Revert of Add button to add new FSP services to Files app. (patchset #8 id:140001...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / chromeos / login / controller-pairing-screen.html
1 <link rel="import" href="chrome://oobe/custom_elements.html">
2 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/core-animated-pages/core-animated-pages.html">
3 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/core-iconset-svg/core-iconset-svg.html">
4 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/core-item/core-item.html">
5 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/core-selector/core-selector.html">
6 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/paper-button/paper-button.html">
7 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/paper-progress/paper-progress.html">
8 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/paper-shadow/paper-shadow.html">
9 <link rel="import" href="chrome://resources/polymer/polymer/polymer.html">
11 <!--
12 List of devices.
13 Published properties:
14 * devices - array of strings, the model of the list.
15 * selected - a name of the selected device ('null' if no devices are
16 selected).
17 * connecting - a binary attribute. If set, the list does not respond to the
18 user actions and a spinner is shown near selected device.
19 -->
20 <polymer-element name="pairing-device-list"
21 attributes="devices selected connecting">
22 <template>
23 <link rel="stylesheet" href="pairing_device_list.css">
25 <core-iconset-svg id="icon" iconSize="24">
26 <svg><defs><g id="circle">
27 <circle cx="12" cy="12" r="12"></circle>
28 </g></defs></svg>
29 </core-iconset-svg>
31 <core-selector selected="{{selected}}">
32 <template repeat="{{device in devices}}">
33 <!-- TODO(dzhioev): replace 'core-item' with 'paper-item'.
34 -->
35 <core-item name="{{device}}" relative>
36 <core-icon icon="icon:circle"
37 style="color: {{device | colorByName}}"></core-icon>
38 <div>{{device}}</div>
39 <div flex horizontal end-justified layout center>
40 <div class="throbber"></div>
41 </div>
42 </core-item>
43 </template>
44 </core-selector>
45 </template>
46 </polymer-element>
48 <!--
49 Single page of the controller's out-of-box flow.
50 The page consists of the top part and the bottom part.
51 The top part contains a title of the page. Direct successors of the
52 <controller-pairing-page> having 'title' class will be inserted there.
53 The bottom part contains controls that are aligned right (all the successors
54 that are <paper-button>s) and a content of the page (all the other successors).
55 Special case is a help button (<paper-button> with 'help' class set) which
56 is aligned left.
57 There are several classes that can be used to change the page appearance:
58 * split - if this class is set, top and bottom parts will have different
59 colors.
60 * big-font - if this class is set, slightly bigger font is used on page.
61 * progress - if this class is set and 'split' is not, progress bar is shown
62 instead of top and bottom parts separator.
64 Also height of the top part can be specified in CSS as follows:
66 controller-pairing-page::shadow #top {
67 height: 100px;
69 -->
70 <polymer-element name="controller-pairing-page" noscript>
71 <template>
72 <link rel="stylesheet" href="controller_pairing_page.css">
74 <div vertical layout fit>
75 <div id="top" hero hero-id="top" relative vertical end-justified layout>
76 <content select=".title"></content>
77 <div id="separator">
78 <indeterminate-progress fill runnerColor="white"
79 backgroundColor="#87ceac" runnerPortion="40">
80 </indeterminate-progress>
81 </div>
82 </div>
83 <div id="bottom" hero hero-id="bottom" flex vertical layout>
84 <div flex vertical layout>
85 <content select=":not(paper-button)"></content>
86 </div>
87 <div id="controls" horizontal layout center>
88 <div flex>
89 <content select=""></content>
90 </div>
91 <content select="paper-button"></content>
92 </div>
93 </div>
94 </div>
95 </template>
96 </polymer-element>
98 <polymer-element name="controller-pairing-screen" extends="oobe-screen">
99 <template>
100 <link rel="stylesheet" href="oobe_screen_controller_pairing.css">
102 <template id="help-button">
103 <paper-button class="help-button" on-tap="{{helpButtonClicked}}">
104 {{'helpBtn' | i18n}}
105 </paper-button>
106 </template>
108 <template id="progress">
109 <indeterminate-progress runnerColor="#0f9d58" backgroundColor="#87ceac"
110 runnerPortion="23"></indeterminate-progress>
111 </template>
113 <paper-shadow z="1" fit>
114 <core-animated-pages transitions="cross-fade-all hero-transition"
115 selected="{{}}" fit>
116 <controller-pairing-page name="devices-discovery" class="big-font">
117 <div class="title">{{'welcomeTitle' | i18n}}</div>
118 <div>{{'searching' | i18n}}</div>
119 <template bind ref="help-button"></template>
120 </controller-pairing-page>
122 <controller-pairing-page name="device-select" class="split">
123 <div class="title">{{'selectTitle' | i18n}}</div>
124 <pairing-device-list devices="{{C.devices}}"
125 selected="{{selectedDevice}}"></pairing-device-list>
126 <template bind ref="help-button"></template>
127 <paper-button on-tap="{{userActed}}" action="chooseDevice"
128 disabled?="{{C.controlsDisabled}}">
129 {{'connectBtn' | i18n}}
130 </paper-button>
131 </controller-pairing-page>
133 <controller-pairing-page name="device-not-found">
134 <div class="title">{{'troubleConnectingTitle' | i18n}}</div>
135 <div>{{'connectingAdvice' | i18n}}</div>
136 <paper-button on-tap="{{userActed}}" action="repeatDiscovery">
137 {{'adviceGotItBtn' | i18n}}
138 </paper-button>
139 </controller-pairing-page>
141 <controller-pairing-page name="establishing-connection" class="split">
142 <div class="title">{{'selectTitle' | i18n}}</div>
143 <pairing-device-list devices="{{C.devices}}"
144 selected="{{selectedDevice}}" connecting></pairing-device-list>
145 <template bind ref="help-button"></template>
146 <paper-button disabled>{{'connecting' | i18n}}</paper-button>
147 </controller-pairing-page>
149 <controller-pairing-page name="establishing-connection-error">
150 <!-- TODO(dzhioev): Strings TBD. -->
151 <div class="title">Unable to connect to {{selectedDevice}}</div>
152 <paper-button on-tap="{{userActed}}" action="repeatDiscovery">
153 Repeat discovery
154 </paper-button>
155 </controller-pairing-page>
157 <controller-pairing-page name="code-confirmation" class="split">
158 <div class="title">{{'confirmationTitle' | i18n}}</div>
159 <div>{{'confirmationQuestion' | i18n}}</div>
160 <div id="code">{{C.code}}</div>
161 <paper-button on-tap="{{userActed}}" action="rejectCode"
162 disabled?="{{C.controlsDisabled}}">
163 {{'rejectCodeBtn' | i18n}}
164 </paper-button>
165 <paper-button on-tap="{{userActed}}" action="acceptCode"
166 disabled?="{{C.controlsDisabled}}">
167 {{'acceptCodeBtn' | i18n}}
168 </paper-button>
169 </controller-pairing-page>
171 <controller-pairing-page name="host-update" class="split">
172 <div class="title">{{'updateTitle' | i18n}}</div>
173 <div>{{'updateText' | i18n}}</div>
174 <template bind ref="progress"></template>
175 </controller-pairing-page>
177 <controller-pairing-page name="host-connection-lost" class="split">
178 <div class="title">{{'connectionLostTitle' | i18n}}</div>
179 <div>{{'connectionLostText' | i18n}}</div>
180 <template bind ref="progress"></template>
181 </controller-pairing-page>
183 <controller-pairing-page name="enrollment-introduction" class="split">
184 <div class="title">{{'enrollTitle' | i18n}}</div>
185 <p>{{'enrollText1' | i18n}}</p>
186 <p><strong>{{'enrollText2' | i18n}}</strong></p>
187 <paper-button on-click="{{userActed}}" action="proceedToAuthentication"
188 disabled?="{{C.controlsDisabled}}">
189 {{'continueBtn' | i18n}}
190 </paper-button>
191 </controller-pairing-page>
193 <controller-pairing-page name="authentication" class="split">
194 <div class="title">{{'enrollTitle' | i18n}}</div>
195 <div>Not implemented.</div>
196 </controller-pairing-page>
198 <controller-pairing-page name="host-enrollment" class="progress">
199 <!-- 'enrollmentTitle' contains <strong> tag. -->
200 <html-echo class="title"
201 content="{{['enrollmentInProgress', C.enrollmentDomain] | i18n}}">
202 </html-echo>
203 </controller-pairing-page>
205 <controller-pairing-page name="host-enrollment-error" class="progress">
206 <div class="title">{{'enrollmentErrorTitle' | i18n}}</div>
207 <div>{{'enrollmentErrorHostRestarts' | i18n}}</div>
208 </controller-pairing-page>
210 <controller-pairing-page name="pairing-done" class="big-font">
211 <div class="title">{{'successTitle' | i18n}}</div>
212 <div>{{['successText', selectedDevice] | i18n}}</div>
213 <paper-button on-click="{{userActed}}" action="startSession"
214 disabled?="{{C.controlsDisabled}}">
215 {{'continueToHangoutsBtn' | i18n}}
216 </paper-button>
217 </controller-pairing-page>
218 </core-animated-pages>
219 </paper-shadow>
220 </template>
221 </polymer-element>