MacViews: Get c/b/ui/views/tabs to build on Mac
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / components-chromium / core-layout / core-layout.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
4 The complete set of authors may be found at
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
8 -->
10 <!--
11 The `core-layout` element is a helper for using
12 [CSS3 Flexible Boxes](
13 A `core-layout` element enables a set of css selectors for easy flexbox styling.
15 Example:
17 <core-layout>
18 <div>Left</div>
19 <div core-flex>Main</div>
20 <div>Right</div>
21 </core-layout>
23 Renders something like this:
25 ---------------------------------
26 |-------------------------------|
27 ||Left| Main |Right||
28 |-------------------------------|
29 ---------------------------------
31 __Note__: the `core-layout` element applies layout to itself if it has children or to
32 its parent element, if it does not. This feature allows you to apply layout to an
33 arbitrary parent.
35 Elements can layout horizontally, such that their items stack
36 left to right or vertically, such that their items stack top to bottom. The
37 default is horizontal. Set `vertical` to true to layout the elements vertically.
39 To make a particular child _flexible_, use the `core-flex` attribute.
40 You can control flexibility from 1 to 3 by giving the attribute a
41 corresponding value. For other values, apply the css manually.
43 It's common in flexbox parlance to hear the terms _main axis_ and _cross axis_.
44 For a horizontal layout the main axis is horizontal and the cross axis is vertical.
45 These are exchanged for a vertical layout.
47 To effect alignment in the main axis, use the `justify` attribute. The
48 supported values are `start`, `center`, `end`, and `between`.
50 To effect alignment in the cross axis, use the `align` attribute. The
51 supported values are `start`, `center`, and `end`.
53 Note, it's also possible to include the `core-layout.css` stylesheet separate
54 from the `core-layout` element. Including the element automatically includes
55 the stylesheet. To use the stylesheet independent of the element, css classes
56 should be used of the following form: `core-h`, `core-v`, `core-flex`,
57 `core-justify-start`, and `core-align-start`.
59 The `core-layout` and css file also provide a few commonly needed layout
60 behaviors. Apply the `core-fit` class to fit an element to its container. To
61 ensure a container will contain an element inside it with the `core-fit` class
62 give it the `core-relative` class.
64 More examples:
66 <core-layout vertical>
68 <div>Header</div>
69 <div core-flex>Body</div>
70 <div>Footer</div>
72 </core-layout>
74 ----------
75 ||------||
76 ||Header||
77 ||------||
78 ||Body ||
79 || ||
80 || ||
81 || ||
82 || ||
83 || ||
84 || ||
85 ||------||
86 ||Footer||
87 ||------||
88 ----------
90 Justify:
92 <core-layout justify="end">
93 <div core-flex>Left</div>
94 <div>Main</div>
95 <div>Right</div>
96 </core-layout>
98 ---------------------------------
99 |-------------------------------|
100 || Left|Main|Right||
101 |-------------------------------|
102 ---------------------------------
104 Align:
106 <core-layout align="center">
107 <div>Left</div>
108 <div core-flex>Main</div>
109 <div>Right</div>
110 </core-layout>
112 ---------------------------------
113 |-------------------------------|
114 || | | ||
115 ||Left| Main |Right||
116 || | | ||
117 |-------------------------------|
118 ---------------------------------
121 To layout contents of a parent element, place a `core-layout` inside of it:
123 <some-element>
124 <core-layout></core-layout>
125 <div>Left</div>
126 <div core-flex>Main</div>
127 <div>Right</div>
128 </some-element>
130 ---------------------------------
131 |-------------------------------|
132 ||Left| Main |Right||
133 |-------------------------------|
134 ---------------------------------
136 You may also use the `core-layout` stylesheet directly:
138 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../core-layout/core-layout.css">
139 <div class="core-h core-justify-end">
140 <div core-flex>Left</div>
141 <div>Main</div>
142 <div>Right</div>
143 </div>
145 ---------------------------------
146 |-------------------------------|
147 || Left|Main|Right||
148 |-------------------------------|
149 ---------------------------------
151 @group Polymer Core Elements
152 @element core-layout
155 <link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
157 <polymer-element name="core-layout" attributes="vertical justify align isContainer reverse" assetpath="">
159 <template>
161 <link no-shim="" rel="stylesheet" href="core-layout.css">
162 <link no-shim="" rel="stylesheet" href="core-layout-host.css">
164 </template>
168 </polymer-element>
169 <script src="core-layout-extracted.js"></script>