Atomic: Notify Watcher to observe device fd
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ui / compositor / layer.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
12 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
15 #include "cc/animation/animation_events.h"
16 #include "cc/animation/layer_animation_event_observer.h"
17 #include "cc/base/region.h"
18 #include "cc/base/scoped_ptr_vector.h"
19 #include "cc/layers/content_layer_client.h"
20 #include "cc/layers/layer_client.h"
21 #include "cc/layers/surface_layer.h"
22 #include "cc/layers/texture_layer_client.h"
23 #include "cc/resources/texture_mailbox.h"
24 #include "cc/surfaces/surface_id.h"
25 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
26 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
27 #include "ui/compositor/compositor.h"
28 #include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_delegate.h"
29 #include "ui/compositor/layer_delegate.h"
30 #include "ui/compositor/layer_type.h"
31 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
32 #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
33 #include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
35 class SkCanvas;
37 namespace cc {
38 class ContentLayer;
39 class CopyOutputRequest;
40 class DelegatedFrameProvider;
41 class DelegatedRendererLayer;
42 class Layer;
43 class NinePatchLayer;
44 class ResourceUpdateQueue;
45 class SolidColorLayer;
46 class SurfaceLayer;
47 class TextureLayer;
48 struct ReturnedResource;
49 typedef std::vector<ReturnedResource> ReturnedResourceArray;
52 namespace ui {
54 class Compositor;
55 class LayerAnimator;
56 class LayerOwner;
58 // Layer manages a texture, transform and a set of child Layers. Any View that
59 // has enabled layers ends up creating a Layer to manage the texture.
60 // A Layer can also be created without a texture, in which case it renders
61 // nothing and is simply used as a node in a hierarchy of layers.
62 // Coordinate system used in layers is DIP (Density Independent Pixel)
63 // coordinates unless explicitly mentioned as pixel coordinates.
65 // NOTE: Unlike Views, each Layer does *not* own its child Layers. If you
66 // delete a Layer and it has children, the parent of each child Layer is set to
67 // NULL, but the children are not deleted.
69 : public LayerAnimationDelegate,
70 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public cc::ContentLayerClient),
71 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public cc::TextureLayerClient),
72 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public cc::LayerClient),
73 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public cc::LayerAnimationEventObserver) {
74 public:
75 Layer();
76 explicit Layer(LayerType type);
77 ~Layer() override;
79 static const cc::LayerSettings& UILayerSettings();
80 static void InitializeUILayerSettings();
82 // Retrieves the Layer's compositor. The Layer will walk up its parent chain
83 // to locate it. Returns NULL if the Layer is not attached to a compositor.
84 Compositor* GetCompositor() {
85 return const_cast<Compositor*>(
86 const_cast<const Layer*>(this)->GetCompositor());
88 const Compositor* GetCompositor() const;
90 // Called by the compositor when the Layer is set as its root Layer. This can
91 // only ever be called on the root layer.
92 void SetCompositor(Compositor* compositor,
93 scoped_refptr<cc::Layer> root_layer);
94 void ResetCompositor();
96 LayerDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
97 void set_delegate(LayerDelegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }
99 LayerOwner* owner() { return owner_; }
101 // Adds a new Layer to this Layer.
102 void Add(Layer* child);
104 // Removes a Layer from this Layer.
105 void Remove(Layer* child);
107 // Stacks |child| above all other children.
108 void StackAtTop(Layer* child);
110 // Stacks |child| directly above |other|. Both must be children of this
111 // layer. Note that if |child| is initially stacked even higher, calling this
112 // method will result in |child| being lowered in the stacking order.
113 void StackAbove(Layer* child, Layer* other);
115 // Stacks |child| below all other children.
116 void StackAtBottom(Layer* child);
118 // Stacks |child| directly below |other|. Both must be children of this
119 // layer.
120 void StackBelow(Layer* child, Layer* other);
122 // Returns the child Layers.
123 const std::vector<Layer*>& children() const { return children_; }
125 // The parent.
126 const Layer* parent() const { return parent_; }
127 Layer* parent() { return parent_; }
129 LayerType type() const { return type_; }
131 // Returns true if this Layer contains |other| somewhere in its children.
132 bool Contains(const Layer* other) const;
134 // The layer's animator is responsible for causing automatic animations when
135 // properties are set. It also manages a queue of pending animations and
136 // handles blending of animations. The layer takes ownership of the animator.
137 void SetAnimator(LayerAnimator* animator);
139 // Returns the layer's animator. Creates a default animator of one has not
140 // been set. Will not return NULL.
141 LayerAnimator* GetAnimator();
143 // The transform, relative to the parent.
144 void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform);
145 gfx::Transform transform() const;
147 gfx::PointF position() const { return cc_layer_->position(); }
149 // Return the target transform if animator is running, or the current
150 // transform otherwise.
151 gfx::Transform GetTargetTransform() const;
153 // The bounds, relative to the parent.
154 void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
155 const gfx::Rect& bounds() const { return bounds_; }
156 const gfx::Size& size() const { return bounds_.size(); }
158 // The offset from our parent (stored in bounds.origin()) is an integer but we
159 // may need to be at a fractional pixel offset to align properly on screen.
160 void SetSubpixelPositionOffset(const gfx::Vector2dF& offset);
161 const gfx::Vector2dF& subpixel_position_offset() const {
162 return subpixel_position_offset_;
165 // Return the target bounds if animator is running, or the current bounds
166 // otherwise.
167 gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds() const;
169 // Sets/gets whether or not drawing of child layers should be clipped to the
170 // bounds of this layer.
171 void SetMasksToBounds(bool masks_to_bounds);
172 bool GetMasksToBounds() const;
174 // The opacity of the layer. The opacity is applied to each pixel of the
175 // texture (resulting alpha = opacity * alpha).
176 float opacity() const;
177 void SetOpacity(float opacity);
179 // Returns the actual opacity, which the opacity of this layer multipled by
180 // the combined opacity of the parent.
181 float GetCombinedOpacity() const;
183 // Blur pixels by this amount in anything below the layer and visible through
184 // the layer.
185 int background_blur() const { return background_blur_radius_; }
186 void SetBackgroundBlur(int blur_radius);
188 // Saturate all pixels of this layer by this amount.
189 // This effect will get "combined" with the inverted,
190 // brightness and grayscale setting.
191 float layer_saturation() const { return layer_saturation_; }
192 void SetLayerSaturation(float saturation);
194 // Change the brightness of all pixels from this layer by this amount.
195 // This effect will get "combined" with the inverted, saturate
196 // and grayscale setting.
197 float layer_brightness() const { return layer_brightness_; }
198 void SetLayerBrightness(float brightness);
200 // Return the target brightness if animator is running, or the current
201 // brightness otherwise.
202 float GetTargetBrightness() const;
204 // Change the grayscale of all pixels from this layer by this amount.
205 // This effect will get "combined" with the inverted, saturate
206 // and brightness setting.
207 float layer_grayscale() const { return layer_grayscale_; }
208 void SetLayerGrayscale(float grayscale);
210 // Return the target grayscale if animator is running, or the current
211 // grayscale otherwise.
212 float GetTargetGrayscale() const;
214 // Zoom the background by a factor of |zoom|. The effect is blended along the
215 // edge across |inset| pixels.
216 void SetBackgroundZoom(float zoom, int inset);
218 // Set the shape of this layer.
219 SkRegion* alpha_shape() const { return alpha_shape_.get(); }
220 void SetAlphaShape(scoped_ptr<SkRegion> region);
222 // Invert the layer.
223 bool layer_inverted() const { return layer_inverted_; }
224 void SetLayerInverted(bool inverted);
226 // Return the target opacity if animator is running, or the current opacity
227 // otherwise.
228 float GetTargetOpacity() const;
230 // Set a layer mask for a layer.
231 // Note the provided layer mask can neither have a layer mask itself nor can
232 // it have any children. The ownership of |layer_mask| will not be
233 // transferred with this call.
234 // Furthermore: A mask layer can only be set to one layer.
235 void SetMaskLayer(Layer* layer_mask);
236 Layer* layer_mask_layer() { return layer_mask_; }
238 // Sets the visibility of the Layer. A Layer may be visible but not
239 // drawn. This happens if any ancestor of a Layer is not visible.
240 void SetVisible(bool visible);
241 bool visible() const { return visible_; }
243 // Returns the target visibility if the animator is running. Otherwise, it
244 // returns the current visibility.
245 bool GetTargetVisibility() const;
247 // Returns true if this Layer is drawn. A Layer is drawn only if all ancestors
248 // are visible.
249 bool IsDrawn() const;
251 // Returns true if this layer can have a texture (has_texture_ is true)
252 // and is not completely obscured by a child.
253 bool ShouldDraw() const;
255 // Converts a point from the coordinates of |source| to the coordinates of
256 // |target|. Necessarily, |source| and |target| must inhabit the same Layer
257 // tree.
258 static void ConvertPointToLayer(const Layer* source,
259 const Layer* target,
260 gfx::Point* point);
262 // Converts a transform to be relative to the given |ancestor|. Returns
263 // whether success (that is, whether the given ancestor was really an
264 // ancestor of this layer).
265 bool GetTargetTransformRelativeTo(const Layer* ancestor,
266 gfx::Transform* transform) const;
268 // See description in View for details
269 void SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(bool fills_bounds_opaquely);
270 bool fills_bounds_opaquely() const { return fills_bounds_opaquely_; }
272 // Set to true if this layer always paints completely within its bounds. If so
273 // we can omit an unnecessary clear, even if the layer is transparent.
274 void SetFillsBoundsCompletely(bool fills_bounds_completely);
276 const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
277 void set_name(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; }
279 // Set new TextureMailbox for this layer. Note that |mailbox| may hold a
280 // shared memory resource or an actual mailbox for a texture.
281 void SetTextureMailbox(const cc::TextureMailbox& mailbox,
282 scoped_ptr<cc::SingleReleaseCallback> release_callback,
283 gfx::Size texture_size_in_dip);
284 void SetTextureSize(gfx::Size texture_size_in_dip);
285 void SetTextureFlipped(bool flipped);
286 bool TextureFlipped() const;
288 // Begins showing delegated frames from the |frame_provider|.
289 void SetShowDelegatedContent(cc::DelegatedFrameProvider* frame_provider,
290 gfx::Size frame_size_in_dip);
292 // Begins showing content from a surface with a particular id.
293 void SetShowSurface(cc::SurfaceId surface_id,
294 const cc::SurfaceLayer::SatisfyCallback& satisfy_callback,
295 const cc::SurfaceLayer::RequireCallback& require_callback,
296 gfx::Size surface_size,
297 float scale,
298 gfx::Size frame_size_in_dip);
300 bool has_external_content() {
301 return texture_layer_.get() || delegated_renderer_layer_.get() ||
302 surface_layer_.get();
305 // Show a solid color instead of delegated or surface contents.
306 void SetShowSolidColorContent();
308 // Sets the layer's fill color. May only be called for LAYER_SOLID_COLOR.
309 void SetColor(SkColor color);
310 SkColor GetTargetColor();
311 SkColor background_color() const;
313 // Updates the nine patch layer's image, aperture and border. May only be
314 // called for LAYER_NINE_PATCH.
315 void UpdateNinePatchLayerImage(const gfx::ImageSkia& image);
316 void UpdateNinePatchLayerAperture(const gfx::Rect& aperture_in_dip);
317 void UpdateNinePatchLayerBorder(const gfx::Rect& border);
319 // Adds |invalid_rect| to the Layer's pending invalid rect and calls
320 // ScheduleDraw(). Returns false if the paint request is ignored.
321 bool SchedulePaint(const gfx::Rect& invalid_rect);
323 // Schedules a redraw of the layer tree at the compositor.
324 // Note that this _does not_ invalidate any region of this layer; use
325 // SchedulePaint() for that.
326 void ScheduleDraw();
328 // Uses damaged rectangles recorded in |damaged_region_| to invalidate the
329 // |cc_layer_|.
330 void SendDamagedRects();
331 void ClearDamagedRects();
333 const cc::Region& damaged_region() const { return damaged_region_; }
335 void CompleteAllAnimations();
337 // Suppresses painting the content by disconnecting |delegate_|.
338 void SuppressPaint();
340 // Notifies the layer that the device scale factor has changed.
341 void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float device_scale_factor);
343 // Notifies the layer that one of its children has received a new
344 // delegated frame.
345 void OnDelegatedFrameDamage(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect_in_dip);
347 // Requets a copy of the layer's output as a texture or bitmap.
348 void RequestCopyOfOutput(scoped_ptr<cc::CopyOutputRequest> request);
350 // ContentLayerClient
351 void PaintContents(
352 SkCanvas* canvas,
353 const gfx::Rect& clip,
354 ContentLayerClient::PaintingControlSetting painting_control) override;
355 scoped_refptr<cc::DisplayItemList> PaintContentsToDisplayList(
356 const gfx::Rect& clip,
357 ContentLayerClient::PaintingControlSetting painting_control) override;
358 bool FillsBoundsCompletely() const override;
359 size_t GetApproximateUnsharedMemoryUsage() const override;
361 cc::Layer* cc_layer_for_testing() { return cc_layer_; }
363 // TextureLayerClient
364 bool PrepareTextureMailbox(
365 cc::TextureMailbox* mailbox,
366 scoped_ptr<cc::SingleReleaseCallback>* release_callback,
367 bool use_shared_memory) override;
369 float device_scale_factor() const { return device_scale_factor_; }
371 // Forces a render surface to be used on this layer. This has no positive
372 // impact, and is only used for benchmarking/testing purpose.
373 void SetForceRenderSurface(bool force);
374 bool force_render_surface() const { return force_render_surface_; }
376 // LayerClient
377 scoped_refptr<base::trace_event::ConvertableToTraceFormat> TakeDebugInfo()
378 override;
380 // LayerAnimationEventObserver
381 void OnAnimationStarted(const cc::AnimationEvent& event) override;
383 // Whether this layer has animations waiting to get sent to its cc::Layer.
384 bool HasPendingThreadedAnimations() {
385 return pending_threaded_animations_.size() != 0;
388 // Triggers a call to SwitchToLayer.
389 void SwitchCCLayerForTest();
391 private:
392 friend class LayerOwner;
394 void CollectAnimators(std::vector<scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> >* animators);
396 // Stacks |child| above or below |other|. Helper method for StackAbove() and
397 // StackBelow().
398 void StackRelativeTo(Layer* child, Layer* other, bool above);
400 bool ConvertPointForAncestor(const Layer* ancestor, gfx::Point* point) const;
401 bool ConvertPointFromAncestor(const Layer* ancestor, gfx::Point* point) const;
403 // Implementation of LayerAnimatorDelegate
404 void SetBoundsFromAnimation(const gfx::Rect& bounds) override;
405 void SetTransformFromAnimation(const gfx::Transform& transform) override;
406 void SetOpacityFromAnimation(float opacity) override;
407 void SetVisibilityFromAnimation(bool visibility) override;
408 void SetBrightnessFromAnimation(float brightness) override;
409 void SetGrayscaleFromAnimation(float grayscale) override;
410 void SetColorFromAnimation(SkColor color) override;
411 void ScheduleDrawForAnimation() override;
412 const gfx::Rect& GetBoundsForAnimation() const override;
413 gfx::Transform GetTransformForAnimation() const override;
414 float GetOpacityForAnimation() const override;
415 bool GetVisibilityForAnimation() const override;
416 float GetBrightnessForAnimation() const override;
417 float GetGrayscaleForAnimation() const override;
418 SkColor GetColorForAnimation() const override;
419 float GetDeviceScaleFactor() const override;
420 void AddThreadedAnimation(scoped_ptr<cc::Animation> animation) override;
421 void RemoveThreadedAnimation(int animation_id) override;
422 LayerAnimatorCollection* GetLayerAnimatorCollection() override;
424 // Creates a corresponding composited layer for |type_|.
425 void CreateCcLayer();
427 // Recomputes and sets to |cc_layer_|.
428 void RecomputeDrawsContentAndUVRect();
429 void RecomputePosition();
431 // Set all filters which got applied to the layer.
432 void SetLayerFilters();
434 // Set all filters which got applied to the layer background.
435 void SetLayerBackgroundFilters();
437 // Cleanup |cc_layer_| and replaces it with |new_layer|.
438 void SwitchToLayer(scoped_refptr<cc::Layer> new_layer);
440 // We cannot send animations to our cc_layer_ until we have been added to a
441 // layer tree. Instead, we hold on to these animations in
442 // pending_threaded_animations_, and expect SendPendingThreadedAnimations to
443 // be called once we have been added to a tree.
444 void SendPendingThreadedAnimations();
446 void AddAnimatorsInTreeToCollection(LayerAnimatorCollection* collection);
447 void RemoveAnimatorsInTreeFromCollection(LayerAnimatorCollection* collection);
449 // Returns whether the layer has an animating LayerAnimator.
450 bool IsAnimating() const;
452 const LayerType type_;
454 Compositor* compositor_;
456 Layer* parent_;
458 // This layer's children, in bottom-to-top stacking order.
459 std::vector<Layer*> children_;
461 gfx::Rect bounds_;
462 gfx::Vector2dF subpixel_position_offset_;
464 // Visibility of this layer. See SetVisible/IsDrawn for more details.
465 bool visible_;
467 bool force_render_surface_;
469 bool fills_bounds_opaquely_;
470 bool fills_bounds_completely_;
472 // Union of damaged rects, in layer space, to be used when compositor is ready
473 // to paint the content.
474 cc::Region damaged_region_;
476 int background_blur_radius_;
478 // Several variables which will change the visible representation of
479 // the layer.
480 float layer_saturation_;
481 float layer_brightness_;
482 float layer_grayscale_;
483 bool layer_inverted_;
485 // The associated mask layer with this layer.
486 Layer* layer_mask_;
487 // The back link from the mask layer to it's associated masked layer.
488 // We keep this reference for the case that if the mask layer gets deleted
489 // while attached to the main layer before the main layer is deleted.
490 Layer* layer_mask_back_link_;
492 // The zoom factor to scale the layer by. Zooming is disabled when this is
493 // set to 1.
494 float zoom_;
496 // Width of the border in pixels, where the scaling is blended.
497 int zoom_inset_;
499 // Shape of the window.
500 scoped_ptr<SkRegion> alpha_shape_;
502 std::string name_;
504 LayerDelegate* delegate_;
506 LayerOwner* owner_;
508 scoped_refptr<LayerAnimator> animator_;
510 // Animations that are passed to AddThreadedAnimation before this layer is
511 // added to a tree.
512 cc::ScopedPtrVector<cc::Animation> pending_threaded_animations_;
514 // Ownership of the layer is held through one of the strongly typed layer
515 // pointers, depending on which sort of layer this is.
516 scoped_refptr<cc::Layer> content_layer_;
517 scoped_refptr<cc::NinePatchLayer> nine_patch_layer_;
518 scoped_refptr<cc::TextureLayer> texture_layer_;
519 scoped_refptr<cc::SolidColorLayer> solid_color_layer_;
520 scoped_refptr<cc::DelegatedRendererLayer> delegated_renderer_layer_;
521 scoped_refptr<cc::SurfaceLayer> surface_layer_;
522 cc::Layer* cc_layer_;
524 // A cached copy of |Compositor::device_scale_factor()|.
525 float device_scale_factor_;
527 // A cached copy of the nine patch layer's image and aperture.
528 // These are required for device scale factor change.
529 gfx::ImageSkia nine_patch_layer_image_;
530 gfx::Rect nine_patch_layer_aperture_;
532 // The mailbox used by texture_layer_.
533 cc::TextureMailbox mailbox_;
535 // The callback to release the mailbox. This is only set after
536 // SetTextureMailbox is called, before we give it to the TextureLayer.
537 scoped_ptr<cc::SingleReleaseCallback> mailbox_release_callback_;
539 // The size of the frame or texture in DIP, set when SetShowDelegatedContent
540 // or SetTextureMailbox was called.
541 gfx::Size frame_size_in_dip_;
546 } // namespace ui
548 #endif // UI_COMPOSITOR_LAYER_H_