1 Test -webkit-user-select all user select all area Test -webkit-user-select all
2 Test -webkit-user-select all selection movements and extensions (left right forward backward)
4 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
7 placeCaretBeforeUserSelectAllElement()
8 window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'forward', 'character')
9 PASS Selection is the entire user-select-all element
10 window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'backward', 'character')
11 PASS Selection is right before user-select-all element
12 window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'right', 'character')
13 PASS Selection is the entire user-select-all element
14 window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'left', 'character')
15 PASS Selection is right before user-select-all element
16 window.getSelection().modify('move', 'forward', 'character')
17 PASS Selection is right after user-select-all element
18 window.getSelection().modify('move', 'backward', 'character')
19 PASS Selection is right before user-select-all element
20 window.getSelection().modify('move', 'right', 'character')
21 PASS Selection is right after user-select-all element
22 window.getSelection().modify('move', 'left', 'character')
23 PASS Selection is right before user-select-all element
24 clickAt(descendant.offsetLeft + 10 , descendant.offsetTop + 10)
25 PASS Selection is the entire user-select-all element
26 mouseMoveFromTo(leftTarget.offsetLeft, descendant.offsetLeft + 20)
27 PASS Selection is the entire user-select-all element plus everything on its left
28 mouseMoveFromTo(userSelectAllElement.offsetLeft + userSelectAllElement.offsetWidth + rightTarget.offsetWidth, descendant.offsetLeft + 10)
29 PASS Selection is the entire user-select-all element plus everything on its right
30 PASS Selection is only the text in bold
31 PASS successfullyParsed is true