We started redesigning GpuMemoryBuffer interface to handle multiple buffers [0].
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / net / spdy / spdy_test_util_common.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
12 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13 #include "crypto/ec_private_key.h"
14 #include "crypto/ec_signature_creator.h"
15 #include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
16 #include "net/base/request_priority.h"
17 #include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
18 #include "net/cert/cert_verifier.h"
19 #include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h"
20 #include "net/http/http_auth_handler_factory.h"
21 #include "net/http/http_network_session.h"
22 #include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
23 #include "net/http/http_server_properties_impl.h"
24 #include "net/http/transport_security_state.h"
25 #include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h"
26 #include "net/socket/next_proto.h"
27 #include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
28 #include "net/spdy/spdy_protocol.h"
29 #include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service_defaults.h"
30 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
31 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_storage.h"
32 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
34 class GURL;
36 namespace net {
38 class BoundNetLog;
39 class SpdySession;
40 class SpdySessionKey;
41 class SpdySessionPool;
42 class SpdyStream;
43 class SpdyStreamRequest;
45 // Default upload data used by both, mock objects and framer when creating
46 // data frames.
47 const char kDefaultURL[] = "http://www.google.com";
48 const char kUploadData[] = "hello!";
49 const int kUploadDataSize = arraysize(kUploadData)-1;
51 // SpdyNextProtos returns a vector of next protocols for negotiating
52 // SPDY.
53 NextProtoVector SpdyNextProtos();
55 // Chop a frame into an array of MockWrites.
56 // |data| is the frame to chop.
57 // |length| is the length of the frame to chop.
58 // |num_chunks| is the number of chunks to create.
59 MockWrite* ChopWriteFrame(const char* data, int length, int num_chunks);
61 // Chop a SpdyFrame into an array of MockWrites.
62 // |frame| is the frame to chop.
63 // |num_chunks| is the number of chunks to create.
64 MockWrite* ChopWriteFrame(const SpdyFrame& frame, int num_chunks);
66 // Chop a frame into an array of MockReads.
67 // |data| is the frame to chop.
68 // |length| is the length of the frame to chop.
69 // |num_chunks| is the number of chunks to create.
70 MockRead* ChopReadFrame(const char* data, int length, int num_chunks);
72 // Chop a SpdyFrame into an array of MockReads.
73 // |frame| is the frame to chop.
74 // |num_chunks| is the number of chunks to create.
75 MockRead* ChopReadFrame(const SpdyFrame& frame, int num_chunks);
77 // Adds headers and values to a map.
78 // |extra_headers| is an array of { name, value } pairs, arranged as strings
79 // where the even entries are the header names, and the odd entries are the
80 // header values.
81 // |headers| gets filled in from |extra_headers|.
82 void AppendToHeaderBlock(const char* const extra_headers[],
83 int extra_header_count,
84 SpdyHeaderBlock* headers);
86 // Create an async MockWrite from the given SpdyFrame.
87 MockWrite CreateMockWrite(const SpdyFrame& req);
89 // Create an async MockWrite from the given SpdyFrame and sequence number.
90 MockWrite CreateMockWrite(const SpdyFrame& req, int seq);
92 MockWrite CreateMockWrite(const SpdyFrame& req, int seq, IoMode mode);
94 // Create a MockRead from the given SpdyFrame.
95 MockRead CreateMockRead(const SpdyFrame& resp);
97 // Create a MockRead from the given SpdyFrame and sequence number.
98 MockRead CreateMockRead(const SpdyFrame& resp, int seq);
100 MockRead CreateMockRead(const SpdyFrame& resp, int seq, IoMode mode);
102 // Combines the given SpdyFrames into the given char array and returns
103 // the total length.
104 int CombineFrames(const SpdyFrame** frames, int num_frames,
105 char* buff, int buff_len);
107 // Returns the SpdyPriority embedded in the given frame. Returns true
108 // and fills in |priority| on success.
109 bool GetSpdyPriority(SpdyMajorVersion version,
110 const SpdyFrame& frame,
111 SpdyPriority* priority);
113 // Tries to create a stream in |session| synchronously. Returns NULL
114 // on failure.
115 base::WeakPtr<SpdyStream> CreateStreamSynchronously(
116 SpdyStreamType type,
117 const base::WeakPtr<SpdySession>& session,
118 const GURL& url,
119 RequestPriority priority,
120 const BoundNetLog& net_log);
122 // Helper class used by some tests to release a stream as soon as it's
123 // created.
124 class StreamReleaserCallback : public TestCompletionCallbackBase {
125 public:
126 StreamReleaserCallback();
128 ~StreamReleaserCallback() override;
130 // Returns a callback that releases |request|'s stream.
131 CompletionCallback MakeCallback(SpdyStreamRequest* request);
133 private:
134 void OnComplete(SpdyStreamRequest* request, int result);
137 const size_t kSpdyCredentialSlotUnused = 0;
139 // This struct holds information used to construct spdy control and data frames.
140 struct SpdyHeaderInfo {
141 SpdyFrameType kind;
142 SpdyStreamId id;
143 SpdyStreamId assoc_id;
144 SpdyPriority priority;
145 size_t credential_slot; // SPDY3 only
146 SpdyControlFlags control_flags;
147 bool compressed;
148 SpdyRstStreamStatus status;
149 const char* data;
150 uint32 data_length;
151 SpdyDataFlags data_flags;
154 // An ECSignatureCreator that returns deterministic signatures.
155 class MockECSignatureCreator : public crypto::ECSignatureCreator {
156 public:
157 explicit MockECSignatureCreator(crypto::ECPrivateKey* key);
159 // crypto::ECSignatureCreator
160 bool Sign(const uint8* data,
161 int data_len,
162 std::vector<uint8>* signature) override;
163 bool DecodeSignature(const std::vector<uint8>& signature,
164 std::vector<uint8>* out_raw_sig) override;
166 private:
167 crypto::ECPrivateKey* key_;
169 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockECSignatureCreator);
172 // An ECSignatureCreatorFactory creates MockECSignatureCreator.
173 class MockECSignatureCreatorFactory : public crypto::ECSignatureCreatorFactory {
174 public:
175 MockECSignatureCreatorFactory();
176 ~MockECSignatureCreatorFactory() override;
178 // crypto::ECSignatureCreatorFactory
179 crypto::ECSignatureCreator* Create(crypto::ECPrivateKey* key) override;
181 private:
182 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockECSignatureCreatorFactory);
185 // Helper to manage the lifetimes of the dependencies for a
186 // HttpNetworkTransaction.
187 struct SpdySessionDependencies {
188 // Default set of dependencies -- "null" proxy service.
189 explicit SpdySessionDependencies(NextProto protocol);
191 // Custom proxy service dependency.
192 SpdySessionDependencies(NextProto protocol, ProxyService* proxy_service);
194 ~SpdySessionDependencies();
196 static HttpNetworkSession* SpdyCreateSession(
197 SpdySessionDependencies* session_deps);
198 static HttpNetworkSession* SpdyCreateSessionDeterministic(
199 SpdySessionDependencies* session_deps);
200 static HttpNetworkSession::Params CreateSessionParams(
201 SpdySessionDependencies* session_deps);
203 // NOTE: host_resolver must be ordered before http_auth_handler_factory.
204 scoped_ptr<MockHostResolverBase> host_resolver;
205 scoped_ptr<CertVerifier> cert_verifier;
206 scoped_ptr<TransportSecurityState> transport_security_state;
207 scoped_ptr<ProxyService> proxy_service;
208 scoped_refptr<SSLConfigService> ssl_config_service;
209 scoped_ptr<MockClientSocketFactory> socket_factory;
210 scoped_ptr<DeterministicMockClientSocketFactory> deterministic_socket_factory;
211 scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandlerFactory> http_auth_handler_factory;
212 HttpServerPropertiesImpl http_server_properties;
213 bool enable_ip_pooling;
214 bool enable_compression;
215 bool enable_ping;
216 bool enable_user_alternate_protocol_ports;
217 NextProto protocol;
218 size_t session_max_recv_window_size;
219 size_t stream_max_recv_window_size;
220 SpdySession::TimeFunc time_func;
221 NextProtoVector next_protos;
222 std::string trusted_spdy_proxy;
223 bool force_spdy_over_ssl;
224 bool force_spdy_always;
225 bool use_alternate_protocols;
226 NetLog* net_log;
229 class SpdyURLRequestContext : public URLRequestContext {
230 public:
231 SpdyURLRequestContext(NextProto protocol,
232 bool force_spdy_over_ssl,
233 bool force_spdy_always);
234 ~SpdyURLRequestContext() override;
236 MockClientSocketFactory& socket_factory() { return socket_factory_; }
238 private:
239 MockClientSocketFactory socket_factory_;
240 net::URLRequestContextStorage storage_;
243 // Equivalent to pool->GetIfExists(spdy_session_key, BoundNetLog()) != NULL.
244 bool HasSpdySession(SpdySessionPool* pool, const SpdySessionKey& key);
246 // Creates a SPDY session for the given key and puts it in the SPDY
247 // session pool in |http_session|. A SPDY session for |key| must not
248 // already exist.
249 base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> CreateInsecureSpdySession(
250 const scoped_refptr<HttpNetworkSession>& http_session,
251 const SpdySessionKey& key,
252 const BoundNetLog& net_log);
254 // Tries to create a SPDY session for the given key but expects the
255 // attempt to fail with the given error. A SPDY session for |key| must
256 // not already exist. The session will be created but close in the
257 // next event loop iteration.
258 base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> TryCreateInsecureSpdySessionExpectingFailure(
259 const scoped_refptr<HttpNetworkSession>& http_session,
260 const SpdySessionKey& key,
261 Error expected_error,
262 const BoundNetLog& net_log);
264 // Like CreateInsecureSpdySession(), but uses TLS.
265 base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> CreateSecureSpdySession(
266 const scoped_refptr<HttpNetworkSession>& http_session,
267 const SpdySessionKey& key,
268 const BoundNetLog& net_log);
270 // Creates an insecure SPDY session for the given key and puts it in
271 // |pool|. The returned session will neither receive nor send any
272 // data. A SPDY session for |key| must not already exist.
273 base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> CreateFakeSpdySession(SpdySessionPool* pool,
274 const SpdySessionKey& key);
276 // Tries to create an insecure SPDY session for the given key but
277 // expects the attempt to fail with the given error. The session will
278 // neither receive nor send any data. A SPDY session for |key| must
279 // not already exist. The session will be created but close in the
280 // next event loop iteration.
281 base::WeakPtr<SpdySession> TryCreateFakeSpdySessionExpectingFailure(
282 SpdySessionPool* pool,
283 const SpdySessionKey& key,
284 Error expected_error);
286 class SpdySessionPoolPeer {
287 public:
288 explicit SpdySessionPoolPeer(SpdySessionPool* pool);
290 void RemoveAliases(const SpdySessionKey& key);
291 void DisableDomainAuthenticationVerification();
292 void SetEnableSendingInitialData(bool enabled);
293 void SetSessionMaxRecvWindowSize(size_t window);
294 void SetStreamInitialRecvWindowSize(size_t window);
296 private:
297 SpdySessionPool* const pool_;
299 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdySessionPoolPeer);
302 class SpdyTestUtil {
303 public:
304 explicit SpdyTestUtil(NextProto protocol);
306 // Add the appropriate headers to put |url| into |block|.
307 void AddUrlToHeaderBlock(base::StringPiece url,
308 SpdyHeaderBlock* headers) const;
310 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> ConstructGetHeaderBlock(
311 base::StringPiece url) const;
312 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> ConstructGetHeaderBlockForProxy(
313 base::StringPiece url) const;
314 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> ConstructHeadHeaderBlock(
315 base::StringPiece url,
316 int64 content_length) const;
317 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> ConstructPostHeaderBlock(
318 base::StringPiece url,
319 int64 content_length) const;
320 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> ConstructPutHeaderBlock(
321 base::StringPiece url,
322 int64 content_length) const;
324 // Construct a SPDY frame. If it is a SYN_STREAM or SYN_REPLY frame (as
325 // specified in header_info.kind), the provided headers are included in the
326 // frame.
327 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyFrame(
328 const SpdyHeaderInfo& header_info,
329 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> headers) const;
331 // Construct a SPDY frame. If it is a SYN_STREAM or SYN_REPLY frame (as
332 // specified in header_info.kind), the headers provided in extra_headers and
333 // (if non-NULL) tail_headers are concatenated and included in the frame.
334 // (extra_headers must always be non-NULL.)
335 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyFrame(const SpdyHeaderInfo& header_info,
336 const char* const extra_headers[],
337 int extra_header_count,
338 const char* const tail_headers[],
339 int tail_header_count) const;
341 // Construct a generic SpdyControlFrame.
342 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyControlFrame(
343 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> headers,
344 bool compressed,
345 SpdyStreamId stream_id,
346 RequestPriority request_priority,
347 SpdyFrameType type,
348 SpdyControlFlags flags,
349 SpdyStreamId associated_stream_id) const;
351 // Construct a generic SpdyControlFrame.
353 // Warning: extra_header_count is the number of header-value pairs in
354 // extra_headers (so half the number of elements), but tail_headers_size is
355 // the actual number of elements (both keys and values) in tail_headers.
356 // TODO(ttuttle): Fix this inconsistency.
357 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyControlFrame(
358 const char* const extra_headers[],
359 int extra_header_count,
360 bool compressed,
361 SpdyStreamId stream_id,
362 RequestPriority request_priority,
363 SpdyFrameType type,
364 SpdyControlFlags flags,
365 const char* const* tail_headers,
366 int tail_headers_size,
367 SpdyStreamId associated_stream_id) const;
369 // Construct an expected SPDY reply string from the given headers.
370 std::string ConstructSpdyReplyString(const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers) const;
372 // Construct an expected SPDY SETTINGS frame.
373 // |settings| are the settings to set.
374 // Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
375 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdySettings(const SettingsMap& settings) const;
377 // Constructs an expected SPDY SETTINGS acknowledgement frame, if the protocol
378 // version is SPDY4 or higher, or an empty placeholder frame otherwise.
379 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdySettingsAck() const;
381 // Construct a SPDY PING frame.
382 // Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
383 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPing(uint32 ping_id, bool is_ack) const;
385 // Construct a SPDY GOAWAY frame with last_good_stream_id = 0.
386 // Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
387 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGoAway() const;
389 // Construct a SPDY GOAWAY frame with the specified last_good_stream_id.
390 // Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
391 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGoAway(SpdyStreamId last_good_stream_id) const;
393 // Construct a SPDY GOAWAY frame with the specified last_good_stream_id,
394 // status, and description. Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes
395 // ownership of the frame.
396 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGoAway(SpdyStreamId last_good_stream_id,
397 SpdyGoAwayStatus status,
398 const std::string& desc) const;
400 // Construct a SPDY WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
401 // Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
402 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyWindowUpdate(
403 SpdyStreamId stream_id,
404 uint32 delta_window_size) const;
406 // Construct a SPDY RST_STREAM frame.
407 // Returns the constructed frame. The caller takes ownership of the frame.
408 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyRstStream(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
409 SpdyRstStreamStatus status) const;
411 // Constructs a standard SPDY GET SYN frame, optionally compressed
412 // for |url|.
413 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
414 // will vary the most between calls.
415 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
416 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGet(const char* const url,
417 bool compressed,
418 SpdyStreamId stream_id,
419 RequestPriority request_priority) const;
421 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGetForProxy(const char* const url,
422 bool compressed,
423 SpdyStreamId stream_id,
424 RequestPriority request_priority) const;
426 // Constructs a standard SPDY GET SYN frame, optionally compressed.
427 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
428 // will vary the most between calls. If |direct| is false, the
429 // the full url will be used instead of simply the path.
430 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
431 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGet(const char* const extra_headers[],
432 int extra_header_count,
433 bool compressed,
434 int stream_id,
435 RequestPriority request_priority,
436 bool direct) const;
438 // Constructs a standard SPDY SYN_STREAM frame for a CONNECT request.
439 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyConnect(const char* const extra_headers[],
440 int extra_header_count,
441 int stream_id,
442 RequestPriority priority,
443 const HostPortPair& host_port_pair) const;
445 // Constructs a standard SPDY push SYN frame.
446 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
447 // will vary the most between calls.
448 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
449 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPush(const char* const extra_headers[],
450 int extra_header_count,
451 int stream_id,
452 int associated_stream_id,
453 const char* url);
454 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPush(const char* const extra_headers[],
455 int extra_header_count,
456 int stream_id,
457 int associated_stream_id,
458 const char* url,
459 const char* status,
460 const char* location);
462 SpdyFrame* ConstructInitialSpdyPushFrame(scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> headers,
463 int stream_id,
464 int associated_stream_id);
466 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPushHeaders(int stream_id,
467 const char* const extra_headers[],
468 int extra_header_count);
470 // Construct a SPDY syn (HEADERS or SYN_STREAM, depending on protocol
471 // version) carrying exactly the given headers and priority.
472 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdySyn(int stream_id,
473 const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers,
474 RequestPriority priority,
475 bool compressed,
476 bool fin) const;
478 // Construct a SPDY reply (HEADERS or SYN_REPLY, depending on protocol
479 // version) carrying exactly the given headers, and the default priority
480 // (or no priority, depending on protocl version).
481 // The |headers| parameter variant is preferred.
482 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyReply(int stream_id, const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers);
484 // Constructs a standard SPDY SYN_REPLY frame to match the SPDY GET.
485 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
486 // will vary the most between calls.
487 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
488 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGetSynReply(const char* const extra_headers[],
489 int extra_header_count,
490 int stream_id);
492 // Constructs a standard SPDY SYN_REPLY frame to match the SPDY GET.
493 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
494 // will vary the most between calls.
495 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
496 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyGetSynReplyRedirect(int stream_id);
498 // Constructs a standard SPDY SYN_REPLY frame with an Internal Server
499 // Error status code.
500 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
501 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdySynReplyError(int stream_id);
503 // Constructs a standard SPDY SYN_REPLY frame with the specified status code.
504 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
505 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdySynReplyError(const char* const status,
506 const char* const* const extra_headers,
507 int extra_header_count,
508 int stream_id);
510 // Constructs a standard SPDY POST SYN frame.
511 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
512 // will vary the most between calls.
513 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
514 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPost(const char* url,
515 SpdyStreamId stream_id,
516 int64 content_length,
517 RequestPriority priority,
518 const char* const extra_headers[],
519 int extra_header_count);
521 // Constructs a chunked transfer SPDY POST SYN frame.
522 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
523 // will vary the most between calls.
524 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
525 SpdyFrame* ConstructChunkedSpdyPost(const char* const extra_headers[],
526 int extra_header_count);
528 // Constructs a standard SPDY SYN_REPLY frame to match the SPDY POST.
529 // |extra_headers| are the extra header-value pairs, which typically
530 // will vary the most between calls.
531 // Returns a SpdyFrame.
532 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPostSynReply(const char* const extra_headers[],
533 int extra_header_count);
535 // Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the contents "hello!"
536 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(int stream_id,
537 bool fin);
539 // Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the given content.
540 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(int stream_id, const char* data,
541 uint32 len, bool fin);
543 // Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the given content and padding.
544 SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(int stream_id,
545 const char* data,
546 uint32 len,
547 bool fin,
548 int padding_length);
550 // Wraps |frame| in the payload of a data frame in stream |stream_id|.
551 SpdyFrame* ConstructWrappedSpdyFrame(const scoped_ptr<SpdyFrame>& frame,
552 int stream_id);
554 const SpdyHeaderInfo MakeSpdyHeader(SpdyFrameType type);
556 // For versions below SPDY4, adds the version HTTP/1.1 header.
557 void MaybeAddVersionHeader(SpdyFrameWithNameValueBlockIR* frame_ir) const;
558 void MaybeAddVersionHeader(SpdyHeaderBlock* block) const;
560 // Maps |priority| to SPDY version priority, and sets it on |frame_ir|.
561 void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority, SpdySynStreamIR* frame_ir) const;
563 NextProto protocol() const { return protocol_; }
564 SpdyMajorVersion spdy_version() const { return spdy_version_; }
565 bool include_version_header() const {
566 return protocol_ < kProtoSPDY4MinimumVersion;
568 scoped_ptr<SpdyFramer> CreateFramer(bool compressed) const;
570 const char* GetMethodKey() const;
571 const char* GetStatusKey() const;
572 const char* GetHostKey() const;
573 const char* GetSchemeKey() const;
574 const char* GetVersionKey() const;
575 const char* GetPathKey() const;
577 private:
578 // |content_length| may be NULL, in which case the content-length
579 // header will be omitted.
580 scoped_ptr<SpdyHeaderBlock> ConstructHeaderBlock(
581 base::StringPiece method,
582 base::StringPiece url,
583 int64* content_length) const;
585 const NextProto protocol_;
586 const SpdyMajorVersion spdy_version_;
589 } // namespace net