1 Name: Cocoa extension code from Camino
3 URL: http://caminobrowser.org/
5 License: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
8 This directory contains the following files come from (Mozilla) Camino
9 (src/camino/src/extensions):
11 NSPasteboard+Utils.h/mm
18 - NSURL+Utils.m was modified to use non-deprecated Cocoa APIs to allow
19 compilation on modern versions of Mac OS X.
20 - NSString+Utils.m was renamed to NSString+Utils.mm and modified to use GURL
21 for validation in -[NSString isValidURI].
22 - NSPasteboard+Utils.mm was modified to add an argument to
23 -[NSPasteboard getURLs:andTitles:] to determine whether or not filenames in
24 the drag should be converted to file URLs.
25 - -[NSPasteboard htmlFromRtf] was added to do rtf->html conversion.
26 - NSWorkspace+Utils.m was modified to compile on the x86_64 architecture.
27 - MOZILLA_EXPORT was added to some constants in NSPasteboard+Utils.h.
29 -----------------------------------------------------------------
31 Also includes IME panel from Gecko, which is based on WebKit's implementation.
32 Although it comes from Mozilla (http://mxr.mozilla.org), it uses the original
36 - #ifdef'd definitions of a few symbols were added to support the 10.5 SDK.
37 - MOZILLA_EXPORT was added to the IME panel class in ComplexTextInputPanel.h.