[Mac] Parametize NativeAppWindowCocoaBrowserTest.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / mandoline / services / core_services / BUILD.gn
1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 # core_services should be thought of as a bundle of many of the services which
6 # we ship with.
8 import("//build/config/ui.gni")
9 import("//mojo/public/mojo_application.gni")
11 if (is_android) {
12   import("//build/config/android/rules.gni")
14   java_library_path = "$target_out_dir/java_library.dex.jar"
16   mojo_android_application("core_services") {
17     input_so = "$root_out_dir/lib.stripped/libcore_services.so"
18     input_dex_jar = java_library_path
19     deps = [
20       ":java_library",
21       ":native_library",
22     ]
23   }
25   shared_library("native_library") {
26     output_name = "core_services"
28     sources = [
29       "android_hooks.cc",
30     ]
32     deps = [
33       ":sources",
34       "//base",
35       "//components/resource_provider:jni_headers",
36       "//net",
37       "//third_party/mojo/src/mojo/public/c/system:for_shared_library",
38     ]
39   }
41   android_standalone_library("java_library") {
42     dex_path = java_library_path
44     deps = [
45       "//components/resource_provider:java_library",
46       "//net/android:net_java",
47     ]
48   }
49 } else {
50   mojo_native_application("core_services") {
51     deps = [
52       ":sources",
53     ]
54   }
57 source_set("sources") {
58   sources = [
59     "core_services_application_delegate.cc",
60     "main.cc",
61   ]
63   deps = [
64     "//base",
65     "//components/clipboard:lib",
66     "//components/filesystem:lib",
67     "//components/resource_provider:lib",
68     "//components/view_manager:lib",
69     "//components/view_manager/surfaces:lib",
70     "//mandoline/ui/browser:lib",
71     "//mojo/application/public/cpp",
72     "//mojo/common:tracing_impl",
73     "//mojo/services/network:lib",
74     "//mojo/services/tracing:lib",
75   ]
77   if (use_aura) {
78     deps += [
79       "//components/view_manager/public/cpp",
80       "//mandoline/ui/omnibox:lib",
81     ]
82   }