Move StartsWith[ASCII] to base namespace.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / printing /
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <algorithm>
6 #include <fstream>
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <iterator>
9 #include <limits>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <utility>
12 #include <vector>
14 #include "base/bind.h"
15 #include "base/callback.h"
16 #include "base/files/file.h"
17 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
18 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
19 #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
20 #include "base/logging.h"
21 #include "base/md5.h"
22 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
23 #include "base/path_service.h"
24 #include "base/run_loop.h"
25 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
26 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
27 #include "chrome/browser/printing/print_preview_dialog_controller.h"
28 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
29 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h"
30 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
31 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/print_preview/print_preview_ui.h"
32 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
33 #include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
34 #include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h"
35 #include "components/printing/common/print_messages.h"
36 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
37 #include "content/public/browser/web_ui_message_handler.h"
38 #include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h"
39 #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
40 #include "net/base/filename_util.h"
41 #include "pdf/pdf.h"
42 #include "printing/pdf_render_settings.h"
43 #include "printing/units.h"
44 #include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
45 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
46 #include "url/gurl.h"
48 #if defined(OS_WIN)
49 #include <fcntl.h>
50 #include <io.h>
51 #endif
53 using content::WebContents;
54 using content::WebContentsObserver;
56 namespace printing {
58 // Number of color channels in a BGRA bitmap.
59 const int kColorChannels = 4;
60 const int kDpi = 300;
62 // Every state is used when the document is a non-PDF source. When the source is
63 // a PDF, kWaitingToSendSaveAsPDF, kWaitingToSendPageNumbers, and
64 // kWaitingForFinalMessage are the only states used.
65 enum State {
66 // Waiting for the first message so the program can select Save as PDF
67 kWaitingToSendSaveAsPdf = 0,
68 // Waiting for the second message so the test can set the layout
69 kWaitingToSendLayoutSettings = 1,
70 // Waiting for the third message so the test can set the page numbers
71 kWaitingToSendPageNumbers = 2,
72 // Waiting for the forth message so the test can set the headers checkbox
73 kWaitingToSendHeadersAndFooters = 3,
74 // Waiting for the fifth message so the test can set the background checkbox
75 kWaitingToSendBackgroundColorsAndImages = 4,
76 // Waiting for the sixth message so the test can set the margins combobox
77 kWaitingToSendMargins = 5,
78 // Waiting for the final message so the program can save to PDF.
79 kWaitingForFinalMessage = 6,
82 // Settings for print preview. It reflects the current options provided by
83 // print preview. If more options are added, more states should be added and
84 // there should be more settings added to this struct.
85 struct PrintPreviewSettings {
86 PrintPreviewSettings(bool is_portrait,
87 const std::string& page_numbers,
88 bool headers_and_footers,
89 bool background_colors_and_images,
90 MarginType margins,
91 bool source_is_pdf)
92 : is_portrait(is_portrait),
93 page_numbers(page_numbers),
94 headers_and_footers(headers_and_footers),
95 background_colors_and_images(background_colors_and_images),
96 margins(margins),
97 source_is_pdf(source_is_pdf) {}
99 bool is_portrait;
100 std::string page_numbers;
101 bool headers_and_footers;
102 bool background_colors_and_images;
103 MarginType margins;
104 bool source_is_pdf;
107 // Observes the print preview webpage. Once it observes the PreviewPageCount
108 // message, will send a sequence of commands to the print preview dialog and
109 // change the settings of the preview dialog.
110 class PrintPreviewObserver : public WebContentsObserver {
111 public:
112 PrintPreviewObserver(Browser* browser,
113 WebContents* dialog,
114 const base::FilePath& pdf_file_save_path)
115 : WebContentsObserver(dialog),
116 browser_(browser),
117 state_(kWaitingToSendSaveAsPdf),
118 failed_setting_("None"),
119 pdf_file_save_path_(pdf_file_save_path) {}
121 ~PrintPreviewObserver() override {}
123 // Sets closure for the observer so that it can end the loop.
124 void set_quit_closure(const base::Closure &closure) {
125 quit_closure_ = closure;
128 // Actually stops the message loop so that the test can proceed.
129 void EndLoop() {
130 base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, quit_closure_);
133 bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override {
134 IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(PrintPreviewObserver, message)
135 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PrintHostMsg_DidGetPreviewPageCount,
136 OnDidGetPreviewPageCount)
138 return false;
141 // Gets the web contents for the print preview dialog so that the UI and
142 // other elements can be accessed.
143 WebContents* GetDialog() {
144 WebContents* tab = browser_->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents();
145 PrintPreviewDialogController* dialog_controller =
146 PrintPreviewDialogController::GetInstance();
147 return dialog_controller->GetPrintPreviewForContents(tab);
150 // Gets the PrintPreviewUI so that certain elements can be accessed.
151 PrintPreviewUI* GetUI() {
152 return static_cast<PrintPreviewUI*>(
153 GetDialog()->GetWebUI()->GetController());
156 // Calls native_layer.onManipulateSettingsForTest() and sends a dictionary
157 // value containing the type of setting and the value to set that settings
158 // to.
159 void ManipulatePreviewSettings() {
160 base::DictionaryValue script_argument;
162 if (state_ == kWaitingToSendSaveAsPdf) {
163 script_argument.SetBoolean("selectSaveAsPdfDestination", true);
164 state_ = settings_->source_is_pdf ?
165 kWaitingToSendPageNumbers : kWaitingToSendLayoutSettings;
166 failed_setting_ = "Save as PDF";
167 } else if (state_ == kWaitingToSendLayoutSettings) {
168 script_argument.SetBoolean("layoutSettings.portrait",
169 settings_->is_portrait);
170 state_ = kWaitingToSendPageNumbers;
171 failed_setting_ = "Layout Settings";
172 } else if (state_ == kWaitingToSendPageNumbers) {
173 script_argument.SetString("pageRange", settings_->page_numbers);
174 state_ = settings_->source_is_pdf ?
175 kWaitingForFinalMessage : kWaitingToSendHeadersAndFooters;
176 failed_setting_ = "Page Range";
177 } else if (state_ == kWaitingToSendHeadersAndFooters) {
178 script_argument.SetBoolean("headersAndFooters",
179 settings_->headers_and_footers);
180 state_ = kWaitingToSendBackgroundColorsAndImages;
181 failed_setting_ = "Headers and Footers";
182 } else if (state_ == kWaitingToSendBackgroundColorsAndImages) {
183 script_argument.SetBoolean("backgroundColorsAndImages",
184 settings_->background_colors_and_images);
185 state_ = kWaitingToSendMargins;
186 failed_setting_ = "Background Colors and Images";
187 } else if (state_ == kWaitingToSendMargins) {
188 script_argument.SetInteger("margins", settings_->margins);
189 state_ = kWaitingForFinalMessage;
190 failed_setting_ = "Margins";
191 } else if (state_ == kWaitingForFinalMessage) {
192 // Called by |GetUI()->handler_|, it is a callback function that call
193 // |EndLoop| when an attempt to save the PDF has been made.
194 base::Closure end_loop_closure =
195 base::Bind(&PrintPreviewObserver::EndLoop, base::Unretained(this));
196 GetUI()->SetPdfSavedClosureForTesting(end_loop_closure);
197 ASSERT_FALSE(pdf_file_save_path_.empty());
198 GetUI()->SetSelectedFileForTesting(pdf_file_save_path_);
199 return;
202 ASSERT_FALSE(script_argument.empty());
203 GetUI()->web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction(
204 "onManipulateSettingsForTest", script_argument);
207 // Saves the print preview settings to be sent to the print preview dialog.
208 void SetPrintPreviewSettings(const PrintPreviewSettings& settings) {
209 settings_.reset(new PrintPreviewSettings(settings));
212 // Returns the setting that could not be set in the preview dialog.
213 const std::string& GetFailedSetting() const {
214 return failed_setting_;
217 private:
218 // Listens for messages from the print preview dialog. Specifically, it
219 // listens for 'UILoadedForTest' and 'UIFailedLoadingForTest.'
220 class UIDoneLoadingMessageHandler : public content::WebUIMessageHandler {
221 public:
222 explicit UIDoneLoadingMessageHandler(PrintPreviewObserver* observer)
223 : observer_(observer) {}
225 ~UIDoneLoadingMessageHandler() override {}
227 // When a setting has been set succesfully, this is called and the observer
228 // is told to send the next setting to be set.
229 void HandleDone(const base::ListValue* /* args */) {
230 observer_->ManipulatePreviewSettings();
233 // Ends the test because a setting was not set successfully. Called when
234 // this class hears 'UIFailedLoadingForTest.'
235 void HandleFailure(const base::ListValue* /* args */) {
236 FAIL() << "Failed to set: " << observer_->GetFailedSetting();
239 // Allows this class to listen for the 'UILoadedForTest' and
240 // 'UIFailedLoadingForTest' messages. These messages are sent by the print
241 // preview dialog. 'UILoadedForTest' is sent when a setting has been
242 // successfully set and its effects have been finalized.
243 // 'UIFailedLoadingForTest' is sent when the setting could not be set. This
244 // causes the browser test to fail.
245 void RegisterMessages() override {
246 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(
247 "UILoadedForTest",
248 base::Bind(&UIDoneLoadingMessageHandler::HandleDone,
249 base::Unretained(this)));
251 web_ui()->RegisterMessageCallback(
252 "UIFailedLoadingForTest",
253 base::Bind(&UIDoneLoadingMessageHandler::HandleFailure,
254 base::Unretained(this)));
257 private:
258 PrintPreviewObserver* const observer_;
260 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UIDoneLoadingMessageHandler);
263 // Called when the observer gets the IPC message stating that the page count
264 // is ready.
265 void OnDidGetPreviewPageCount(
266 const PrintHostMsg_DidGetPreviewPageCount_Params &params) {
267 WebContents* web_contents = GetDialog();
268 ASSERT_TRUE(web_contents);
269 Observe(web_contents);
271 PrintPreviewUI* ui = GetUI();
272 ASSERT_TRUE(ui);
273 ASSERT_TRUE(ui->web_ui());
275 // The |ui->web_ui()| owns the message handler.
276 ui->web_ui()->AddMessageHandler(new UIDoneLoadingMessageHandler(this));
277 ui->web_ui()->CallJavascriptFunction("onEnableManipulateSettingsForTest");
280 void DidCloneToNewWebContents(WebContents* old_web_contents,
281 WebContents* new_web_contents) override {
282 Observe(new_web_contents);
285 Browser* browser_;
286 base::Closure quit_closure_;
287 scoped_ptr<PrintPreviewSettings> settings_;
289 // State of the observer. The state indicates what message to send
290 // next. The state advances whenever the message handler calls
291 // ManipulatePreviewSettings() on the observer.
292 State state_;
293 std::string failed_setting_;
294 const base::FilePath pdf_file_save_path_;
296 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PrintPreviewObserver);
299 class PrintPreviewPdfGeneratedBrowserTest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
300 public:
301 PrintPreviewPdfGeneratedBrowserTest() {}
302 ~PrintPreviewPdfGeneratedBrowserTest() override {}
304 // Navigates to the given web page, then initiates print preview and waits
305 // for all the settings to be set, then save the preview to PDF.
306 void NavigateAndPrint(const base::FilePath::StringType& file_name,
307 const PrintPreviewSettings& settings) {
308 print_preview_observer_->SetPrintPreviewSettings(settings);
309 base::FilePath path(file_name);
310 GURL gurl = net::FilePathToFileURL(base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(path));
312 ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), gurl);
314 base::RunLoop loop;
315 print_preview_observer_->set_quit_closure(loop.QuitClosure());
316 chrome::Print(browser());
317 loop.Run();
319 // Need to check whether the save was successful. Ending the loop only
320 // means the save was attempted.
321 base::File pdf_file(
322 pdf_file_save_path_, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ);
323 ASSERT_TRUE(pdf_file.IsValid());
326 // Converts the PDF to a PNG file so that the layout test can do an image
327 // diff on this image and a reference image.
328 void PdfToPng() {
329 int num_pages;
330 double max_width_in_points = 0;
331 std::vector<uint8_t> bitmap_data;
332 double total_height_in_pixels = 0;
333 std::string pdf_data;
335 ASSERT_TRUE(base::ReadFileToString(pdf_file_save_path_, &pdf_data));
336 ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_pdf::GetPDFDocInfo(,
337 pdf_data.size(),
338 &num_pages,
339 &max_width_in_points));
341 ASSERT_GT(num_pages, 0);
342 double max_width_in_pixels =
343 ConvertUnitDouble(max_width_in_points, kPointsPerInch, kDpi);
345 for (int i = 0; i < num_pages; ++i) {
346 double width_in_points, height_in_points;
347 ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_pdf::GetPDFPageSizeByIndex(,
348 pdf_data.size(),
350 &width_in_points,
351 &height_in_points));
353 double width_in_pixels = ConvertUnitDouble(
354 width_in_points, kPointsPerInch, kDpi);
355 double height_in_pixels = ConvertUnitDouble(
356 height_in_points, kPointsPerInch, kDpi);
358 // The image will be rotated if |width_in_pixels| is greater than
359 // |height_in_pixels|. This is because the page will be rotated to fit
360 // within a piece of paper. Therefore, |width_in_pixels| and
361 // |height_in_pixels| have to be swapped or else they won't reflect the
362 // dimensions of the rotated page.
363 if (width_in_pixels > height_in_pixels)
364 std::swap(width_in_pixels, height_in_pixels);
366 total_height_in_pixels += height_in_pixels;
367 gfx::Rect rect(width_in_pixels, height_in_pixels);
368 PdfRenderSettings settings(rect, kDpi, true);
370 int int_max = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
371 if (settings.area().width() > int_max / kColorChannels ||
372 settings.area().height() > int_max / (kColorChannels *
373 settings.area().width())) {
374 FAIL() << "The dimensions of the image are too large."
375 << "Decrease the DPI or the dimensions of the image.";
378 std::vector<uint8_t> page_bitmap_data(
379 kColorChannels * settings.area().size().GetArea());
381 ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_pdf::RenderPDFPageToBitmap(
383 pdf_data.size(),
386 settings.area().size().width(),
387 settings.area().size().height(),
388 settings.dpi(),
389 true));
390 FillPng(&page_bitmap_data,
391 width_in_pixels,
392 max_width_in_pixels,
393 settings.area().size().height());
394 bitmap_data.insert(bitmap_data.end(),
395 page_bitmap_data.begin(),
396 page_bitmap_data.end());
399 CreatePng(bitmap_data, max_width_in_pixels, total_height_in_pixels);
402 // Fills out a bitmap with whitespace so that the image will correctly fit
403 // within a PNG that is wider than the bitmap itself.
404 void FillPng(std::vector<uint8_t>* bitmap,
405 int current_width,
406 int desired_width,
407 int height) {
408 ASSERT_TRUE(bitmap);
409 ASSERT_GT(height, 0);
410 ASSERT_LE(current_width, desired_width);
412 if (current_width == desired_width)
413 return;
415 int current_width_in_bytes = current_width * kColorChannels;
416 int desired_width_in_bytes = desired_width * kColorChannels;
418 // The color format is BGRA, so to set the color to white, every pixel is
419 // set to 0xFFFFFFFF.
420 const uint8_t kColorByte = 255;
421 std::vector<uint8_t> filled_bitmap(
422 desired_width * kColorChannels * height, kColorByte);
423 std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator filled_bitmap_it = filled_bitmap.begin();
424 std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator bitmap_it = bitmap->begin();
426 for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
427 std::copy(
428 bitmap_it, bitmap_it + current_width_in_bytes, filled_bitmap_it);
429 std::advance(bitmap_it, current_width_in_bytes);
430 std::advance(filled_bitmap_it, desired_width_in_bytes);
433 bitmap->assign(filled_bitmap.begin(), filled_bitmap.end());
436 // Sends the PNG image to the layout test framework for comparison.
437 void SendPng() {
438 // Send image header and |hash_| to the layout test framework.
439 std::cout << "Content-Type: image/png\n";
440 std::cout << "ActualHash: " << base::MD5DigestToBase16(hash_) << "\n";
441 std::cout << "Content-Length: " << png_output_.size() << "\n";
443 std::copy(png_output_.begin(),
444 png_output_.end(),
445 std::ostream_iterator<unsigned char>(std::cout, ""));
447 std::cout << "#EOF\n";
448 std::cout.flush();
449 std::cerr << "#EOF\n";
450 std::cerr.flush();
453 // Duplicates the tab that was created when the browser opened. This is done
454 // so that the observer can listen to the duplicated tab as soon as possible
455 // and start listening for messages related to print preview.
456 void DuplicateTab() {
457 WebContents* tab =
458 browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents();
459 ASSERT_TRUE(tab);
461 print_preview_observer_.reset(
462 new PrintPreviewObserver(browser(), tab, pdf_file_save_path_));
463 chrome::DuplicateTab(browser());
465 WebContents* initiator =
466 browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents();
467 ASSERT_TRUE(initiator);
468 ASSERT_NE(tab, initiator);
471 // Resets the test so that another web page can be printed. It also deletes
472 // the duplicated tab as it isn't needed anymore.
473 void Reset() {
474 png_output_.clear();
475 ASSERT_EQ(2, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count());
476 chrome::CloseTab(browser());
477 ASSERT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_strip_model()->count());
480 // Creates a temporary directory to store a text file that will be used for
481 // stdin to accept input from the layout test framework. A path for the PDF
482 // file is also created. The directory and files within it are automatically
483 // cleaned up once the test ends.
484 void SetupStdinAndSavePath() {
485 // Sets the filemode to binary because it will force |std::cout| to send LF
486 // rather than CRLF. Sending CRLF will cause an error message for the
487 // layout tests.
488 #if defined(OS_WIN)
489 _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
490 _setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_BINARY);
491 #endif
492 // Sends a message to the layout test framework indicating indicating
493 // that the browser test has completed setting itself up. The layout
494 // test will then expect the file path for stdin.
495 base::FilePath stdin_path;
496 std::cout << "#READY\n";
497 std::cout.flush();
499 ASSERT_TRUE(tmp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
500 ASSERT_TRUE(base::CreateTemporaryFileInDir(tmp_dir_.path(), &stdin_path));
502 // Redirects |std::cin| to the file |stdin_path|. |in| is not freed because
503 // if it goes out of scope, |std::cin.rdbuf| will be freed, causing an
504 // error.
505 std::ifstream* in = new std::ifstream(stdin_path.value().c_str());
506 ASSERT_TRUE(in->is_open());
507 std::cin.rdbuf(in->rdbuf());
509 pdf_file_save_path_ =
510 tmp_dir_.path().Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("dummy.pdf"));
512 // Send the file path to the layout test framework so that it can
513 // communicate with this browser test.
514 std::cout << "StdinPath: " << stdin_path.value() << "\n";
515 std::cout << "#EOF\n";
516 std::cout.flush();
519 private:
520 // Generates a png from bitmap data and stores it in |png_output_|.
521 void CreatePng(const std::vector<uint8_t>& bitmap_data,
522 int width,
523 int height) {
524 base::MD5Sum(static_cast<const void*>(,
525 bitmap_data.size(),
526 &hash_);
527 gfx::Rect png_rect(width, height);
529 // tEXtchecksum looks funny, but that's what the layout test framework
530 // expects.
531 std::string comment_title("tEXtchecksum\x00");
532 gfx::PNGCodec::Comment hash_comment(comment_title,
533 base::MD5DigestToBase16(hash_));
534 std::vector<gfx::PNGCodec::Comment> comments;
535 comments.push_back(hash_comment);
536 ASSERT_TRUE(gfx::PNGCodec::Encode(,
537 gfx::PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA,
538 png_rect.size(),
539 png_rect.size().width() * kColorChannels,
540 false,
542 &png_output_));
545 scoped_ptr<PrintPreviewObserver> print_preview_observer_;
546 base::FilePath pdf_file_save_path_;
548 // Vector for storing the PNG to be sent to the layout test framework.
549 // TODO(ivandavid): Eventually change this to uint32_t and make everything
550 // work with that. It might be a bit tricky to fix everything to work with
551 // uint32_t, but not too tricky.
552 std::vector<unsigned char> png_output_;
554 // Image hash of the bitmap that is turned into a PNG. The hash is put into
555 // the PNG as a comment, as it is needed by the layout test framework.
556 base::MD5Digest hash_;
558 // Temporary directory for storing the pdf and the file for stdin. It is
559 // deleted by the layout tests.
560 // TODO(ivandavid): Keep it as a ScopedTempDir and change the layout test
561 // framework so that it tells the browser test how many test files there are.
562 base::ScopedTempDir tmp_dir_;
564 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PrintPreviewPdfGeneratedBrowserTest);
567 // This test acts as a driver for the layout test framework.
568 IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PrintPreviewPdfGeneratedBrowserTest,
569 MANUAL_LayoutTestDriver) {
570 // What this code is supposed to do:
571 // - Setup communication with the layout test framework
572 // - Print webpage to a pdf
573 // - Convert pdf to a png
574 // - Send png to layout test framework, where it doesn an image diff
575 // on the image sent by this test and a reference image.
577 // Throughout this code, there will be |std::cout| statements. The layout test
578 // framework uses stdout to get data from the browser test and uses stdin
579 // to send data to the browser test. Writing "EOF\n" to |std::cout| indicates
580 // that whatever block of data that the test was expecting has been completely
581 // sent. Sometimes EOF is printed to stderr because the test will expect it
582 // from stderr in addition to stdout for certain blocks of data.=
583 SetupStdinAndSavePath();
585 while (true) {
586 std::string input;
587 while (input.empty()) {
588 std::getline(std::cin, input);
589 if (std::cin.eof())
590 std::cin.clear();
593 // If the layout test framework sends "QUIT" to this test, that means there
594 // are no more tests for this instance to run and it should quit.
595 if (input == "QUIT")
596 break;
598 base::FilePath::StringType file_extension = FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".pdf");
599 base::FilePath::StringType cmd;
600 #if defined(OS_POSIX)
601 cmd = input;
602 #elif defined(OS_WIN)
603 cmd = base::UTF8ToWide(input);
604 #endif
606 DuplicateTab();
607 PrintPreviewSettings settings(
608 true,
610 false,
611 false,
613 cmd.find(file_extension) != base::FilePath::StringType::npos);
615 // Splits the command sent by the layout test framework. The first command
616 // is always the file path to use for the test. The rest isn't relevant,
617 // so it can be ignored. The separator for the commands is an apostrophe.
618 std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType> cmd_arguments;
619 base::SplitString(cmd, '\'', &cmd_arguments);
621 ASSERT_GE(cmd_arguments.size(), 1U);
622 base::FilePath::StringType test_name(cmd_arguments[0]);
623 NavigateAndPrint(test_name, settings);
624 PdfToPng();
626 // Message to the layout test framework indicating that it should start
627 // waiting for the image data, as there is no more text data to be read.
628 // There actually isn't any text data at all, however because the layout
629 // test framework requires it, a message has to be sent to stop it from
630 // waiting for this message and start waiting for the image data.
631 std::cout << "#EOF\n";
632 std::cout.flush();
634 SendPng();
635 Reset();
639 } // namespace printing