Bump the mac_chromium_gn_rel bot to 100% experimental in the CQ.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / proximity_auth / BUILD.gn
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//testing/test.gni")
7 source_set("proximity_auth") {
8   sources = [
9     "authenticator.h",
10     "bluetooth_connection.cc",
11     "bluetooth_connection.h",
12     "bluetooth_connection_finder.cc",
13     "bluetooth_connection_finder.h",
14     "bluetooth_throttler.h",
15     "bluetooth_throttler_impl.cc",
16     "bluetooth_throttler_impl.h",
17     "bluetooth_util.cc",
18     "bluetooth_util.h",
19     "bluetooth_util_chromeos.cc",
20     "client.h",
21     "client_impl.cc",
22     "client_impl.h",
23     "client_observer.h",
24     "connection.cc",
25     "connection.h",
26     "connection_finder.h",
27     "connection_observer.h",
28     "cryptauth_enroller_factory_impl.cc",
29     "cryptauth_enroller_factory_impl.h",
30     "device_to_device_authenticator.cc",
31     "device_to_device_authenticator.h",
32     "device_to_device_initiator_operations.cc",
33     "device_to_device_initiator_operations.h",
34     "device_to_device_secure_context.cc",
35     "device_to_device_secure_context.h",
36     "metrics.cc",
37     "metrics.h",
38     "proximity_auth_client.h",
39     "proximity_auth_system.cc",
40     "proximity_auth_system.h",
41     "proximity_monitor.h",
42     "proximity_monitor_impl.cc",
43     "proximity_monitor_impl.h",
44     "proximity_monitor_observer.h",
45     "remote_device.cc",
46     "remote_device.h",
47     "remote_device_life_cycle.h",
48     "remote_device_life_cycle_impl.cc",
49     "remote_device_life_cycle_impl.h",
50     "remote_status_update.cc",
51     "remote_status_update.h",
52     "screenlock_bridge.cc",
53     "screenlock_bridge.h",
54     "screenlock_state.h",
55     "secure_context.h",
56     "switches.cc",
57     "switches.h",
58     "throttled_bluetooth_connection_finder.cc",
59     "throttled_bluetooth_connection_finder.h",
60     "unlock_manager.cc",
61     "unlock_manager.h",
62     "wire_message.cc",
63     "wire_message.h",
64   ]
66   deps = [
67     "cryptauth/proto",
68     "logging",
69     "//base",
70     "//device/bluetooth",
71     "//net",
72   ]
75 source_set("test_support") {
76   testonly = true
78   sources = [
79     "device_to_device_responder_operations.cc",
80     "device_to_device_responder_operations.h",
81     "mock_proximity_auth_client.cc",
82     "mock_proximity_auth_client.h",
83   ]
85   deps = [
86     "cryptauth:test_support",
87     "//base",
88     "//testing/gmock",
89   ]
92 source_set("unit_tests") {
93   testonly = true
94   sources = [
95     "bluetooth_connection_finder_unittest.cc",
96     "bluetooth_connection_unittest.cc",
97     "bluetooth_throttler_impl_unittest.cc",
98     "client_impl_unittest.cc",
99     "connection_unittest.cc",
100     "device_to_device_authenticator_unittest.cc",
101     "device_to_device_operations_unittest.cc",
102     "device_to_device_secure_context_unittest.cc",
103     "proximity_auth_system_unittest.cc",
104     "proximity_monitor_impl_unittest.cc",
105     "remote_device_life_cycle_impl_unittest.cc",
106     "remote_status_update_unittest.cc",
107     "throttled_bluetooth_connection_finder_unittest.cc",
108     "unlock_manager_unittest.cc",
109     "wire_message_unittest.cc",
110   ]
112   configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ]
114   deps = [
115     ":proximity_auth",
116     ":test_support",
117     "ble:unit_tests",
118     "cryptauth:test_support",
119     "cryptauth:unit_tests",
120     "logging:unit_tests",
121     "//base/test:test_support",
122     "//device/bluetooth:mocks",
123     "//testing/gmock",
124     "//testing/gtest",
125   ]
128 # Note: This is a convenience target for ease of rapid iteration during
129 # development. It is not executed on any try or build bots.
130 test("proximity_auth_unittests") {
131   sources = [
132     "run_all_unittests.cc",
133   ]
134   deps = [
135     ":unit_tests",
136   ]