1 # TODO(zhaoqin): File bugs for those failing browser tests.
3 # Dr.Memory i#1052: https://github.com/DynamoRIO/drmemory/issues/1052
5 # The list is too long for gtest_filter, so we exclude the whole
6 # test case if any of its tests failed.
9 # http://crbug.com/450221
10 ProfileChooserViewExtensionsTest.LockProfileNoBlockOtherProfileExtensions
12 # it takes too long to run all browser_tests with Dr.Memory,
13 # and we only select subset to run
153 # RangeHistoryWebUITest.*
161 # RequestContentScriptAPITest.PermissionMatcherAgreementInjection
166 # SerialApiTest.SerialFakeHardware_1 (http://crbug.com/372452)