[MacViews] Show comboboxes with a native NSMenu
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / win8 / metro_driver / metro_dialog_box.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "win8/metro_driver/stdafx.h"
7 #include "win8/metro_driver/chrome_app_view.h"
8 #include "win8/metro_driver/metro_dialog_box.h"
9 #include "win8/metro_driver/winrt_utils.h"
11 typedef winfoundtn::Collections::
12 IVector<ABI::Windows::UI::Popups::IUICommand*> WindowsUICommands;
14 typedef winfoundtn::IAsyncOperation<ABI::Windows::UI::Popups::IUICommand*>
15 AsyncCommandStatus;
17 MetroDialogBox::MetroDialogBox() {
18 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
19 dialog_box_info_.button1_handler = NULL;
20 dialog_box_info_.button2_handler = NULL;
23 MetroDialogBox::~MetroDialogBox() {
24 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
27 void MetroDialogBox::Show(
28 const DialogBoxInfo& dialog_box_info) {
29 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
31 // Only one dialog can be displayed at a given time.
32 DCHECK(dialog_box_.Get() == NULL);
34 // The message dialog display does not work correctly in snapped mode.
35 mswr::ComPtr<winui::Popups::IMessageDialogFactory> message_dialog_factory;
36 HRESULT hr = winrt_utils::CreateActivationFactory(
37 RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Popups_MessageDialog,
38 message_dialog_factory.GetAddressOf());
39 CheckHR(hr, "Failed to activate IMessageDialogFactory");
41 mswrw::HString message_title;
42 message_title.Attach(MakeHString(dialog_box_info.title));
44 mswrw::HString message_content;
45 message_content.Attach(MakeHString(dialog_box_info.content));
47 hr = message_dialog_factory->CreateWithTitle(
48 message_content.Get(),
49 message_title.Get(),
50 dialog_box_.GetAddressOf());
51 CheckHR(hr, "Failed to create message dialog");
53 mswr::ComPtr<WindowsUICommands> commands;
54 hr = dialog_box_->get_Commands(commands.GetAddressOf());
55 CheckHR(hr, "Failed to create ui command collection");
57 mswr::ComPtr<winui::Popups::IUICommandFactory> ui_command_factory;
58 hr = winrt_utils::CreateActivationFactory(
59 RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Popups_UICommand,
60 ui_command_factory.GetAddressOf());
61 CheckHR(hr, "Failed to activate IUICommandFactory");
63 mswrw::HString label1;
64 label1.Attach(MakeHString(dialog_box_info.button1_label));
66 mswr::ComPtr<winui::Popups::IUICommand> label1_command;
67 hr = ui_command_factory->CreateWithHandler(
68 label1.Get(), this, label1_command.GetAddressOf());
69 CheckHR(hr, "Failed to add button1");
71 mswrw::HString label2;
72 label2.Attach(MakeHString(dialog_box_info.button2_label));
74 mswr::ComPtr<winui::Popups::IUICommand> label2_command;
75 hr = ui_command_factory->CreateWithHandler(label2.Get(), this,
76 label2_command.GetAddressOf());
77 CheckHR(hr, "Failed to add button2");
79 commands->Append(label1_command.Get());
80 commands->Append(label2_command.Get());
82 mswr::ComPtr<AsyncCommandStatus> ret;
83 hr = dialog_box_->ShowAsync(ret.GetAddressOf());
84 CheckHR(hr, "Failed to show dialog");
86 dialog_box_info_ = dialog_box_info;
89 // The dialog box displayed via the MessageDialog interface has the class name
90 // 'Shell_Dialog'. The dialog box is top level window. To find it we enumerate
91 // all top level windows and compare the class names. If we find a matching
92 // window class we compare its process id with ours and return the same.
93 BOOL CALLBACK DialogBoxFinder(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam) {
94 char classname[MAX_PATH] = {0};
96 if (::GetClassNameA(hwnd, classname, ARRAYSIZE(classname))) {
97 if (lstrcmpiA("Shell_Dialog", classname) == 0) {
98 if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOPMOST) {
99 DVLOG(1) << "Found top most dialog box: " << classname;
100 DVLOG(1) << "HWND: " << hwnd;
101 DWORD window_pid = 0;
102 DWORD window_tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &window_pid);
103 DVLOG(1) << "Window tid: " << window_tid;
104 DVLOG(1) << "Window pid: " << window_pid;
106 if (window_pid == ::GetCurrentProcessId()) {
107 HWND* dialog_window = reinterpret_cast<HWND*>(lparam);
108 *dialog_window = hwnd;
109 return FALSE;
114 return TRUE;
117 void MetroDialogBox::Dismiss() {
118 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
119 if (!dialog_box_)
120 return;
122 dialog_box_info_.button1_handler = NULL;
123 dialog_box_info_.button2_handler = NULL;
124 dialog_box_info_.button1_label.clear();
125 dialog_box_info_.button2_label.clear();
126 dialog_box_.Reset();
128 // We don't have a good way to dismiss the dialog box. Hack for now is to
129 // find the dialog box class in our process and close it via the WM_CLOSE
130 // message.
131 HWND dialog_box = NULL;
132 ::EnumWindows(&DialogBoxFinder, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&dialog_box));
133 if (::IsWindow(dialog_box))
134 PostMessage(dialog_box, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
138 winui::Popups::IUICommand* command) {
139 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
141 mswrw::HString label;
142 command->get_Label(label.GetAddressOf());
144 base::string16 button_label = MakeStdWString(label.Get());
145 DVLOG(1) << "Clicked button label is : " << button_label;
146 if (button_label == dialog_box_info_.button1_label) {
147 DVLOG(1) << "Button1 clicked";
148 DCHECK(dialog_box_info_.button1_handler);
149 dialog_box_info_.button1_handler();
150 } else if (button_label == dialog_box_info_.button2_label) {
151 DVLOG(1) << "Button2 clicked";
152 DCHECK(dialog_box_info_.button2_handler);
153 dialog_box_info_.button2_handler();
155 // The dialog box is destroyed once we return from invoke. Go ahead and
156 // dismiss it.
157 Dismiss();
158 return S_OK;