MacViews: Get c/b/ui/views/tabs to build on Mac
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / components-chromium / paper-input / paper-input.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
4 The complete set of authors may be found at
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
8 -->
10 <!--
11 `paper-input` is a single- or multi-line text field where user can enter input.
12 It can optionally have a label.
14 Example:
16 <paper-input label="Your Name"></paper-input>
17 <paper-input multiline label="Enter multiple lines here"></paper-input>
19 Theming
20 --------
22 Set `CoreStyle.g.paperInput.focusedColor` and `CoreStyle.g.paperInput.invalidColor` to theme
23 the focused and invalid states.
25 @group Paper Elements
26 @element paper-input
27 @extends core-input
28 @homepage
29 -->
30 <link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
31 <link href="../core-input/core-input.html" rel="import">
32 <link href="../core-style/core-style.html" rel="import">
34 <core-style id="paper-input">
36 #label.focused,
37 #floatedLabel.focused {
38 color: {{g.paperInput.focusedColor}};
41 #underlineHighlight.focused,
42 #caretInner {
43 background-color: {{g.paperInput.focusedColor}};
46 #error,
47 :host(.invalid) #label.focused,
48 :host(.invalid) #floatedLabel.focused {
49 color: {{g.paperInput.invalidColor}};
51 :host(.invalid) #underlineHighlight.focused,
52 :host(.invalid) #caretInner {
53 background-color: {{g.paperInput.invalidColor}};
56 </core-style>
58 <polymer-element name="paper-input" extends="core-input" attributes="label floatingLabel maxRows error" on-down="{{downAction}}" on-up="{{upAction}}" assetpath="">
60 <template>
62 <link href="paper-input.css" rel="stylesheet">
64 <core-style ref="paper-input"></core-style>
66 <div id="floatedLabel" class="hidden" hidden?="{{!floatingLabel}}"><span id="floatedLabelSpan">{{label}}</span></div>
68 <div id="container" on-transitionend="{{transitionEndAction}}" on-webkittransitionend="{{transitionEndAction}}">
70 <div id="label"><span id="labelSpan">{{label}}</span></div>
72 <div id="inputContainer">
74 <div id="inputClone">
75 <span id="inputCloneSpan" aria-hidden="true">&#xA0;</span>
76 </div>
78 <template if="{{multiline}}">
79 <div id="minInputHeight"></div>
80 <div id="maxInputHeight"></div>
81 </template>
83 <shadow></shadow>
85 </div>
87 <div id="underlineContainer">
88 <div id="underline"></div>
89 <div id="underlineHighlight" class="focusedColor"></div>
90 </div>
92 <div id="caret">
93 <div id="caretInner" class="focusedColor"></div>
94 </div>
96 </div>
98 <div id="errorContainer">
99 <div id="error" role="alert" aria-hidden="{{!invalid}}">{{error || validationMessage}}</div>
100 <div id="errorIcon"></div>
101 </div>
103 </template>
107 </polymer-element>
108 <script src="paper-input-extracted.js"></script>