3 URL: http://www.apache.org
6 License: Apache Version 2.0
7 License File: NOT_SHIPPED
11 This is a checked-in copy of Apache 2.2.25 for Win 32.
13 It is used by the Blink layout tests.
15 To recreate this directory (assuming an msys bash shell; adjust your
16 checkout path from /d/src/checkout/src as needed):
18 % cd /d/src/checkout/src/third_party
19 % mv apache-win32 apache-win32.bak
20 % curl -o httpd.msi http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/win32/httpd-2.2.25-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8y.msi
22 > start /wait msiexec /i httpd.msi /q INSTALLDIR=d:\src\checkout\src\third_party\apache-win32
24 # stop running apache processes if the installer started them.
25 % cp -p apache-win32.bak/README.chromium apache-win32
26 % cp -p apache-win32.bak/remove_files_not_needed_for_chromium.sh apache-win32
28 % curl -o php/php.zip http://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/archives/php-5.4.24-Win32-VC9-x86.zip
29 % (cd php && unzip php/php.zip)
30 % cp -p php/php5ts.dll apache-win32/bin
31 % cp -p php/php5apache2_2.dll apache-win32/modules
32 % (cd apache-win32 && ./remove_files_not_needed_for_chromium.sh)
35 To upload the large files (executables, DLLs) to google storage (contact
36 chrome-infrastructure-team@ in order to get permission to write to the
37 chrome-apache-win32 Google Cloud Storage bucket):
39 % find apache-win32/bin -name '*.exe' -o -name '*.dll' -o -name '*.so' | upload_to_google_storage.py --bucket chromium-apache-win32 -
40 % find apache-win32/modules -name '*.so' | upload_to_google_storage.py --bucket chromium-apache-win32 -
42 To prune the files that were uploaded so that we can check in the rest:
44 % find apache-win32/bin -name '*.exe' -o -name '*.dll' -o -name '*.so' | xargs rm
45 % find apache-win32/modules -name '*.so' | xargs rm
46 % git add apache-win32
48 And, to clean up the temp files used in the above:
50 % rm -fr httpd.msi php apache-win32.bak
52 You might need to uninstall apache via the control panel as well.