Revert of Add button to add new FSP services to Files app. (patchset #8 id:140001...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / notifications /
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/notification_ui_manager_android.h"
7 #include <utility>
9 #include "base/android/jni_array.h"
10 #include "base/android/jni_string.h"
11 #include "base/logging.h"
12 #include "base/pickle.h"
13 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/notification.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/persistent_notification_delegate.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/platform_notification_service_impl.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/notifications/profile_notification.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h"
19 #include "content/public/common/persistent_notification_status.h"
20 #include "content/public/common/platform_notification_data.h"
21 #include "jni/NotificationUIManager_jni.h"
22 #include "ui/gfx/android/java_bitmap.h"
23 #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
25 using base::android::AttachCurrentThread;
26 using base::android::ConvertJavaStringToUTF8;
27 using base::android::ConvertUTF16ToJavaString;
28 using base::android::ConvertUTF8ToJavaString;
30 namespace {
32 // The maximum size of the serialized pickle that carries a notification's meta
33 // information. Notifications carrying more data will be silently dropped - with
34 // an error being written to the log.
35 const int kMaximumSerializedNotificationSizeBytes = 1024 * 1024;
37 // Persistent notifications are likely to outlive the browser process they were
38 // created by on Android. In order to be able to re-surface the notification
39 // when the user interacts with them, all relevant notification data needs to
40 // be serialized with the notification itself.
42 // In the near future, as more features get added to Chrome's notification
43 // implementation, this will be done by storing the persistent notification data
44 // in a database. However, to support launching Chrome for Android from a
45 // notification event until that exists, serialize the data in the Intent.
47 // TODO(peter): Move towards storing notification data in a database rather than
48 // as a serialized Intent extra.
50 scoped_ptr<Pickle> SerializePersistentNotification(
51 const content::PlatformNotificationData& notification_data,
52 const GURL& origin,
53 int64 service_worker_registration_id) {
54 scoped_ptr<Pickle> pickle(new Pickle);
56 // content::PlatformNotificationData
57 pickle->WriteString16(notification_data.title);
58 pickle->WriteInt(static_cast<int>(notification_data.direction));
59 pickle->WriteString(notification_data.lang);
60 pickle->WriteString16(notification_data.body);
61 pickle->WriteString(notification_data.tag);
62 pickle->WriteString(notification_data.icon.spec());
63 pickle->WriteBool(notification_data.silent);
65 // The origin which is displaying the notification.
66 pickle->WriteString(origin.spec());
68 // The Service Worker registration this notification is associated with.
69 pickle->WriteInt64(service_worker_registration_id);
71 if (pickle->size() > kMaximumSerializedNotificationSizeBytes)
72 return nullptr;
74 return pickle.Pass();
77 bool UnserializePersistentNotification(
78 const Pickle& pickle,
79 content::PlatformNotificationData* notification_data,
80 GURL* origin,
81 int64* service_worker_registration_id) {
82 DCHECK(notification_data && origin && service_worker_registration_id);
83 PickleIterator iterator(pickle);
85 std::string icon_url, origin_url;
86 int direction_value;
88 // Unpack content::PlatformNotificationData.
89 if (!iterator.ReadString16(&notification_data->title) ||
90 !iterator.ReadInt(&direction_value) ||
91 !iterator.ReadString(&notification_data->lang) ||
92 !iterator.ReadString16(&notification_data->body) ||
93 !iterator.ReadString(&notification_data->tag) ||
94 !iterator.ReadString(&icon_url) ||
95 !iterator.ReadBool(&notification_data->silent)) {
96 return false;
99 notification_data->direction =
100 static_cast<content::PlatformNotificationData::NotificationDirection>(
101 direction_value);
102 notification_data->icon = GURL(icon_url);
104 // Unpack the origin which displayed this notification.
105 if (!iterator.ReadString(&origin_url))
106 return false;
108 *origin = GURL(origin_url);
110 // Unpack the Service Worker registration id.
111 if (!iterator.ReadInt64(service_worker_registration_id))
112 return false;
114 return true;
117 // Called when the "notificationclick" event in the Service Worker has finished
118 // executing for a notification that was created in a previous instance of the
119 // browser.
120 void OnEventDispatchComplete(content::PersistentNotificationStatus status) {
121 // TODO(peter): Add UMA statistics based on |status|.
122 // TODO(peter): Decide if we want to forcefully shut down the browser process
123 // if we're confident it was created for delivering this event.
126 } // namespace
128 // Called by the Java side when a notification event has been received, but the
129 // NotificationUIManager has not been initialized yet. Enforce initialization of
130 // the class.
131 static void InitializeNotificationUIManager(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
132 g_browser_process->notification_ui_manager();
135 // static
136 NotificationUIManager* NotificationUIManager::Create(PrefService* local_state) {
137 return new NotificationUIManagerAndroid();
140 NotificationUIManagerAndroid::NotificationUIManagerAndroid() {
141 java_object_.Reset(
142 Java_NotificationUIManager_create(
143 AttachCurrentThread(),
144 reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this),
145 base::android::GetApplicationContext()));
147 // TODO(peter): Synchronize notifications with the Java side.
150 NotificationUIManagerAndroid::~NotificationUIManagerAndroid() {
151 Java_NotificationUIManager_destroy(AttachCurrentThread(),
152 java_object_.obj());
155 bool NotificationUIManagerAndroid::OnNotificationClicked(
156 JNIEnv* env,
157 jobject java_object,
158 jstring notification_id,
159 jbyteArray serialized_notification_data) {
160 std::string id = ConvertJavaStringToUTF8(env, notification_id);
162 auto iter = profile_notifications_.find(id);
163 if (iter != profile_notifications_.end()) {
164 const Notification& notification = iter->second->notification();
165 notification.delegate()->Click();
167 return true;
170 // If the Notification were not found, it may be a persistent notification
171 // that outlived the Chrome browser process. In this case, try to
172 // unserialize the notification's serialized data and trigger the click
173 // event manually.
175 std::vector<uint8> bytes;
176 base::android::JavaByteArrayToByteVector(env, serialized_notification_data,
177 &bytes);
178 if (!bytes.size())
179 return false;
181 content::PlatformNotificationData notification_data;
182 GURL origin;
183 int64 service_worker_registration_id;
185 Pickle pickle(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&bytes[0]), bytes.size());
186 if (!UnserializePersistentNotification(pickle, &notification_data, &origin,
187 &service_worker_registration_id)) {
188 return false;
191 // Store the tag and origin of this notification so that it can later be
192 // closed using these details.
193 regenerated_notification_infos_[id] =
194 std::make_pair(notification_data.tag, origin.spec());
196 PlatformNotificationServiceImpl* service =
197 PlatformNotificationServiceImpl::GetInstance();
199 // TODO(peter): Rather than assuming that the last used profile is the
200 // appropriate one for this notification, the used profile should be
201 // stored as part of the notification's data. See
202 service->OnPersistentNotificationClick(
203 ProfileManager::GetLastUsedProfile(),
204 service_worker_registration_id,
206 origin,
207 notification_data,
208 base::Bind(&OnEventDispatchComplete));
210 return true;
213 bool NotificationUIManagerAndroid::OnNotificationClosed(
214 JNIEnv* env, jobject java_object, jstring notification_id) {
215 std::string id = ConvertJavaStringToUTF8(env, notification_id);
217 auto iter = profile_notifications_.find(id);
218 if (iter == profile_notifications_.end())
219 return false;
221 const Notification& notification = iter->second->notification();
222 notification.delegate()->Close(true /** by_user **/);
223 RemoveProfileNotification(iter->second, true /* close */);
224 return true;
227 void NotificationUIManagerAndroid::Add(const Notification& notification,
228 Profile* profile) {
229 // If the given notification is replacing an older one, drop its associated
230 // profile notification object without closing the platform notification.
231 // We'll use the native Android system to perform a smoother replacement.
232 ProfileNotification* notification_to_replace =
233 FindNotificationToReplace(notification, profile);
234 if (notification_to_replace)
235 RemoveProfileNotification(notification_to_replace, false /* close */);
237 ProfileNotification* profile_notification =
238 new ProfileNotification(profile, notification);
240 // Takes ownership of |profile_notification|.
241 AddProfileNotification(profile_notification);
243 JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
245 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> tag =
246 ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, notification.tag());
247 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> id = ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(
248 env, profile_notification->notification().id());
249 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> title = ConvertUTF16ToJavaString(
250 env, notification.title());
251 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> body = ConvertUTF16ToJavaString(
252 env, notification.message());
253 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> origin = ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(
254 env, notification.origin_url().GetOrigin().spec());
256 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> icon;
258 SkBitmap icon_bitmap = notification.icon().AsBitmap();
259 if (!icon_bitmap.isNull())
260 icon = gfx::ConvertToJavaBitmap(&icon_bitmap);
262 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jbyteArray> notification_data;
263 if (true /** is_persistent_notification **/) {
264 PersistentNotificationDelegate* delegate =
265 static_cast<PersistentNotificationDelegate*>(notification.delegate());
266 scoped_ptr<Pickle> pickle = SerializePersistentNotification(
267 delegate->notification_data(),
268 notification.origin_url(),
269 delegate->service_worker_registration_id());
271 if (!pickle) {
272 LOG(ERROR) <<
273 "Unable to serialize the notification, payload too large (max 1MB).";
274 RemoveProfileNotification(profile_notification, true /* close */);
275 return;
278 notification_data = base::android::ToJavaByteArray(
279 env, static_cast<const uint8*>(pickle->data()), pickle->size());
282 Java_NotificationUIManager_displayNotification(
283 env,
284 java_object_.obj(),
285 tag.obj(),
286 id.obj(),
287 title.obj(),
288 body.obj(),
289 icon.obj(),
290 origin.obj(),
291 notification.silent(),
292 notification_data.obj());
294 regenerated_notification_infos_[profile_notification->notification().id()] =
295 std::make_pair(notification.tag(),
296 notification.origin_url().GetOrigin().spec());
298 notification.delegate()->Display();
301 bool NotificationUIManagerAndroid::Update(const Notification& notification,
302 Profile* profile) {
303 // This method is currently only called from extensions and local discovery,
304 // both of which are not supported on Android.
306 return false;
309 const Notification* NotificationUIManagerAndroid::FindById(
310 const std::string& delegate_id,
311 ProfileID profile_id) const {
312 std::string profile_notification_id =
313 ProfileNotification::GetProfileNotificationId(delegate_id, profile_id);
314 ProfileNotification* profile_notification =
315 FindProfileNotification(profile_notification_id);
316 if (!profile_notification)
317 return 0;
319 return &profile_notification->notification();
322 bool NotificationUIManagerAndroid::CancelById(const std::string& delegate_id,
323 ProfileID profile_id) {
324 std::string profile_notification_id =
325 ProfileNotification::GetProfileNotificationId(delegate_id, profile_id);
326 ProfileNotification* profile_notification =
327 FindProfileNotification(profile_notification_id);
328 if (profile_notification) {
329 RemoveProfileNotification(profile_notification, true /* close */);
330 return true;
333 // On Android, it's still possible that the notification can be closed in case
334 // the platform Id is known, even if no delegate exists. This happens when the
335 // browser process is started because of interaction with a Notification.
336 PlatformCloseNotification(delegate_id);
337 return true;
340 std::set<std::string>
341 NotificationUIManagerAndroid::GetAllIdsByProfileAndSourceOrigin(
342 Profile* profile,
343 const GURL& source) {
344 // |profile| may be invalid, so no calls must be made based on the instance.
345 std::set<std::string> delegate_ids;
347 for (auto iterator : profile_notifications_) {
348 ProfileNotification* profile_notification = iterator.second;
349 if (profile_notification->notification().origin_url() == source &&
350 profile_notification->profile() == profile)
351 delegate_ids.insert(profile_notification->notification().id());
354 return delegate_ids;
357 bool NotificationUIManagerAndroid::CancelAllBySourceOrigin(
358 const GURL& source_origin) {
359 bool removed = true;
361 for (auto iterator = profile_notifications_.begin();
362 iterator != profile_notifications_.end();) {
363 auto current_iterator = iterator++;
365 ProfileNotification* profile_notification = current_iterator->second;
366 if (profile_notification->notification().origin_url() == source_origin) {
367 RemoveProfileNotification(profile_notification, true /* close */);
368 removed = true;
372 return removed;
375 bool NotificationUIManagerAndroid::CancelAllByProfile(ProfileID profile_id) {
376 bool removed = true;
378 for (auto iterator = profile_notifications_.begin();
379 iterator != profile_notifications_.end();) {
380 auto current_iterator = iterator++;
382 ProfileNotification* profile_notification = current_iterator->second;
383 ProfileID current_profile_id =
384 NotificationUIManager::GetProfileID(profile_notification->profile());
385 if (current_profile_id == profile_id) {
386 RemoveProfileNotification(profile_notification, true /* close */);
387 removed = true;
391 return removed;
394 void NotificationUIManagerAndroid::CancelAll() {
395 for (auto iterator : profile_notifications_) {
396 ProfileNotification* profile_notification = iterator.second;
398 PlatformCloseNotification(profile_notification->notification().id());
399 delete profile_notification;
402 profile_notifications_.clear();
405 bool NotificationUIManagerAndroid::RegisterNotificationUIManager(JNIEnv* env) {
406 return RegisterNativesImpl(env);
409 void NotificationUIManagerAndroid::PlatformCloseNotification(
410 const std::string& notification_id) {
411 auto iterator = regenerated_notification_infos_.find(notification_id);
412 if (iterator == regenerated_notification_infos_.end())
413 return;
415 RegeneratedNotificationInfo notification_info = iterator->second;
416 JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread();
418 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> tag =
419 ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, notification_info.first);
420 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> origin =
421 ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, notification_info.second);
422 ScopedJavaLocalRef<jstring> java_notification_id =
423 ConvertUTF8ToJavaString(env, notification_id);
425 regenerated_notification_infos_.erase(notification_id);
427 Java_NotificationUIManager_closeNotification(
428 env, java_object_.obj(), tag.obj(), java_notification_id.obj(),
429 origin.obj());
432 void NotificationUIManagerAndroid::AddProfileNotification(
433 ProfileNotification* profile_notification) {
434 std::string id = profile_notification->notification().id();
436 // Notification ids should be unique.
437 DCHECK(profile_notifications_.find(id) == profile_notifications_.end());
439 profile_notifications_[id] = profile_notification;
442 void NotificationUIManagerAndroid::RemoveProfileNotification(
443 ProfileNotification* profile_notification, bool close) {
444 std::string notification_id = profile_notification->notification().id();
445 if (close)
446 PlatformCloseNotification(notification_id);
448 profile_notifications_.erase(notification_id);
449 delete profile_notification;
452 ProfileNotification* NotificationUIManagerAndroid::FindProfileNotification(
453 const std::string& id) const {
454 auto iter = profile_notifications_.find(id);
455 if (iter == profile_notifications_.end())
456 return nullptr;
458 return iter->second;
461 ProfileNotification* NotificationUIManagerAndroid::FindNotificationToReplace(
462 const Notification& notification, Profile* profile) const {
463 const std::string& tag = notification.tag();
464 if (tag.empty())
465 return nullptr;
467 const GURL origin_url = notification.origin_url();
468 DCHECK(origin_url.is_valid());
470 for (const auto& iterator : profile_notifications_) {
471 ProfileNotification* profile_notification = iterator.second;
472 if (profile_notification->notification().tag() == tag ||
473 profile_notification->notification().origin_url() == origin_url ||
474 profile_notification->profile() == profile) {
475 return profile_notification;
478 return nullptr;