint xoffset,
11183 GLint yoffset,
11184 GLsizei width,
11185 GLsizei height,
11186 GLenum format,
11187 GLenum type,
11188 const void* pixels) {
11189 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTexSubImage2D() without current GL context";
11190 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTexSubImage2D() without current GL context";
11193 void NoContextGLApi::glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(GLuint program,
11194 GLsizei count,
11195 const char* const* varyings,
11196 GLenum bufferMode) {
11197 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glTransformFeedbackVaryings() without "
11198 "current GL context";
11199 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glTransformFeedbackVaryings() without current "
11200 "GL context";
11203 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform1fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x) {
11204 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform1f() without current GL context";
11205 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform1f() without current GL context";
11208 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform1fvFn(GLint location,
11209 GLsizei count,
11210 const GLfloat* v) {
11211 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform1fv() without current GL context";
11212 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform1fv() without current GL context";
11215 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform1iFn(GLint location, GLint x) {
11216 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform1i() without current GL context";
11217 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform1i() without current GL context";
11220 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform1ivFn(GLint location,
11221 GLsizei count,
11222 const GLint* v) {
11223 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform1iv() without current GL context";
11224 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform1iv() without current GL context";
11227 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform1uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0) {
11228 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform1ui() without current GL context";
11229 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform1ui() without current GL context";
11232 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform1uivFn(GLint location,
11233 GLsizei count,
11234 const GLuint* v) {
11235 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform1uiv() without current GL context";
11236 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform1uiv() without current GL context";
11239 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform2fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
11240 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform2f() without current GL context";
11241 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform2f() without current GL context";
11244 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform2fvFn(GLint location,
11245 GLsizei count,
11246 const GLfloat* v) {
11247 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform2fv() without current GL context";
11248 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform2fv() without current GL context";
11251 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform2iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y) {
11252 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform2i() without current GL context";
11253 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform2i() without current GL context";
11256 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform2ivFn(GLint location,
11257 GLsizei count,
11258 const GLint* v) {
11259 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform2iv() without current GL context";
11260 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform2iv() without current GL context";
11263 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform2uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1) {
11264 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform2ui() without current GL context";
11265 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform2ui() without current GL context";
11268 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform2uivFn(GLint location,
11269 GLsizei count,
11270 const GLuint* v) {
11271 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform2uiv() without current GL context";
11272 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform2uiv() without current GL context";
11275 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform3fFn(GLint location,
11276 GLfloat x,
11277 GLfloat y,
11278 GLfloat z) {
11279 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform3f() without current GL context";
11280 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform3f() without current GL context";
11283 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform3fvFn(GLint location,
11284 GLsizei count,
11285 const GLfloat* v) {
11286 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform3fv() without current GL context";
11287 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform3fv() without current GL context";
11290 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform3iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) {
11291 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform3i() without current GL context";
11292 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform3i() without current GL context";
11295 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform3ivFn(GLint location,
11296 GLsizei count,
11297 const GLint* v) {
11298 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform3iv() without current GL context";
11299 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform3iv() without current GL context";
11302 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform3uiFn(GLint location,
11303 GLuint v0,
11304 GLuint v1,
11305 GLuint v2) {
11306 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform3ui() without current GL context";
11307 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform3ui() without current GL context";
11310 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform3uivFn(GLint location,
11311 GLsizei count,
11312 const GLuint* v) {
11313 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform3uiv() without current GL context";
11314 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform3uiv() without current GL context";
11317 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform4fFn(GLint location,
11318 GLfloat x,
11319 GLfloat y,
11320 GLfloat z,
11321 GLfloat w) {
11322 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform4f() without current GL context";
11323 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform4f() without current GL context";
11326 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform4fvFn(GLint location,
11327 GLsizei count,
11328 const GLfloat* v) {
11329 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform4fv() without current GL context";
11330 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform4fv() without current GL context";
11333 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform4iFn(GLint location,
11334 GLint x,
11335 GLint y,
11336 GLint z,
11337 GLint w) {
11338 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform4i() without current GL context";
11339 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform4i() without current GL context";
11342 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform4ivFn(GLint location,
11343 GLsizei count,
11344 const GLint* v) {
11345 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform4iv() without current GL context";
11346 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform4iv() without current GL context";
11349 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform4uiFn(GLint location,
11350 GLuint v0,
11351 GLuint v1,
11352 GLuint v2,
11353 GLuint v3) {
11354 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform4ui() without current GL context";
11355 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform4ui() without current GL context";
11358 void NoContextGLApi::glUniform4uivFn(GLint location,
11359 GLsizei count,
11360 const GLuint* v) {
11361 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUniform4uiv() without current GL context";
11362 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUniform4uiv() without current GL context";
11365 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformBlockBindingFn(GLuint program,
11366 GLuint uniformBlockIndex,
11367 GLuint uniformBlockBinding) {
11369 << "Trying to call glUniformBlockBinding() without current GL context";
11370 LOG(ERROR)
11371 << "Trying to call glUniformBlockBinding() without current GL context";
11374 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix2fvFn(GLint location,
11375 GLsizei count,
11376 GLboolean transpose,
11377 const GLfloat* value) {
11379 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix2fv() without current GL context";
11380 LOG(ERROR)
11381 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix2fv() without current GL context";
11384 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(GLint location,
11385 GLsizei count,
11386 GLboolean transpose,
11387 const GLfloat* value) {
11389 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix2x3fv() without current GL context";
11390 LOG(ERROR)
11391 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix2x3fv() without current GL context";
11394 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(GLint location,
11395 GLsizei count,
11396 GLboolean transpose,
11397 const GLfloat* value) {
11399 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix2x4fv() without current GL context";
11400 LOG(ERROR)
11401 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix2x4fv() without current GL context";
11404 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix3fvFn(GLint location,
11405 GLsizei count,
11406 GLboolean transpose,
11407 const GLfloat* value) {
11409 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix3fv() without current GL context";
11410 LOG(ERROR)
11411 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix3fv() without current GL context";
11414 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(GLint location,
11415 GLsizei count,
11416 GLboolean transpose,
11417 const GLfloat* value) {
11419 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix3x2fv() without current GL context";
11420 LOG(ERROR)
11421 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix3x2fv() without current GL context";
11424 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(GLint location,
11425 GLsizei count,
11426 GLboolean transpose,
11427 const GLfloat* value) {
11429 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix3x4fv() without current GL context";
11430 LOG(ERROR)
11431 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix3x4fv() without current GL context";
11434 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix4fvFn(GLint location,
11435 GLsizei count,
11436 GLboolean transpose,
11437 const GLfloat* value) {
11439 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix4fv() without current GL context";
11440 LOG(ERROR)
11441 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix4fv() without current GL context";
11444 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(GLint location,
11445 GLsizei count,
11446 GLboolean transpose,
11447 const GLfloat* value) {
11449 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix4x2fv() without current GL context";
11450 LOG(ERROR)
11451 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix4x2fv() without current GL context";
11454 void NoContextGLApi::glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(GLint location,
11455 GLsizei count,
11456 GLboolean transpose,
11457 const GLfloat* value) {
11459 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix4x3fv() without current GL context";
11460 LOG(ERROR)
11461 << "Trying to call glUniformMatrix4x3fv() without current GL context";
11464 GLboolean NoContextGLApi::glUnmapBufferFn(GLenum target) {
11465 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUnmapBuffer() without current GL context";
11466 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUnmapBuffer() without current GL context";
11467 return GL_FALSE;
11470 void NoContextGLApi::glUseProgramFn(GLuint program) {
11471 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glUseProgram() without current GL context";
11472 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glUseProgram() without current GL context";
11475 void NoContextGLApi::glValidateProgramFn(GLuint program) {
11477 << "Trying to call glValidateProgram() without current GL context";
11478 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glValidateProgram() without current GL context";
11481 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib1fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x) {
11483 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib1f() without current GL context";
11484 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib1f() without current GL context";
11487 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib1fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
11489 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib1fv() without current GL context";
11490 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib1fv() without current GL context";
11493 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib2fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
11495 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib2f() without current GL context";
11496 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib2f() without current GL context";
11499 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib2fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
11501 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib2fv() without current GL context";
11502 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib2fv() without current GL context";
11505 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib3fFn(GLuint indx,
11506 GLfloat x,
11507 GLfloat y,
11508 GLfloat z) {
11510 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib3f() without current GL context";
11511 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib3f() without current GL context";
11514 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib3fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
11516 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib3fv() without current GL context";
11517 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib3fv() without current GL context";
11520 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib4fFn(GLuint indx,
11521 GLfloat x,
11522 GLfloat y,
11523 GLfloat z,
11524 GLfloat w) {
11526 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib4f() without current GL context";
11527 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib4f() without current GL context";
11530 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttrib4fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) {
11532 << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib4fv() without current GL context";
11533 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttrib4fv() without current GL context";
11536 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(GLuint index,
11537 GLuint divisor) {
11538 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE() without current "
11539 "GL context";
11540 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE() without current "
11541 "GL context";
11544 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttribI4iFn(GLuint indx,
11545 GLint x,
11546 GLint y,
11547 GLint z,
11548 GLint w) {
11550 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4i() without current GL context";
11551 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4i() without current GL context";
11554 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttribI4ivFn(GLuint indx, const GLint* values) {
11556 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4iv() without current GL context";
11557 LOG(ERROR)
11558 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4iv() without current GL context";
11561 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttribI4uiFn(GLuint indx,
11562 GLuint x,
11563 GLuint y,
11564 GLuint z,
11565 GLuint w) {
11567 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4ui() without current GL context";
11568 LOG(ERROR)
11569 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4ui() without current GL context";
11572 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttribI4uivFn(GLuint indx, const GLuint* values) {
11574 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4uiv() without current GL context";
11575 LOG(ERROR)
11576 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribI4uiv() without current GL context";
11579 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttribIPointerFn(GLuint indx,
11580 GLint size,
11581 GLenum type,
11582 GLsizei stride,
11583 const void* ptr) {
11585 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribIPointer() without current GL context";
11586 LOG(ERROR)
11587 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribIPointer() without current GL context";
11590 void NoContextGLApi::glVertexAttribPointerFn(GLuint indx,
11591 GLint size,
11592 GLenum type,
11593 GLboolean normalized,
11594 GLsizei stride,
11595 const void* ptr) {
11597 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribPointer() without current GL context";
11598 LOG(ERROR)
11599 << "Trying to call glVertexAttribPointer() without current GL context";
11602 void NoContextGLApi::glViewportFn(GLint x,
11603 GLint y,
11604 GLsizei width,
11605 GLsizei height) {
11606 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glViewport() without current GL context";
11607 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glViewport() without current GL context";
11610 GLenum NoContextGLApi::glWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync,
11611 GLbitfield flags,
11612 GLuint64 timeout) {
11613 NOTREACHED() << "Trying to call glWaitSync() without current GL context";
11614 LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to call glWaitSync() without current GL context";
11615 return static_cast<GLenum>(0);
11618 } // namespace gfx