Add missing 'gpu_tests' config to MB, fix typo in MB.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chromeos / dbus /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chromeos/dbus/modem_messaging_client.h"
7 #include "base/bind.h"
8 #include "base/location.h"
9 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
10 #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
11 #include "base/values.h"
12 #include "dbus/message.h"
13 #include "dbus/mock_bus.h"
14 #include "dbus/mock_object_proxy.h"
15 #include "dbus/object_path.h"
16 #include "dbus/values_util.h"
17 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
18 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
19 #include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
21 using ::testing::_;
22 using ::testing::Invoke;
23 using ::testing::Return;
25 namespace chromeos {
27 namespace {
29 // A mock SmsReceivedHandler.
30 class MockSmsReceivedHandler {
31 public:
32 MOCK_METHOD2(Run, void(const dbus::ObjectPath &sms, bool complete));
35 // A mock DeleteCallback.
36 class MockDeleteCallback {
37 public:
38 MOCK_METHOD0(Run, void());
41 // A mock ListCallback.
42 class MockListCallback {
43 public:
44 MOCK_METHOD1(Run, void(const std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath>& result));
47 // D-Bus service name used by test.
48 const char kServiceName[] = "";
49 // D-Bus object path used by test.
50 const char kObjectPath[] = "/object/path";
52 } // namespace
54 class ModemMessagingClientTest : public testing::Test {
55 public:
56 ModemMessagingClientTest() : response_(NULL),
57 expected_result_(NULL) {}
59 void SetUp() override {
60 // Create a mock bus.
61 dbus::Bus::Options options;
62 options.bus_type = dbus::Bus::SYSTEM;
63 mock_bus_ = new dbus::MockBus(options);
65 // Create a mock proxy.
66 mock_proxy_ = new dbus::MockObjectProxy(mock_bus_.get(),
67 kServiceName,
68 dbus::ObjectPath(kObjectPath));
70 // Set an expectation so mock_proxy's ConnectToSignal() will use
71 // OnConnectToSignal() to run the callback.
72 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_proxy_.get(),
73 ConnectToSignal(modemmanager::kModemManager1MessagingInterface,
74 modemmanager::kSMSAddedSignal,
76 _))
77 .WillRepeatedly(
78 Invoke(this, &ModemMessagingClientTest::OnConnectToSignal));
80 // Set an expectation so mock_bus's GetObjectProxy() for the given
81 // service name and the object path will return mock_proxy_.
82 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_bus_.get(),
83 GetObjectProxy(kServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kObjectPath)))
84 .WillOnce(Return(mock_proxy_.get()));
86 // ShutdownAndBlock() will be called in TearDown().
87 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_bus_.get(), ShutdownAndBlock()).WillOnce(Return());
89 // Create a client with the mock bus.
90 client_.reset(ModemMessagingClient::Create());
91 client_->Init(mock_bus_.get());
94 void TearDown() override { mock_bus_->ShutdownAndBlock(); }
96 // Handles Delete method call.
97 void OnDelete(dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
98 int timeout_ms,
99 const dbus::ObjectProxy::ResponseCallback& callback) {
100 EXPECT_EQ(modemmanager::kModemManager1MessagingInterface,
101 method_call->GetInterface());
102 EXPECT_EQ(modemmanager::kSMSDeleteFunction, method_call->GetMember());
103 dbus::ObjectPath sms_path;
104 dbus::MessageReader reader(method_call);
105 EXPECT_TRUE(reader.PopObjectPath(&sms_path));
106 EXPECT_EQ(expected_sms_path_, sms_path);
107 EXPECT_FALSE(reader.HasMoreData());
109 message_loop_.task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
110 base::Bind(callback, response_));
113 // Handles List method call.
114 void OnList(dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
115 int timeout_ms,
116 const dbus::ObjectProxy::ResponseCallback& callback) {
117 EXPECT_EQ(modemmanager::kModemManager1MessagingInterface,
118 method_call->GetInterface());
119 EXPECT_EQ(modemmanager::kSMSListFunction, method_call->GetMember());
120 dbus::MessageReader reader(method_call);
121 EXPECT_FALSE(reader.HasMoreData());
123 message_loop_.task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
124 base::Bind(callback, response_));
127 // Checks the results of List.
128 void CheckResult(const std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath>& result) {
129 EXPECT_EQ(result, *expected_result_);
132 protected:
133 // The client to be tested.
134 scoped_ptr<ModemMessagingClient> client_;
135 // A message loop to emulate asynchronous behavior.
136 base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
137 // The mock bus.
138 scoped_refptr<dbus::MockBus> mock_bus_;
139 // The mock object proxy.
140 scoped_refptr<dbus::MockObjectProxy> mock_proxy_;
141 // The SmsReceived signal handler given by the tested client.
142 dbus::ObjectProxy::SignalCallback sms_received_callback_;
143 // Expected argument for Delete method.
144 dbus::ObjectPath expected_sms_path_;
145 // Response returned by mock methods.
146 dbus::Response* response_;
147 // Expected result of List method.
148 std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath>* expected_result_;
150 private:
151 // Used to implement the mock proxy.
152 void OnConnectToSignal(
153 const std::string& interface_name,
154 const std::string& signal_name,
155 const dbus::ObjectProxy::SignalCallback& signal_callback,
156 const dbus::ObjectProxy::OnConnectedCallback& on_connected_callback) {
157 sms_received_callback_ = signal_callback;
158 const bool success = true;
159 message_loop_.task_runner()->PostTask(
160 FROM_HERE, base::Bind(on_connected_callback, interface_name,
161 signal_name, success));
165 TEST_F(ModemMessagingClientTest, SmsReceived) {
166 // Set expectations.
167 const dbus::ObjectPath kSmsPath("/SMS/0");
168 const bool kComplete = true;
169 MockSmsReceivedHandler handler;
170 EXPECT_CALL(handler, Run(kSmsPath, kComplete)).Times(1);
171 // Set handler.
172 client_->SetSmsReceivedHandler(kServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kObjectPath),
173 base::Bind(&MockSmsReceivedHandler::Run,
174 base::Unretained(&handler)));
176 // Run the message loop to run the signal connection result callback.
177 message_loop_.RunUntilIdle();
179 // Send signal.
180 dbus::Signal signal(modemmanager::kModemManager1MessagingInterface,
181 modemmanager::kSMSAddedSignal);
182 dbus::MessageWriter writer(&signal);
183 writer.AppendObjectPath(kSmsPath);
184 writer.AppendBool(kComplete);
185 ASSERT_FALSE(sms_received_callback_.is_null());
186 sms_received_callback_.Run(&signal);
187 // Reset handler.
188 client_->ResetSmsReceivedHandler(kServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kObjectPath));
189 // Send signal again.
190 sms_received_callback_.Run(&signal);
193 TEST_F(ModemMessagingClientTest, Delete) {
194 // Set expectations.
195 const dbus::ObjectPath kSmsPath("/SMS/0");
196 expected_sms_path_ = kSmsPath;
197 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_proxy_.get(), CallMethod(_, _, _))
198 .WillOnce(Invoke(this, &ModemMessagingClientTest::OnDelete));
199 MockDeleteCallback callback;
200 EXPECT_CALL(callback, Run()).Times(1);
201 // Create response.
202 scoped_ptr<dbus::Response> response(dbus::Response::CreateEmpty());
203 response_ = response.get();
204 // Call Delete.
205 client_->Delete(kServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kObjectPath), kSmsPath,
206 base::Bind(&MockDeleteCallback::Run,
207 base::Unretained(&callback)));
209 // Run the message loop.
210 message_loop_.RunUntilIdle();
213 TEST_F(ModemMessagingClientTest, List) {
214 // Set expectations.
215 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_proxy_.get(), CallMethod(_, _, _))
216 .WillOnce(Invoke(this, &ModemMessagingClientTest::OnList));
217 MockListCallback callback;
218 EXPECT_CALL(callback, Run(_))
219 .WillOnce(Invoke(this, &ModemMessagingClientTest::CheckResult));
220 // Create response.
221 scoped_ptr<dbus::Response> response(dbus::Response::CreateEmpty());
222 dbus::ObjectPath path1("/SMS/1");
223 dbus::ObjectPath path2("/SMS/2");
224 std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath> expected_result;
225 expected_result.push_back(path1);
226 expected_result.push_back(path2);
228 dbus::MessageWriter writer(response.get());
229 writer.AppendArrayOfObjectPaths(expected_result);
230 response_ = response.get();
232 // Save expected result.
233 expected_result_ = &expected_result;
234 // Call List.
235 client_->List(kServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kObjectPath),
236 base::Bind(&MockListCallback::Run,
237 base::Unretained(&callback)));
239 // Run the message loop.
240 message_loop_.RunUntilIdle();
243 } // namespace chromeos