2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
4 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
8 --><html><head><link rel=
"import" href=
9 <link rel=
"import" href=
10 <link rel=
"import" href=
11 <link rel=
"import" href=
12 <link rel=
"import" href=
15 The `core-overlay` element displays overlayed on top of other content. It starts
16 out hidden and is displayed by setting its `opened` property to true.
17 A `core-overlay's` opened state can be toggled by calling the `toggle`
20 The `core-overlay` will, by default, show/hide itself when it's opened. The
21 `target` property may be set to another element to cause that element to
22 be shown when the overlay is opened.
24 It's common to want a `core-overlay` to animate to its opened
25 position. The `core-overlay` element uses a `core-transition` to handle
26 animation. The default transition is `core-transition-fade` which
27 causes the overlay to fade in when displayed. See
28 <a href="../core-transition/">`core-transition`</a> for more
29 information about customizing a `core-overlay's` opening animation. The
30 `backdrop` property can be set to true to show a backdrop behind the overlay
31 that will darken the rest of the window.
33 An element that should close the `core-overlay` will automatically
34 do so if it's given the `core-overlay-toggle` attribute. This attribute
35 can be customized with the `closeAttribute` property. You can also use
36 `closeSelector` if more general matching is needed.
38 By default `core-overlay` will close whenever the user taps outside it or
39 presses the escape key. This behavior can be turned off via the
40 `autoCloseDisabled` property.
44 <input placeholder="say something..." autofocus>
45 <div>I agree with this wholeheartedly.</div>
46 <button core-overlay-toggle>OK</button>
49 `core-overlay` will automatically size and position itself according to the
50 following rules. The overlay's size is constrained such that it does not
51 overflow the screen. This is done by setting maxHeight/maxWidth on the
52 `sizingTarget`. If the `sizingTarget` already has a setting for one of these
53 properties, it will not be overridden. The overlay should
54 be positioned via css or imperatively using the `core-overlay-position` event.
55 If the overlay is not positioned vertically via setting `top` or `bottom`, it
56 will be centered vertically. The same is true horizontally via a setting to
57 `left` or `right`. In addition, css `margin` can be used to provide some space
58 around the overlay. This can be used to ensure
59 that, for example, a drop shadow is always visible around the overlay.
66 Fired when the `core-overlay`'s `opened` property changes.
68 @event core-overlay-open
69 @param {Object} detail
70 @param {Object} detail.opened the opened state
73 Fired when the `core-overlay` has completely opened.
75 @event core-overlay-open-completed
78 Fired when the `core-overlay` has completely closed.
80 @event core-overlay-close-completed
83 Fired when the `core-overlay` needs to position itself. Optionally, implement
84 in order to position an overlay via code. If the overlay was not otherwise
85 positioned, it's important to indicate how the overlay has been positioned by
86 setting the `dimensions.position` object. For example, if the overlay has been
87 positioned via setting `right` and `top`, set dimensions.position to an
88 object like this: `{v: 'top', h: 'right'}`.
90 @event core-overlay-position
91 @param {Object} detail
92 @param {Object} detail.target the overlay target
93 @param {Object} detail.sizingTarget the overlay sizing target
94 @param {Object} detail.opened the opened state
97 .core-overlay-backdrop {
103 background-color: black;
105 transition: opacity
108 .core-overlay-backdrop.core-opened {
113 </head><body><polymer-element name=
"core-overlay" assetpath=
116 <script src=