Turn off audio ducking for webrtc output.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cc / scheduler / scheduler.h
1 // Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <deque>
9 #include <string>
11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
12 #include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14 #include "base/time/time.h"
15 #include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
16 #include "cc/output/begin_frame_args.h"
17 #include "cc/scheduler/delay_based_time_source.h"
18 #include "cc/scheduler/draw_result.h"
19 #include "cc/scheduler/scheduler_settings.h"
20 #include "cc/scheduler/scheduler_state_machine.h"
22 namespace base {
23 class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
26 namespace cc {
28 class SchedulerClient {
29 public:
30 virtual void SetNeedsBeginFrame(bool enable) = 0;
31 virtual void WillBeginImplFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args) = 0;
32 virtual void ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame() = 0;
33 virtual DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawAndSwapIfPossible() = 0;
34 virtual DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawAndSwapForced() = 0;
35 virtual void ScheduledActionAnimate() = 0;
36 virtual void ScheduledActionCommit() = 0;
37 virtual void ScheduledActionUpdateVisibleTiles() = 0;
38 virtual void ScheduledActionActivatePendingTree() = 0;
39 virtual void ScheduledActionBeginOutputSurfaceCreation() = 0;
40 virtual void ScheduledActionManageTiles() = 0;
41 virtual void DidAnticipatedDrawTimeChange(base::TimeTicks time) = 0;
42 virtual base::TimeDelta DrawDurationEstimate() = 0;
43 virtual base::TimeDelta BeginMainFrameToCommitDurationEstimate() = 0;
44 virtual base::TimeDelta CommitToActivateDurationEstimate() = 0;
45 virtual void DidBeginImplFrameDeadline() = 0;
47 protected:
48 virtual ~SchedulerClient() {}
51 class CC_EXPORT Scheduler {
52 public:
53 static scoped_ptr<Scheduler> Create(
54 SchedulerClient* client,
55 const SchedulerSettings& scheduler_settings,
56 int layer_tree_host_id,
57 const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& impl_task_runner) {
58 return make_scoped_ptr(new Scheduler(
59 client, scheduler_settings, layer_tree_host_id, impl_task_runner));
62 virtual ~Scheduler();
64 const SchedulerSettings& settings() const { return settings_; }
66 void CommitVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
67 base::TimeDelta interval);
68 void SetEstimatedParentDrawTime(base::TimeDelta draw_time);
70 void SetCanStart();
72 void SetVisible(bool visible);
73 void SetCanDraw(bool can_draw);
74 void NotifyReadyToActivate();
76 void SetNeedsCommit();
78 void SetNeedsRedraw();
80 void SetNeedsAnimate();
82 void SetNeedsManageTiles();
84 void SetMaxSwapsPending(int max);
85 void DidSwapBuffers();
86 void SetSwapUsedIncompleteTile(bool used_incomplete_tile);
87 void DidSwapBuffersComplete();
89 void SetSmoothnessTakesPriority(bool smoothness_takes_priority);
91 void NotifyReadyToCommit();
92 void BeginMainFrameAborted(bool did_handle);
94 void DidManageTiles();
95 void DidLoseOutputSurface();
96 void DidCreateAndInitializeOutputSurface();
98 bool CommitPending() const { return state_machine_.CommitPending(); }
99 bool RedrawPending() const { return state_machine_.RedrawPending(); }
100 bool ManageTilesPending() const {
101 return state_machine_.ManageTilesPending();
103 bool MainThreadIsInHighLatencyMode() const {
104 return state_machine_.MainThreadIsInHighLatencyMode();
106 bool BeginImplFrameDeadlinePending() const {
107 return !begin_impl_frame_deadline_task_.IsCancelled();
110 bool WillDrawIfNeeded() const;
112 base::TimeTicks AnticipatedDrawTime() const;
114 void NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted();
116 base::TimeTicks LastBeginImplFrameTime();
117 base::TimeDelta VSyncInterval() { return vsync_interval_; }
118 base::TimeDelta EstimatedParentDrawTime() {
119 return estimated_parent_draw_time_;
122 void BeginFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args);
123 void PostBeginRetroFrame();
124 void BeginRetroFrame();
125 void BeginUnthrottledFrame();
127 void BeginImplFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args);
128 void OnBeginImplFrameDeadline();
129 void PollForAnticipatedDrawTriggers();
130 void PollToAdvanceCommitState();
132 scoped_ptr<base::Value> AsValue() const;
134 bool IsInsideAction(SchedulerStateMachine::Action action) {
135 return inside_action_ == action;
138 bool IsBeginMainFrameSent() const;
139 void SetContinuousPainting(bool continuous_painting) {
140 state_machine_.SetContinuousPainting(continuous_painting);
143 protected:
144 class CC_EXPORT SyntheticBeginFrameSource : public TimeSourceClient {
145 public:
146 SyntheticBeginFrameSource(Scheduler* scheduler,
147 base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* task_runner);
148 virtual ~SyntheticBeginFrameSource();
150 // Updates the phase and frequency of the timer.
151 void CommitVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
152 base::TimeDelta interval);
154 // Activates future BeginFrames and, if activating, pushes the most
155 // recently missed BeginFrame to the back of a retroactive queue.
156 void SetNeedsBeginFrame(bool needs_begin_frame,
157 std::deque<BeginFrameArgs>* begin_retro_frame_args);
159 bool IsActive() const;
161 // TimeSourceClient implementation of OnTimerTick triggers a BeginFrame.
162 virtual void OnTimerTick() OVERRIDE;
164 scoped_ptr<base::Value> AsValue() const;
166 private:
167 BeginFrameArgs CreateSyntheticBeginFrameArgs(base::TimeTicks frame_time);
169 Scheduler* scheduler_;
170 scoped_refptr<DelayBasedTimeSource> time_source_;
173 Scheduler(
174 SchedulerClient* client,
175 const SchedulerSettings& scheduler_settings,
176 int layer_tree_host_id,
177 const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& impl_task_runner);
179 const SchedulerSettings settings_;
180 SchedulerClient* client_;
181 int layer_tree_host_id_;
182 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> impl_task_runner_;
184 base::TimeDelta vsync_interval_;
185 base::TimeDelta estimated_parent_draw_time_;
187 bool last_set_needs_begin_frame_;
188 bool begin_unthrottled_frame_posted_;
189 bool begin_retro_frame_posted_;
190 std::deque<BeginFrameArgs> begin_retro_frame_args_;
191 BeginFrameArgs begin_impl_frame_args_;
193 scoped_ptr<SyntheticBeginFrameSource> synthetic_begin_frame_source_;
195 base::Closure begin_retro_frame_closure_;
196 base::Closure begin_unthrottled_frame_closure_;
198 base::Closure begin_impl_frame_deadline_closure_;
199 base::Closure poll_for_draw_triggers_closure_;
200 base::Closure advance_commit_state_closure_;
201 base::CancelableClosure begin_impl_frame_deadline_task_;
202 base::CancelableClosure poll_for_draw_triggers_task_;
203 base::CancelableClosure advance_commit_state_task_;
205 SchedulerStateMachine state_machine_;
206 bool inside_process_scheduled_actions_;
207 SchedulerStateMachine::Action inside_action_;
209 private:
210 base::TimeTicks AdjustedBeginImplFrameDeadline(
211 const BeginFrameArgs& args,
212 base::TimeDelta draw_duration_estimate) const;
213 void ScheduleBeginImplFrameDeadline(base::TimeTicks deadline);
214 void SetupNextBeginFrameIfNeeded();
215 void PostBeginRetroFrameIfNeeded();
216 void SetupNextBeginFrameWhenVSyncThrottlingEnabled(bool needs_begin_frame);
217 void SetupNextBeginFrameWhenVSyncThrottlingDisabled(bool needs_begin_frame);
218 void SetupPollingMechanisms(bool needs_begin_frame);
219 void DrawAndSwapIfPossible();
220 void ProcessScheduledActions();
221 bool CanCommitAndActivateBeforeDeadline() const;
222 void AdvanceCommitStateIfPossible();
223 bool IsBeginMainFrameSentOrStarted() const;
224 void SetupSyntheticBeginFrames();
226 base::WeakPtrFactory<Scheduler> weak_factory_;
231 } // namespace cc