Update broken references to image assets
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / chromeos / app_mode / kiosk_app_manager.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
12 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
13 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
15 #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
16 #include "base/observer_list.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/app_mode/kiosk_app_data_delegate.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/external_cache.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/enterprise_install_attributes.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/cros_settings.h"
21 #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
23 class PrefRegistrySimple;
24 class Profile;
26 namespace base {
27 class RefCountedString;
30 namespace extensions {
31 class Extension;
32 class ExternalLoader;
35 namespace chromeos {
37 class KioskAppData;
38 class KioskAppExternalLoader;
39 class KioskAppManagerObserver;
40 class KioskExternalUpdater;
41 class OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS;
43 // KioskAppManager manages cached app data.
44 class KioskAppManager : public KioskAppDataDelegate,
45 public ExternalCache::Delegate {
46 public:
47 enum ConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatus {
48 // Consumer kiosk mode auto-launch feature can be enabled on this machine.
50 // Consumer kiosk auto-launch feature is enabled on this machine.
52 // Consumer kiosk mode auto-launch feature is disabled and cannot any longer
53 // be enabled on this machine.
57 typedef base::Callback<void(bool success)> EnableKioskAutoLaunchCallback;
58 typedef base::Callback<void(ConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatus status)>
59 GetConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatusCallback;
61 // Struct to hold app info returned from GetApps() call.
62 struct App {
63 App(const KioskAppData& data,
64 bool is_extension_pending,
65 bool was_auto_launched_with_zero_delay);
66 App();
67 ~App();
69 std::string app_id;
70 std::string user_id;
71 std::string name;
72 gfx::ImageSkia icon;
73 bool is_loading;
74 bool was_auto_launched_with_zero_delay;
76 typedef std::vector<App> Apps;
78 // Name of a dictionary that holds kiosk app info in Local State.
79 // Sample layout:
80 // "kiosk": {
81 // "auto_login_enabled": true //
82 // }
83 static const char kKioskDictionaryName[];
84 static const char kKeyApps[];
85 static const char kKeyAutoLoginState[];
87 // Sub directory under DIR_USER_DATA to store cached icon files.
88 static const char kIconCacheDir[];
90 // Sub directory under DIR_USER_DATA to store cached crx files.
91 static const char kCrxCacheDir[];
93 // Sub directory under DIR_USER_DATA to store unpacked crx file for validating
94 // its signature.
95 static const char kCrxUnpackDir[];
97 // Gets the KioskAppManager instance, which is lazily created on first call..
98 static KioskAppManager* Get();
100 // Prepares for shutdown and calls CleanUp() if needed.
101 static void Shutdown();
103 // Registers kiosk app entries in local state.
104 static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
106 // Removes cryptohomes which could not be removed during the previous session.
107 static void RemoveObsoleteCryptohomes();
109 // Initiates reading of consumer kiosk mode auto-launch status.
110 void GetConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatus(
111 const GetConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatusCallback& callback);
113 // Enables consumer kiosk mode app auto-launch feature. Upon completion,
114 // |callback| will be invoked with outcome of this operation.
115 void EnableConsumerKioskAutoLaunch(
116 const EnableKioskAutoLaunchCallback& callback);
118 // Returns true if this device is consumer kiosk auto launch enabled.
119 bool IsConsumerKioskDeviceWithAutoLaunch();
121 // Returns auto launcher app id or an empty string if there is none.
122 std::string GetAutoLaunchApp() const;
124 // Sets |app_id| as the app to auto launch at start up.
125 void SetAutoLaunchApp(const std::string& app_id,
126 OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS* service);
128 // Returns true if there is a pending auto-launch request.
129 bool IsAutoLaunchRequested() const;
131 // Returns true if owner/policy enabled auto launch.
132 bool IsAutoLaunchEnabled() const;
134 // Enable auto launch setter.
135 void SetEnableAutoLaunch(bool value);
137 // Adds/removes a kiosk app by id. When removed, all locally cached data
138 // will be removed as well.
139 void AddApp(const std::string& app_id, OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS* service);
140 void RemoveApp(const std::string& app_id,
141 OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS* service);
143 // Gets info of all apps that have no meta data load error.
144 void GetApps(Apps* apps) const;
146 // Gets app data for the given app id. Returns true if |app_id| is known and
147 // |app| is populated. Otherwise, return false.
148 bool GetApp(const std::string& app_id, App* app) const;
150 // Gets whether the bailout shortcut is disabled.
151 bool GetDisableBailoutShortcut() const;
153 // Clears locally cached app data.
154 void ClearAppData(const std::string& app_id);
156 // Updates app data from the |app| in |profile|. |app| is provided to cover
157 // the case of app update case where |app| is the new version and is not
158 // finished installing (e.g. because old version is still running). Otherwise,
159 // |app| could be NULL and the current installed app in |profile| will be
160 // used.
161 void UpdateAppDataFromProfile(const std::string& app_id,
162 Profile* profile,
163 const extensions::Extension* app);
165 void RetryFailedAppDataFetch();
167 // Returns true if the app is found in cache.
168 bool HasCachedCrx(const std::string& app_id) const;
170 // Gets the path and version of the cached crx with |app_id|.
171 // Returns true if the app is found in cache.
172 bool GetCachedCrx(const std::string& app_id,
173 base::FilePath* file_path,
174 std::string* version) const;
176 void AddObserver(KioskAppManagerObserver* observer);
177 void RemoveObserver(KioskAppManagerObserver* observer);
179 // Creates extensions::ExternalLoader for installing kiosk apps during their
180 // first time launch.
181 extensions::ExternalLoader* CreateExternalLoader();
183 // Installs kiosk app with |id| from cache.
184 void InstallFromCache(const std::string& id);
186 void UpdateExternalCache();
188 // Monitors kiosk external update from usb stick.
189 void MonitorKioskExternalUpdate();
191 // Invoked when kiosk app cache has been updated.
192 void OnKioskAppCacheUpdated(const std::string& app_id);
194 // Invoked when kiosk app updating from usb stick has been completed.
195 // |success| indicates if all the updates are completed successfully.
196 void OnKioskAppExternalUpdateComplete(bool success);
198 // Installs the validated external extension into cache.
199 void PutValidatedExternalExtension(
200 const std::string& app_id,
201 const base::FilePath& crx_path,
202 const std::string& version,
203 const ExternalCache::PutExternalExtensionCallback& callback);
205 bool external_loader_created() const { return external_loader_created_; }
207 // Notifies the KioskAppManager that a given app was auto-launched
208 // automatically with no delay on startup. Certain privacy-sensitive
209 // kiosk-mode behavior (such as network reporting) is only enabled for
210 // kiosk apps that are immediately auto-launched on startup.
211 void SetAppWasAutoLaunchedWithZeroDelay(const std::string& app_id);
213 private:
214 friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<KioskAppManager>;
215 friend struct base::DefaultDeleter<KioskAppManager>;
216 friend class KioskAppManagerTest;
217 friend class KioskTest;
218 friend class KioskUpdateTest;
220 enum AutoLoginState {
227 KioskAppManager();
228 ~KioskAppManager() override;
230 // Stop all data loading and remove its dependency on CrosSettings.
231 void CleanUp();
233 // Gets KioskAppData for the given app id.
234 const KioskAppData* GetAppData(const std::string& app_id) const;
235 KioskAppData* GetAppDataMutable(const std::string& app_id);
237 // Updates app data |apps_| based on CrosSettings.
238 void UpdateAppData();
240 // KioskAppDataDelegate overrides:
241 void GetKioskAppIconCacheDir(base::FilePath* cache_dir) override;
242 void OnKioskAppDataChanged(const std::string& app_id) override;
243 void OnKioskAppDataLoadFailure(const std::string& app_id) override;
245 // ExternalCache::Delegate:
246 void OnExtensionListsUpdated(const base::DictionaryValue* prefs) override;
247 void OnExtensionLoadedInCache(const std::string& id) override;
248 void OnExtensionDownloadFailed(
249 const std::string& id,
250 extensions::ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::Error error) override;
252 // Callback for EnterpriseInstallAttributes::LockDevice() during
253 // EnableConsumerModeKiosk() call.
254 void OnLockDevice(
255 const EnableKioskAutoLaunchCallback& callback,
256 policy::EnterpriseInstallAttributes::LockResult result);
258 // Callback for EnterpriseInstallAttributes::ReadImmutableAttributes() during
259 // GetConsumerKioskModeStatus() call.
260 void OnReadImmutableAttributes(
261 const GetConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatusCallback& callback);
263 // Callback for reading handling checks of the owner public.
264 void OnOwnerFileChecked(
265 const GetConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatusCallback& callback,
266 bool* owner_present);
268 // Reads/writes auto login state from/to local state.
269 AutoLoginState GetAutoLoginState() const;
270 void SetAutoLoginState(AutoLoginState state);
272 void GetCrxCacheDir(base::FilePath* cache_dir);
273 void GetCrxUnpackDir(base::FilePath* unpack_dir);
275 // True if machine ownership is already established.
276 bool ownership_established_;
277 ScopedVector<KioskAppData> apps_;
278 std::string auto_launch_app_id_;
279 std::string currently_auto_launched_with_zero_delay_app_;
280 base::ObserverList<KioskAppManagerObserver, true> observers_;
282 scoped_ptr<CrosSettings::ObserverSubscription>
283 local_accounts_subscription_;
284 scoped_ptr<CrosSettings::ObserverSubscription>
285 local_account_auto_login_id_subscription_;
287 scoped_ptr<ExternalCache> external_cache_;
289 scoped_ptr<KioskExternalUpdater> usb_stick_updater_;
291 // The extension external loader for installing kiosk app.
292 bool external_loader_created_;
293 base::WeakPtr<KioskAppExternalLoader> external_loader_;
298 } // namespace chromeos