1 This test aims to check for rangeOverflow flag with week input fields
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS The value "2010-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "null".
7 PASS The value "2010-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "".
8 PASS The value "2010-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "foo".
9 PASS The value "2010-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "2010-W01".
10 PASS The value "2010-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "2010-W02".
11 PASS The value "2010-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "2011-W01".
12 PASS The value "" sanitized from "foo" doesn't overflow the maximum value "2011-W01".
13 PASS The value "2010-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "0000-W01".
14 PASS The value "2010-W01" overflows the maximum value "1582-W01".
15 PASS The value "2010-W01" overflows the maximum value "2009-W12".
16 PASS The value "9999-W01" overflows the maximum value "2010-W12".
17 PASS The value "2010-W01" overflows the maximum value "2009-W50".
18 PASS The value "9999-W01" doesn't overflow the maximum value "2010-W12" when disabled.
19 PASS successfullyParsed is true