1 Test importing an EC public and private key for ECDH.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 Importing a public key...
7 PASS publicKey.toString() is '[object CryptoKey]'
8 PASS publicKey.type is 'public'
9 PASS publicKey.usages is []
10 PASS publicKey.algorithm.name is 'ECDH'
11 PASS publicKey.algorithm.namedCurve is 'P-256'
13 Importing a private key...
14 PASS privateKey.toString() is '[object CryptoKey]'
15 PASS privateKey.type is 'private'
16 PASS privateKey.usages is ['deriveBits']
17 PASS privateKey.algorithm.name is 'ECDH'
18 PASS privateKey.algorithm.namedCurve is 'P-384'
19 PASS successfullyParsed is true