Add a NavigationThrottle to the public content/ interface
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / common / extensions / docs / server2 /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import os
6 import sys
7 import unittest
9 import api_schema_graph
10 from availability_finder import AvailabilityFinder, AvailabilityInfo
11 from branch_utility import BranchUtility, ChannelInfo
12 from compiled_file_system import CompiledFileSystem
13 from fake_host_file_system_provider import FakeHostFileSystemProvider
14 from fake_url_fetcher import FakeUrlFetcher
15 from host_file_system_iterator import HostFileSystemIterator
16 from mock_function import MockFunction
17 from object_store_creator import ObjectStoreCreator
18 from platform_util import GetPlatforms
19 from test_data.canned_data import (CANNED_API_FILE_SYSTEM_DATA, CANNED_BRANCHES)
20 from test_data.object_level_availability.tabs import TABS_SCHEMA_BRANCHES
21 from test_util import Server2Path
22 from schema_processor import SchemaProcessorFactoryForTest
25 TABS_UNMODIFIED_VERSIONS = (16, 20, 23, 24)
27 class AvailabilityFinderTest(unittest.TestCase):
29 def _create_availability_finder(self,
30 host_fs_creator,
31 host_fs_iterator,
32 platform):
33 test_object_store = ObjectStoreCreator.ForTest()
34 return AvailabilityFinder(
35 self._branch_utility,
36 CompiledFileSystem.Factory(test_object_store),
37 host_fs_iterator,
38 host_fs_creator.GetMaster(),
39 test_object_store,
40 platform,
41 SchemaProcessorFactoryForTest())
43 def setUp(self):
44 self._branch_utility = BranchUtility(
45 os.path.join('branch_utility', 'first.json'),
46 os.path.join('branch_utility', 'second.json'),
47 FakeUrlFetcher(Server2Path('test_data')),
48 ObjectStoreCreator.ForTest())
49 self._api_fs_creator = FakeHostFileSystemProvider(
51 self._node_fs_creator = FakeHostFileSystemProvider(TABS_SCHEMA_BRANCHES)
52 self._api_fs_iterator = HostFileSystemIterator(self._api_fs_creator,
53 self._branch_utility)
54 self._node_fs_iterator = HostFileSystemIterator(self._node_fs_creator,
55 self._branch_utility)
57 # Imitate the actual SVN file system by incrementing the stats for paths
58 # where an API schema has changed.
59 last_stat = type('last_stat', (object,), {'val': 0})
61 def stat_paths(file_system, channel_info):
62 if channel_info.version not in TABS_UNMODIFIED_VERSIONS:
63 last_stat.val += 1
64 # HACK: |file_system| is a MockFileSystem backed by a TestFileSystem.
65 # Increment the TestFileSystem stat count.
66 file_system._file_system.IncrementStat(by=last_stat.val)
67 # Continue looping. The iterator will stop after 'master' automatically.
68 return True
70 # Use the HostFileSystemIterator created above to change global stat values
71 # for the TestFileSystems that it creates.
72 self._node_fs_iterator.Ascending(
73 # The earliest version represented with the tabs' test data is 13.
74 self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(13),
75 stat_paths)
77 def testGraphOptimization(self):
78 for platform in GetPlatforms():
79 # Keep track of how many times the APISchemaGraph constructor is called.
80 original_constructor = api_schema_graph.APISchemaGraph
81 mock_constructor = MockFunction(original_constructor)
82 api_schema_graph.APISchemaGraph = mock_constructor
84 node_avail_finder = self._create_availability_finder(
85 self._node_fs_creator, self._node_fs_iterator, platform)
86 try:
87 # The test data includes an extra branch where the API does not exist.
88 num_versions = len(TABS_SCHEMA_BRANCHES) - 1
89 # We expect an APISchemaGraph to be created only when an API schema file
90 # has different stat data from the previous version's schema file.
91 num_graphs_created = num_versions - len(TABS_UNMODIFIED_VERSIONS)
93 # Run the logic for object-level availability for an API.
94 node_avail_finder.GetAPINodeAvailability('tabs')
96 self.assertTrue(*api_schema_graph.APISchemaGraph.CheckAndReset(
97 num_graphs_created))
98 finally:
99 # Ensure that the APISchemaGraph constructor is reset to be the original
100 # constructor.
101 api_schema_graph.APISchemaGraph = original_constructor
103 def testGetAPIAvailability(self):
104 # Key: Using 'channel' (i.e. 'beta') to represent an availability listing
105 # for an API in a _features.json file, and using |channel| (i.e. |dev|) to
106 # represent the development channel, or phase of development, where an API's
107 # availability is being checked.
109 def assertGet(ch_info, api, only_on=None, scheduled=None):
110 for platform in GetPlatforms():
111 get_availability = self._create_availability_finder(
112 self._api_fs_creator,
113 self._api_fs_iterator,
114 platform if only_on is None else only_on).GetAPIAvailability
115 self.assertEqual(AvailabilityInfo(ch_info, scheduled=scheduled),
116 get_availability(api))
118 # Testing APIs with predetermined availability.
119 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'jsonMasterAPI')
120 assertGet(ChannelInfo('dev', CANNED_BRANCHES[31], 31), 'jsonDevAPI')
121 assertGet(ChannelInfo('beta', CANNED_BRANCHES[30], 30), 'jsonBetaAPI')
122 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[20], 20), 'jsonStableAPI')
124 # Testing a whitelisted API.
125 assertGet(ChannelInfo('beta', CANNED_BRANCHES[30], 30),
126 'declarativeWebRequest')
128 # Testing APIs found only by checking file system existence.
129 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[23], 23), 'windows')
130 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[18], 18), 'tabs')
131 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[18], 18), 'input.ime')
133 # Testing API channel existence for _api_features.json.
134 # Listed as 'dev' on |beta|, 'dev' on |dev|.
135 assertGet(ChannelInfo('dev', CANNED_BRANCHES[31], 31), 'systemInfo.stuff')
136 # Listed as 'stable' on |beta|.
137 assertGet(ChannelInfo('beta', CANNED_BRANCHES[30], 30),
138 'systemInfo.cpu',
139 scheduled=31)
141 # Testing API channel existence for _manifest_features.json.
142 # Listed as 'master' on all channels.
143 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'sync')
144 # No records of API until |master|.
145 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'history')
146 # Listed as 'dev' on |dev|.
147 assertGet(ChannelInfo('dev', CANNED_BRANCHES[31], 31), 'storage')
148 # Stable in _manifest_features and into pre-18 versions.
149 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[8], 8), 'pageAction')
151 # Testing API channel existence for _permission_features.json.
152 # Listed as 'beta' on |master|.
153 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'falseBetaAPI')
154 # Listed as 'master' on |master|.
155 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'masterAPI')
156 # Listed as 'master' on all development channels.
157 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'declarativeContent')
158 # Listed as 'dev' on all development channels.
159 assertGet(ChannelInfo('dev', CANNED_BRANCHES[31], 31), 'bluetooth')
160 # Listed as 'dev' on |dev|.
161 assertGet(ChannelInfo('dev', CANNED_BRANCHES[31], 31), 'cookies')
162 # Treated as 'stable' APIs.
163 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[24], 24), 'alarms')
164 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[21], 21), 'bookmarks')
166 # Testing older API existence using extension_api.json.
167 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[6], 6), 'menus')
168 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[5], 5), 'idle')
170 # Switches between _features.json files across branches.
171 # Listed as 'master' on all channels, in _api, _permission, or _manifest.
172 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'contextMenus')
173 # Moves between _permission and _manifest as file system is traversed.
174 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[23], 23),
175 'systemInfo.display')
176 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[17], 17), 'webRequest')
178 # Mid-upgrade cases:
179 # Listed as 'dev' on |beta| and 'beta' on |dev|.
180 assertGet(ChannelInfo('dev', CANNED_BRANCHES[31], 31), 'notifications')
181 # Listed as 'beta' on |stable|, 'dev' on |beta|...until |stable| on master.
182 assertGet(ChannelInfo('master', 'master', 'master'), 'events')
184 # Check for differing availability across apps|extensions
185 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[26], 26),
186 'appsFirst',
187 only_on='extensions')
188 assertGet(ChannelInfo('stable', CANNED_BRANCHES[25], 25),
189 'appsFirst',
190 only_on='apps')
192 def testGetAPINodeAvailability(self):
193 def assertEquals(found, channel_info, actual, scheduled=None):
194 lookup_result = api_schema_graph.LookupResult
195 if channel_info is None:
196 self.assertEquals(lookup_result(found, None), actual)
197 else:
198 self.assertEquals(lookup_result(found, AvailabilityInfo(channel_info,
199 scheduled=scheduled)), actual)
201 for platform in GetPlatforms():
202 # Allow the LookupResult constructions below to take just one line.
203 avail_finder = self._create_availability_finder(
204 self._node_fs_creator,
205 self._node_fs_iterator,
206 platform)
207 tabs_graph = avail_finder.GetAPINodeAvailability('tabs')
208 fake_tabs_graph = avail_finder.GetAPINodeAvailability('fakeTabs')
210 # Test an API node with predetermined availability.
211 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(27),
212 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'properties', 'fakeTabsProperty4'))
214 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('master'),
215 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'properties', 'fakeTabsProperty3'))
216 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('dev'),
217 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'events', 'onActivated', 'parameters',
218 'activeInfo', 'properties', 'windowId'), scheduled=31)
219 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('dev'),
220 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'events', 'onUpdated', 'parameters', 'tab'),
221 scheduled=31)
222 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('beta'),
223 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'events', 'onActivated'), scheduled=30)
224 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('beta'),
225 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'functions', 'get', 'parameters', 'tabId'),
226 scheduled=30)
227 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('stable'),
228 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'InjectDetails', 'properties',
229 'code'))
230 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('stable'),
231 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'InjectDetails', 'properties',
232 'file'))
233 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(25),
234 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'InjectDetails'))
236 # Test inlined type.
237 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('master'),
238 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'InlinedType'))
240 # Test implicitly inlined type.
241 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(25),
242 fake_tabs_graph.Lookup('fakeTabs', 'types',
243 'WasImplicitlyInlinedType'))
245 # Test a node that was restricted to dev channel when it was introduced.
246 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('beta'),
247 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'functions', 'restrictedFunc'),
248 scheduled=30)
250 # Test an explicitly scheduled node.
251 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('dev'),
252 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'functions', 'scheduledFunc'),
253 scheduled=31)
255 # Nothing new in version 24 or 23.
257 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(22),
258 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'Tab', 'properties', 'windowId'))
259 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(21),
260 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'Tab', 'properties', 'selected'))
262 # Nothing new in version 20.
264 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(19),
265 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'functions', 'getCurrent'))
266 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(18),
267 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'Tab', 'properties', 'index'))
268 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(17),
269 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'events', 'onUpdated', 'parameters',
270 'changeInfo'))
272 # Nothing new in version 16.
274 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(15),
275 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'properties', 'fakeTabsProperty2'))
277 # Everything else is available at the API's release, version 14 here.
278 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(14),
279 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'Tab'))
280 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(14),
281 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types', 'Tab', 'properties', 'url'))
282 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(14),
283 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'properties', 'fakeTabsProperty1'))
284 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(14),
285 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'functions', 'get', 'parameters',
286 'callback'))
287 assertEquals(True, self._branch_utility.GetStableChannelInfo(14),
288 tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'events', 'onUpdated'))
290 # Test things that aren't available.
291 assertEquals(False, None, tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'types',
292 'UpdateInfo'))
293 assertEquals(False, None, tabs_graph.Lookup('tabs', 'functions', 'get',
294 'parameters', 'callback', 'parameters', 'tab', 'id'))
295 assertEquals(False, None, tabs_graph.Lookup('functions'))
296 assertEquals(False, None, tabs_graph.Lookup('events', 'onActivated',
297 'parameters', 'activeInfo', 'tabId'))
300 if __name__ == '__main__':
301 unittest.main()