1 This element should have an overall padding of 25 pixels. => PASS
3 This element should have a left padding of 25 pixels. => PASS
5 This element should have a right padding of 25 pixels. => PASS
7 This element should have a top padding of 25 pixels. => PASS
9 This element should have a bottom padding of 25 pixels. => PASS
11 This element should have an overall padding of 25 pixels (10% of parent width of 300px minus 5px). => PASS
13 This element should have a left padding of 25 pixels (10% of parent width of 300px minus 5px). => PASS
15 This element should have a right padding of 25 pixels (10% of parent width of 300px minus 5px). => PASS
17 This element should have a top padding of 25 pixels (10% of parent width of 300px minus 5px). => PASS
19 This element should have a bottom padding of 25 pixels (10% of parent width of 300px minus 5px). => PASS