3 <meta charset=
4 <meta http-equiv=
"X-UA-Compatible" content=
8 .upper * { text-transform: uppercase; }
9 .capitalized * { text-transform: capitalize; }
10 .lower * { text-transform: lowercase; }
12 The text in the button, popup menu and list box should have the same case as in the
15 <select><option>heLLo
16 <select multiple=
17 <span>heLLo woRLd
19 <div class=
20 <select><option>heLLo
21 <select multiple=
22 <span>heLLo woRLd
25 <select><option>heLLo
26 <select multiple=
27 <span>heLLo woRLd
30 <select><option>ß
31 <select multiple=
34 <div class=
35 <select><option>ß
36 <select multiple=
40 <select><option>ß
41 <select multiple=