1 CONSOLE WARNING: Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
2 Tests the WebGLUniformLocation API
4 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS contextA.useProgram(programA2) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
7 PASS contextA.uniformMatrix4fv(locationA, false, mat) generated expected GL error: INVALID_OPERATION.
8 PASS contextA.useProgram(programA1) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
9 PASS contextA.uniformMatrix4fv(locationA, false, mat) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
10 PASS contextA.uniformMatrix4fv(null, false, mat) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
11 PASS contextA.useProgram(programS) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
12 PASS contextA.uniform1i(locationSx, 3) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
13 PASS contextA.uniform1f(locationArray0, 4.0) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
14 PASS contextA.uniform1f(locationArray1, 5.0) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
15 PASS contextA.getUniform(programS, locationSx) is 3
16 PASS contextA.getUniform(programS, locationArray0) is 4.0
17 PASS contextA.getUniform(programS, locationArray1) is 5.0
18 PASS contextA.useProgram(programV) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
19 PASS contextA.uniform4fv(locationVec4, vec) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
20 PASS contextA.getUniform(programV, locationVec4) is vec
21 PASS contextA.getUniformLocation(programV, "IDontExist") is null
22 PASS contextA.linkProgram(programA1) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
23 PASS contextA.uniformMatrix4fv(locationA, false, mat) generated expected GL error: INVALID_OPERATION.
24 PASS contextA.useProgram(programS) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
25 PASS contextA.linkProgram(programS) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
26 PASS contextA.uniform1i(locationSx, 3) generated expected GL error: INVALID_OPERATION.
27 PASS contextA.getUniform(programS, locationSx) generated expected GL error: INVALID_OPERATION.
28 PASS contextA.uniform1i(locationSx, 3) generated expected GL error: NO_ERROR.
29 PASS contextA.getUniform(programS, locationSx) is 3
30 PASS successfullyParsed is true