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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / media / cast / logging / encoding_event_subscriber.h
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <map>
10 #include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
11 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
12 #include "media/cast/logging/logging_defines.h"
13 #include "media/cast/logging/proto/raw_events.pb.h"
14 #include "media/cast/logging/raw_event_subscriber.h"
16 namespace media {
17 namespace cast {
19 // Number of packets per frame recorded by the subscriber.
20 // Once the max number of packets has been reached, a new aggregated proto
21 // will be created.
22 static const int kMaxPacketsPerFrame = 64;
23 // Number of events per proto recorded by the subscriber.
24 // Once the max number of events has been reached, a new aggregated proto
25 // will be created.
26 static const int kMaxEventsPerProto = 16;
28 typedef std::vector<linked_ptr<media::cast::proto::AggregatedFrameEvent> >
29 FrameEventList;
30 typedef std::vector<linked_ptr<media::cast::proto::AggregatedPacketEvent> >
31 PacketEventList;
33 // A RawEventSubscriber implementation that subscribes to events,
34 // encodes them in protocol buffer format, and aggregates them into a more
35 // compact structure. Aggregation is per-frame, and uses a map with RTP
36 // timestamp as key. Periodically, old entries in the map will be transferred
37 // to a storage vector. This helps keep the size of the map small and
38 // lookup times fast. The storage itself is a circular buffer that will
39 // overwrite old entries once it has reached the size configured by user.
40 class EncodingEventSubscriber : public RawEventSubscriber {
41 public:
42 // |event_media_type|: The subscriber will only process events that
43 // corresponds to this type.
44 // |max_frames|: How many events to keep in the frame / packet storage.
45 // This helps keep memory usage bounded.
46 // Every time one of |OnReceive[Frame,Packet]Event()| is
47 // called, it will check if the respective map size has exceeded |max_frames|.
48 // If so, it will remove the oldest aggregated entry (ordered by RTP
49 // timestamp).
50 EncodingEventSubscriber(EventMediaType event_media_type, size_t max_frames);
52 ~EncodingEventSubscriber() override;
54 // RawReventSubscriber implementations.
55 void OnReceiveFrameEvent(const FrameEvent& frame_event) override;
56 void OnReceivePacketEvent(const PacketEvent& packet_event) override;
58 // Assigns frame events and packet events received so far to |frame_events|
59 // and |packet_events| and resets the internal state.
60 // In addition, assign metadata associated with these events to |metadata|.
61 // The protos in |frame_events| and |packets_events| are sorted in
62 // ascending RTP timestamp order.
63 void GetEventsAndReset(media::cast::proto::LogMetadata* metadata,
64 FrameEventList* frame_events,
65 PacketEventList* packet_events);
67 private:
68 typedef std::map<RtpTimestamp,
69 linked_ptr<media::cast::proto::AggregatedFrameEvent> >
70 FrameEventMap;
71 typedef std::map<RtpTimestamp,
72 linked_ptr<media::cast::proto::AggregatedPacketEvent> >
73 PacketEventMap;
75 // Transfer up to |max_num_entries| smallest entries from |frame_event_map_|
76 // to |frame_event_storage_|. This helps keep size of |frame_event_map_| small
77 // and lookup speed fast.
78 void TransferFrameEvents(size_t max_num_entries);
79 // See above.
80 void TransferPacketEvents(size_t max_num_entries);
82 void AddFrameEventToStorage(
83 const linked_ptr<media::cast::proto::AggregatedFrameEvent>&
84 frame_event_proto);
85 void AddPacketEventToStorage(
86 const linked_ptr<media::cast::proto::AggregatedPacketEvent>&
87 packet_event_proto);
89 // Returns the difference between |rtp_timestamp| and |first_rtp_timestamp_|.
90 // Sets |first_rtp_timestamp_| if it is not already set.
91 RtpTimestamp GetRelativeRtpTimestamp(RtpTimestamp rtp_timestamp);
93 // Clears the maps and first RTP timestamp seen.
94 void Reset();
96 const EventMediaType event_media_type_;
97 const size_t max_frames_;
99 FrameEventMap frame_event_map_;
100 FrameEventList frame_event_storage_;
101 int frame_event_storage_index_;
103 PacketEventMap packet_event_map_;
104 PacketEventList packet_event_storage_;
105 int packet_event_storage_index_;
107 // All functions must be called on the main thread.
108 base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
110 // Set to true on first event encountered after a |Reset()|.
111 bool seen_first_rtp_timestamp_;
113 // Set to RTP timestamp of first event encountered after a |Reset()|.
114 RtpTimestamp first_rtp_timestamp_;
116 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EncodingEventSubscriber);
119 } // namespace cast
120 } // namespace media