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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / components / core-tooltip / core-tooltip.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
4 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
8 -->
10 <!--
11 The `core-tooltip` element creates a hover tooltip centered for the content
12 it contains. It can be positioned on the top|bottom|left|right of content using
13 the `position` attribute.
15 To include HTML in the tooltip, include the `tip` attribute on the relevant
16 content.
18 <b>Example</b>:
20 <core-tooltip label="I'm a tooltip">
21 <span>Hover over me.</span>
22 </core-tooltip>
24 <b>Example</b> - positioning the tooltip to the right:
26 <core-tooltip label="I'm a tooltip to the right" position="right">
27 <core-icon-button icon="drawer"></core-icon-button>
28 </core-tooltip>
30 <b>Example</b> - no arrow and showing by default:
32 <core-tooltip label="Tooltip with no arrow and always on" noarrow show>
33 <img src="image.jpg">
34 </core-tooltip>
36 <b>Example</b> - disable the tooltip.
38 <core-tooltip label="Disabled label never shows" disabled>
39 ...
40 </core-tooltip>
42 <b>Example</b> - rich tooltip using the `tip` attribute:
44 <core-tooltip>
45 <div>Example of a rich information tooltip</div>
46 <div tip>
47 <img src="profile.jpg">Foo <b>Bar</b> - <a href="#">@baz</a>
48 </div>
49 </core-tooltip>
51 By default, the `tip` attribute specifies the HTML content for a rich tooltip.
52 You can customize this attribute with the `tipAttribute` attribute:
54 <core-tooltip tipAttribute="htmltooltip">
55 <div>Example of a rich information tooltip</div>
56 <div htmltooltip>
57 ...
58 </div>
59 </core-tooltip>
61 @group Polymer Core Elements
62 @element core-tooltip
63 @extends core-focusable
64 @mixins Polymer.CoreFocusable
65 @homepage http://www.polymer-project.org/components/core-tooltip/index.html
66 -->
68 <link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
69 <link rel="import" href="../core-focusable/core-focusable.html">
70 <link rel="import" href="../core-resizable/core-resizable.html">
72 <!-- TODO: would be nice to inherit from label to get .htmlFor, and .control,
73 but the latter is readonly. -->
74 <!-- TODO: support off center arrows. -->
75 <!-- TODO: detect mobile and apply the .large class, instead of manual
76 control. -->
77 <!-- TODO: possibly reuse core-overlay. -->
78 <polymer-element name="core-tooltip" attributes="noarrow position label show tipAttribute" role="tooltip" tabindex="0">
79 <template>
81 <link rel="stylesheet" href="core-tooltip.css">
82 <div id="tooltip" hidden?="{{!hasTooltipContent}}"
83 class="core-tooltip {{position}} {{ {noarrow: noarrow, show: show && !disabled} | tokenList}}">
84 <content id="c" select="[{{tipAttribute}}]">{{label}}</content>
85 </div>
87 <content></content>
89 </template>
90 <script>
91 (function() {
93 var proto = {
95 /**
96 * A simple string label for the tooltip to display. To display a rich
97 * HTML tooltip instead, omit `label` and include the `tip` attribute
98 * on a child node of `core-tooltip`.
100 * @attribute label
101 * @type string
102 * @default null
104 label: null,
106 eventDelegates: {
107 'core-resize': 'positionChanged'
110 computed: {
111 // Indicates whether the tooltip has a set label propety or
112 // an element with the `tip` attribute.
113 hasTooltipContent: 'label || !!tipElement'
116 publish: {
118 * Forces the tooltip to display. If `disabled` is set, this property is ignored.
120 * @attribute show
121 * @type boolean
122 * @default false
124 show: {value: false, reflect: true},
127 * Positions the tooltip to the top, right, bottom, left of its content.
129 * @attribute position
130 * @type string
131 * @default 'bottom'
133 position: {value: 'bottom', reflect: true},
136 * If true, the tooltip an arrow pointing towards the content.
138 * @attribute noarrow
139 * @type boolean
140 * @default false
142 noarrow: {value: false, reflect: true}
146 * Customizes the attribute used to specify which content
147 * is the rich HTML tooltip.
149 * @attribute tipAttribute
150 * @type string
151 * @default 'tip'
153 tipAttribute: 'tip',
155 attached: function() {
156 this.updatedChildren();
157 this.resizableAttachedHandler();
160 detached: function() {
161 this.resizableDetachedHandler();
164 updatedChildren: function () {
165 this.tipElement = null;
167 for (var i = 0, el; el = this.$.c.getDistributedNodes()[i]; ++i) {
168 if (el.hasAttribute && el.hasAttribute('tip')) {
169 this.tipElement = el;
170 break;
174 // Job ensures we're not double calling setPosition() on DOM attach.
175 this.job('positionJob', this.setPosition);
177 // Monitor children to re-position tooltip when light dom changes.
178 this.onMutation(this, this.updatedChildren);
181 labelChanged: function(oldVal, newVal) {
182 this.job('positionJob', this.setPosition);
185 positionChanged: function(oldVal, newVal) {
186 this.job('positionJob', this.setPosition);
189 setPosition: function() {
190 var controlWidth = this.clientWidth;
191 var controlHeight = this.clientHeight;
192 var toolTipWidth = this.$.tooltip.clientWidth;
193 var toolTipHeight = this.$.tooltip.clientHeight;
195 switch (this.position) {
196 case 'top':
197 case 'bottom':
198 this.$.tooltip.style.left = (controlWidth - toolTipWidth) / 2 + 'px';
199 this.$.tooltip.style.top = null;
200 break;
201 case 'left':
202 case 'right':
203 this.$.tooltip.style.left = null;
204 this.$.tooltip.style.top = (controlHeight - toolTipHeight) / 2 + 'px';
205 break;
211 Polymer.mixin2(proto, Polymer.CoreFocusable);
212 Polymer.mixin(proto, Polymer.CoreResizable);
213 Polymer(proto);
214 })();
216 </script>
217 </polymer-element>