1 Test parsing of the CSS shape-margin property.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "1.5ex") is "1.5ex"
7 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "2em") is "2em"
8 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "2.5in") is "2.5in"
9 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "3cm") is "3cm"
10 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "3.5mm") is "3.5mm"
11 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "4pt") is "4pt"
12 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "4.5pc") is "4.5pc"
13 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "5px") is "5px"
14 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "120%") is "120%"
15 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "0") is "0px"
16 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "-5px") is ""
17 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "none") is ""
18 PASS getCSSText("shape-margin", "'string'") is ""
19 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-margin", "0") is "0px"
20 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-margin", "1px") is "1px"
21 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-margin", "-5em") is "0px"
22 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-margin", "identifier") is "0px"
23 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-margin", "'string'") is "0px"
24 PASS getComputedStyleValue("shape-margin", "calc(25%*3 - 10in)") is "calc(-960px + 75%)"
25 PASS getChildComputedStyle("shape-margin", "0", "0") is "0px"
26 PASS getChildComputedStyle("shape-margin", "0", "1px") is "1px"
27 PASS getChildComputedStyle("shape-margin", "1px", "-1em") is "0px"
28 PASS getChildComputedStyle("shape-margin", "2px", "1px") is "1px"
29 PASS successfullyParsed is true