1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/apple_event_util.h"
7 #include "base/basictypes.h"
8 #include "base/json/json_reader.h"
9 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
10 #include "base/values.h"
11 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h"
12 #include "testing/gtest_mac.h"
16 class AppleEventUtilTest : public CocoaTest { };
19 const char* json_input;
20 const char* expected_aedesc_dump;
21 DescType expected_aedesc_type;
24 TEST_F(AppleEventUtilTest, DISABLED_ValueToAppleEventDescriptor) {
25 const struct TestCase cases[] = {
26 { "null", "'msng'", typeType },
27 { "-1000", "-1000", typeSInt32 },
28 { "0", "0", typeSInt32 },
29 { "1000", "1000", typeSInt32 },
30 { "-1e100", "-1e+100", typeIEEE64BitFloatingPoint },
31 { "0.0", "0", typeIEEE64BitFloatingPoint },
32 { "1e100", "1e+100", typeIEEE64BitFloatingPoint },
33 { "\"\"", "'utxt'(\"\")", typeUnicodeText },
34 { "\"string\"", "'utxt'(\"string\")", typeUnicodeText },
35 { "{}", "{ 'usrf':[ ] }", typeAERecord },
36 { "[]", "[ ]", typeAEList },
40 "\"Title\": \"View from 15th Floor\","
42 "\"Url\": \"http://www.example.com/image/481989943\","
46 "\"IDs\": [116, 943, 234, 38793]"
49 "{ 'usrf':[ 'utxt'(\"Image\"), { 'usrf':[ 'utxt'(\"Height\"), 600, "
50 "'utxt'(\"IDs\"), [ 116, 943, 234, 38793 ], 'utxt'(\"Thumbnail\"), "
51 "{ 'usrf':[ 'utxt'(\"Height\"), 125, 'utxt'(\"Url\"), "
52 "'utxt'(\"http://www.example.com/image/481989943\"), 'utxt'(\"Width\"), "
53 "'utxt'(\"100\") ] }, 'utxt'(\"Title\"), "
54 "'utxt'(\"View from 15th Floor\"), 'utxt'(\"Width\"), 800 ] } ] }",
58 "\"precision\": \"zip\","
59 "\"Latitude\": 37.7668,"
60 "\"Longitude\": -122.3959,"
62 "\"City\": \"SAN FRANCISCO\","
68 "\"precision\": \"zip\","
69 "\"Latitude\": 37.371991,"
70 "\"Longitude\": -122.026020,"
72 "\"City\": \"SUNNYVALE\","
78 "[ { 'usrf':[ 'utxt'(\"Address\"), 'utxt'(\"\"), 'utxt'(\"City\"), "
79 "'utxt'(\"SAN FRANCISCO\"), 'utxt'(\"Country\"), 'utxt'(\"US\"), "
80 "'utxt'(\"Latitude\"), 37.7668, 'utxt'(\"Longitude\"), -122.396, "
81 "'utxt'(\"State\"), 'utxt'(\"CA\"), 'utxt'(\"Zip\"), 'utxt'(\"94107\"), "
82 "'utxt'(\"precision\"), 'utxt'(\"zip\") ] }, { 'usrf':[ "
83 "'utxt'(\"Address\"), 'utxt'(\"\"), 'utxt'(\"City\"), "
84 "'utxt'(\"SUNNYVALE\"), 'utxt'(\"Country\"), 'utxt'(\"US\"), "
85 "'utxt'(\"Latitude\"), 37.372, 'utxt'(\"Longitude\"), -122.026, "
86 "'utxt'(\"State\"), 'utxt'(\"CA\"), 'utxt'(\"Zip\"), 'utxt'(\"94085\"), "
87 "'utxt'(\"precision\"), 'utxt'(\"zip\") ] } ]",
91 for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(cases); ++i) {
92 scoped_ptr<base::Value> value(base::JSONReader::Read(cases[i].json_input));
93 NSAppleEventDescriptor* descriptor =
94 chrome::mac::ValueToAppleEventDescriptor(value.get());
95 NSString* descriptor_description = [descriptor description];
97 std::string expected_contents =
98 base::StringPrintf("<NSAppleEventDescriptor: %s>",
99 cases[i].expected_aedesc_dump);
100 EXPECT_STREQ(expected_contents.c_str(),
101 [descriptor_description UTF8String]) << "i: " << i;
102 EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_aedesc_type,
103 [descriptor descriptorType]) << "i: " << i;
106 // Test boolean values separately because boolean NSAppleEventDescriptors
107 // return different values across different system versions when their
108 // -description method is called.
110 const bool all_bools[] = { true, false };
111 for (bool b : all_bools) {
112 base::FundamentalValue value(b);
113 NSAppleEventDescriptor* descriptor =
114 chrome::mac::ValueToAppleEventDescriptor(&value);
116 EXPECT_EQ(typeBoolean, [descriptor descriptorType]);
117 EXPECT_EQ(b, [descriptor booleanValue]);