Polymer elements added to third_party/polymer.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / components / core-drawer-panel / core-drawer-panel.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
4 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
8 -->
10 <!--
11 `core-drawer-panel` contains a drawer panel and a main panel. The drawer
12 and the main panel are side-by-side with drawer on the left. When browser
13 window size is smaller than the `responsiveWidth`, `core-drawer-panel`
14 changes to narrow layout. In narrow layout, the drawer will be stacked on top
15 of the main panel. The drawer will be slided in/out to hide/reveal the main
16 panel.
18 Use the attribute `drawer` to indicate the element is a drawer panel and
19 `main` to indicate is a main panel.
21 Example:
23 <core-drawer-panel>
24 <div drawer> Drawer panel... </div>
25 <div main> Main panel... </div>
26 </core-drawer-panel>
28 The drawer and the main panels are not scrollable. You can set CSS overflow
29 property on the elements to make them scrollable or use `core-header-panel`.
31 Example:
33 <core-drawer-panel>
34 <core-header-panel drawer>
35 <core-toolbar></core-toolbar>
36 <div> Drawer content... </div>
37 </core-header-panel>
38 <core-header-panel main>
39 <core-toolbar></core-toolbar>
40 <div> Main content... </div>
41 </core-header-panel>
42 </core-drawer-panel>
44 To position the drawer to the right, add `rightDrawer` attribute.
46 <core-drawer-panel rightDrawer>
47 <div drawer> Drawer panel... </div>
48 <div main> Main panel... </div>
49 </core-drawer-panel>
51 @group Polymer Core Elements
52 @element core-drawer-panel
53 @homepage github.io
54 -->
56 <link rel="import" href="../core-media-query/core-media-query.html">
57 <link rel="import" href="../core-selector/core-selector.html">
59 <polymer-element name="core-drawer-panel" touch-action="auto">
60 <template>
62 <link rel="stylesheet" href="core-drawer-panel.css">
64 <core-media-query query="max-width: {{responsiveWidth}}" queryMatches="{{queryMatches}}"></core-media-query>
66 <core-selector class="{{ {'narrow-layout' : queryMatches, transition : transition, dragging : dragging, 'right-drawer': rightDrawer} | tokenList }}" valueattr="id" selected="{{selected}}">
68 <div id="main" _style="left: {{ narrow || rightDrawer ? '0' : drawerWidth }}; right: {{ rightDrawer ? (narrow ? '' : drawerWidth) : '' }};">
69 <content select="[main]"></content>
70 <div id="scrim" on-tap="{{togglePanel}}"></div>
71 </div>
73 <div id="drawer" _style="width: {{ drawerWidth }}">
74 <content select="[drawer]"></content>
75 </div>
77 </core-selector>
79 </template>
80 <script>
82 Polymer('core-drawer-panel', {
83 /**
84 * Fired when the narrow layout changes.
86 * @event core-responsive-change
87 * @param {Object} detail
88 * @param {boolean} detail.narrow true if the panel is in narrow layout.
91 publish: {
93 /**
94 * Width of the drawer panel.
96 * @attribute drawerWidth
97 * @type string
98 * @default '256px'
100 drawerWidth: '256px',
103 * Max-width when the panel changes to narrow layout.
105 * @attribute responsiveWidth
106 * @type string
107 * @default '640px'
109 responsiveWidth: '640px',
112 * The panel that is being selected. `drawer` for the drawer panel and
113 * `main` for the main panel.
115 * @attribute selected
116 * @type string
117 * @default null
119 selected: {value: null, reflect: true},
122 * The panel to be selected when `core-drawer-panel` changes to narrow
123 * layout.
125 * @attribute defaultSelected
126 * @type string
127 * @default 'main'
129 defaultSelected: 'main',
132 * Returns true if the panel is in narrow layout. This is useful if you
133 * need to show/hide elements based on the layout.
135 * @attribute narrow
136 * @type boolean
137 * @default false
139 narrow: {value: false, reflect: true},
142 * If true, position the drawer to the right.
144 * @attribute rightDrawer
145 * @type boolean
146 * @default false
148 rightDrawer: false,
151 * If true, swipe to open/close the drawer is disabled.
153 * @attribute disableSwipe
154 * @type boolean
155 * @default false
157 disableSwipe: false
160 eventDelegates: {
161 trackstart: 'trackStart',
162 trackx: 'trackx',
163 trackend: 'trackEnd'
166 transition: false,
168 edgeSwipeSensitivity : 15,
170 dragging : false,
172 domReady: function() {
173 // to avoid transition at the beginning e.g. page loads
174 // NOTE: domReady is already raf delayed and delaying another frame
175 // ensures a layout has occurred.
176 this.async(function() {
177 this.transition = true;
182 * Toggles the panel open and closed.
184 * @method togglePanel
186 togglePanel: function() {
187 this.selected = this.selected === 'main' ? 'drawer' : 'main';
191 * Opens the drawer.
193 * @method openDrawer
195 openDrawer: function() {
196 this.selected = 'drawer';
200 * Closes the drawer.
202 * @method closeDrawer
204 closeDrawer: function() {
205 this.selected = 'main';
208 queryMatchesChanged: function() {
209 if (this.queryMatches) {
210 this.selected = this.defaultSelected;
212 this.narrow = this.queryMatches;
213 this.setAttribute('touch-action',
214 this.narrow && !this.disableSwipe ? 'pan-y' : '');
215 this.fire('core-responsive-change', {narrow: this.narrow});
218 // swipe support for the drawer, inspired by
219 // https://github.com/Polymer/core-drawer-panel/pull/6
220 trackStart : function(e) {
221 if (this.narrow && !this.disableSwipe) {
222 this.dragging = true;
224 if (this.selected === 'main') {
225 this.dragging = this.rightDrawer ?
226 e.pageX >= this.offsetWidth - this.edgeSwipeSensitivity :
227 e.pageX <= this.edgeSwipeSensitivity;
230 if (this.dragging) {
231 this.width = this.$.drawer.offsetWidth;
232 this.transition = false;
233 e.preventTap();
238 trackx : function(e) {
239 if (this.dragging) {
240 var x;
241 if (this.rightDrawer) {
242 x = Math.max(0, (this.selected === 'main') ? this.width + e.dx : e.dx);
243 } else {
244 x = Math.min(0, (this.selected === 'main') ? e.dx - this.width : e.dx);
246 this.moveDrawer(x);
250 trackEnd : function(e) {
251 if (this.dragging) {
252 this.dragging = false;
253 this.transition = true;
254 this.moveDrawer(null);
256 if (this.rightDrawer) {
257 this.selected = e.xDirection > 0 ? 'main' : 'drawer';
258 } else {
259 this.selected = e.xDirection > 0 ? 'drawer' : 'main';
264 moveDrawer: function(translateX) {
265 var s = this.$.drawer.style;
266 s.webkitTransform = s.transform =
267 translateX === null ? '' : 'translate3d(' + translateX + 'px, 0, 0)';
272 </script>
273 </polymer-element>