Update broken references to image assets
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / tools / perf / measurements / task_execution_time.py
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 from telemetry.page import page_test
6 from telemetry.timeline.model import TimelineModel
7 from telemetry.timeline import tracing_category_filter
8 from telemetry.timeline import tracing_options
9 from telemetry.util import statistics
10 from telemetry.value import scalar
13 class TaskExecutionTime(page_test.PageTest):
15 IDLE_SECTION_TRIGGER = 'SingleThreadIdleTaskRunner::RunTask'
21 _BROWSER_THREADS = ['Chrome_ChildIOThread',
22 'Chrome_IOThread']
23 _RENDERER_THREADS = ['Chrome_ChildIOThread',
24 'Chrome_IOThread',
25 'CrRendererMain']
26 _CATEGORIES = ['benchmark',
27 'blink',
28 'blink.console',
29 'blink_gc',
30 'cc',
31 'gpu',
32 'ipc',
33 'renderer.scheduler',
34 'toplevel',
35 'v8',
36 'webkit.console']
38 def __init__(self):
39 super(TaskExecutionTime, self).__init__()
40 self._renderer_process = None
41 self._browser_process = None
42 self._results = None
44 def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
45 category_filter = tracing_category_filter.TracingCategoryFilter()
47 for category in self._CATEGORIES:
48 category_filter.AddIncludedCategory(category)
50 options = tracing_options.TracingOptions()
51 options.enable_chrome_trace = True
53 tab.browser.platform.tracing_controller.Start(
54 options, category_filter, self._TIME_OUT_IN_SECONDS)
56 def ValidateAndMeasurePage(self, page, tab, results):
57 trace_data = tab.browser.platform.tracing_controller.Stop()
58 timeline_model = TimelineModel(trace_data)
60 self._renderer_process = timeline_model.GetRendererProcessFromTabId(tab.id)
61 self._browser_process = timeline_model.browser_process
62 self._AddResults(results)
64 def _AddResults(self, results):
65 self._results = results
67 for thread in self._BROWSER_THREADS:
68 self._AddTasksFromThreadToResults(self._browser_process, thread)
70 for thread in self._RENDERER_THREADS:
71 self._AddTasksFromThreadToResults(self._renderer_process, thread)
73 def _AddTasksFromThreadToResults(self, process, thread_name):
74 if process is None:
75 return
77 sections = TaskExecutionTime._GetSectionsForThread(process, thread_name)
79 self._ReportSectionPercentages(sections.values(),
80 '%s:%s' % (process.name, thread_name))
82 # Create list with top |_NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_TO_DISPLAY| for each section.
83 for section in sections.itervalues():
84 if section.name == TaskExecutionTime.IDLE_SECTION:
85 # Skip sections we don't report.
86 continue
87 self._AddSlowestTasksToResults(section.tasks.values())
89 def _AddSlowestTasksToResults(self, tasks):
90 sorted_tasks = sorted(
91 tasks,
92 key=lambda slice: slice.median_self_duration,
93 reverse=True)
95 for task in sorted_tasks[:self.GetExpectedResultCount()]:
96 self._results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
97 self._results.current_page,
98 task.name,
99 'ms',
100 task.median_self_duration,
101 description='Slowest tasks'))
103 def _ReportSectionPercentages(self, section_values, metric_prefix):
104 all_sectionstotal_duration = sum(
105 section.total_duration for section in section_values)
107 if not all_sectionstotal_duration:
108 # Nothing was recorded, so early out.
109 return
111 for section in section_values:
112 section_name = section.name or TaskExecutionTime.NORMAL_SECTION
113 section_percentage_of_total = (
114 (section.total_duration * 100.0) / all_sectionstotal_duration)
115 self._results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
116 self._results.current_page,
117 '%s:Section_%s' % (metric_prefix, section_name),
118 '%',
119 section_percentage_of_total,
120 description='Idle task percentage'))
122 @staticmethod
123 def _GetSectionsForThread(process, target_thread):
124 sections = {}
126 for thread in process.threads.itervalues():
127 if thread.name != target_thread:
128 continue
129 for task_slice in thread.IterAllSlices():
130 _ProcessTasksForThread(
131 sections,
132 '%s:%s' % (process.name, thread.name),
133 task_slice)
135 return sections
137 @staticmethod
138 def GetExpectedResultCount():
139 return TaskExecutionTime._NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_TO_DISPLAY
142 def _ProcessTasksForThread(
143 sections,
144 thread_name,
145 task_slice,
146 section_name=None):
147 if task_slice.self_thread_time is None:
148 # Early out if this slice is a TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT, as it has no duration.
149 return
151 # Note: By setting a different section below we split off this task into
152 # a different sorting bucket. Too add extra granularity (e.g. tasks executed
153 # during page loading) add logic to set a different section name here. The
154 # section name is set before the slice's data is recorded so the triggering
155 # event will be included in its own section (i.e. the idle trigger will be
156 # recorded as an idle event).
158 if task_slice.name == TaskExecutionTime.IDLE_SECTION_TRIGGER:
159 section_name = TaskExecutionTime.IDLE_SECTION
161 # Add the thread name and section (e.g. 'Idle') to the test name
162 # so it is human-readable.
163 reported_name = thread_name + ':'
164 if section_name:
165 reported_name += section_name + ':'
167 if 'src_func' in task_slice.args:
168 # Data contains the name of the timed function, use it as the name.
169 reported_name += task_slice.args['src_func']
170 elif 'line' in task_slice.args:
171 # Data contains IPC class and line numbers, use these as the name.
172 reported_name += 'IPC_Class_' + str(task_slice.args['class'])
173 reported_name += ':Line_' + str(task_slice.args['line'])
174 else:
175 # Fallback to use the name of the task slice.
176 reported_name += task_slice.name.lower()
178 # Replace any '.'s with '_'s as V8 uses them and it confuses the dashboard.
179 reported_name = reported_name.replace('.', '_')
181 # If this task is in a new section create a section object and add it to the
182 # section dictionary.
183 if section_name not in sections:
184 sections[section_name] = Section(section_name)
186 sections[section_name].AddTask(reported_name, task_slice.self_thread_time)
188 # Process sub slices recursively, passing the current section down.
189 for sub_slice in task_slice.sub_slices:
190 _ProcessTasksForThread(
191 sections,
192 thread_name,
193 sub_slice,
194 section_name)
197 class NameAndDurations(object):
199 def __init__(self, name, self_duration):
200 self.name = name
201 self.self_durations = [self_duration]
203 def Update(self, self_duration):
204 self.self_durations.append(self_duration)
206 @property
207 def median_self_duration(self):
208 return statistics.Median(self.self_durations)
211 class Section(object):
213 def __init__(self, name):
214 # A section holds a dictionary, keyed on task name, of all the tasks that
215 # exist within it and the total duration of those tasks.
216 self.name = name
217 self.tasks = {}
218 self.total_duration = 0
220 def AddTask(self, name, duration):
221 if name in self.tasks:
222 # section_tasks already contains an entry for this (e.g. from an earlier
223 # slice), add the new duration so we can calculate a median value later.
224 self.tasks[name].Update(duration)
225 else:
226 # This is a new task so create a new entry for it.
227 self.tasks[name] = NameAndDurations(name, duration)
228 # Accumulate total duration for all tasks in this section.
229 self.total_duration += duration