Views Omnibox: tolerate minor click-to-select-all dragging.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ui / app_list / cocoa / app_list_view_controller.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
10 #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
12 #include "ui/app_list/app_list_export.h"
13 #import "ui/app_list/cocoa/apps_pagination_model_observer.h"
14 #import "ui/app_list/cocoa/apps_search_box_controller.h"
15 #import "ui/app_list/cocoa/apps_search_results_controller.h"
17 namespace app_list {
18 class AppListViewDelegate;
19 class AppListModel;
20 class AppListModelObserverBridge;
23 @class AppListPagerView;
24 @class AppsGridController;
25 @class SigninViewController;
27 // Controller for the top-level view of the app list UI. It creates and hosts an
28 // AppsGridController (displaying an AppListModel), pager control to navigate
29 // between pages in the grid, and search entry box with a pop up menu.
31 @interface AppListViewController : NSViewController<AppsPaginationModelObserver,
32 AppsSearchBoxDelegate,
33 AppsSearchResultsDelegate> {
34 @private
35 base::scoped_nsobject<AppsGridController> appsGridController_;
36 base::scoped_nsobject<AppListPagerView> pagerControl_;
37 base::scoped_nsobject<AppsSearchBoxController> appsSearchBoxController_;
38 base::scoped_nsobject<AppsSearchResultsController>
39 appsSearchResultsController_;
40 base::scoped_nsobject<SigninViewController> signinViewController_;
42 // Subview for drawing the background. Hidden when the signin view is visible.
43 base::scoped_nsobject<NSView> backgroundView_;
45 // Subview of |backgroundView_| that slides out when search results are shown.
46 base::scoped_nsobject<NSView> contentsView_;
48 // Progress indicator that is visible while the delegate is NULL.
49 base::scoped_nsobject<NSProgressIndicator> loadingIndicator_;
51 scoped_ptr<app_list::AppListViewDelegate> delegate_;
52 scoped_ptr<app_list::AppListModelObserverBridge>
53 app_list_model_observer_bridge_;
54 BOOL showingSearchResults_;
57 @property(readonly, nonatomic) AppsSearchBoxController*
58 searchBoxController;
60 - (app_list::AppListViewDelegate*)delegate;
61 - (void)setDelegate:(scoped_ptr<app_list::AppListViewDelegate>)newDelegate;
62 - (void)onProfilesChanged;
64 @end
66 @interface AppListViewController (TestingAPI)
68 @property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL showingSearchResults;
70 - (AppsGridController*)appsGridController;
71 - (NSSegmentedControl*)pagerControl;
72 - (NSView*)backgroundView;
74 @end