[MacViews] Show comboboxes with a native NSMenu
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / prefs / pref_service_browsertest.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <string>
7 #include "base/command_line.h"
8 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
9 #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
10 #include "base/json/json_file_value_serializer.h"
11 #include "base/path_service.h"
12 #include "base/test/test_file_util.h"
13 #include "base/values.h"
14 #include "build/build_config.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window_state.h"
18 #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
19 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
20 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
21 #include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
22 #include "chrome/test/base/test_switches.h"
23 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
24 #include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h"
25 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
27 typedef InProcessBrowserTest PreservedWindowPlacement;
29 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PreservedWindowPlacement, PRE_Test) {
30 browser()->window()->SetBounds(gfx::Rect(20, 30, 400, 500));
33 // Fails on Chrome OS as the browser thinks it is restarting after a crash, see
34 // http://crbug.com/168044
35 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
36 #define MAYBE_Test DISABLED_Test
37 #else
38 #define MAYBE_Test Test
39 #endif
40 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PreservedWindowPlacement, MAYBE_Test) {
41 #if defined(OS_WIN) && defined(USE_ASH)
42 // Disable this test in Metro+Ash for now (http://crbug.com/262796).
43 if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
44 switches::kAshBrowserTests))
45 return;
46 #endif
48 gfx::Rect bounds = browser()->window()->GetBounds();
49 gfx::Rect expected_bounds(gfx::Rect(20, 30, 400, 500));
50 ASSERT_EQ(expected_bounds.ToString(), bounds.ToString());
53 class PreferenceServiceTest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
54 public:
55 bool SetUpUserDataDirectory() override {
56 base::FilePath user_data_directory;
57 PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &user_data_directory);
59 original_pref_file_ = ui_test_utils::GetTestFilePath(
60 base::FilePath()
61 .AppendASCII("profiles")
62 .AppendASCII("window_placement")
63 .AppendASCII("Default"),
64 base::FilePath().Append(chrome::kPreferencesFilename));
65 tmp_pref_file_ =
66 user_data_directory.AppendASCII(TestingProfile::kTestUserProfileDir);
67 EXPECT_TRUE(base::CreateDirectory(tmp_pref_file_));
68 tmp_pref_file_ = tmp_pref_file_.Append(chrome::kPreferencesFilename);
70 EXPECT_TRUE(base::PathExists(original_pref_file_));
71 EXPECT_TRUE(base::CopyFile(original_pref_file_, tmp_pref_file_));
73 #if defined(OS_WIN)
74 // Make the copy writable. On POSIX we assume the umask allows files
75 // we create to be writable.
76 EXPECT_TRUE(::SetFileAttributesW(tmp_pref_file_.value().c_str(),
78 #endif
79 return true;
82 protected:
83 base::FilePath original_pref_file_;
84 base::FilePath tmp_pref_file_;
87 #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
88 // This test verifies that the window position from the prefs file is restored
89 // when the app restores. This doesn't really make sense on Linux, where
90 // the window manager might fight with you over positioning. However, we
91 // might be able to make this work on buildbots.
92 // TODO(port): revisit this.
94 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PreferenceServiceTest, Test) {
95 #if defined(OS_WIN) && defined(USE_ASH)
96 // Disable this test in Metro+Ash for now (http://crbug.com/262796).
97 if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
98 switches::kAshBrowserTests))
99 return;
100 #endif
102 // The window should open with the new reference profile, with window
103 // placement values stored in the user data directory.
104 JSONFileValueDeserializer deserializer(original_pref_file_);
105 scoped_ptr<base::Value> root(deserializer.Deserialize(NULL, NULL));
107 ASSERT_TRUE(root.get());
108 ASSERT_TRUE(root->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY));
110 base::DictionaryValue* root_dict =
111 static_cast<base::DictionaryValue*>(root.get());
113 // Retrieve the screen rect for the launched window
114 gfx::Rect bounds = browser()->window()->GetRestoredBounds();
116 // Retrieve the expected rect values from "Preferences"
117 int bottom = 0;
118 std::string kBrowserWindowPlacement(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement);
119 EXPECT_TRUE(root_dict->GetInteger(kBrowserWindowPlacement + ".bottom",
120 &bottom));
121 EXPECT_EQ(bottom, bounds.y() + bounds.height());
123 int top = 0;
124 EXPECT_TRUE(root_dict->GetInteger(kBrowserWindowPlacement + ".top",
125 &top));
126 EXPECT_EQ(top, bounds.y());
128 int left = 0;
129 EXPECT_TRUE(root_dict->GetInteger(kBrowserWindowPlacement + ".left",
130 &left));
131 EXPECT_EQ(left, bounds.x());
133 int right = 0;
134 EXPECT_TRUE(root_dict->GetInteger(kBrowserWindowPlacement + ".right",
135 &right));
136 EXPECT_EQ(right, bounds.x() + bounds.width());
138 // Find if launched window is maximized.
139 bool is_window_maximized = browser()->window()->IsMaximized();
140 bool is_maximized = false;
141 EXPECT_TRUE(root_dict->GetBoolean(kBrowserWindowPlacement + ".maximized",
142 &is_maximized));
143 EXPECT_EQ(is_maximized, is_window_maximized);
145 #endif