Add a Notification Settings Button to all web notifications behind the web platform...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / native_client_sdk / src / resources / manifest.json.template
2   "name": "{{name}}",
3   "version": "{{version}}",
4 [[if min_chrome_version:]]
5   "minimum_chrome_version": "{{min_chrome_version}}",
6 [[]]
7   "manifest_version": 2,
8   "description": "{{description}}",
9   "offline_enabled": true,
10   "icons": {
11     "128": "icon128.png"
12   },
13   "app": {
14     "background": {
15       "scripts": ["background.js"]
16     }
17   },
18 [[if key:]]
19   "key": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCMN716Qyu0l2EHNFqIJVqVysFcTR6urqhaGGqW4UK7slBaURz9+Sb1b4Ot5P1uQNE5c+CTU5Vu61wpqmSqMMxqHLWdPPMh8uRlyctsb2cxWwG6XoGSvpX29NsQVUFXd4v2tkJm3G9t+V0X8TYskrvWQmnyOW8OEIDvrBhUEfFxWQIDAQAB",
20 [[]]
21   "oauth2": {
22 [[if channel == 'Dev':]]
23     "client_id": "",
24 [[elif channel == 'Beta':]]
25     "client_id": "",
26 [[else:]]
27     "client_id": "",
28 [[]]
29     "scopes": [""]
30   },
31 [[if multi_platform:]]
32   "platforms": [
33     {
34       "nacl_arch": "x86-64",
35       "sub_package_path": "_platform_specific/x86-64"
36     },
37     {
38       "nacl_arch": "x86-32",
39       "sub_package_path": "_platform_specific/x86-32"
40     },
41     {
42       "nacl_arch": "arm",
43       "sub_package_path": "_platform_specific/arm"
44     }
45   ],
46 [[]]
47   "permissions": {{permissions}}